Worldview Report Transcript

  • IT Service Provider to the Military has Been Hacked

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes his first visit to America since the outbreak of war with Hamas on October 7, 2023. We’ll fill you in on his proposal to bring peace to the Middle East.A mob of pro-Hamas protesters invade the hotel where Netanyahu and his Israeli delegation were staying. We’ll show you the despicable acts they committed.One of the largest IT services providers to the U.S. military-industrial complex has been compromised following a major hack.
  • Israel Receiving Threats Against Their Olympic Athletes

    Elites within the Democrat Party have reportedly already chosen a nominee to announce at the DNC next month, and it isn’t Kamala Harris.A bombshell story in the New York Post posits that top Democrats set Biden up to fail during his disastrous debate with Donald Trump in late June.U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigns following mounting pressure and criticism over her agency’s failure to secure a Pennsylvania venue against an attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump.
  • Crowdstrike's Software Glitch May Have Served as a Test

    A congressional hearing on the July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump gets heated as both Republicans and Democrats call for the Secret Service director to resign. We’ve got video of the exchange.Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas appoints a Trump-hating Democrat to an independent review panel tasked with investigating the July 13 assassination attempt.Ukraine sends swarms of drones to attack a major Russian oil refinery.
  • Are The Massive Electricity Needs of AI About to Overwhelm The Power Grid?

    Antifa militants are allowed to attack Christians attending a worship event in Portland, Oregon.A former top Vatican diplomat who was recently excommunicated by Rome has issued a statement of support for former President Donald Trump after the failed attempt on Trump’s life. Trump has one thing in common with other political leaders who have been targeted recently for assassination, says the former Archbishop.The massive electricity needs of AI is about to overwhelm the power grid, experts say. We’ll explain why you might want to invest in a backup generator and some extra batteries.
  • Rep. Thompson Introduced a Bill in April That Would Have Eliminated Trump's Secret Service Detail

    The deep state connection to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump runs deep and wide. We’ll explore how this historic crime could have easily been predicted given the media messaging that has followed Trump for more than eight years.Who was Thomas Matthew Crooks, the 20-year-old would-be assassin? We’ll get you up to date on his history and background.What was the Secret Service’s role in the attempted murder of the former president? We’ll break it down and show why they have a lot of explaining to do.
  • Colorado Governor Issues an Emergency Disaster Declaration

    The state of Colorado has declared a state of emergency after a single farm worker contracted bird flu and suffered a minor case of pink eye.Joe Biden is unfit to serve another term, according to ABC News’s George Stephanopolous, who recently conducted a sit-down interview with the 81-year-old president.Disney family heiress Abigail Disney said she’s pulling donations to the Democratic Party until Joe Biden is replaced as the party's nominee for the 2024 presidential election.
  • Nations are Choosing Sides in a Potential Global Conflict

    The GOP makes major changes to its party platform ahead of the Republican National Convention. We’ll show you why some longtime Republicans are not happy.Two Jewish residents and a senior citizen were beaten and dragged out of the West Asheville Library during an anti-Israel, pro-Hamas event. We’ve got the details.Film director and actor Mel Gibson sends a stern message to the Vatican in support of an excommunicated Archbishop.
  • A U.S. Air Force Whistleblower is Going Public

    France devolves into chaos as Islamists conspire with Marxists and Communists to prevent populist Marine La Pen’s nationalist party from winning Sunday’s parliamentary elections.
    French Jews are deciding it’s time to get out of France. We’ll explain why.Joe Biden continues to melt down on national TV, and the mainstream corporate media appears all too happy to watch him self-destruct.
  • TV

    Reports Say Senior IDF Officers were Warned Before the October 7th Massacre

    France seemed poised for a conservative takeover in elections this weekend, but the globalists, Islamists and Marxists have worked out a deal to circumvent the will of the French people.Joe Biden makes more insane statements in a major interview with ABC News.British drivers get warned they could be hit with a slew of new fines now that traffic cameras powered by AI are being rolled out across the country.
  • Finland Plans to be the First Country to Offer Bird Flu Vaccinations

    The U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has released at least 400 suspected terrorists into the country, it says by mistake, and 50 of them are still unaccounted for. We have immigration expert Todd Bensman to break it down.Finland will become the world's first country to offer bird flu vaccinations. And, yes, they will be mRNA gene-based injections.Two NASA astronauts are stuck in space for at least another 10 days and perhaps longer as officials try to address problems with Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft.
  • Putin Faces Pressure to Retaliate Against the U.S.

    The venerable Ron Paul weighs in on the U.S.-approved and executed missile strike that killed five Russians, including two children, and injured 150 on a Crimean beach.A new study shows that regular fasting can help aid in fighting off cancer.A California dad is fighting mad after his 5th-grade son was assigned to read a book about a transgendered boy at school – then forced to explain the book to a classroom full of kindergartners.
  • Russian Officials Blamed the U.S. for the Death of Russian Children

    Russia warns the United States that it is now considered an enemy state directly involved in the Ukraine war after U.S. missiles were used to hit a port city in Crimea, killing two Russia children and injuring more than 150 civilians.Russia’s economy overtakes Japan as the fourth largest in the world.
    An Arizona toddler gets trapped in a hot Tesla EV when the vehicle’s battery died without warning, leaving her helpless grandmother with no other option than to call 911 and hope for a miracle rescue.
  • Muslims in France are Threatening to Burn the Entire Country

    The state of Texas lays down a legal gauntlet to LGBTQ radicals. Stop pushing your perverted ideology on school children or face legal action.The toy company LEGO comes out with a new ad targeting children that will shock you to the core.France’s Muslims are making threats to burn down the country if conservatives win big in the upcoming election.
  • Report Suggest that the Covid Shots Carry a Huge Risk of Blood Clots in the Brain

    A leading conservative Catholic bishop who has been openly critical of Pope Francis has been summoned to the Vatican to stand trial. We unpack the trumped up charges.Microsoft has launched a new powerful AI program for its Windows PCs that will sweep up all of your computer work and report it back to the company.Vermont cities that approved voter registration for non-citizens have now been sued by a watchdog organization.
  • Law Enforcement Arrested an Illegal Alien for the Raping & Murder of a Mother

    A federal judge has blocked a Biden rule that forced public schools to adopt LGBTQ-friendly policies.The United Nations is sounding the alarm over the rapidly rising debt burdens among nations worldwide.A House GOP Congressman announces he will be releasing a resolution with other conservative House members to rescind the subpoenas issued by the J6 Committee for Mark Meadows, Dan Scavino, Steven Bannon and Peter Navarro.
  • Americans are Continuing to Turn Against the Radical Transgender Agenda

    A world-renowned professor who drafted America’s laws on bioweapons has signed a sworn affidavit asserting that Covid mRNA injections are “weapons of mass destruction.”New polls suggest that Americans are continuing to turn against the radical transgender agenda.Joe Biden has apologized to Ukraine’s president for the delayed delivery of U.S. military assistance.
  • NY Democrat Says Trump Supporters Should be Placed in Re-Education Camps

    Israeli military forces carry out a daring raid on Hamas hideouts, successfully bringing four hostages back to their families. But there was a cost. We’ll break it down.The United States has conducted what it calls routine intercontinental nuclear missile tests, and the timing is not lost on the Russians.A Democratic candidate for Congress says Trump supporters should be hauled off to “reeducation camps” after the 2024 election. And we’ve got it on tape.
  • Secret Service Agents Petition To Investigate DEI Programs

    There’s been an assassination attempt on the prime minister of Slovakia, who just happens to have been one of only two NATO member heads of state to have pushed back against the West’s continued funding of the Ukraine war against Russia.The nation’s biggest retailer is restructuring its workforce and laying off hundreds.A Minnesota mom has said that her 9-year-old daughter was attacked at school by a group of girls because her daughter “wasn’t Muslim.”
  • The Israeli Military Is Moving Ahead In Its Full Offensive Attack

    The world’s largest asset management company is advising its clients to dump the dollar.The Boy Scouts of America is changing its name for the first time in its 114-year history, and this once great American institution seems to have its priorities all out of whack.The radical America-hating Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is facing a censure in the House of Representatives after she once again proves just how much she hates Jewish supporters of the state of Israel.
  • Man Pronounced Dead After Crashing Into White House

    Opposition to the Biden regime’s plans to import thousands of Palestinian refugees to American cities is growing, as 35 U.S. Senators have signed an open letter to the president demanding a halt to all plans involving refugees from Gaza.A man died Saturday night after his vehicle crashed into an outer perimeter gate of the White House.A grand jury in Tarrant County, Texas, has refused to press charges against a woman who shot and killed a 14-year-old boy who was trying to break into her home.
  • Victims Of The Hamas Terror Attack Are Filing Suit Against Several U.S. Groups

    Police continue to battle radicalized university encampments and we’ve got footage that’s starting to look like we’re heading into another Summer of Love. The timing is of course no coincidence.A group of patriotic fraternity brothers at the University of North Carolina are being rewarded for protecting the Stars and Stripes from an anti-Israel mob bent on hoisting the Palestinian colors.Congress will reportedly vote on a bill next week that would pull federal funding from universities that have failed to protect students on their campuses against antisemitic protestors violence.
  • Pro-Hamas Protestors Deface George Washington Statue

    The Biden regime is secretly negotiating a long-term package of military aid to Ukraine aimed at propping up the corrupt regime for another 10 years.The leader of Scotland, who famously railed against too many white people being in Scotland’s government, has resigned.The U.S. is set to get a new fleet of doomsday planes that some have said signal the nation could be preparing for World War III.
  • Former Federal Agent That Has Gone Undercover in Over 425 U.S. Mosques Warns That a Terrorist Attack Far Worse Than 9-11 is Coming

    The gentleman who filmed the killing of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, has been sentenced to six years in prison for the crime of being a citizen journalist.
    One of the most notoriously anti-American billionaires turns up as a major funder of the pro-Hamas rallies being held across the country.
    Another explosive train derailment, this time in New Mexico.
  • The Biden Regime Is Considering Defying The Constitution

    Joe Biden is considering declaring a climate emergency. What would that look like? Nobody knows for sure but in light of the Covid emergency we have plenty of clues.An Arizona grand jury has indicted 18 GOP delegates for casting their votes for Donald Trump in the wake of the 2020 election after the state’s Democrat, vote-rigging officials had certified the election for Joe Biden.
  • Democrats Representative Declares "The Ukrainian-Russian Border Is Our Border

    Two Western munitions factories that supply the Ukrainian war machine have mysteriously suffered fires. We’ll tell you where they are and what the authorities are saying.Congress passes a historic giveaway in the form of $95 billion in foreign aid, which will go mostly toward armaments to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. House Democrats celebrate by flying the Ukrainian flag in the House chamber.
  • "Vote For President Biden" Flyers Found At a Center For Migrants in Mexico

    A second whistleblower has come forth with disturbing revelations about Boeing passenger jets. We’ll tell you what he says.A new forecast shows Russia's economy will grow faster than all of the world's advanced economies, including the U.S., this year. So much for those sanctions.Residents of one Canadian province are being told they should line up for a new Covid injection every three months.
  • Pro-Palestinian Protestors Shut Down Roads Across America

    As the crisis in the Middle East continues to escalate, we have new information that Russia has been tightening its military alliance with Iran and taking it to new levels of cooperation.
    Pro-Palestinian protesters shut down major bridges, roads, and highways across the United States on Monday, but one state would have no part of it. We have video footage that shows how they handled the pro-Hamas, pro-Iran activists.
  • Russia Sends Ship Armed With Hypersonic Missiles Into Mediterranean

    Joe Biden is doing his best to prevent an Israeli response to the Iranian missile attack on Israel, which did not cause any casualties and apparently very little damage.Vladimir Putin responds by sending a Russian frigate armed with hypersonic missiles into the Mediterranean Sea.Joe Biden’s Department of Energy has announced it will not replenish the nearly empty Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
  • Trans ANTIFA Activist Arrested For Detonating An Explosive Outside The State AG's Office

    Abortion chaos in Arizona after the state Supreme Court upholds a law banning almost all abortions.Biden’s ATF comes out with a new rule banning most private gun sales. But is the rule designed to target one particular group of Americans? We’ll explain.The U.S. Navy gets caught posting an embarrassing photo to its official social media accounts and quickly retracts it.
  • Alex Jones Says He Plans To Sue The CIA

    A stunning vote at the House of Representatives kills the FISA court’s ability to warrantlessly spy on Americans, and some are crediting President Trump for turning 19 Republicans against the secretive court.The Biden Justice Department has big plans to go after thousands more J6 protesters. A Texas Democrat congresswoman has a new and highly controversial idea on how to provide reparations to black Americans.
  • FBI Arrested Man Allegedly Planning To Attack Churches In Idaho

    An ISIS terrorist is arrested in Idaho after he allegedly made plans to attack Christian churches in the state.Norfolk Southern on Tuesday announced it reached a $600 million settlement in a class-action lawsuit brought in response to the February 2023 train derailment in East Palestine.A new administrative rule issued by the Biden regime threatens the existence of small farms in America.
  • AI-Generated Advertisements Are Advancing Rapidly

    A U.S. senator spills the beans on how the Senate was ready to put a stop to the state-sponsored human trafficking being conducted by the U.S. government, but then the Democrats moved to kill the legislation.Squatters get out-maneuvered by a skilled “Squatter Squad” in one of America’s biggest cities.
    Prime Minister Viktor Orban is in trouble in Hungary.
  • Judge Rules To Evict MyPillow From Facility In Shakopee, MN

    Elon Musk has had a lot to say about free speech and the right to privacy since acquiring the social media giant Twitter and renaming it X. But has Musk lived up to the hype?
    Julian Assange’s wife speaks out on the U.S. and British legal systems’ treatment of her husband.Doctor-assisted suicide, euthanasia, is becoming big business in the state of Oregon. We’ll explain why.
  • Lara Logan Says The Bridge in Baltimore Was a "Black Swan Event"

    We have fresh updates on that collapsed bridge in Baltimore Harbor, one of the busiest commercial waterways in the United States and a key avenue for the U.S. supply chain. Was it an accident or was it something more concerning? We’ll take a deep dive.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a planned meeting between an Israeli delegation and the Biden administration, saying the U.S. has changed its policy toward Israel
  • Kamala Harris Rejects Putin's Claims That Ukraine Was Responsible For The Terrorist Attack

    Vladimir Putin raises the stakes in Russia’s war with NATO proxy Ukraine, sending multiple nuclear-armed war planes into the air in the aftermath of the bloody terrorist attack on a Moscow-area concert hall.Kamala Harris went on TV Sunday to reject claims by Putin that Ukraine was involved in the attack on innocent civilians attending a concert, saying the attack was entirely the work of ISIS.
  • Lebanese Terrorist Caught At The Border Planned To Go To New York and Make a Bomb

    A reporter gets arrested for covering a pro-Hamas rally in Canada and free press and free speech rights continue to erode north of the border.A new type of fake meat gets ready to make a splash in the market.The Biden regime pulls another rabbit out of its hat to try to force Americans out of their cars.A Hezbollah terrorist was caught sneaking over Joe Biden’s wide-open border and he’s not shy about his plans.
  • Polk Country, Florida Sheriff's Department Conducted A Human Trafficking Sting Operation

    A local sheriff in Florida reports the results of a recent undercover sting operation, delving into the dark underworld of the human sex trade, and the results will shock you.Hundreds of American children were poisoned last year after eating three different brands of applesauce tainted with toxic heavy metals. We’ll explain where these products came from and how America’s food-inspection regulators are often asleep at the switch.
  • NY Governor Says She Is Deploying National Guard Soldiers To Patrol The Subway

    A massive crime wave in New York City prompts the Governor of New York to call out the National Guard to protect the subway stations, where several brutal assaults and killings have taken place recently.A new report reveals that the Biden regime has airlifted more than 320,000 illegal aliens directly into 43 U.S. airports, the locations of which are being kept secret.
  • Nuclear Weapons Plant In Texas Had To Be Temporarily Evacuated

    New reports tonight of illegal aliens dressed in military uniforms invading America. We have video from hidden cameras set up on the private property of an American rancher in Arizona.
    The CEO of Kellogg’s makes a bold statement about how the poor can make ends meet in the face of rising food inflation. We’ll show you why this might have been a classic case of open mouth, insert foot.
  • Trucker Calls For a Truckers Protests Against New York

    More shocking revelations come to light on just how deeply infiltrated the trans movement has become in American high schools. We have video that will make your blood boil.Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has launched a petition calling for Julian Assange, a whistleblower and the founder of WikiLeaks, to be freed immediately and granted a pardon.
  • New York Police Are Warning Of Growing MS13 Gang Attacks On New York Residents.

    The chairman of the House of Representatives top national-security committee sends out a chilling warning of a serious threat of an attack on America. We’ll fill in some of the many missing pieces to the congressman’s statement.House Speaker Mike Johnson has shut down the Senate’s foreign aid bill, lavishing another $60 billion on Ukraine, and blasted Joe Biden in a fiery press conference. We’ll show you the video.
  • DEI "Specialist" Says White People Are Psychopaths

    As the border invasion heats up, more Americans are asking, who are the organizers? We’ve got a full report from Anthony Rubin on the ground as well as an analysis of who is responsible. It’s not just Biden or the Democrats.A Black History Month presentation on a major U.S. college campus depicts white people as “psychopaths.” And we’ve got the video.
  • Lakewood Church Shooter Had "Free Palestine" Written On Rifle

    We have new information about the shooter who tried to kill worshippers at one of America’s largest churches. Some of this information will not be released by the mainstream media because it does not fit the narrative they are trying to spread.Pfizer spent millions on a Super Bowl ad this year, hoping to convince you that the company represents “science” and NOT billion-dollar vaccine profits.
  • Another Texas County Declares Itself To Be Under Invasion

    We have a report on that vicious attack on New York City police officers with disturbing video of the migrants who carried it out. What they did as they exited the police station and faced the media will make your blood boil.A top military analyst is warning of nuclear war if relations between the U.S. and Russia continue to spiral out of control.
  • Is The WEF The Biggest Threat To The Future Of Humanity?

