Having been bamboozled into passing a mere bill to thwart the Iran deal, rather than treating the agreement as a treaty, the Republican-controlled Congress is on the verge of being taken to the cleaners again. This time, President Obama is maneuvering to authorize U.S. participation in a United Nations climate change treaty through an executive agreement. The treaty is expected to come out of the December meeting in Paris of parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Rather than submit the agreement to the Senate as an Article II Treaty, it is anticipated that the Obama administration will simply accept the treaty on the basis of what it claims to be “existing” presidential authority.

The agreement could establish or propose legally binding limits on carbon emissions, crippling what’s left of our industrial economy, along with new legally binding financial commitments that could run into the trillions of dollars to be “redistributed” from the U.S. and other “rich” nations. Obama has told the U.N. that the United States will meet a pledge of 26 to 28 percent emissions reduction by 2025.

Eleven top Senate Republicans, led by Senator James Inhofe (OK), had asked for “robust and transparent communication between the Executive and Legislative branches, particularly with respect to the Senate and its Constitutional advise and consent responsibilities.” But such requests are typically treated with disdain by the administration, which is determined to get its way no matter what Congress believes.

In order to provide a basis of some kind for Obama to take this questionable approach, our media trumpeted the “news” that July 2015 was supposedly the warmest month on record for the earth dating back to January 1880—with humans the culprits, of course. The source of this sensational claim was the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

E. Calvin Beisner of the Cornwall Alliance noted that CNN, USA Today, the BBC “and lots of other mainstream media lapdogs all obediently reported” the claim from NOAA. But the Heartland Institute points out that NOAA is using land-based temperature recording stations which “artificially skew the temperatures recorded upward,” and that according to the satellite system data, June 2015 was actually warmer than July. The group says, “When one understands what government scientists are doing in an effort to promote climate alarmism, rather than to record and report accurate data for analysis, one must despair whether accurate data can be obtained from ‘official sources.’”

Rather than expose how the government is manipulating data, 25 media members of a “Climate Publishers Alliance” are moving forward to “collaborate on their coverage of climate change” and promote the U.N. agenda. The initiative will conclude on December 11, the final day of the U.N. conference in Paris. The media organizations include The Guardian (United Kingdom), India Today (India), La Presse (Canada), La Repubblica (Italy), Le Monde (France), Politiken (Denmark), The Seattle Times (United States), The Straits Times (Singapore), The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) and To Vima (Greece).

This initiative is in addition to major liberal foundation funding of pro-U.N. propaganda and the training of journalists to toe the U.N. line, as documented by Accuracy in Media.

Meanwhile, a “Week of Moral Action for Climate Justice” has been announced for September 21 through September 25 to coincide with the visit by Pope Francis to the United States and the United Nations.

Here are the basics about the pope’s visit:

September 22. The Pope arrives in the U.S. from Cuba.
September 23. Pope meets with Obama at White House.
September 24. Pope gives an address to Congress.
September 25. Pope gives an address to U.N. General Assembly.
September 26. Pope visits Independence Hall in Philadelphia.
September 27. Pope visits World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia.
Left-wing activist Naomi Klein, author of This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate, was invited by the Vatican to address the issue in Rome. She now predicts the pope will put Republicans on the defensive because most of them are opposed to the theory of man-made climate change. She says, “…I think the timing of this trip is obviously going to be very awkward for several Republican candidates who are Catholic and understand that this is a very, very popular pope. He’s particularly popular among Latinos, and that’s a really coveted voting bloc. So, you know, picking a fight with this pope is not a very smart political move if you’re running for office right now.”

At the same time, Klein said that when she was at the Vatican, she talked to “a fairly prominent Catholic” from the United States who told her, “The holy father isn’t doing us any favors by going to Cuba first.” Klein said that “he meant that there are a lot of people talking about how this pope is sort of a closet socialist, and by going to Cuba first, he was reinforcing that narrative.”

The pope secretly collaborated with the Obama administration to begin the process that resulted in U.S. recognition of Castro’s Cuba and the opening of a Cuban Communist embassy in the U.S.

It would be well-advised for the pope to take a look at Cuba’s mismanaged socialist paradise. The Washington Post ran a recent story by Nick Miroff about how the island prison camp is developing a reputation for pursuing “sustainable” development policies, but it acknowledged that the system is still characterized by shortages of food and agricultural equipment. In a previous dispatch, “In an online world, Cuba remains a stand-in-line society,” Miroff noted how Cubans continue to have to stand in line for various products, when they are in fact available.

The concept of “sustainable development,” as endorsed by the U.N. and the pope, could actually make things worse.

Indeed, the Cuban communists insist they have been following this model of development for years. “Cuba is a world leader in ecologically sustainable practices,” says Marce Cameron of the Cuba’s Socialist Renewal blog. It seems socialism always has to be “renewed,” until it finally begins to work.

Years ago, the U.N. Development Program’s Choices magazine published an article touting “Pig Power” as a way to run the economy of the future. It was an article about an experimental energy project in Cuba that involves feeding pigs and using their gasses and excrement to produce energy. In a story datelined Havana, the magazine said, “At a research institute in the suburbs of Cuba’s capital, pigs are pampered with meals prepared by the city’s finest chefs.”

Letting the pigs live “High off the hog” produces the energy for the human population, which seems to have a much lower standard of living.

Will this fact of communist life be noted by Pope Francis when he travels to Cuba, where he will presumably dispense communion to the communist atheists running the island nation?

Equally important, will U.S. political figures have the guts to take on the pope’s pro-Marxist view of the world before the Vatican and the Obama administration prepare to use the U.N. as a means by which to impose their anti-capitalist vision on the U.S. and the world?

If not, consider “pig power” the wave of the future. It will be our future under the U.N.



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