    A speaker at the World Economic Forum summit in Davos pounces on fishermen and farmers, calling them a threat to humanity who must be dealt with as harshly as mass murderers. We’ve got the video. The number-one threat to the world as declared by the World Economic Forum is no longer climate change, famine, pandemics or war. No, it’s disinformation.
  • The Biden Administration Refuses To Condemn Nigeria’s Persecution Of Christians

    The State of Illinois issued an ultimatum to its gun-owning citizens. Turn over all semi-automatic weapons capable of holding more than 10 rounds by January 1st or face the consequences of being a felon. We’ll show you how many of the state’s 2.4 million gun owners have complied. North Korea conducts a third straight day of live-fire military exercises that has the Korean peninsula on edge.
  • Jeffrey Epstein’s Contact List Is Finally Released, And There Are Some Surprises

    Donald Trump is warned by a well-known conservative podcaster not to pick Nikki Haley as his running mate. Jeffrey Epstein’s contact list is finally released, and there are some surprises. Election integrity group True the Vote was handed a major legal victory in Georgia after a federal judge ruled that its challenges of the eligibility of thousands of voters in the 2021 elections in Georgia did not violate the Voting Rights Act.
  • The Term “Civil War” Has Been Trending On Virtually All Major Social Media

    The movement to bar Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot is gaining steam with more than a dozen states following the lead of Colorado in a move that some are openly predicting could spark civil war in America. A gunman opened fire at a university in downtown Prague, killing at least 15 people and injuring more than 20 in the Czech Republic’s worst mass shooting ever.
  • Trump Calls Joe Biden A Threat To Democracy.

    The president of El Salvadore is making international waves with his comment about the Colorado Supreme Court kicking Donald Trump off the ballot.
    Meanwhile, the corporate mainstream media is freaking out after being told the Colorado court ruling represents an early Christmas gift for Donald Trump.
  • New Satanic Temple After-School Club Is Set To At A Tennessee Elementary School

    Another journalist is being arrested by the FBI for peacefully doing his job and covering the J6 protests. In a telling vote that proves just how the Washington Uniparty works to empower the oppression of Americans, 32 Republican Senators joined 33 Democrats to pass Section 702, a provision that allows the government to surveil Americans without a cause or warrant.
  • The Chinese Are Being Blamed For A Series Of Cyberattacks On A Public Water System In Pennsylvania

    A horrific crime of brutality is committed inside a church rectory in Nebraska.
    The Chinese are being blamed for a series of cyberattacks on a public water system in Pennsylvania while the U.S. government is desperately recruiting new cyber warriors.
    The Scottish Prison Service goes full woke, placing biological males who identify as women, including some with a history of violence against women, into female-only jails.

  • Voters Are Exiting Progressive Democrat-Run States Like California, Oregon And Washington In Droves

    We have a new report with breaking news on the threat of nuclear war. Exactly what cities would be the most likely to suffer the most if the U.S. and Russia continue on their current fast-track to World War III? We also have a special report tonight on the changing demographics of America. Voters are exiting progressive Democrat-run states like California, Oregon and Washington in droves. We’ll show you where they are going and how they are voting.
  • Senate Republicans Block Assault Weapons Ban

    The Biden regime is threatening Congress: Either approve more billions in aid for Ukraine or face the likelihood that U.S. troops will be sent to fight Russia in Europe. One European city cancels its woke Christmas celebration after residents voice their anger at a black female Santa Clause draped in a Palestinian flag.
  • Senator Hawley Doesn't Hold Back On FBI Director Wray

    Joe Biden’s mad climate czar, John Kerry, appears at the United Nations COP28 summit to say that all of the world’s coal-fired power plants must be shut down. Anything short of this, he says, and the world will be destroyed by global warming. Pope Francis says global government is the answer to fighting climate change and saving the planet.
  • The Mainstream Media Is Starting To Plant Seeds About Joe Biden Dropping Out Of The 2024 Presidential Election

    Have you flown out of a major U.S. airport lately? If so, there’s a good chance you had your face scanned, recorded and stored in a government database without even knowing it. There a move afoot in Congress to rein in an out-of-control TSA. New research on young people who were jabbed with the Covid vaccine shows shockingly high death rates.
  • Joe Biden Seeks to Ban Americans With A Biblical Worldview From Serving As Foster Parents.

    Joe Biden seeks to ban Americans with a biblical worldview from serving as foster parents. The litmus test for serving is one’s acceptance of LGBTQ ideology and the idea that children, even very young children, can choose their own gender. The Chinese Communist Party is providing military training to hundreds of athletes as young as 7 years old as it attempts to forge an Army of Iron.
  • A Christmas Festival In Wisconsin Gives Equal Time To Satan

    A Christmas festival in Wisconsin gives equal time to Satan. Yes, Satan is now part of the Christmas celebrations in parts of America. One of Ireland’s most prominent celebrities finds himself in hot water after making comments critical of the Irish government’s response to immigrant knife attacks against Irish children. Is Ireland too Irish? The Prime Minister of the country thinks so, and we’ve got the video to prove it.
  • What Really Caused The People’s Revolt In Ireland?

    Washington is reportedly ready to pressure Ukrainian President Zelensky to sit down at the negotiating table with Vladimir Putin. An oil refinery in Michigan explodes, and it’s all captured on video. A power grid operator warns that the planned shutdown of a coal-fired power plant could affect the electrical supply to millions of Americans, leading to blackouts.
  • Israel's Prime Minister Opposes Biden's Proposal To Give Control of Gaza to Palestinian Authority

    A Canadian businessman who stood firm during the Covid lockdowns gets sweet revenge.
    The little town of Bethlehem will be devoid of any Christmas celebrations this year as the war in Israel rages. A supposed anti-Palestinian hate crime in Ohio turns out to be a hoax. The U.S. Army is begging the soldiers who resisted its Covid shots to come back and re-enlist.
  • War Drums Are Beating!

    The number of people claiming to be transgendered has skyrocketed in recent years, and many of them are finding a way to get the government to use your tax dollars to pay for their surgeries and treatments. We’ll fill you in on this demonic industry and how it’s sweeping through the prison population.
  • Joe Biden Signs Executive Order Regulating Artificial Intelligence

    A group of four GOP senators are blowing the whistle on Biden’s criminally lax border policy, saying that several illegal aliens were caught trying to smuggle explosives into the country.
    A student at Cornell University has been arrested for posting on social-media threats to stab and slit the throats of Jewish students in the latest in an explosive increase in anti-Semitic attacks and threats.
  • Mike Johnson Lays Out His Key Concepts In His First Major Speech

    The FBI director tells Congress that Americans are under an elevated threat of a terrorist attack inside the United States, but fails to identify the face or nature of the threat. Senator Josh Hawley grilled Joe Biden’s Homeland Security Secretary over his employee’s social media posts praising Hamas’ October 7 terror attack on civilians in Israel. Did the employee get fired? We’ll share the surprising answer.
  • Federal Government Issues A Policy Change Involving Firearms Exportation

    California’s globetrotting Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom pays a visit to Israel and Communist China in the same week, leading some to predict that he has higher political aspirations. Will Newsom replace Joe Biden on the ballot next year? Electric vehicles were all the rage in 2022 with predictions that they would soon overtake the demand for gasoline-fueled cars but that has not happened and now the auto industry, heavily invested in electrifying the roadways, is getting worried.
  • Veterans Day Tribute 2023 | November 10, 2023

    World War I ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918. It was known as Armistice Day but later changed to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor all who served defending the United States. Callers from around the nation were featured as they honored veterans for the many sacrifices they made. Also highlighting the broadcast was audio from a speech by President Ronald Reagan, as he spoke at Arlington National Cemetery on November 11th, 1985.
  • Pro-Palestinian Rallies Broke Out Across the Globe

    The war against Hamas terrorists enters a new stage as Israel expands its ground operations after weeks of preparation for what’s expected to be a grueling and protracted battle of urban warfare. As the Israelis cut communications to the Gaza strip, it’s Elon Musk to the rescue as he restores internet service through his Starlink satellite service.
  • Iranian Assets Have Almost Certainly Penetrated the U.S. Southern Border & Are Waiting to Attack Us

    A former Trump official testifies before Congress that Iranian assets have almost certainly penetrated the U.S. southern border and are here, waiting to attack us. Big Tech, led by IBM, Apple and Microsoft, are embarking on a new systematic program of racial and gender discrimination. If you are a white male, you need not apply for the top jobs at those companies.
  • Billion Dollar Prisons Are Being Built In The U.S.

    Hillary Clinton takes a beating in an address at Columbia University. We’ve got the stunning video. Another Trump attorney pleads guilty to reduced charges in the Georgia election case being prosecuted by Fani Willis. With war clouds gathering over the world, Americans have started panic buying a certain round of ammunition.
  • Pro-Palestinian Protests Are Eerily Similar to The BLM Riots of 2020

    Could this be the week that Republicans actually choose a new speaker? We’ll fill you in on the latest name being considered. A prominent investment banker with worldwide influence is calling for the arrest of all those who are responsible for unleashing the Covid vaccine on the world. Tyson Foods is building a massive insect processing plant. Will you “eat zee bugs?”
  • Rashida Tlaib Has Been A Problem Ever Since She Was Elected

    The U.S. Armed Forces is suffering from chronic and widespread health problems, with obesity being at the top of the list. Are America’s warriors too fat to fight? We’ve got some shocking statistics. The Top 10 most popular fast-food brands are filled with toxins, and guess who is consuming most of them? Hint? Unless you are homeschooling, you may want to start sending your child to school with a packed lunch.
  • Is World War III On The Horizon?

    France makes a surprise move banning pro-Palestinian protest rallies and the public display of the Palestinian flag. A British-Palestinian journalist thanks Iran for its material support of the barbaric terrorist attacks on Israeli, while chiding all the Arab nations that refused to provide “a single bullet.”
  • Could Legal Gun Sales Be Completely Eliminated in Oregon?

    The government is gearing up for another round of Covid-related intrusions on your privacy. And it will start with international travelers, Americans or foreign, who arrive at an American airport. A well-known GOP senator predicts that Joe Biden will be replaced on the 2024 Democratic ticket in a last-minute bait and switch. We’ll tell you who he thinks will be the new candidate.
  • Rand Paul Will Hold Up Any Funding Bill to Keep the Government Open

    Digital identification continues to sweep the globe and the idea of having everyone digitally marked was promoted at last week’s United Nations meeting in New York. Senator Rand Paul announced he will hold up any funding bill to keep the government open past September 30 if it includes funding for the war in Ukraine, while President Trump urges GOP lawmakers to defund the government that’s been weaponized against him and other Americans.
  • The world Is On The Verge Of A New AI Religion

    A human trafficker admits that a boarding school in Ukraine worked with him to capture children for the purpose of harvesting their organs. California repeals its controversial medical disinformation law in a big win for doctors and their patients. Yuval Harari weighs in on AI, ChatGPT and the future in a post-human world.
  • Leftists Are Constantly Finding New Ways To Weaponize The Government

    We have a heroic story to share about a pre-teen boy in Alabama who was quick on the draw when his home was being invaded by a criminal thug. We also have an update on the situation in New Mexico, where the Democrat governor is trying to nullify the Second Amendment by invoking a “public health emergency.” She may have encountered more blowback that she bargained for.
  • Are Masks Coming Back to America?

    We have new information that shows the main professional organization of obstetricians and gynecologists in the United States accepted more than $11 million in taxpayer money to promote the Covid shots and claim they are safe for pregnant women and their unborn children.
  • MSM Is Starting To Hype Up The Covid Narrative Again

    New evidence tonight to suggest the CDC ignored scientific advice on the futility of mask wearing to stop the spread of a virus, pushing masks on the public anyway. Accusations surface in Hawaii that authorities in the federal government are trying to prevent journalists from covering the devastating fires that wiped out an entire city center.
  • The CDC Website Posts Eerie Warning About Anthrax

    The CDC puts out a bizarre warning on its website about anthrax poisoning. Does the agency know something we don’t? Oh, and there just happens to be a new anthrax vaccine ready for public intake. Parts of rural Los Angeles County have been placed under an agricultural quarantine after more than 20 invasive fruit flies were detected capable of destroying fruit crops.
  • Trump’s Lawyers Have Been Told To Expect Charges

    People are lining up around the world to have their eyeballs scanned as part of a new biometric digital ID system that also includes cryptocurrency. We now have “never-before-released” Facebook files with indisputable evidence that the Biden White House knowingly violated Americans’ First Amendment rights to free speech.
  • Richard Nixon Predicted The Russia-Ukraine War Back in 1994

    Israel is on fire with protests and the Biden regime is deeply involved. New York Governor Kathy Hochul is catching heat for launching a controversial free healthcare program for sex workers. A 71-year-old California man has been arrested for allegedly starting a devastating forest fire in Yosemite National Park that was previously blamed on climate change.
  • Disney Is Going Down

    IRS whistleblowers blow the lid off of the DOJ’s two-tiered justice system that has been weaponized against conservative Americans. Joe Biden is coming for your gas stoves and your gas generators. The governor of a blue state in the Northeast wants private citizens to start housing illegal aliens in their homes.
  • The Biden Regime Drained America's Oil Reserves

    Could the Biden regime re-institute the military draft? Why is a recently retired former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff promoting the idea? We’ll show you why. The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserves have been drawn down to dangerous levels, putting U.S. national security at risk. And there are no plans to do anything about it. 27% of jobs will be eliminated by the rise of artificial intelligence, a new study shows.
  • Hollywood Is Trying To Suppress The Viewing Of "Sound Of Freedom"

    We’re in the peak of summer heat and Joe Biden is coming after your air conditioning unit. All in the name of saving the planet. World Economic Forum members are already scheming to use the coming central bank digital currencies as a tool to restrict what you will be able to buy. We have a report on the latest Frankenfood: Pig DNA mixed with soybeans. Florida produces its worst citrus crop since the Great Depression.
  • The White House Payroll Has Hit Historic Highs Under the Biden Regime

    We have new evidence tonight that the entire Covid plandemic was started by the creation of a man-made pathogen that was either leaked or intentionally released from a U.S.-funded lab in China. NATO partners announce they are doubling down on their support for war in Eastern Europe, where they will continue to use Ukraine as the designated battering ram in a Western proxy war against Russia.
  • The Kremlin Says The U.S. Has Confessed To War Crimes

    Good news out of Tennessee, where a federal court has upheld a state law protecting children from doctors seeking to butcher children for profit. More bad news out of the CDC, which is now giving advice to biological males seeking guidance on how to “chestfeed” infants. A leader of the Anglican Church announces that the 2,000-year-old Lord’s Prayer may be “problematic” and needs to be changed. We’ll show you why.
  • "Sound of Freedom" By Angel Studios Out-Sold Indiana Jones

    Jim Caviezel’s new movie, The Sound of Freedom, has been a surprising box office smash, outselling its nearest competitor by 25 percent this summer, so why are certain mainstream media critics trashing the film? A U.S. rancher comes out firmly against mRNA vaccinations for beef cattle, explaining why these jabs are not needed if ranchers raise their livestock properly according to more natural practices.
  • Bill Criminalizes Prayer in Ireland

    Recent census data shows an alarming number of Americans in their 40s are foregoing marriage and childbearing. Malaria is discovered in America for the first time in decades. Does Bill Gates have anything to do with this? Ireland adopts a tough new stance against praying anywhere near an abortion clinic.
  • Donald Trump Gives a Dire Warning About the Coming Collapse of the U.S. Petro Dollar

    Donald Trump gives a dire warning about the coming collapse of the U.S. petro dollar on Biden’s watch. Pope Francis stunned the faithful when he welcomed some 200 avant-garde artists in the Sistine Chapel, including the creator of the blasphemous “Piss Christ” exhibit showing a crucifix submerged in a glass of urine. Richard “Rachel” Levine, has called for the celebrations of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and queer Pride Month to be extended beyond the month of June.
  • Americans Supporting The Right To Abort An Unborn Baby In The First Trimester Climbs To Nearly 70%

    Retired U.S. military officers speak out on the state of readiness being
    sacrificed for a woke agenda. An IRS agent has admitted to using a fake name to access someone’s home in order to collect taxes that had already been paid. Four county-level Republican activists get arrested in a small town in Georgia. Their crime? They held a peaceful protest of a Pride Month celebration.
  • General Flynn Unloads On The Biden Crime Family

    General Flynn unloads on the Biden crime family in a new video message. Was Hunter Biden set up as the “designated fall guy” for the Biden crime family? A well-known constitutional attorney says yes. There’s a hidden cost to electric vehicles that should be a deal breaker for every freedom-loving American citizen. We’ll show you what it is. Congress was within one vote of banning the woke indoctrination going on in the U.S. military, but two Republicans crossed over and voted with Democrats to stop the bill from passing.
  • BlackRock Begins Advising Its Clients To Shift Their Investments Into Precious Metals

    BlackRock begins advising its clients to shift their investments into precious metals. Disney’s chief diversity officer gets the boot. A Portland, Oregon, radio station introduces the world’s first AI disc jockey. Christianity is dying in Europe at an alarming rate, and now the continent has a problem that calls for an imaginative solution: What to do with all the vacant churches?
  • The O'Keefe Media Group Exposes BlackRock

    James O’Keefe releases an undercover video in which a BlackRock official spills the beans on who really runs the world. Hint: It’s not anyone who’s elected. The leaders of a major Islamic nation boast that more than 5 million of its citizens now have a national digital ID containing personal and biometric information.
  • The U.N. Is Planning To Introduce A Global Digital ID System

    The United Nations is gearing up for a digital world, making detailed plans on how the coming digital currency will soon be inextricably linked to people’s digital bank accounts and digital money in a cashless society. Several people have filed a lawsuit claiming their privacy rights were violated when visiting New York City stores that used Amazon’s One Palm biometric scanners.
  • People Want To See Biden And Kennedy Debate

    Barack Obama is on the record pushing a type of digital ID that would allow a small group of people, possibly a government agency, to decide who is providing legitimate information on the internet and who isn’t. A U.S. Democrat from the Virgin Islands makes an extraordinary comment about Donald Trump. Senator Rand Paul issues a stinging rebuke of Bill Gates’ involvement in biomedical research.
  • IRS And ATF Agents Carried Out a Raid On a Gun Store In Montana

    A bloody weekend results in dozens of people being shot in the inner-cities of America, with many of the shootings occurring in conjunction with Juneteenth celebrations. 71 percent of likely voters and nearly half of Democrats believe Joe Biden is too old to be president and should not run for re-election. 20 heavily armed IRS agents accompanied by ATF agents carried out a brazen raid on a gun store in Great Falls, Montana. We’ll show you what they were looking for.
  • President Trump Pleads Not Guilty to 37 Charges Regarding Classified Documents

    The FBI is again caught grooming an unstable and impressionable teenager
    to commit a crime. A new AI platform claims to be giving advice from Jesus Christ. The Chinese are seeking to replace the United States as the mediator in the
    decades-old conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. President Donald Trump is struggling to find a top-tier lawyer to lead his
    defense against charges that could put him behind bars for life. Alan
    Dershowitz explains why.
  • Congresswoman Luna Says The House Will Vote To Fine Adam Schiff

    Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admits for the first time that the U.S. dollar is being phased out as the world’s reserve currency. After denying it repeatedly, the Biden regime is now confirming that it will provide the Ukrainian army with radioactive depleted uranium artillery shells. Vladimir Putin has warned that the war in Ukraine could turn into a nuclear conflict, warning “there will be no winners, including America” in a Third World War.
  • Christian Man Is Arrested By Police While Reading The Bible On A Sidewalk

    The United Nations World Health Organization releases a bombshell announcement, putting the world on notice that it is developing a digital health certification system that will act like a global ID system. Is this the long-awaited mark of the beast or something related to it ?Meanwhile, the WHO is planning to run a simulated exercise practicing how it will wield its new authority and sovereignty over the nations.
  • The Catholic University of Notre Dame Is Supporting "Pride Month"

    The data is out: More terrorists have been apprehended at the southern border in April than in all four years of the Trump presidency. There’s an epidemic of colon cancer among young Americans, and doctors have no idea why. The January 6 riot was a made-for-TV event, complete with voice-overs and artificially concocted sound effects, says a noted conservative journalist after looking at the original video.
  • The New York City Migrant Crisis Is Out Of Control

    We have a whistleblower report from a hotel housing migrants in New York City that shows their every need being catered to at great expense to the taxpayers. The Illinois State Legislature passes a bill that would allow cities and counties to hire non-citizens as police officers with full powers to arrest U.S. citizens.
  • Russia's Interior Ministery Issued An Arrest Warrant For Lindsay Graham

    Republicans, at least some of them, express outrage at the debt ceiling deal their leader, Kevin McCarthy, struck with Joe Biden. A State Department official with long ties to Ukraine admits that the U.S. has for months been right in the middle of planning that country’s long-awaited counter offensive against Russia. The CEO of Chick-fil-A says white people should shine black people’s shoes “with humility and shame.”
  • DHS Is Warning Of Potential Violence Leading Up To The 2024 Election

    More troubles for the retail giant Target as now it has managed to draw the ire of both conservatives and liberals. The Department of Homeland Security puts out another bulletin warning of violence boiling over in America as we head into the 2024 election cycle. Citizens react after a New York legislative committee votes to advance a bill that would allow the government to drug children without their parents’ consent.
  • Former Trump Advisor Says The Deep State Is Planning To Steal The 2024 Election

    A former Trump aide goes on Fox News and says the deep state is already making plans to steal the 2024 presidential election. Today’s Jeeps are not the rugged quasi-military grade vehicles you remember from years gone by. We’ll show you why. New York City goes all in on Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset, right down to tracking its residents’ eating habits.
  • The FBI Has Been Secretly Infiltrating Private Chat Rooms

    Government bureaucrats are evicting homeless veterans from temporary housing in New York in order to make room for illegal immigrants. More wokeness to report in Corporate America. Champion swimmer Riley Gaines is asking athletes to boycott Adidas after the company used two biological men to advertise women's swimwear as part of its “Pride 2023 collection.”
  • U.S. - China Relations Continue To Melt Down

    Speaker Kevin McCarthy weighs in on the Durham Report and he isn’t happy. Governor Ron DeSantis signs a law that makes Florida the first state to ban a Fed-backed digital dollar. But we’ll show you why some are not impressed. Sports Illustrated puts a transgendered person on the cover of its 2023 swimsuit edition.
  • MTG Will Introduce Articles Of Impeachment Against Christopher Wray

    We have a report tonight that gives an assessment of how the U.S. Patriot
    anti-air batteries are performing against Russian missiles. There’s more disturbing video footage from the Texas border areas. Firefighters are dying suddenly in large numbers. Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces articles of impeachment against the Donald Trump-appointed FBI Director Christopher Wray.
  • The Invasion At The Border Keeps Getting Worse

    We have a report from the border that will show just how accommodating the U.S. government is acting as it receives tens of thousands of illegal migrants into the country. Special Counsel John Durham comes out with his final report on the government’s Trump-Russia collusion investigation, and it shows massive corruption within the U.S. Justice Department.
  • Will Homeless People Be Allowed To Camp Out On Your Property Soon?

    A third Australia state has rolled out a biometric digital ID that will be placed on citizens’ cellphones. Border Patrol agents arrested an Afghan national on the FBI’s terror watchlist who illegally crossed into California with a group of migrants. Just like in the U.S., parents in the U.K. are fighting a battle against radical LGBTQ ideologies being force-fed to their school children. We’ll share one family’s gut-wrenching experience.
  • Chaos Ensues At The Border

    Republicans lay out their damning case against Joe Biden, but where’s the impeachment proceedings? Biden re-establishes a Trump era asylum policy but is it too little, too late? A news outlet takes stock of what ingredients get added to fast-food chicken products, and it’s not a very appetizing picture.
  • By fomenting border chaos and lawlessness, globalists have set trap that will deceive humanity into accepting biometric digital ID that will tag and track all people everywhere

    There’s an old saying: Be careful what you wish for. It could come back to bite you.
    There are many examples of this in history that should give us pause whenever we are faced with a crisis causing fear and confusion, times not unlike our own when the masses are demanding relief from those who populate the hallowed halls of government. Many of our most oppressive laws get enacted this way. Can you think of a few? I can.
  • Putin Says The World Is At a "Turning Point"

    A new gun control bill advances in a surprisingly conservative state. Kari Lake takes Piers Morgan to the mat on gun control – we’ll show you the video. The New York Times is getting a big cash infusion from Google. Joe Biden is sending another billion dollars to Ukraine, even as his approval ratings fall to the lowest of any president in 80 years.
  • Will Democrats Try to Indict Trump for His Actions on January 6th?

    The coronation ceremony of King Charles III touched off a parallel ceremony that few people around the world are aware of. We’ll fill you in on the dark side of Charles. Genetically modified pork could soon be on the menu in America, complements of the FDA. An investigative reporter makes a bold prediction about Donald Trump and his future campaign for president in 2024.
  • Do Majority Of Americans Reject The Idea That You Can Change Genders?

    Chelsea Clinton says all children everywhere must be injected with everything Big Pharma has to offer in the name of “vaccines.” Authorities have identified a mentally ill Latino immigrant as the shooter who killed 8 people at a mall in Texas, and the corporate media is painting him as a “white supremacist.” Historic fires sweep across Alberta, Canada, uprooting thousands from their homes.
  • The Kremlin Accused The U.S. Of an Assassination Attempt on Putin

    The Federal Reserve engages in what some are calling an intentional sabotaging of the U.S. economy. Another regional bank is teetering on the brink of collapse. A new poll shows nearly half of Americans are antsy about the safety of their money sitting in private bank accounts. The Kremlin accuses the U.S. of being behind a recent assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin’s life and promises to retaliate, while placing its nuclear arsenal on the highest state of readiness.
  • Matt Gaetz And His Wife Were Assaulted By A "Resistance" Activist

    The United Nations has called a special meeting for September to address how to speed up the achievement of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. King Charles will reportedly demand the public pledge of allegiance by British subjects at his May 6 coronation. A new report finds that despite all of the electronic options, cash remains the most widespread method of payment in many countries.
  • Ken Paxton Is Leading An Investigation Into Alleged Covid Vaccine Fraud

    Another major U.S. bank collapses, leading many Americans to ask, how safe is my bank? Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has announced he is leading an investigation into alleged Covid vaccine fraud. How prepared is Taiwan for an attack from mainland China? You might be surprised by the answer. Germany is making plans for sweeping changes to its aging workforce. And if you are a human, you need not apply.
  • The Satanist Convention Was Held in Boston Last Weekend

    The private schedule of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein has emerged, and those included in it reads like a Who’s Who of Washington insiders, with Biden’s current CIA chief among them, along with a former high-ranking Obama official and a top Goldman Sachs lawyer. Colorado, Washington and Oregon are all pressing new measures to protect child sex predators. Muslim attacks leave 20 Christians dead in Nigeria.
  • Man With Explosive Information On The Biden Family Has Gone Missing

    An Israeli professor and whistleblower who was preparing to come forward with damning evidence against the Biden crime family has suddenly gone missing. A long list of professional boxers have mysteriously collapsed and died since the introduction and mandating of the Covid vaccines. One state in the U.S. is now requiring people to be licensed to hunt or fish on your own land.
  • Disneyland Is Welcoming Children of All Ages to Attend Its First Gay "Pride Nite"

    Minnesota Democrats are using their legislative clout to make pedophiles part of a protected class of people enjoying the same protections as other minorities. Disneyland is welcoming children of all ages to attend its first gay “Pride Nite” celebration. At least one Western country is now demanding to know if men are pregnant before they can donate blood.
  • Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter Are One in The Same

    A retail giant that was one of the first to ban Mike Lindell’s My Pillow has filed for bankruptcy. Birds are taking flight as spy drones. Disney has a new movie out for young teens that is literally demonic. Ukrainian leaders say they need the U.S. to give 10 times the amount of military aid already handed over if they are going to defeat the Russians.
  • The American Red Cross Is Providing Guides for Illegal Immigrants

    A former Defense Department analyst has evaluated the weapons of war being used in Ukraine by both Russia and NATO, and he’s made an assessment that may shock most Americans. The North Dakota House has passed a bill to remove sexually explicit books from the children’s section of libraries. Is the American Red Cross aiding and abetting thousands of illegal border crossings every month?
  • Tucker Carlson Is Out At Fox News!

    A new bill has been introduced in the U.S. Senate that, if passed, would require every American to have a digital ID in order to perform basic functions and activities within society. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sounds off on childhood vaccines. The Biden regime is unleashing a wave of criminal illegal aliens on American cities. More than 400,000 illegal border crossers who have been found guilty of a crime are now living in cities and towns across America.
  • Go Woke or Go Broke?

    A Chinese-American bank has released documents showing millions of dollars being transferred to the family of Joe Biden from Chinese companies. The alleged leaker of sensitive Defense Department war documents has been identified, if you believe the perpetual liars at the Washington Post and New York Times.
  • TV

    Western Nations Have Boots On The Ground in Ukraine

    Another massive explosion takes place at a food-producing facility, this time at a large dairy-farming operation. Do the U.S., Britain and France already have boots on the ground in Ukraine? The answer might surprise you. A Russian official accuses the West of recruiting young Russians to carry out terror attacks inside that nation.
  • Can The U.S. Military Sustain A Conflict With China?

    The FBI gets caught spying on conservative Catholic churches. The U.S. government is sweating bullets after discovering it has drained its arsenal of munitions by sending so much to Ukraine. A former senior official at the Christian ministry World Vision diverted tens of millions of dollars in donations to Palestinian terrorists.
  • Scientists Have Developed The First "Edible Vaccine"

    China surrounds Taiwan and announces it’s “ready to fight.” The U.S. Army is getting ready to conduct training exercises testing its ability to mount a massive ground invasion in the Pacific. The CEO of a human resources tech company says artificial intelligence will “transform every single business going forward” and give workers “superpowers.”
  • Has Artificial Intelligence Already Gone Too Far?

    Walter Reed national military hospital terminates a Catholic pastoral care contract that has served wounded veterans for decades. And they did it during Holy Week. China launches a three-day military exercise rehearsing the encirclement of Taiwan. Do you have a Facebook account? If so, your face has likely been scanned into a nationwide police database.
  • Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Says U.S. is Now in a Hot War with Russia

    Christian persecution is heating up around the world, and not just in the typical communist and Islamic nations. Former safe havens, such as the United States, are showing signs of turning increasingly hostile toward the followers of Jesus Christ. We have a full report. The Second Cold War between the U.S. and Russia has ended, and will soon transition into a hot war, predicts a high-level Russian government official.
  • Maryland School Says Students Can't Opt-Out of "Gender Identity" Lessons

    A Maryland school district tells parents they have no choice but to subject their children to taxpayer-funded indoctrinators who are trained to make kids question their biological gender. Radical trans activists invade the Florida state Capitol with a day of rage. A group of Chinese Christians are in danger of being deported back to China where they will face imprisonment, torture and possibly death.
  • What Is The Restrict Act Really About?

    New revelations tonight on just how entrenched the U.S. government-social media censoring machine has become. We’ll show you the bombshell congressional testimony that every mainstream corporate media outlet wants to keep hidden from America. And how exactly would the proposed RESTRICT Act legislation introduced in Congress affect your ability to maintain your free speech rights?
  • ANTIFA Has Gone Full-On Urban Warfare in Atlanta

    New advances to report tonight in the race toward a completely cashless society. A report in the Jerusalem Post suggests Israel’s bloody anti-government protests are being funded by Washington. Antifa is launching full-on terror tactics in Atlanta, planting booby traps in a public park. As many as 50 regional banks in the U.S. are said to be on the brink of collapse.
  • The Grim Specter of Nuclear Warfare Has Been Raised Once Again

    A Minnesota public school teacher is caught on video admitting that her entire goal is to confuse children about their gender. Both the U.S./NATO and Russia continue the war of words and both sides are making plans to move the pieces into place that could lead to World War III. A popular fast-food chain is rolling out an electronic payment system that requires no cash and no card; just get your palm scanned and have a seat.
  • France May Be The First Western Nation To Have a Revolution in 2023

    Russia’s Putin and China’s Xi, fresh off that summit in Moscow, announce they will expand trade with settlements in the Chinese Yuan and that they also plan a new Siberian natural gas line. France is on fire with protests, with nothing but silence from the American media. In a case of too little, too late, a federal appeals court strikes down Joe Biden’s executive order mandating the mRNA jab on thousands of federal workers.
  • CCP Is Sending Terrorists Across U.S. Open Border?

    Breaking news in New Mexico that proves our election returns are being electronically and illegally accessed by outside entities before they are certified. Germany promises to arrest Vladimir Putin should he ever step foot in Germany, while Russia hits back by saying if that ever happens, they will nuke key globalist offices in Western Europe. Alvin Bragg, the district attorney trying desperately to get an indictment of Donald Trump, suffers a setback in his case while a key congresswoman is now calling for Bragg’s arrest on charges that he hid hundreds of pages of exculpatory evidence.
  • What Will Happen If President Trump Gets Arrested?

    House leaders look to subpoena the corrupt Soros-funded D.A. going after former President Donald Trump. An overwhelming majority of Trump supporters in a new poll believe protesting the former president’s arrest would play right into the hands of those laying a trap similar to that which ensnared the J-6 protesters. Two Israeli lawmakers have introduced a bill in the Knesset that would punish believers for sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Democrats Senators Continue The Push To Track Gun Purchases

    As Congress turns up the heat on the Biden crime family, suddenly Donald Trump is about to be arrested. Some say that’s no coincidence. A new army of illegals is poised to enter the U.S. through its wide-open border with Mexico, and this group did not walk or ride the bus. They came by train. A super majority of Americans now view China as the country that poses the greatest threat to the United States, according to a new poll.
  • Over 1000 Venezuelans Stormed Their Way Into The U.S. Illegally at The Texas Border Last Week

    Sleepy Joe Biden tries to reassure Americans that the banking system is safe and sound but refuses to field a single question regarding the federal government’s planned bailouts. One of the main beneficiaries of the bailout will be Chinese venture capital companies. Jane Fonda says the quiet part out loud, that she wants pro-life people to be murdered.
  • Robert Kiyosaki Warns a Third Financial Institution Will Likely Collapse

    Janet Yellen says there will be no bailout for Silicon Valley Bank, and the markets react with jitters as depositors appear poised for a potential economy-crushing bank run. Robert Kiyosaki warns that a third financial institution will likely collapse in the days ahead. General Motors is getting ready to cut loose 35,000 employees in Michigan after receiving millions in corporate perks from the state that were offered under the pretense that GM was “creating jobs.”
  • Russians Are Being Warned To Take Anti-Radiation Pills

    Russian forces are closing in on the key Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, while also sending a barrage of missiles into the capital of Kiev and other cities. Russians were warned to take anti-radiation pills and rush to their nearest nuclear bomb shelters after hackers compromised state television servers to broadcast chilling messages. Scientists in Japan claim to have created eggs from two male mice, technology that they say could lead to the ability of two human men to conceive a child.
  • Tensions Are Rising Between The U.S. and China

    New tensions with China as the Chinese foreign minister takes off the gloves and unleashes a serious warning to Joe Biden’s deep-state regime. 19 attorneys general from red states warn Walmart, Kroger, Costco and other big box stores not to ship abortion pills through the mail. A Wisconsin congressman is taking the lead in demanding that any pandemic treaty negotiated by the Biden regime must be ratified by the U.S. Senate, something the regime is trying to avoid at all costs.
  • Ken Paxton and G.O.A Are Seeking a Preliminary Injunction

    The Russians are moving their nuclear-armed submarines into positions off the coast of the United States, according to new reports from military sources. What’s it like working as an Amazon delivery driver. A whistleblower has come forward giving us a firsthand account that you don’t want to miss. State and federal law enforcement agencies are showing a lot of concern about the potential for violent protests in East Palestine while the rest of the government shows little interest in getting people there the help they need.
  • London Church Will Host A Drag Performance

    The U.S. and the E.U. are considering placing their economies on a war footing as they continue to ratchet up NATO’s proxy war with Russia, and Americans’ support for an expanded war effort drops to stunning lows. An FBI whistleblower tells Congress that the agency is relying on deliberately falsified numbers when it talks about domestic extremism and pro-life Americans being a threat to national security. Joe Biden laughs in response to a mother’s tragic testimony before Congress that she lost both of her sons to Fentanyl overdoses.
  • Cattle Inventory in U.S. At Lowest Point Since 1962

    The pushback against a digital dollar is starting to gain some limited traction in Congress. Mississippi has become the latest red state to ban healthcare professionals from medically transitioning children under 18 years of age. Have you missed a car payment lately? In the not-too-distant future, that could trigger a kill switch that leads your car to repossess itself.
  • Socialism Continues To Creep Its Way Into America

    Ukraine launches a massive drone attack on Russia as the world waits for Putin to strike back. The Biden regime's taxpayer-funded push for a so-called clean energy economy is benefiting the left's most prominent billionaire megadonors. The new socialist government of Brazil is forcing parents to vaccinate their children if they want to continue putting them in school or receiving any type of government assistance. Here in America, the state of Massachusetts is offering young children $75 gift cards if they will only get a DNA-altering, life threatening Covid vaccine.
  • Food Banks Are Bracing for a Major Spike in Demand

    The war between Russia and Ukraine is heating up, with both sides threatening new offensives. And we bring new evidence that the culture wars are also ratcheting up on the home front, in the U.S., Canada and Europe, with children being the main target. Another train derailment, this time in North Carolina. A holdover from the Covid emergency laws is about to expire, that being an extra monthly bonus for users of Food Stamps.
  • Joe Biden’s Landmark Student Loan Forgiveness Plan Benefits the Wealthy

    That Pfizer executive who spilled the beans to Project Veritas about the company’s nefarious gain-of-function operations also clued us in to how the company knows their Covid jabs are affecting women’s reproductive health, something he admits the company doesn’t understand and is concerned about. We have an update from Mike Adams on the future of the dollar and potentially your life’s savings.
  • Governments Around The World Are Being Encouraged to Introduce WWII Style Rationing

    Evidence of widespread corruption in the State of Arizona did not exclude its voting system, according to a bombshell testimony given before a joint state Senate and House Elections Committee. If you think the Covid vaccine was a danger to your health that needed to be avoided, it’s just the tip of the iceberg of what the World Health Organization has planned for the future. The globalist body wants at least 500 new vaccines released to market by 2030 and, yes, many of them would be mRNA based injections.
  • U.N. Is Engaged In a Plot To Silence Free Speech

    China’s navy has surpassed that of the United States in terms of overall firepower, the U.S. secretary of the Navy has admitted in a shocking new report. A Russian security officer closely aligned with President Putin has let it be known that Russia will defend itself against NATO “with every weapon available.” China is reportedly in negotiations to sell kamikaze drones to Russia for use in Ukraine.
  • U.K. Is Blacklisting Websites They Find Too "Conservatives"

    The Worldview Report has learned that Joe Biden’s IRS is planning to target people for tax audits based on their racial and ethnic background. A raging fire broke out at a federal uranium facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, continuing a series of seemingly random attacks on U.S. infrastructure. Norfolk Southern’s CEO, who made $40 million last year, shows up in East Palestine, Ohio, and offers each family $1,000 as compensation for their pain and suffering. But there’s a catch.
  • The Biden Regime Is About to Surrender America's Sovereignty

    Russia suspends the last remaining nuclear proliferation treaty with the U.S., putting the world on notice that it is activating its nuclear arsenal for the first time since the Soviet era. Steve Kirsch is out with new data on the impact the Covid injections are having on women’s reproductive health. We have another train derailment and another major industrial fire as America’s critical infrastructure continues to go up in flames.
  • James O'Keefe Is Officially Leaving His Own Company, Project Veritas

    Another day, another explosion of a key piece of U.S. infrastructure. This time it’s a metals factory in Bedford, Ohio, about 70 miles from the site of a toxic train derailment in East Palestine. The town of East Palestine was targeted for a digital ID and medical tracking pilot program just weeks before the disastrous chemical fire. Another bizarre coincidence? We’ll fill you in. More sudden deaths of young healthy people to report as a large protest rally takes place over the weekend in front of the Pfizer headquarters in New York City.
  • Biden Appoints Susan Rice To Chair "Equity" Committee in White House

    Kamala Harris goes to Europe and accuses Vladimir Putin of crimes against humanity, poking the nuclear-armed bear and backing him further into a dangerous corner. Neocon Republican Nikki Haley, fresh off of announcing a potential presidential run in 2024, says that if she were president, she’d be shoveling even more U.S. taxpayer-funded military hardware. Biden’s biggest mistake, she says, is he hasn’t given Ukraine enough. The European Union is going all in with global digital IDs and digital money.
  • Western Involvement in The Russia-Ukraine War is Nearing "The No Point of Return"

    Artificial intelligence is rocking the technology world with new chatbots being introduced to great fanfare. But there’s a dark side when these entities go off the rails. Another train goes off the tracks, this time in Michigan, the fourth major derailment in less than two weeks. The Biden regime refuses to provide emergency aid to the town of East Palestine, Ohio, site of the worse environmental catastrophe in years.
  • Is A Virus Deadlier Than Ebola Coming to United States?

    We have a report that indicates the possible use of chemical weapons by Ukraine against Russian soldiers. China vowed to retaliate for the U.S. shooting down its supposed weather balloon. Joe Biden traveled to Maryland this week and referred to the state’s first black governor as “boy.” The E.U. Parliament agrees to ban nearly all gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2035.
  • China Is Likely Responsible For an Aerial Phenomenon in Hawaii

    mRNA flu shots for chickens? The Biden regime is looking at the possibility. Russian warplanes are chased off by F-35s in northern Europe as they approach NATO airspace. We have a video timeline showing the devastation caused by that train derailment in Ohio. Damar Hamlin is asked point blank what doctors told him about the cause of his heart attack, and his answer will stun you.
  • The White House Is Creating a Team to Study UFOs

    A major train derailment carrying toxic chemicals explodes in an Ohio town and there’s virtually no reporting on it in the national media. We’ll get you up to date on the concerns of what is shaping up to be one of America’s worst environmental catastrophes in years. A U.S. border patrol agent drops dead of a heart attack, suddenly and unexpectedly. Five Canadian teenagers have died in their sleep over the past month.
  • Countless Young and Healthy People Continue To Die Suddenly And Unexpectedly

    There is reason to suspect tonight that the Ukrainian military is using chemical or biological weapons in its war with Russia and a recognized expert on this type of warfare is calling for a thorough investigation. A former case manager at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital admits the clinic rushes children into irreversible sex-change procedures, often against the wishes of parents. Intrigue at the White House and Pentagon as officials refuse to say what type of “objects” were shot down over Alaska and Michigan.
  • Second Republican Official Assassinated in NJ

    Another Republican city councilman has been murdered in New Jersey, the second such incident in one week in that state. Why are globalist elites attacking eggs, both in their propaganda messaging and by doing their best to make sure they remain scarce? We have a report that will answer that question. We have some shocking new data on the Covid vaccines from statistician Steve Kirsch.
  • China's Footprint in The U.S. Has Become Bigger Than Ever Before

    A blockbuster report by a famous American journalist alleges that Joe Biden ordered and oversaw the U.S. military sabotage of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline. And a bombshell interview with Israel’s former prime minister Naftali Bennett lays the blame for the escalating Russia-Ukraine war firmly at the feet of the Biden regime. Sarah Huckabee Sanders throws down on Joe Biden in a rebuttal to the State of the Union address that is being widely praised by conservatives.
  • FBI Arrests Two Adults Plotting to Destroy a Maryland Energy Facility

    A large mob of transgender activists storms the Capitol in Oklahoma, yes, Oklahoma of all places, demanding that lawmakers back off of proposed bills to regulate so-called “gender affirming healthcare” in children. Two more arrests of people charged with trying to sabotage electric substations, this time in Maryland. Another major egg distribution facility burns to the ground. Fake meat falls flat as very few Americans are enticed by the idea of eating meat grown in a lab.
  • Pope Francis Calls on Humanity to Unite Around One World Religion

    The United Nations World Health Organization would become the all-powerful authority to police medical misinformation on the internet if a new pandemic treaty gets passed later this year. Pope Francis calls for a one-world religious movement to fight climate change and other global problems. The 65th Annual Grammy Awards held in Los Angeles Sunday night and broadcast by CBS featured the Grammy’s usual tribute to the Prince of Darkness, this time sponsored by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.
  • Biden Regime Released One of the 9/11 Terrorist Attack Planners

    While everyone’s attention was focused on the Chinese spy balloon last week, the Biden regime was busy behind the scenes negotiating the release and resettlement of a 9/11 terrorist from Gitmo. There’s a new round of fear porn being released by the CDC about a fungal infection in California and Arizona that some say is caused by, you guessed it, climate change. Western NATO leaders continue to talk about sending warplanes to Ukraine, a move that has infuriated Russian president Vladimir Putin.
  • U.S. Farmers Are Concerned About Corn Crop Production

    Europe moves to crack down on “hate speech” against Muslims. Canada releases shocking new data on Covid deaths two years into one of the world’s most aggressive vaccination programs. Another high school boys basketball player collapses on the court and his parents can’t imagine what could have caused it. Of course, the media asks no questions as to whether the teenage boy was vaxxed.
  • The Satanic Temple and Democrat Party Have Aligning Values

    A former Obama aide who served at the Department of Health and Human Services, speaking shortly after the onset of the Covid pandemic, put forth a shocking solution for how to make sure everyone gets every vaccine the government says is needed. One of America’s top swimmers dies suddenly at the age of 23. The Satanic Temple announces plans to get into the abortion business.
  • Federal Employees Profited During the "Pandemic"

    Fresh off of a decision to send 31 of America’s most modern tanks to Ukraine, there is a faction within the Pentagon that’s already saying that’s not enough. Now they want to send F-16 fighter jets. An electric vehicle spontaneously combusts and bursts into flames on a busy
    California highway as firefighters are forced to use 6,000 gallons of water to contain the blaze. The Biden regime continues to send millions of your tax dollars to Chinese Communist Party backed companies supposedly involved in the creation of “green energy.”
  • President Trump Introduces His Leadership Team in South Carolina

    The United Nations World Health Organization issues a statement that governments around the world should be stockpiling medicines to treat radiological and nuclear emergencies. Has the Republican Party outlived its usefulness? One major website in the conservative movement says yes. We have reports on the corruption within the Memphis Police Department going back more than a decade.
  • Protests Are Raging Across Europe Amid Fear of WWIII

    Four more young healthy people, three of them athletes, die suddenly with no explanation as to why. We have a shocking report from Naomi Wolf showing that within the first 90 days of the Pfizer vaccine rollout in 2021, 61 Americans died of strokes. The company and the government regulators knew this and not only kept the information hidden from the public, but they continued to push the vaccines on Americans, telling them they were safe and effective. The Kremlin puts the Western-backed regime in Ukraine on notice: If tanks fire shells with depleted uranium cores, like those used in the former Yugoslavia and in Iraq, those weapons will be considered a dirty bomb and dealt with accordingly.
  • Bill Gates Now Admits The Covid Vaccine Does Not Prevent Infection

    INTRO: Decisions have been made that will dramatically escalate the war in Ukraine as both sides position themselves for a long, protracted and potentially global conflict. A Russian spy ship is seen lingering off the coast of Hawaii. A slew of Ukrainian officials are forced to resign on charges of corruption, including embezzlement and mismanagement of aid send from the United States and other Western allies. Bill Gates admits in an interview that his Covid vaccines have been a total failure, but he wants you to keep getting the shots. And get ready for fake meat, yes meat grown from cells in a lab, to arrive at a restaurant near you by the end of this year. The FDA appears to be all in.
  • All-Cause Death Tolls Are Surging in Highly Vaccinated Countries

    INTRO: Vladimir Putin sets out to make a show of force as the U.S. and Germany get ready to send highly sophisticated tanks to the Ukrainian war front. A well-respected military think tank has come out with a scathing report on the U.S. military, stating that if the U.S were to get in a fight with China, it would run out of munitions in less than a week. A young male model dies suddenly, and we have photos of him getting his Covid vax.
  • Some Sheriffs Will Not Be Following the New ATF Ruling

    INTRO: We have the first sign of pushback from local sheriffs against the federal
    ATF rule declaring millions of pistol stabilizing braces illegal. We also have fresh numbers for illegal border crossings in December and they are jaw dropping. There’s a blossoming trend across America that we will report on tonight. Millions of Americans are becoming preppers. We’ll explain why. An unarmed disabled man was shot by police in rural North Carolina and the police have still given no explanation. The story of 41-year-old Jason Harley Kloepfer won’t be told on any of the corporate media outlets because it doesn’t fit
    any of their narratives.
  • Why Is the FBI Not Raiding the Home of ANFTIFA Members?

    INTRO:  Elon Musk comes clean on Covid vaccines. After initially supporting them,
    he now admits they made him extremely sick and that he has a relative that has vaccine-related myocarditis.  Atlanta burns after an Antifa riot breaks out over the weekend.  A World Economic Forum speaker at last week’s Davos meeting says the people of the world need to stop eating meat in order to save the planet.  A gay couple in Atlanta have been arrested and charged with raping and pimping out their two adopted children. And this wasn’t just any gay couple. They were the model couple that gay rights groups used to promote gay adoptions on a wider scale.  All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Matt Gaetz Introduces Bill to Abolish The ATF

    INTRO: Israel is being pressured by the U.S. to give up large stockpiles of arms
    and ammo so they can be sent to Ukraine. We have lots of news from the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland. FBI Director Christopher Wray speaks at a Davos panel on so-called disinformation and admits his agency works with Big Tech to censor Americans. Congressman Matt Gaetz introduces legislation to ban the ATF. Martha Stewart prostitutes herself on the altar of the global cartel’s multi-billion- dollar campaign to convince Americans to get a Covid booster shot. And a notorious Islamic terrorist vanishes from the U.S. prison in Pennsylvania where he was serving a life term.
  • Who Will Secede Klaus Schwab?

    INTRO: Moderna announces at the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos that it wants an mRNA manufacturing plant on every continent as it expands its lineup of mRNA products well beyond just the Covid vax. We have reports out of Brazil that Brazilians arrested in the recent uprising against that country’s corrupt and illegitimate government are being poorly treated, including many who have been forcibly vaccinated.
  • Saudi Arabia Delivers a Big Blow to the U.S. Dollar

    INTRO: Lots of news coming out of Davos tonight and we’ll get you up to speed, including a Swiss lawmaker who says cities need to become car-free zones. Saudi Arabia announces its intent to settle its oil trading accounts in currencies other than the petrodollar, delivering a blow to the already shaky U.S. dollar. The U.S. Federal Reserve is getting closer to issuing a central bank digital currency, a fact that now even the Wall Street Journal is acknowledging.
  • Ukrainian Troops Are Set to Begin Training in The United States This week

    INTRO: Ukrainian troops are being trained on U.S. soil in how to operate the high-level Patriot Defense Missile System for use against Russian missiles as the War in Eastern Europe continues to escalate. We have a report from Rebel News on the ground in Davos at the World Economic Forum annual meeting of globalist elites. Joe Biden signs a “Declaration of North America” with Canada and Mexico, committing the three nations to the goals of the U.N. Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development, and the American media is silent. We’ll give you the details. And a Democrat Congresswoman introduces federal hate speech legislation targeting one particular race. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Democrats Are Getting Worried About Biden's Classified Documents Scandal

    INTRO: The World Economic Forum’s self-appointed elites are meeting this week in Davos, Switzerland, amid high security provided by up to 5,000 Swiss Army soldiers. What they don’t want you to know about their secret meetings is the future they have planned for us, part of which involves eating bugs. Stay tuned for the “beetleburger.” The CDC finally concedes that its vaunted Covid vaccines may be causing people to suffer strokes, but don’t celebrate yet, because the agency is pulling its punches big time.
  • Illinois Sheriffs Will Not Enforce Semi-Automatic Rifles Ban

    INTRO: A Rugby player in England, a woman in Las Vegas, and a 2-year-old girl in New Hampshire are among those in our “died suddenly” report tonight, just a small sampling of the many who are lost each day in what is shaping up to be a global vaccine genocide. Bush-era Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice comes to the defense of politicians shoveling billions to Ukraine, saying it’s the right thing to do. We have the testimony of a 17-year-old girl who was traumatized by a transgendered man pretending to be a woman flashing his private parts in front of her at a YMCA facility. China introduces its first genetically modified race horse. And Illinois becomes the ninth state to ban so-called assault weapons but the state’s Marxist governor is encountering stiff resistance from sheriffs who say they
    refuse to enforce the ban.
  • Chinese Military Unveils New Drone Carrier Warship

    INTRO: The House passes legislation that requires medical professionals to treat and care for babies who survive botched abortions, but the bill is unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate. Plans for 15-minute cities are popping up throughout Europe, and now we see the first signs of pushback, in Britain. Another celebrity gets rushed to the hospital with a sudden heart attack. Klaus Schwab’s elitist, globalist World Economic Forum prepares for its annual shindig in Davos amid tightened security. Russia pledges to beef up its military in 2023 and China unveils a new battleship capable of unleashing a swarm of killer drones on a military opponent.
  • Shocking Number of Young Adults Dropping Dead

    INTRO: The body count of young, healthy people dying suddenly continues to
    mount. We’ve got a slew of new cases to report from across the United States,
    including the tragic passing of a 5-year-old girl in Ohio. Klaus Schwab’s globalist World Economic Forum has come out with the guest list for its upcoming invitation-only meeting in Davos, Switzerland, and there’s one state governor on the list from a conservative southern state that is turning heads. Thousands of dollars of taxpayer-provided food for a migrant shelter in New York City gets thrown out on a regular basis. We’ll tell you why. While Russia and China are mobilizing their forces for all-out war, what is the U.S. Army doing? It has prepared detailed guidelines on how to integrate transgender soldiers into its ranks, including instructions for group showers and how to respond to pregnant men. Yes, you heard that right, pregnant men.
  • United States to Hold The World's Largest Satanic Gathering Ever

    Iran’s elite revolutionary guard makes a brazen video threatening to assassinate former President Donald Trump and several current U.S. military officers.  Top-secret classified documents are found at Joe Biden’s personal office and Americans are wanting to know, where’s the FBI raid and major press conference to announce that the president is being investigated for a felony?  Canada is proudly becoming the euthanasia capital of the world.  More young people are dying suddenly, including a 16-year-old girl in Nevada, while others are suffering debilitating illnesses.  The House votes to defund the IRS’s plan to hire 87,000 new agents.  And Russia moves a ship into the Norwegian Sea carrying its new and extremely deadly hypersonic missiles.
  • Joe Biden Makes Shocking Statements About Immigration

    INTRO: An Islamic migrant from Iran has been arrested on terrorism charges after
    he allegedly rammed a vehicle into a solar power plant in Las Vegas and set it ablaze. Republicans are talking tough about all the deep-state corruption they will investigate now that they have settled the Speaker’s position and taken control over the House of Representatives, but how seriously should we believe that their actions will make any real difference? We’ll explore that question. China launches another massive military exercise surrounding the self-governed island of Taiwan. Could an invasion be far off? Another blockbuster revelation surfaces on how the White House colludes with Big Tech to silence its critics, this time involving information on vaccines from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Did Democrats Get Paul Sperry Banned from Twitter?

    INTRO: Brazil appears to be in full-on revolution. Throngs of people took to the
    streets on Sunday and stormed the National Congress building, the equivalent to
    the U.S. Capitol. They breached the building and took back the people’s house
    while calling on the military to join them. Reclaim the Net, citing the latest release in the Twitter Files, reports that the White House asked Facebook to censor Fox News’ Tucker Carlson for criticizing COVID-19 vaccines. And we now know that another conservative journalist was banned by Twitter after government officials asked for his account to be deleted. We also have much more tonight on the mounting body count of young adults who
    are dying suddenly of cardiac arrest.
  • New York's Red Flag Law Have Been Ruled Unconstitutional

    INTRO: A state supreme court has struck down New York’s controversial red flag
    law. Russian President Vladimir Putin steers a war ship armed with hypersonic missiles
    into the Atlantic Ocean. More big layoffs at U.S. tech companies heading into the new year.
    It’s not just athletes who are being struck down by sudden adult death syndrome.
    It’s also law enforcement. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Republicans Celebrate "Respect For Marriage Act"

    INTRO: Kari Lake’s lawsuit challenging the results of the November election presented some eye-popping evidence of election malfeasance. We’ll share the details.The legality of Joe Biden’s plan to shift billions of dollars in student loan debt to the taxpayers will be decided by the Supreme Court. Medical-assisted suicide is determined to be not a constitutional right in Massachusetts. The Biden administration, along with Congress, want to give Ukraine another $45 billion, but Ukraine’s president says that’s not enough. Not nearly enough.
  • Kari Lake's Lawsuit Against Maricopa County Goes to Trial

    INTRO: A top official of the North Korean communist government puts the U.S.
    on notice: It has the ability to send a nuclear missile into North America and might just do it if the U.S. government continues to doubt its capabilities. Wells Fargo, hit with a huge judgment for conducting unfair and fraudulent business practices, is ordered to pay out $3.7 billion in fines and settlements with customers it abused over a several year period.
  • Former FBI Analysts Sues the Agency

    INTRO: More corruption charges against the FBI, this time from a former agent
    who says he was railroaded out simply for presenting facts about the January 6
    protests. The January 6 Committee takes its final parting shot at former President Donald J.
    Trump, referring him to the surprise of absolutely no one, for criminal charges.
    A pastor in Brazil gets arrested for helping organize protests against that country’s
    fraudulently elected Marxist dictator.
  • World Economic Forum Posts Its Agenda For Davos 2023 : January 10, 2023

    INTRO: Russia responds to the latest escalations by NATO with new nuclear threats. Canadian pensioner is seeking approval to euthanize himself under that country’s liberal euthanasia laws. Why? Because he’s poor and can’t afford the treatment he needs. UNICEF releases a new Covid propaganda video targeting children. The Biden administration sues Arizona over its construction of a makeshift border wall that’s been very effective at stemming the tide of illegal immigration into that
  • As It Was in the Days of Noah : December 22, 2022

    This edition of Crosstalk recalled the account of Noah. God instructed him to build an ark. We know that only he, his wife, his 3 sons, and their wives went into the ark. In total, it was 8 individuals and 2 of each kind of animal. Soon God closed the door, the rains came and flooded the entire earth, the topography was completely changed, and judgment was meted out on a very wicked world.
  • From Islam to Christ : December 21, 2022

    Michael Germi (Gear-me) was born in Iran into a Shia Muslim family, found faith in Jesus Christ and now proclaims the Gospel to Islamic nations. Michael grew up a year after the revolution in Iran. Under the Shah, Iran was a rich nation, but not long after Ayatollah Khomeini came in 1979, war started breaking out with Iraq. This brought destruction and poverty with Michael being fearful that enemies would be coming to Iran.
  • The Biden Regime Gives Ukraine The "Green Light" : December 19, 2022

    INTRO: Staggering layoffs looming in the automotive industry as 2022 draws to a close. We’ll explain why. New data on vaccine deaths in Germany that the German government doesn’t want you, or its own people, to see. Florida’s Ron DeSantis becomes the first U.S. governor to call for a statewide grand jury investigation into vaccine safety and efficacy in his state. China steps up its military flights into Taiwan’s defense airspace.
  • Is Another Plandamic Coming to The World? : December 19, 2022

    INTRO: Bill Gates is back up to his old tricks, holding a simulated pandemic response to a viral agent more contagious and deadly than Covid, especially among children. Was this a dress rehearsal for the real thing? It wouldn’t be the first time. A delegation of Democrats meets secretly with Cuba’s communist president. Joe Biden cuts deportations of illegal immigrants from major cities by up to 90 percent.
  • Did Michelle Obama and Other Liberal Agitators Get Trump Banned From Twitter? : December 19, 2022

    INTRO: Gun stores are reporting that major credit card companies are beginning to cancel purchases at the point of sale for some customers, perfectly law-abiding customers. Some predicted that was the real reason behind the new policy of tracking sales of guns and ammo. We’ll update you on what’s happening. Dr. Fauci’s replacement appears to be just as much under the spell of communist China as he was. An Australian senator throws down on the coming surveillance state masquerading as Smart Cities.
  • Federal Appeal Court Blocks Biden Regime Mandate: December 19, 2022

    INTRO: A young, healthy female basketball player suffers blood clots and a young soccer journalist dies suddenly while covering the World Cup. And it happens just days after a pediatric cardiologist testifies before Senator Ron Johnson’s committee on the horrific impact that Covid jabs are having on young hearts. A federal appeals court has permanently blocked the Biden administration’s mandate on doctors and hospitals forcing them to perform gender transition procedures against their conscience.
  • America Trades The "Merct Of Death" For America Hating Brittany Gringer : December 19, 2022

    INTRO: Nigeria became one of the first countries to launch a real live digital currency earlier this year, and now it’s cracking down on the use of paper currency. A bad omen for the coming cashless society? We’ll bring you the report. The American Girl doll manufacturing company is going woke, publishing a book that instructs children how to transition to another gender, complete with a list of organizations to call for counseling if they don’t trust their parents.
  • More Than 400 Texas Churches Voted To Disafiliate From the UMC: December 19, 2022

    INTRO: The Governor of the State of Virginia says the time has finally come to rid the state of its oppressive Covid restrictions that still haunt certain small businesses. Chris Beck, a retired Navy SEAL, says CNN used him to promote transgenderism in a 2013 interview he had with host Anderson Cooper. Now he’s re-transitioning back to his biological male gender and has a story to tell that you won’t want to miss.
  • Mike Lindell on His Plan If Elected ChairChairman of The RNC: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: Revelations about the federal government controlling what gets reported as “news” leading up to an important election get dismissed as “old news” by the Biden White House, which sounds like a tacit admission that it is indeed true.
    Colorado continues to be the epicenter of anti-Christian bigotry as we now have a case being heard at the Supreme Court that could affect the religious freedom of every Christian in America. Ron DeSantis says he’s ready to hold the vaccine manufacturers responsible for their products, which continue to kill and injure Americans at an alarming rate.
  • The FBI Has Been Working With Big Tech to Censor Groundbreaking Stories: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: More information tonight on just how closely the FBI works with the major social media companies operated by Big Tech to suppress news and information they don’t want you, the American people, to know about. Justin Trudeau’s unilateral effort to disarm law-abiding Canadians isn’t going quite as smoothly as he had hoped. More backlash for Balenciaga, spilling into cities around the world. New Zealand cracks down on the unvaccinated. Edward Dowd on the alarming numbers of excess deaths among millennials.
  • Elon Musk Confirmes Twitter Has Interfered With Election: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: One of the Biden administration’s transgender appointees has been arrested trying to steal a woman’s luggage at a busy airport, and a U.S. Senator has seen enough. He wants Sam Britton fired from the Department of Energy and his security clearance terminated. Elon Musk spills the beans on Twitter’s 2020 election shenanigans, leaving nothing to the imagination as to how the social media giant was used to help get Joe Biden elected.
  • Americans Are Arming Themselves in Record Numbers: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: At a time when the world desperately needs more food, the government of the Netherlands is cracking down on farmers, threatening to take their land if they don’t agree to sell it at the price offered. A whistleblower has told Project Veritas that the U.S. government is working with cartels to facilitate human sex trafficking on U.S. soil. CNN informs employees in a memo that it is planning to lay off hundreds of them before the new year.
  • Drones Are Transforming War: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: We’ve got new bombshell reports tonight on how killer drone technology is being developed, and how China is a major player in controlling the drones flying around the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C. An entrepreneur is starting up a new blood mobile service for people needing transfusions but who don’t want to receive blood contaminated by donors who’ve been jabbed with one or more Covid vaccines.
  • The One World Order is Being Pushed Now Without Hesitation: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: The Iranian regime is said to be plotting murders and kidnappings of its political enemies living in Europe. A record number of Muslims were elected to public office in the U.S. midterm elections. And the FBI, ATF and other federal law-enforcement agencies shelled out hundreds of millions of dollars to secret informants in just the last few years. Some became millionaires working as professional snitches, while others were authorized to commit crimes while in the line of duty.
  • The Hunter Biden Laptop Story is Back in The Public View: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: Senator Josh Hawley fires off a letter demanding the Biden administration give a complete breakdown on its illicit relations with the shadowy crypto company known as FTX. And you thought FTX was just into bankrolling corrupt politicians? We now find out it also funded corrupt clinical trials related to the Covid pandemic, pumping $18 million into unnecessary and often dangerous experimental drugs to treat Covid while discrediting the effectiveness of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.
  • Maricopa County to Be Investigated After Mishandled Midterm Election : December 18, 2022

    INTRO: Arizona’s attorney general has opened an investigation into Maricopa County, Arizona’s botched handling of the 2022 midterm elections. At least one state governor is sending a strongly worded reminder to all public schools that they have absolutely no right to mandate the Covid vaccine for students. A key Republican member of Congress says the new GOP-controlled House of Representatives will make a push to repeal Biden’s vaccine mandate for the military and reinstate all unvaxxed troops.
  • Schumer Complaining About Workforce Shortage But Supports Abortion: December 18, 2022

    INTRO: The government is throwing $1 million in federal grant money to agencies and private organizations to study how “misinformation” on social media impacts the confidence Americans have in the vaccine industry. The FDA has given its rubber stamp of approval for a company to sell lab-grown meat, and the fake meat will arrive in grocery stores by next year.
  • U.S. Federal Reserve Takes a Step Closer Towards a Social Credit Score System: November 14, 2022

    CNN teams up with the Department of Homeland Security to warn Americans about “violence on election day,” setting the stage for a potential false flag attack. It was a bad week for conservatives at the U.S. Supreme Court, as the High Court rejects several key cases related to gun control, vaccine mandates and Mike Lindell’s defamation suit against Dominion. More pushback from Congress against FBI corruption to report.
  • Update on Mike Lindell's Lawsuit Against The Biden DOJ : October 4, 2022

    Is the United Nations working with Big Tech to shut down free speech? The jury is no longer out on that question and we’ll show you the stunning admission. President Trump gives the FBI a public beatdown at his recent rally in Michigan, rebuking them for the way they raided Mike Lindell and stole his cellphone. Europeans are being warned that their cold dark winter could also include stints where they have no phone service.
  • Communist China Has More Than 100 Police Stations Around the World : October 3, 2022

    Joe Biden’s U.S. Department of Justice is caught handing out millions in
    grant money to a George Soros-connected foundation that helps illegal aliens avoid
    deportation. Could people soon be vaccinated against their will by a simple mosquito bite?
    Well, the U.S. government is funneling your tax dollars into research that would accomplish exactly that. We have a bombshell report tonight on Communist China’s covert global policing operations. Over the last three years the CCP has opened more than 100 police
    stations in foreign countries, including three in Canada and one in America.
  • U.S. Embassy in Russia Urging Americans to Leave the Country as Things Heat Up : September 30, 2022

    Did the administration of Joe Biden order a strike on Russia’s Nord Stream pipeline in an act of international sabotage? Some are pointing to a statement made by ole Joe six months ago to suggest he was the likely culprit in what many consider to be an act of war. And now, all Americans still in Russia are being told to leave, immediately. Remember those contact tracing apps that people in many countries, including the U.S. had on their cellphones during the Covid scare? One country is now flipping those apps into a permanent tracking device monitoring its citizens’ every move.
  • U.S. Coast Guard Spotted Russian and Chinese Ships Off the Coast of Alaska : September 29, 2022

    Russian and Chinese military ships have been spotted off the coast of Alaska. We’ve got the details. Is Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s new prime minister in waiting, a “threat to democracy?”
    Is she wanting to pick up where Benito Mussolini left off? That’s what the corporate media is saying, but we’ll find out what a former liberal prime minister of Italy has to say on the topic. And the U.S. military has a new tool with which to spy on Americans, allowing them to comb through some of your most sensitive internet activity.
  • The U.N., Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab Are Not Bluffing : September 28, 2022

    The Islamic Republic of Iran is on fire with protests as the regime calls in its shock troops to beat and kill the protesters while the Biden administration sits back and does nothing to help. Two more states adopt education standards for sex ed that will sexualize children in elementary and middle school. And they’re using our tax dollars to do it. And parents in Loudon County, Virginia, lose their first round in a legal battle against Joe Biden’s attorney general, who targeted them as terrorists for speaking out against leftwing policies at their local school board. But, they say they’re nowhere near ready to give up the fight against Biden’s jackbooted DOJ.
  • News Roundup & Comment : October 28, 2022

    Here’s a brief look at some of the stories that made the cut for this week’s edition of the News Round-Up: –A highly unusual event interrupted a scripted Chinese Communist Party Congress last Saturday. A former party leader was escorted out of the meeting in full public view at the closing session of the congress, appearing uncertain of what was going on.
  • The Biden DOJ Continues to Target Every-Day Americans : September 27, 2022

    We have new reports tonight of FBI abuse of power, starting with the SWAT team raid on
    pro-life father of seven in Pennsylvania, as it’s becoming more dangerous to be an outspoken pro-life conservative in Joe Biden’s America. Also, the state of California continues with its war on fossil fuels. Fresh off of a move to phase out the gasoline-fueled automobile, now Gavin Newsom’s administration has added natural gas furnaces and water heaters to its list of forbidden appliances. And another massive food facility goes up in flames.
  • Russia Threats Continue : September 26, 2022

    A shocking story tonight about how the FBI turned a blind eye to a 40- year child trafficking operation. In a first-ever move, Israel’s Prime Minister is ready to cede land to the Palestinians for a new independent state. And Bill Barr, the attorney general under President Donald Trump, famously told the media after the 2020 election there was “no evidence of widespread fraud.” But new information indicates Barr was lying.
  • Fugitives on Terror Watch List Soars 400% : September 23, 2022

    Terrorists are entering the U.S. through its porous southern border. We’ve got some of the most disturbing numbers yet related to the border crisis. Vladimir Putin is calling up tens of thousands of fresh troops to serve in Ukraine as the war of words heats up between Russia and the U.S.-led NATO powers. The threat of world war has never been more real, says a European leader. We also take a look at the growing homeless crisis in America’s cities.
  • More Than 2 Million Immigrants Have Been Caught at The Border This Year : September 22, 2022

    We have a blockbuster exposé tonight from an FBI whistleblower who
    has come forward to shed light on the abuse of power within that federal law
    enforcement agency. This is a shocking report that you won’t want to miss.
    Also, a renowned oncologist is sounding the alarm about the Covid mRNA
    vaccines and what they can do to you and your children, even the ones not yet
  • Attorney Says He Was Offered Money to Spread False Information About Trump : September 21, 2022

    A whistleblower comes forward with evidence that he was offered money
    to post false statements on social media about President Trump and his supporters.
    One of Philadelphia’s most notorious drag show performers suddenly collapses
    and dies of a heart attack during an on-stage act. A major airline company is getting ready to roll out electric planes, as the green propaganda blitz continues to run wild. And should the U.S. Department of Agriculture be allowed to label GMO foods with only a QR Code? A federal court has weighed in with a verdict.
  • Biden Executive Order Virtually Guarantees Genetic Manipulation As a Hot Election Topic September 20, 2022

    We’ll take a look at Joe Biden’s creepy executive order promoting a new
    “bioeconomy.” What does it say and why are some predicting it will open the flood
    gates to transhumanism? Dr. Anthony Fauci is back up to his old tricks, admitting the Covid vaccines failed to offer any protection beyond a few months but now he wants you to get vaxxed for Monkeypox. He is the science, remember, so don’t ask questions. Just roll up
    your sleeves and shut up. We’ve got a report on Biden’s failed border, with some rather stunning video, and the impact it will have for years into the future.
  • Tucker Carlson Warns Americans About the Corrupt FBI and What They Did to Mike Lindell September 19, 2022

    INTRO: Something strange is going on, on Florida’s highways. A special report
    that might make you a little wary on your next trip to the sunshine state.
    Also tonight, two George Soros-funded groups have infiltrated federal agencies
    and are sowing hatred among federal workers, teaching them a skewed version of
    history and indoctrinating them to believe white people are racist oppressors.
    Are robots poised to take over the world, replacing most people in the everyday
    functions of society? Some of the most informed scientists on this subject are
    starting to voice real concerns.

    Agenda 21/2030 use interlocking 3 Es – Economic Prosperity, Ecological Integrity, and Social Equity (or in ethical language Eugenics, Eviction, and Enslavement) to define the goal of Sustainable Development.
    Economic Prosperity
    To achieve the so-called Economic Prosperity required carry out the plan requires that those who control the world, in the words of the late Rosa Koire, they must first “inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.” To be able to control all human beings in the world means they will first have to reduce the population. There is no way the global elites would be able to control 8 billion people And, there is no way they could feed that many. But they have no plans to feed even half that many. To “cure” starvation” their answer is to get rid of those who are starving along with most of the middle class. We are no longer needed nor wanted. And, we are the class that will not go willingingly.

    Amatai Etzioni, futurist and communitarian told us, “To make our physical environment more community-friendly, our homes, places of work, streets, and public spaces – whole developments, suburbs, and even whole cities – need to be designed to enhance the Communitarian nexus.” Don’t know how communitarians think? In simple words, groupthink is vital; individualism is to become extinct (no, we will not all comply). You like your pink house on a 1/3-acre yard? Too bad, the group want to walk, live, eat, shop, think in tandem. Well, the plebians and useless eaters need to understand that is the way they “will now think, or else”. The Global Elite may also think in lockstep – but, for themselves, their groupthink is big mansions, 6 airplanes and a helicopter, caviar, foie gras, Wagyu beef, and Petrus or Romanee-Conti wine – while they devise the next weapon to do away with more of us until they reach the magic number – somewhere around 500 million, max. Why this rant? What part of Cancel Culture am I so displeased with now?
  • Mockingbird media dishes up a load of (half) truth, 50 years too late

    The story I’m about to share is not terribly shocking, at least not to those of us who are awake, but I find the timing, along with the source, a bit ominous. It comes from a mainstream corporate media outlet, NBC News, and it tells us that the modern military machine owned by the Chinese Communist Party is basically a creation of the United States. Now why is the source and the timing of this story important? Along with Facebook, Twitter, CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times, NBC is at the epicenter of the CIA-led mockingbird media, totally under the thumb of the globalist deep state, shilling for the technocratic beast system that’s being erected before our very eyes.
  • January 6th Protestors Are Still Being Wrongfully Punished: September 12, 2022

    INTRO: More safety problems involving electric cars to report tonight, this time involving some popular Ford Mustang models built in Mexico. About half of the cars built there are now being recalled. The Pentagon has been forced to halt delivery of a new U.S. fighter jet after discovering that its manufacturer, Lockheed Martin, included a metal part made in China. That’s against the rules, and a possible national security breech. And we have a heart-wrenching story of a 4-year-old migrant boy abandoned by human traffickers at the El Paso border. And there’s an uprising of sorts going on over a Gay Pride event’s inclusion of a children’s drag-queen show, in Boise, Idaho. Boise, Idaho? Yes, it’s the latest in our ongoing coverage of America’s children, under attack. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Disney and FXX Air New Demonic Series "Little Demon" : September 8, 2022

    INTRO: Disney goes all-in on satanism, coming out with a new film for adults that features a woman who gets impregnated by the devil and spawns an antichrist daughter.
    A father in India files a legal claim against the Indian government and Bill Gates, claiming his daughter was killed by a Covid vaccine. An American journalist suffers a mini-stroke on the air while delivering a newscast.
  • Biden's Attorney General Warns DOJ and FBI to Not Cooperate With Congress: September 6, 2022

    INTRO: Forces of good and evil appear to be headed for a confrontation as Joe Biden’s attorney general warns employees of the DOJ and FBI not to cooperate with members of Congress seeking to investigate corruption in federal law enforcement agencies.
    An investigative reporter attempted to find out where all the U.S. aid and military hardware is ending up once it’s sent to Ukraine. We’ll show you what he found. Just days after California announced plans to phase out the sale of all new cars that aren’t electric, it puts out a notice warning residents not to charge their electric cars during a recent heat wave. And more concerns are coming to light about the Chinese video app TikTok. What, exactly is the Chinese Communist Party up to by luring American youth into using this app? All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Rockefeller Foundation and Other Globalist Groups Launch Brainwashing Campaign to Get Unvaxxed to Take Covid Shot: September 1, 2022

    INTRO: With illegal immigration booming at the wide-open U.S. border, House Democrats are floating a bill that would make sure those illegals stay well-fed and happy. And they’re hoping you won’t find out about it. You’ve heard about the plethora of drag queen shows targeting children of late, but this latest twist on the bizarre story will really make your blood boil. Has Antifa been hired to guard the drag queens? Yes, and you won’t believe what they’re using to intimidate pro-family protesters. And we’ve got breaking news from the field of science. A team of researchers in the United Kingdom have announced a startling development that puts the world on the brink of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Another round of Covid boosters is ready for release, and this time the FDA isn’t even pretending to test the safety and efficacy. And we’ve got an update on the latest attempt by the Democrats to disarm American firearms owners, coming at them in a dual approach that’s nothing short of diabolical. All these stories and much more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • 14 Whistleblowers From Within The FBI Have Come Forward Transcript: August 18, 2022

    We have an in-depth report tonight on how the Biden administration is closing doors on U.S. mining projects, offshoring critical rare-earth minerals that will be needed for batteries used in electric cars. And what kind of effect will Biden’s student loan bailout have on everyday Americans? And the president of France makes a cryptic comment about the future that doesn’t bode well for the West. We also have a message from a Holocaust survivor that you will not want to miss.
  • Democrat Candidate for Florida Governor Compares DeSantis to Satan: August 16, 2022

    INTRO: The Democrat running against Ron DeSantis for governor of Florida compares DeSantis to Satan and himself to Jesus Christ. We have it on video. Is the world heading for a life-changing event in the last week of September? A member of the German parliament makes a cryptic comment that suggests something big is in the works.And the British Heart Foundation releases a bizarre Internet ad that seems to normalize heart attacks in children. This comes as more young athletes are collapsing on the field, nearly 900 such cases have been documented in the last year and a half. And a number of Republican senators criticize Donald Trump for saying he would pardon January 6 prisoners if he gets back in the White House. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Blackrock Has Agreed to Promote "Gender Lens Investing" : September 13, 2022

    INTRO: The pre-election purge is underway as Joe Biden’s Justice Department goes after its political enemies with house raids and subpoenas.Another sting operation in Florida nets dozens of suspects engaged in sexual abuse of under-age children, including two who work at Disney and several others who work in either law enforcement or the teaching profession.We’ve got several more cases to report of young healthy people dying suddenly under mysterious circumstances.And is the CDC cooking the books to cover up data that shows the Covid vaccines are causing heart ailments? The shocking evidence is in.We’ve also got some disturbing quotes from the new King of England.All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Extreme Efforts to Divide the Public Continue to Come From Biden Regime: September 7, 2022

    INTRO: Smart meters are back in the news tonight, and it’s not a pretty picture. We’ll show you the first indication of how these little devices can be turned against you, the homeowner.Does the Biden administration want to provoke a civil war? It’s certainly looking that way based on a series of ominous remarks and dark speeches coming out of the White House. What about that Bank of America loan policy that offers special zero down and zero closing-cost mortgages to certain minority communities? We’ll dig into the details and show how it’s actually even more racist than first meets the eye. And a new study out of Sweden has some disturbing results about the mRNA injections that every pregnant woman, or any woman planning to ever get pregnant, will want to know about. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • California Legislation Would Pull License of Any Doctor That Questions Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex: September 2, 2022

    INTRO: Ireland, following on the heels of the Netherlands, is threatening its farmers, forcing them to cull their herds and potentially force them out of the business of providing food for the world. Why? Because they’re accused of causing climate change. A man who was let out of jail in Minnesota compliments of Vice President Kamala Harris’s bail fund project during the summer of riots in 2020 has now committed a heinous crime. Nearly 30 percent of teenagers aged 13 to 18 in a new study developed some type of heart condition after receiving the Covid vaccine.California’s legislature passes a law that some say treats experienced medical professionals like they are hospital interns, threatening to pull their licenses if they say anything that goes against the establishment narrative on Covid and vaccines. And also tonight, we’ll take a look at homelessness in America. If you think it’s bad now, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. We’ll show you why.All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Weaponizing The Climate Police Against Humanity: August 29, 2022

    INTRO: We have disturbing reports tonight that nations throughout the Western world are starting to arm and weaponize what they are calling the “climate police.” Are they taking their cue from Joe Biden’s plan to hire thousands of armed IRS agents? Meanwhile the World Economic Forum, which has by its own admission infiltrated the cabinets of many nations, is calling for the normalization of microchip implants, in adults and children. Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene becomes the latest conservative figure to be “swatted” and she’s not happy about it.The state of California is phasing out the sale of gasoline-powered automobiles.And more bad news about those mRNA Covid vaccines that you won’t want to miss. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Joe Biden Is No JFK: Worldview Report Transcript August 25, 2022

    INTRO: More dead and injured athletes to report tonight. And again, no cause of death is given as an unknown silent killer continues to ravage America’s youth, but the mainstream media is still not asking questions. Parents are removing their children from public schools in droves. We’ve got a report on the numbers, and where they are opting to send their kids as an alternative to public school indoctrination centers.The Episcopal Church has come out publicly in favor of “gender affirming care” for people of all ages. The latest in our series on apostate churches. USA Gymnastics has put out a statement saying it will boycott every state that fails to toe the liberal line on abortion. And CNN, that bastion of Marxist progressive propaganda, has fired another of its anchors as it tries to clean up its image; but will it make a difference in CNN’s quality of reporting? We have all these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • The Next Food Crisis: Worldview Report transcript August 17, 2022

    INTRO: In shades of Hunter Biden, Nancy Pelosi’s Son, Paul Pelosi Jr., has been in on some whopper deals overseas, so why did he secretly accompany his mother on the trip to Taiwan, at taxpayer’s expense? We’ll investigate.It’s been said that America runs on coal. We have some of the world’s largest coal deposits and using that resource powers our electric grid, not only for residential homes but for factories. Now, a key court ruling from an Obama judge threatens to shut down coal mining on public lands.The world’s largest social media network is at it again as we learn tonight that it’s purposely shutting down all posts about people dying “suddenly” within weeks of getting a Covid vaccine. The Vatican is out with a new propaganda video that seeks to convince you to get vaxxed. It’s your moral obligation, according to the pope. And we have an in-depth report tonight about the global war on farmers, which translates into a war on food. Why do global elites want to buy farmland and put farmers out of business in some of the most productive farming countries in the world, the Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Italy and Spain? We’ll fill you in on where this agenda is coming from and what it’s trying to accomplish. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Biden Regime's Militarization of the IRS to Target Middle Class Americans: Worldview Report Transcript August 16 2022

    INTRO: The Internal Revenue Service is not seen by the average American as a law enforcement agency, but today’s IRS agent is highly trained in special military operations and criminal take-downs. This is not your grandfather’s IRS, and it’s about to get a lot bigger and stronger. Another food processing plant has gone up in flames under mysterious conditions.
    We’ve got new developments in the United Nations World Health Organization’s plan to get the entire world on board with a pandemic treaty that gives the WHO authority to declare public health emergencies.Is the corporate mainstream media trying to bait patriotic Americans into taking up arms against the government? We’ve got a report on that you won’t want to miss. And there’s a movement afoot to normalize pedophilia as we’ll hear it straight from the mouth of a licensed psychological counselor working in Pennsylvania’s prison system. All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!
  • Islamophobic Serial Killer Turned Out to Be a Muslim To the Disappointment of Liberal Media By Brannon Howse, 15 August, 2022: Worldview Report Transcript August 2022

    INTRO: More shocking details to report on that unprecedented raid on the home of former President Donald Trump, and more reactions from Republican lawmakers. Police say a mysterious case of Muslims being killed in New Mexico has now been solved, and the alleged killer is not what the corporate media was hoping for. We’ll bring you the details.
    China is not letting go of its threats to invade and conquer the small island nation of Taiwan.
    And a retired military officer has some provocative words for the U.S. military, which he says has become something most patriotic Americans find hard to believe. Are you ready to show your digital papers before you’re allowed into a public venue? The march toward an international implementation of digital health passports is anything but dead. In fact, they’re on their way back, and this time with big money players behind them.
    All these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Company Is Harvesting 50 Million Crickets A Week For Your Food Supply Worldview Transcript August 24, 2022

    INTRO: We’ve got another installment in our recent string of stories on woke churches, this one being a once-conservative Baptist church that now champions the LGBTQ agenda. And that same agenda has infiltrated our medical system, including prestigious institutions like Boston Children’s Hospital, which is now touting its “gender affirming healthcare” for teens and young women in a new video that a few years ago would have been flagged for advocating child abuse. It’s that bad. We’ll give you an insider’s look at a new cricket farm in Canada, whose product, creepy crawly crickets, are bound for food destined for your grocery stores. And we take a look at the Democrats’ favorite mantra of late, that “Nobody is above the law.” How valid is that claim?
  • Troubling Conflicts of Judge That Signed Search Warrant For Trump's Home: Worldview Report Transcript August 10, 2022

    INTRO: China extends its war games around the island of Taiwan, leading many to wonder, is this a replay of Russia’s military drills, which ended in a real live invasion? We’ve got a full report on the FBI raid on President Trump’s personal residence in Florida, including a backgrounder on the judge who signed the search warrant. There’s a new “novel” virus brewing in China that the WHO and Dr. Fauci say we need to be afraid of, and of course, the mad scientist along with Bill Gates are already prepping for a new mRNA vaccine. And we’ve got a startling interview with a public school teacher who says she was forced out of her job for reasons that will shock you.
  • January 6 Provocateur The Government Hopes We Will Forget About: Worldview Report August 12, 2022

    INTRO: We’ve got breaking news on a key January 6 provocateur who the government hopes we will forget about. His name is Ray Epps, and a J6 prisoner who had interaction with Epps on the ground that day has come forward with a tell-all letter. And why is the FBI hiding pivotal video footage of the J6 pipe bomber, who has never been identified or arrested? A federal judge has ruled that your hard-earned tax dollars can and should be used to provide gender-mutilating surgeries and hormone treatments to transgenders who can’t afford the treatments themselves.
  • Ukrainian immigrant Who Accomplished American Dream Warns About Communism in U.S. - Worldview Report For August 11, 2022

    INTRO: We’ve got breaking news on a key January 6 provocateur who the government hopes we will forget about. His name is Ray Epps, and a J6 prisoner who had interaction with Epps on the ground that day has come forward with a tell-all letter. And why is the FBI hiding pivotal video footage of the J6 pipe bomber, who has never been identified or arrested?
  • Troubling Conflicts of Judge That Signed Search Warrant For Trump's Home

    INTRO: Another high-dollar electric car burns to ashes, and this one was not even involved in a crash. It was sitting in the owner’s garage. You saw this one coming: Nancy Pelosi embarrasses America in Taiwan. Project Veritas is out with a new damning report on FBI corruption, citing a whistleblower with documents to prove that the bureau uses fictitious classifications to demonize and prosecute patriotic American citizens.
  • FBI Whistleblower Reveals FBI Encouraged Agents to Falsely Classify Cases as Domestic Violent Extremism: Worldview Report Transcript August 1, 2022

    INTRO: A graphic new video emerges from the U.S.-Mexico border that the Biden administration will not want you to see. We’ve got it. And we will show it. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis goes on the offensive against Florida’s transgender predators, putting them on notice that their sexualization of children will not be tolerated in his state. More than 50 Republican members of Congress have asked Joe Biden to submit immediately to a cognitive test, but will he listen? And Pope Francis arrived in Canada last week where he was greeted by indigenous peoples, complete with a pagan earth worshipping ritual. Also tonight: It’s well known that Justin Trudeau, Joe Biden and various European leaders are devotees of the World Economic Forum and its authoritarian climate agenda, but if you want to know what life will look like in their dystopian dream world, it’s playing out right now on the tiny island nation of Sri Lanka. Get ready for a life of rationing and “showing your digital papers” to prove you are a citizen in good standing. We’ll have all these stories and more when the Worldview Report starts, right now!
  • Israel May Ditch Paper Money For Digital Currency: Worldview Report Transcript For August 8, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Leading off tonight, the state of Israel is leading the way into the cashless society. A new Israeli law went into effect Monday prohibiting cash payments to businesses of over $1,760, the equivalent of 6,000 New Israeli Shekel or NIS. Previously, the use of cash up to $3,200 could be used in business deals. The ceiling for transfers between private individuals will be $4,400, a decrease from the current limit of nearly $14,700, according to a report by Israel 365 News. Since January 2019, Israeli businesses and consumers have been subject to limits on cash payments under the Law for the Reduction in the Use of Cash.
  • A Legal System For Those Connected to The Elite and One For The Patriots: Worldview Report Transcript For August 2, 2022

    In our commentary tonight, we look at a tale of two prisons. Anyone seeking an education in how the global deep state works needn’t look any further than how two very different types of crimes are being punished in today’s America. On the one hand, we have Ghislaine Maxwell, a notorious sex trafficker who abused teenage girls, while on the other hand we have Dr. Simone Gold, a person who walked through open doors and stayed inside the velvet ropes of the Capitol for a grand total of 25 minutes before making her way out on January 6th, 2021.
  • Official Report Reveals Covid-19 Vaccinated Children are 4423% or 45 Times More Likely to Die of Any Cause Than Unvaccinated Children: Worldview Report For July 29, 2022

    We have breaking news from Washington, D.C., where the Democrats are going to try to pin on President Donald Trump the very crime they committed in the November 2020 presidential election. Whoopi Goldberg is up to her old tricks, trying to twist the facts and smear the reputation of a noted conservative group. But this time she didn’t get away with it. We’ve got bad news and good news about the Covid vaccines for children. The bad news is they are even more deadly than anyone thought, but the good news is that more parents are waking up and protecting their children from the lethal jabs. And be aware, Joe Biden wants your guns. He and the Democrats in Congress particularly want to strip away your rights to own any semi-automatic firearms that can hold more than ten rounds. We’ll update you on the status of a bill that would accomplish all that and more.
  • Klaus Schwab’s Globalist Organization Calling for End of Private Ownership of all Automobiles: Worldview Report For July 28, 2022

    How close are we to civil war in America: According to a new poll, fully one-third of Americans believe it may be getting close to the time when they need to take up arms against the government. New data out from the Canadian province of Alberta shows a meteoric rise in the number of people dying of unknown causes, and many of them are younger people. And the World Economic Forum says the quiet part out loud. Klaus Schwab’s globalist organization has published a paper calling for the end of private ownership of all automobiles. The prime minister of New Zealand, another World Economic Forum puppet, is boldly telling her citizens that the one and only reliable source of news and information is the government. Nothing else can be trusted. And you might want to think twice before handing over your DNA to one of those genealogy tracing companies like 23andMe. We’ll tell you why.
  • Rigged? Michigan News Station Publishes Results of Primary One-Week Before Actual Primary: Worldview Report Transcript July 27, 2022

    Republicans in Michigan are in an uproar after a local news station published results for the August 2 Republican primary, one week before the primary was held. The EPA has quietly approved a new gene-editing technology for agricultural crops that instructs the plant’s DNA to create a synthetic insecticide, and nobody is saying anything about the potential impacts of these GMO crops on the humans who consume them. And you’d better check those ingredient labels and the cans and boxes at your local grocery store because the source of protein may not be beef or chicken or pork. It’s a little black bug and it’s all the rage among “woke” food companies. Also tonight, what would your local sheriff say if the FBI came in and wanted to audit his list of concealed carry permits? One Missouri sheriff is telling the federal law enforcement agency to go pound sand.
  • Tony Blair is Calling For Implementation of a Digital ID System that Would Track the Movement of Every Human: Worldview Report Transcript For July 26, 2022

    Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is now threatening journalists with detention if they so much as ask him an unscripted question. Meanwhile, Trudeau is getting ready to launch the same anti-farmer policies we’ve seen protests against in The Netherlands as globalists continue to put the squeeze on farmers and facilitate global famine. Globalist Tony Blair, remember him? Well, he’s come out with a new study calling for the implementation of a digital ID system that would be able to track the movement of every human being. Are Chinese companies buying up farmland near U.S. military bases spying on our military communications? We’ve got a new report tonight that indicates they are doing just that.
  • Sri Lanka Implements a Digital National Fuel Pass to Start Rationing Gasoline: Worldview Report Transcript For July 25, 2022

    The Dutch farmers’ fight to keep their land and keep producing food is gaining steam as other countries’ farmers and truckers continue to join the fight, and maybe none too soon as more countries jump on board the World Economic Forum’s radical climate agenda bent on destroying global food supplies. Another young, healthy athlete suddenly dies without explanation. We will tell you what we know. And the lines between Big Pharma and the government agency tasked with regulating that industry continue to get blurred. Is there really any line left? We have a report you won’t want to miss. Sri Lanka implements a digital National Fuel Pass to start rationing gasoline. Is this in America’s future?
  • Since Washington State Started Their Mail-in Ballot Schemes, NO REPUBLICAN Has Won Statewide Office: Worldview Report Transcript For July 22, 2022

    Democrats love surveillance technology, except for when it’s used against them to expose their election-rigging machine. In one very blue state, Republicans are gearing up to put hundreds of eyes on the unmanned ballot drop boxes in the November midterm elections. We’ll show you how foreign-born students at a Boston high school are being taught the basics of left-wing terrorism under the guise of “political activism.” More than 260,000 U.S. military personnel, most of them from the Army, have refused to abide by Joe Biden’s Covid vax mandate. Some experts are calling this a self-imposed recruitment disaster at a time when China and Russia are threatening aggression against the homeland. We’ll take a look at the emerging Trojan Horse.
  • The Russian Navy Has Activated its “Doomsday” Submarine: Worldview Report For July 21, 2022

    The Russian Navy has commissioned for duty its most advanced “doomsday” submarine capable of launching massive nuclear torpedoes, reports American Military News. The move comes after Russian political figures have made repeated threats of nuclear war to opponents of Russia’s war in Ukraine. The Russian state-owned TASS news agency reported Friday that shipbuilders had made the final delivery of the Project 09852 special-purpose submarine Belgorod to the Russian Navy. The Belgorod is a 508-foot-long modified version of the Soviet-designed Oscar-class submarine.
  • CDC Promoting Sexual Perversion to Children: Worldview Report July 19, 2022

    Stunning revelations tonight out of the CDC. The agency Congress established in 1946 to protect American families against the spread of malaria, has a new secret mission, steering the nation’s youth into deviant lifestyles. This is a report you won’t want to miss. Because if the CDC can coerce your children into sexual perversion and the occult, should we trust them to deliver sound advice on anything related to health?
  • Will The Bank Runs in China Come to the U.S.? Worldview Report July 18, 2022

    INTRO: Air Force holdouts who rejected the Biden administration’s forced vaccine regimen of continuous Covid shots won a key victory in court this week, and we’ll break it down for you.
    Joe Biden inks a deal with the state of Israel in which he pledges to protect them from any future attack from Iran’s nukes. The pact is being hailed in the U.S. and Israel as “peace and security” for the Jewish state. More bank runs in China, and now the brave Chinese people are rising up on another level, declaring a year of “jubilee” and refusing to pay their mortgages.
    And electric vehicle maker Tesla has sent out a warning to its customers in Texas: Don’t recharge your cars during hours of peak demand for electricity during the summer heat wave. And these were supposed to be the vehicles that saved the earth?
  • More Than 80% of Urine Samples in the U.S. Contain Roundup: Worldview Report Transcript For July 15, 2022

    Roundup, as many of you know, is a commonly used weedkiller linked to cancer, and traces of the chemical are now appearing in more than 80% of urine samples from kids and adults in the U.S., according to a new study. Alexis Temkin, toxicologist at the Environmental Working Group, said in a statement: “Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the country, yet until now we had very little data on exposure. Children in the U.S. are regularly exposed to this cancer-causing weedkiller through the food they eat virtually every day.”
  • Bide Regime Gives Top Security Clearance to Drag Queen: Worldview Report Transcript For July 14, 2022

    The National Pulse reports that a recent hire at Joe Biden’s Department of Energy has a past as a drag queen and political activist. The appointee, Sam Brinton, also boasts one of the highest salaries in the federal bureaucracy, according to documents obtained exclusively by The National Pulse. A Freedom of Information Act request filed by the news outlet reveals Sam Brinton’s taxpayer-funded salary of $178,063, places him among the top 1 percent of all federal salaries. Biden appointed Brinton to be the deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy. It’s an important job.
  • Wisconsin Supreme Court Vindicates President Trump On Voter Fraud: Worldview Transcript For July 12, 2022

    The Wisconsin Supreme Court issued a ruling on Friday that deems unmanned absentee ballot drop boxes illegal under Wisconsin election law. The high court said in the 4-3 decision: “An absentee ballot must be returned by mail or the voter must personally deliver it to the municipal clerk at the clerk’s office or a designated alternate site. The record evidence [the Wisconsin Elections Commission] cited does not support its argument that ballot drop boxes have been in common and longstanding use in this state.”
  • Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Robert Malone Suing Twitter: Worldview Transcript For July 8, 2022

    Dr. Robert Malone, an internationally renowned scientist and physician, and a co-inventor of the original mRNA technology, is suing Twitter for defamation. He is joined in the lawsuit by Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Bryan Tyson, alleging that Twitter silenced them for posting truthful information about COVID-19. The lawsuit also notes that Twitter refused to give them “verified” badges despite meeting the criteria outlined by Twitter, and that Twitter violated its own policies when it censored the doctors and eventually suspended their accounts.
  • The Netherlands is on Fire with Protests Against the Green New Deal: Worldview Report Transcript July 7, 2022

    The Netherlands is on fire with protests against the green new deal, climate-change politics coming out of the European Union in collaboration with the World Economic Forum. The protests started with farmers, who used their tractors to block highways, reminiscent of the Canadian truckers’ protest. Now, in solidarity with the farmers' protest against nitrogen emissions restrictions, fishermen joined the cause and blocked several ports, as you can see from this video.
  • 78 Doctors in the U.K. Warn Against Covid Shots For Children: Worldview Transcript For July 6, 2022

    Following the announcement that children aged six months to four years in the US can now be injected with the Covid vaccine, a group of 78 doctors in the U.K. have written an open letter to that nation’s medical regulatory agency, the Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, setting out comprehensive reasons why this action must not be taken in the U.K. The letter was published in its entirety by the Conservative Woman online publication.
  • The Biden Regime Wants $10 A Gallon Gas: Worldview Report Transcript For July 5, 2022

    Here's just one example of how the Biden administration has declared war on fossil fuels, which are cheaper and provide more reliable energy than either solar or wind. In news that broke this week, the Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to punish the nation’s largest oil field for violating ozone pollution standards, a move that will threaten the end of oil and gas production in the region. According to the Texas Governor’s Office, the proposed new regulations will directly affect the Permian Basin, the largest oil field in the United States, accounting for 95 million gallons of gasoline per day or 40 percent of the oil produced domestically. 
  • White House is Promoting a Website Advising Children How to Hide Their Abortions From Their Parents: Worldview Report Transcript July 1, 2022

    INTRO: Get ready, kids, you’re about to be hit with Covid vaccine propaganda from all angles, and that includes your favorite TV show. Elmo says he’s vaxxed and every kid in America should be too. The Biden administration releases a five-step plan to make sure no one wanting an abortion in America goes without one, and part of their plan also involves teaching minors how to hide their abortions from their parents. World War III tensions are rising as both Putin and Biden ramp up their war rhetoric, and Biden is sending squadrons of F-35 jets to Europe along with a permanent 5th Army headquarters to Poland.
  • Deadliest Case of Human Smuggling in U.S. History: Worldview Report Transcript For June 30, 2022

    We start off tonight with that horrifying story of human trafficking in Texas as people are still looking for answers on how and why this happened. The grizzly scene was discovered Monday evening on a highway in San Antonio. Fifty people were found dead inside an abandoned tractor-trailer on the side of a road in the sweltering Texas heat. They were the victims of an attempted migrant smuggling operation, according to authorities. At least 16 people, four of them children, were still alive when the trailer was discovered and were being treated Tuesday at local hospitals for dehydration and heatstroke.
  • U.S. Supreme Court Ruled 6-3 For A High School Football Coach Fired for Silently Praying on the Field After Games: Worldview Report Transcript For June 29, 2022

    In another landmark case on Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 in favor of a high school football coach who was fired for silently praying on the field after games. The High Court ruled that the Bremerton School District in Bremerton, Washington, violated the Constitution’s free speech and the free exercise clauses when it fired Coach Joe Kennedy for violating school-district policy against praying at football games. Coach Kennedy made a promise to God in 2008 that he would pray and give thanks after each game he coached, regardless of the outcome. Coach Kennedy would simply drop to one knee and pray for 15-30 seconds on the 50-yard line at the end of games to “offer a silent or quiet prayer of thanksgiving for player safety, sportsmanship, and spirited competition.”
  • Republicans Urge FBI To Declare Members of the Organization Jane’s Revenge Domestic Terrorists: Worldview Report Transcript For June 28, 2022

    According to LifeSite, the letter from 19 attorneys general calling for federal investigation into violent pro-abortion attacks came alongside a similar request by congressional Republicans, who this week urged the FBI to declare members of the organization Jane’s Revenge domestic terrorists. On Tuesday, representatives including Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma, Greg Steube of Florida, and Jeff Duncan of South Carolina wrote to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray expressing “grave concern” about “documented attacks on pregnancy centers across America” from Jane’s Revenge, LifeSiteNews reported.
  • Biden Regime is Moving to Shut Down 2 Nuclear Power Plants, 4 Hydroelectric Dams and 1 Oil Refinery: Worldview Report Transcript For June 27, 2022

    At a time when America is struggling to provide enough energy and is having to rely on the Islamic princes in Saudi Arabia and the communists in Venezuela, the Biden administration is moving to shut down two nuclear power plants, four hydroelectric dams and one oil refinery.
    The one refinery, Limetree Bay Refinery, is in the Virgin Islands. The nuclear facilities targeted are Turkey Point outside of Miami and Peach Bottom in Pennsylvania. And the four hydroelectric dams are the Klamath River dams in Southern Oregon and Northern California. The indications are that the Biden Administration is just getting started.
  • U.S. farmers Warn Record Prices for Diesel Fuel, Soaring Inflation and War in Ukraine Could Lead to Severe Food Shortages: Worldview Report Transcript For June 24, 2022

    U.S. farmers are warning that record-setting prices for diesel fuel coupled with soaring inflation and the ongoing war in Ukraine could lead to severe food shortages, the likes of which Americans have never seen in their lifetimes. John Boyd Jr., president of the National Black Farmers Association, said during an interview on NewsNation’s “On Balance” with Leland Vittert Monday that: “For so long, we’ve enjoyed lots of food in this country, so we’ve never ever faced a food shortage and I think that’s coming in the coming months.”
  • Emmanuel Macron Declares A Climate Lockdown in France: Transcript For Worldview Report June 23, 2022

    In a major first for globalist one-world order types, Emmanuel Macron, who is a shill for Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum, has declared a climate lockdown in France. According to a report by the RAIR Foundation, the French citizenry is no longer allowed to think and decide for themselves but need an all-powerful, all-knowledgeable state to tell them whether it’s safe to go outside. RAIR Foundation writes: “In France, WEF Young Global Leader Macron was recently confirmed as President in an allegedly fair and democratic vote. Undeterred, he continues with Klaus Schwab’s globalist agenda.”
  • So-Called Virtual Children Being Proposed As A Way to Depopulate the World: Worldview Report Transcript For June 22, 2022

    So-called virtual children are being proposed as a way to depopulate the world, according to a leading authority on artificial intelligence and a former advisor to the U.K. government. According to a report by Natalie Winters at the National Pulse, computer-generated babies that cost about $25 per month are likely to become a common phenomenon by the early-2070s argues Catriona Campbell, who advised the British government on the first drafting of its Usability & Accessibility standards. She claims up to one-in-five parents will opt for a digital baby.
  • New Evidence That Covid Vaccines Can Cause A Rare, Untreatable Brain Disorder: Worldview Report Transcript For June 21, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Starting off tonight, the Children’s Health Defense and its website, The Defender, are reporting that new studies suggest a link between an incurable and fatal prion disease known as Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) and COVID-19 vaccines. Researchers believe the prion region from the original Wuhan COVID-19 variant’s spike protein was incorporated into the mRNA vaccines given to hundreds of millions of humans — and that it can cause a new type of aggressive CJD brain disease.

    According to Mayo Clinic, CJD is a degenerative brain disorder that leads to dementia and, ultimately, death. There is no cure.
  • Joe Biden Admits He Is a Lawless Leader That Does Not Believe in the Constitutional Rule of Law: Worldview Report Transcript For June 20, 2022

    We lead off tonight with a story from the Post Millennial which reports that Joe Biden is considering using executive orders to declare a “public health emergency” if Roe v. Wade gets overturned by the Supreme Court. Biden is threatening, essentially, to ignore the ruling of the Supreme Court in order to keep abortions on the table. The article is based on sources quoted by the New York Times, which often quotes deep state sources in the government because it is part of that same apparatus.
  • Pro-Abortion Terrorists At Work and Biden Regime Does Nothing: Worldview Report Transcript For June 17, 2022

    The far left, militant pro-abortion group "Jane's Revenge" has claimed responsibility for a Molotov Cocktail attack against a pro-life organization in Madison, Wisconsin, and it has also vowed to continue more acts of violence, stating “we are literally fighting for our lives.” But as of yet, none of its leaders or those funding the group have been arrested by Joe Biden’s Department of Justice. A "first communique" was sent to far-left activist journalist Robert Evans last month, reports the Post Millennial. The statement reads: "This was only a warning. We demand the disbanding of all anti-choice establishments, fake clinics and violent anti-choice groups within the next 30 days."
  • Food Processing Center to Shut Down One Facility and Scale Back Another in Middle of Food Crisis: Worldview Report Transcript For June 15, 2022

    There’s been a lot in the news lately about our food supplies and none of it good. We’ve seen more than 25 food processing plants burned down so far this year. We’ve seen shortages of fertilizer and then trainloads of fertilizer being derailed while the biggest railroad company in the Midwest refuses to deliver fertilizer to farmers who needed it for spring planting. So this next story can be added to the list of bizarre food stories that all add up to less food being produced. Food processing giant Smithfield Foods announced last Friday it will shut down its Vernon, California, plant and scale back operations in California, Utah and Arizona.
  • In Georgia Voting Systems Machines in DeKalb County Shifted Thousands of Votes From One Candidate to Another. Worldview Report Transcript For June 13, 2022

    VoterGA released a report Thursday, June 9th, providing evidence that Secretary
    of State Brad Raffensperger received an additional 15 percent of votes added to his
    totals in Georgia’s Republican primary, enough to propel him to an easy victory
    over GOP challenger Jody Hice. VoterGA had discovered earlier this week that the Dominion Voting Systems machines in DeKalb County shifted thousands of votes from one candidate to
    another in the Democrat primary for county commission. Now they’ve got the
    goods on Raffensperger.
  • Biden Regime Proves it is Lawless and America is No Longer Under the Rule of Law: Worldview Report For June 9, 2022

    The lawless Biden regime does not follow the rule of law. When it received an unfavorable court order from a federal judge forbidding them from eliminating Title 42 at the border, what did they do? They simply ignored it. Title 42 is the court-reinforced order to keep illegal border crossers out of the U.S. to protect the American public during the pandemic. While the Biden regime is obsessive about implementing masks, forced vaccines, contact tracing and all of the other measures that came along with Covid, it curiously wants no part of applying any protective health measures to illegal aliens when they cross over the wide-open border. Monica Showalter has a fantastic article on this issue at American Thinker. Biden’s lawless regime is just letting them in, two million of them at least in just the last several months. It’s limitless and it’s relentless.
  • House Democrat Proposing 1,000 Percent Tax on AR-15s and Similar Rifles: Worldview Report For May 8, 2022

    A key House Democrat is proposing a new 1,000 percent tax on AR-15s and similar semi-automatic rifles as part of his party’s latest bid to crush the Second Amendment in the wake of recent mass-murder events in Buffalo, Uvalde, Chattanooga and Philadelphia. The tax may also be levied on the magazines that make these rifles run. Congressman Donald Beyer of Virginia told Business Insider that increasing the cost of the rifles ten-fold could act as a deterrent to mass shootings. The tax could raise the price of the rifles to anywhere from $5,000 to as much as $20,000 or more, depending on the make and model and how many magazines the gunowner has to match the rifle.
  • U.S. Millennials, Aged 25-44, Experienced a Record-Setting 84% Increase in Excess Mortality During the Final Four Months of 2021: Worldview Report Transcript For June 7, 2022

    Back in March, equity investment executive Ed Dowd told Steve Bannon’s War Room audience that U.S. millennials, aged 25-44, experienced a record-setting 84% increase in excess mortality during the final four months of 2021. These numbers were gleaned from funeral homes and life insurance companies. On Friday, June 3rd, Dowd gave an update after first-quarter numbers were released. Dowd said, “The overarching theme is excessive mortality remains elevated to the surprise of many executives…We have excess deaths running around 20% in the first quarter. We’ll see if that continues into Q2.” The corporate-owned mainstream media continues to ignore these disturbing numbers. The Gateway Pundit noted that Dowd pointed out another stunning statistic that is not making any headlines. The rise in the permanently disabled has soared during the COVID pandemic.
  • State of California Considering Paying Tens of Millions in Reparations For Slavery: Worldview Report Transcript For June 6, 2022

    Breitbart News reports that the State of California, which entered the Union in 1850 as a free state, has issued a 492-page interim report recommending the state pay tens of millions in reparations for slavery and for other acts of racial injustice, nationally and locally, over the last two centuries. The report, issued by the California Task Force to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African Americans, is the outcome of deliberations that were launched last June when Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 3121 into law. The nine-member panel deadlocked for months over the question of who should benefit from proposed reparations — whether all people of color, or only those who could prove that they were directly descended from slaves.
  • Pfizer Knew in May of 2021 That 35 Minors’ Hearts Had Been Damaged a Week After MRNA Injection: Worldview Report Transcript For June 3, 2022

    Dr. Naomi Wolf is out with a new article that names names and doesn’t pull punches about the real purpose behind the Covid jabs. In the article, she announces to the world that a genocide — or what she’s called a “baby die-off” — is now underway. Wolf’s team of research volunteers, a group of 3,000 doctors, RNs, biostatisticians, medical-fraud investigators, lab clinicians and research scientists, have been churning out reams of data analysis and reports to tell the world what is in the 55,000 internal Pfizer documents which the FDA wanted a court to keep hidden from Americans for 75 years. By court order, these documents were forced open and what’s inside is shocking. You can find all of the Volunteers’ reports on
  • Uvalde School District and the Uvalde Police Department Stop Cooperating with State of Texas’ Probe of Mass Shooting: Worldview Report Transcript For June 2, 2022

    We lead off tonight with breaking news out of Texas, where the Uvalde School District and the Uvalde Police Department have stopped cooperating with the State of Texas’ probe of the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School. As we’ve reported, the timeline presented by the local police is rife with questionable activity at key timeframes. Things just don’t add up.
    So it’s no surprise the school district and police would stop cooperating with investigators trying to get to the bottom of exactly how an 18-year-old with a history of mental illness and making violent threats was allowed to waltz right in through an unlocked door after spending nearly 15 minutes shooting at a funeral home across the street. Then police officers waited outside while the gunman spent 90 minutes inside the school murdering 19 children and two adults.
  • School to Punish Students For Not Using Correct Pronoun For Transgender or Gender-Expansive Students: Worldview Report Transcript For June 1, 2022

    The Federalist reports that parents rallied outside of Luther Jackson Middle School in Fairfax, Virginia, on Thursday in opposition to a proposed policy change that would increase penalties on fourth- through sixth-graders for “misgendering” or “deadnaming” people — for example, addressing a boy as “he” even though he calls himself a female, or calling “transgender or gender-expansive” people by a name other than their chosen name. The Fairfax County School Board was initially scheduled to consider this change to the Student Rights and Responsibilities guide at their meeting that evening, but they rescheduled discussion of the topic to June 16.
  • Biden Regime Orders Public Schools to Allow Boys in Girl's Bathrooms, Locker Rooms and Showers or Lose Federal Lunch Money: Worldview Report Transcript For May 31, 2022

    If your local school board members try to tell you that your schools aren’t participating in the radical leftist trans movement, don’t believe them. According to a report in The Federalist, all K-12 schools that receive federal dollars must allow boys into girls’ private bathrooms, showers and locker rooms. If they don’t, they won’t qualify for federal funds for school lunches, breakfasts, and snacks, the Biden administration announced this month. The new rules will even apply to private schools if they accept federal school lunch money. A U.S. Department of Education spokesman told The Federalist the Biden administration’s announcements from several agencies on this new policy will be followed by formal rulemaking in June.
  • A Large Group of Illegal-Alien Men Dressed in Military-Style Camouflage Caught Entering Texas From Mexico: Worldview Report Transcript For May 26, 2022

    A large group of illegal-alien men dressed in military-style camouflage were caught entering Texas from Mexico earlier this week, according to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin who posted a wild Texas DPS video of the migrants attempting to flee capture. Thirty-two men of military age were caught by Border Patrol agents and Texas Department of Public Safety officers in a recent joint effort. Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-TX), whose district includes Big Bend, says the cartels usually make those crossing there pass a five-day desert survival course before sending them over from Mexico. Still, not all make it. The body of a young woman migrant from Honduras who succumbed to the harsh environment was found during the operation.
  • The U.S. Congress Votes No Money For American Small Businesses But Votes Yes For $40 Billion to Corrupt Ukraine: Worldview Report Transcript For May 25, 2022

    The United States Senate on Thursday voted to kill a bill that would have provided $48 billion in aid to restaurants and other small businesses hit hard by the pandemic, according to The Hill. The Senate voted 52-43 to hold a vote on the bipartisan bill, eight votes shy of the required 60 votes to advance Senate Bill 4008 to the floor. Those who opposed the bill, which aimed to bring small business out of debt, cited inflation and the federal deficit. But that didn’t stop them from sending billions to Ukraine. On the very same day, the Senate voted overwhelmingly to provide $40 billion in aid to Ukraine, which was promptly signed by Joe Biden with a sense of urgency. Many of the senators who voted for the aid to Ukraine also voted against the aid to American small businesses, among them Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.   
  • Belgium Becomes First Nation to Impose Mandatory Monkeypox Quarantines: Worldview Report Transcript For May 24, 2022

    Belgium has become the first nation to impose mandatory Monkeypox quarantines on its citizenry. Belgium has required a mandatory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for those who test positive for the virus, after three cases were recorded in the country. The three infections were reportedly linked to a festival in the city of Antwerp, according to the Daily Mail, as Belgium is now one of 14 countries to confirm outbreaks of the viral disease. On Sunday, Joe Biden said the news about monkeypox is “something that everybody should be concerned about. It is a concern in that if it were to spread it would be consequential.” The U.S. has already purchased more than 100 million vaccine doses for Monkeypox.
  • Deaths Among Double Vaccinated 18-39-Year-Olds Average 91% Higher Than Deaths Among 100,000 among Unvaccinated 18-39-Year-Olds: Worldview Report For May 23, 2022

    Official figures published by the UK’s Office for National Statistics show that deaths per 100,000 among double vaccinated 18-39-year-olds were on average 91% higher than deaths per 100,000 among unvaccinated 18-39-year-olds between January 2021 and January 2022, reports the U.K.-based Daily Expose, which concludes:

    “This means it can no longer be denied that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly because even the official government published figures now prove it.” The Office for National Statistics is the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognized national statistical institute of the UK. It is responsible for collecting and publishing statistics related to the economy, population and society at national, regional and local levels.
  • Gas Stations Reprogramming Pumps to Include Double-Digit Numbers in the Price Per Gallon: Worldview Report Transcript May 20, 2022

    The Post Millennial reports that gas stations across the US are running out of fuel and in anticipation of an increase in gas prices, gas stations in the state of Washington are reportedly reprogramming pumps to include double-digit numbers in the price per gallon. Why? Because if the current trend continues, stations have to be prepared for prices to reach as high as $10 per gallon. A spokesman for the 76 Gas Station on Auburn Way in Auburn, Washington, told the Post Millennial that the gas pumps were recently reprogrammed to make room for double-digit pricing. Although not confirming that they are expecting prices to increase up to $10 or more, the current trend suggests that it’s not out of the question with supplies from the Strategic Oil Reserve being drained by the Biden administration at the same time it cancels drilling leases on public lands, closes off domestic pipelines and escalates the war in Ukraine.
  • The Buffalo Shooter Hated Christians and Conservatives: Worldview Report Transcript For May 19, 2022

    The corporate media are once again stoking division by pushing the false narrative that the 18-year-old arrested in the Buffalo, New York, mass shooting this weekend is a conservative Christian and an avid Fox News fan. Payton Gendron is actually a self-proclaimed atheist who denounced conservatism, Christianity and Fox News in his 180-page manifesto. On Saturday, the gunman killed 10 people and injured three others at a supermarket in a predominantly black neighborhood in Buffalo. Of the 13 people shot, 11 were black and two were white, ABC News reported on Sunday. In his racist and anti-Semitic manifesto, Gendron undercut the liberal media narrative that he’s a Christian conservative who was radicalized by Fox News. He rebuked conservativism and Christianity at least five times in his lengthy statement of personal beliefs, reports His Glory News.

    On page 7, the shooter expressly stated he is not Christian.
  • Texas Can Investigate Giving Transgender Surgeries and Drugs to Minors as “Child Abuse” : Worldview Report Transcript For 18, 2022

    Texas can investigate giving transgender surgeries and drugs to minors as “child abuse” according to a ruling Friday from the state’s highest court. LifeSite News reports that the Texas Supreme Court lifted a lower court’s statewide injunction preventing the Department of Family and Protective Services’ (DFPS) from investigating parents for “child abuse” if their kids take transgender drugs or have genital mutilation or other transgender surgeries. The court ruled that since neither Governor Greg Abbott nor Attorney General Ken Paxton could require DFPS to investigate the child abuse, plaintiffs could not argue that Gov. Abbott’s February order instructing DFPS to launch the investigations was an improperly created regulation. In Texas, the secretaries of departments are not bound to follow directives from the governor or attorney general.
  • A California Bill to Allow Children as Young as 12-Years-Old to be Vaccinated Without Parental Consent: Worldview Report For May 17, 2022

    A California bill to allow children as young as 12-years-old to be vaccinated without parental consent passed the state senate on Thursday. Senate Bill 866, according to the Gateway Pundit, would allow kids to get any vaccine without their parents’ knowledge, including the COVID-19 jabs that are still being given out under emergency use authorization, meaning they are experimental. Authored by Democrat State Senator Scott Wiener, the bill passed with a 21-7 vote. According to CBS News, “if it becomes law, California would allow the youngest age group of any state to be vaccinated without parental permission.”
  • Baby Formula For Illegal Immigrants But Not American Moms? Worldview Report Transcript For May 16, 2022

    As anyone with an infant baby knows, it’s getting harder and harder to find baby formula, leading most grocery stores to slap a limit of one or two cans per shopper. This is rationing. It’s here. In America. The reasons are likely many as to why we suddenly have a baby formula shortage in a First World country. But one reason that has not been discussed until now, and one you probably hadn’t thought of, can be traced to America’s border crisis. In short, the border has been wide open since Biden took office with an average of about 200,000 illegals crossing in per month. Many of them are pregnant women and women with infants.That number, 200,000, adds up quickly and is putting pressure on the manufacturers of baby formula to keep up with increased demand that they didn’t expect and didn’t account for.
  • Is China Practicing For An Invasion of Taiwan? Worldview Report For May 13, 2022

    American Military News reported that on Monday, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) announced its Eastern Theater Command organized maritime, aerial, conventional missile and other forces around Taiwan and carried out drills around the island from Friday to Sunday. China considers the independent, autonomous island of Taiwan as part of its territory and Chinese officials have repeatedly discussed reunification with the island. This, by Chinese definition, implies the use of military force against Taiwan. The Chinese state-run Global Times publication reported maritime, aerial, and conventional missiles and “other forces” participated in the provocative exercises around Taiwan. During the drills, American Military News reports that China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier deployed east of the island while a large number of Chinese aircraft and warships carried out drills to the island’s west.
  • Secret Royalties Payments to NIH Employees Including Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci? Worldview Report Transcript For May 12, 2022

    Approximately $350 million in secret royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to Open the Books, a nonprofit watchdog organization. Open the Books received the information in a response to its request under the Freedom of Information Act. Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski broke the story May 9 in a telephone news conference with reporters.
  • German Federal Interior Minister Advising Citizens to Stockpile Emergency Food in Preparation for Grid-Down Scenario: Worldview Report Transcript For May 11, 2022

    German Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is advising citizens to start stockpiling emergency food and other survival supplies in preparation for a possible grid-down scenario, according to a report by Natural News. Faeser told a German business daily news outlet: “Think, for example, of cyberattacks on critical infrastructure. If the power goes out for a longer period of time or daily life is restricted in some other way, then it definitely makes sense to have an emergency supply at home.” Civil protection is also a high priority, Faeser said, explaining that “the turning point is clearly showing us that we have a considerable need for improvement when it comes to civil protection.”
  • Will The WHO Use Pandemics to Usher in World Government? Worldview Report Transcript For May 10, 2022

    The World Health Organization will be voting on amendments to the International Health Regulations at the World Health Assembly May 22-28. If passed by a simple majority vote, the amendments, recommended by the Biden Administration, will significantly dilute the sovereignty of every one of the 195 WHO member nations. The package of amendments threatens mandatory pandemic responses to “public health emergencies of an international concern” because under the amendments the WHO director general can unilaterally declare a public health emergency, and it doesn’t have to necessarily be related to a pandemic.

  • The U.S. Has Given So Many Javelin Anti-tank Missiles to Ukraine That The Pentagon's Own Supplies Are Quickly Evaporating: Worldview Report Transcript For May 9, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The United States has delivered so many Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine that the Pentagon's own supplies of these critical defense weapons are quickly evaporating, Just the News reports, citing defense insiders.The U.S. has sent more than 5,000 Javelins to Ukraine, the Pentagon told Just the News, with analysts estimating that some 20,000-25,000 of the missiles remain in the Defense Department's inventory — an amount that may not be sufficient for potential U.S.-involved conflicts. And what if the U.S. homeland were to be attacked? That’s apparently not even being discussed. Mark Cancian, a security analyst for the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told Just the News that military planners may soon be getting nervous, if they aren’t already, at the rate these Javelins are flying off the shelf on their way to Ukraine.
  • Federal Sources Reveal Suspected and Known Terrorists Walk Freely in the United States: Worldview Report Transcript For May 5, 2022

    Project Veritas on Monday released a new video proving that federal sources revealed "suspected and known terrorists walk freely in the United States” following Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Veritas has the names and pictures of the Islamic terrorists walking free within American cities, including one who resides in the nation’s capital.
    Take a look at this disturbing video.
  • Governor of Vermont Signs Assisted Suicide Law That Allows Doctor-Assisted Killings Via Telemedicine: Worldview Report Transcript For May 4, 2022

    The Rino Republican governor of Vermont, Phil Scott, has signed an assisted suicide law that will allow doctor-assisted killings via telemedicine. The assisted suicide legislation, signed into law April 27, will allow physicians to remotely prescribe “medication to be self-administered for the purpose of hastening the patient’s death.” Patients can make requests “in the physician’s physical presence or by telemedicine, if the physician determines the use of telemedicine to be clinically appropriate, for medication to be self-administered for the purpose of hastening the patient’s death,” reports LifeSite News.
  • Growing Concern Food Crisis is About to Get Much Worse: Worldview Report Transcript For May 3, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. There is growing concern tonight that the food crisis is about to get much worse. Farmers worldwide are reducing their use of chemical fertilizers. In most cases this isn’t a choice, it’s a necessity. They either can’t afford to buy fertilizer or they can’t get their hands on enough of it even if they could afford it. Which means their crops may deliver significantly lower yields when harvest time arrives in the fall. The ramifications could be catastrophic. 
  • Drug Up and Keep Them Entertained with Video Games: Worldview Report Transcript For April 29, 2022

    In our Worldview Report commentary tonight, we take a look at the controversial ideas of a very influential man named Yuval Noah Harari. Harari is a learned professor of history at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, respected by globalist elites for his futuristic ideas on technology and transhumanism. What makes Harari more important than just your average cooky professor is that he is the chief adviser to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, which is arguably the most powerful non-governmental organization in the world right now. The WEF is also the originator of the idea that we need a global reset of the economic and social structures heading into what they call the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
  • Biden Regime Wants to Make it Mandatory For All Doctors in America to Perform Abortions: Worldview Report Transcript April 28, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. We have a ton of news to report tonight so let’s get right to it. If the Biden regime gets its way it will soon be mandatory for all doctors in America to perform abortions, regardless of their religious convictions, reports Ethan Huff at Natural News. A new mandate being put together by the Department of Health and Human Services as “an anti-sex discrimination provision within the Affordable Care Act” would force doctors to murder unborn children or risk losing their medical license. Plans for this mandate were discovered in a memorandum attached to a 74-page court filing from last November. Catholic News Service (CNS) reported that:

    “HHS has promised to revise its mandates on health plan coverage and performance to include surgical abortion, cross-sex hormones, gender-transition surgeries, gender-affirming cosmetic surgeries and voice modification – along with a host of expanded services dealing with fertility treatments, contraception, abortifacients and sterilizations.”
  • The Coming Social Credit Score Coming to America: Worldview Report Transcript For April 27, 2022

    Social credit scores as we’ve reported many times before are all about forcing compliance with the state-mandated, corporate-mandated narrative, whether it be about election integrity, vaccines, transgenderism, or any other issue. You must comply or you lose your ability to function in society. The Gateway Pundit provides the following example. “If social credit scores were in full effect in the United States and you were to donate money to a company like the National Rifle Association or buy stocks in oil – pretty much anything deemed far-right or environmentally damaging by the establishment – your score would take a hit. Too many hits and, you guessed it, there goes your purchasing power.” Under such a system, which is already in place in China, there is no such thing as individual rights or free speech. This is the system that the World Economic Forum wants to introduce into every Western nation, including the United States.
  • Globalists Have Decided The World Needs a Centralized Pandemic Response Controlled By The World Health Organization: Worldview Report Transcript April 26, 2022

    The globalists have decided that the world needs a centralized pandemic response controlled by them and run by the World Health Organization (WHO). According to the WHO’s website, on March 30th they claimed an “International Pandemic Treaty” is needed and that “25 heads of government and international leaders” had come together in a joint call to form the treaty.
    But, in an even more urgent issue that almost no one is paying attention to, the WHO will be hosting its annual meeting, the 75th World Health Assembly, May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by delegates from 194 nations. It is during this meeting that members will be voting on amendments, proposed by the Biden administration, that will hand over additional sovereignty, control and legal authority to the World Health Organization when it comes to pandemics. The WHO, if these amendments are approved, will obtain the authority to declare an international health emergency, overriding national objections.
  • Joe Biden’s Woke Military: Worldview Report Transcript For April 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report, I'm Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with a program, unbelievable really, that’s been implemented within Joe Biden’s woke military. According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, the U.S. Air Force is instructing its commanders to create a “safe space” in which recruits can partake in "healthy conversation" and "share perspectives" as part of what leaders are calling a "cultural shift" in the service.
  • People Around The World Are Having Chips Implanted In Their Hand to Replace Cash and Credit Cards: Worldview Report Transcript For April 22, 2022

    As we reported about a week ago, a tech company is rolling out a microchip that can be implanted in people’s hands with the goal of making contactless payments – no credit or debit card or even a cellphone is needed. Now we have a few more details and a video to share. London-based Walletmor said the chip will work with the digital wallet app called Purewrist app. After downloading the app, users will go to a specialist to have a chip installed in their hands that would act in conjunction with the app and businesses that use the app, reports Fox 2 in Detroit.
  • Many People Will Suffer Permanent Lung Damage From Two Years of Mask Wearing: Worldview Report Transcript For April 21, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. As we reported last night, a federal judge has finally struck down the CDC’s illegal mask mandates for airplanes, trains and subways, ruling that the federal agency had no legal authority under the U.S. Constitution to mandate anything. But according to a new health study out of the U.K., the damage may already be done. Many people will suffer permanent lung damage from two years of mask wearing. LifeSite News, citing that study, reports that the health implications of tiny plastic fragments invading lungs are unknown, but it's a growing health concern, especially for children.
  • Will the Real Elon Musk Please Stand Up: Worldview Report Transcript April 20, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. A federal judge on Monday struck down the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's face-mask mandate for airplanes and other modes of public transit. Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a Trump-appointed judge, wrote in her decision that the CDC exceeded its statutory authority with the order. “Our system does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends,” she wrote, acknowledging that the CDC imposed the mandate ostensibly to prevent the spread of Covid.
  • North Korea Tested a New Tactical Guided Weapon: Worldview Report Transcript April 19, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Christine Anderson, Germany’s firebrand conservative member of parliament, is sounding alarm bells over a proposed World Health Organization treaty that would supersede the constitutions and parliamentary actions of national governments. The WHO could declare a global pandemic and then after declaring it, the WHO’s dictates on how to respond to the pandemic would become a defacto world government, Anderson is warning.
  • Why Does the FBI Set up American Citizens and Frame Them in Criminal Plots? Worldview Report Transcript April 18, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse and I’m glad you could join us. Starting us off tonight: Why does the FBI set up American citizens and frame them in criminal plots? Two of the most flagrant and recent examples were the Michigan plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer right before the 2020 presidential election, followed shortly afterward by the infiltration of the January 6 protest. Filmmaker Dinesh De Souza says he knows why and explains himself in this recent video. Some of it obviously has to do with money and keeping their budgets perpetually increasing, but there’s also an ideological motive. You don’t see them setting up progressive radical Marxists.
  • A Mexico Government Official is Predicting Possibility of Total Chaos at the U.S. Border: Worldview Report Transcript April 15, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. Video clips posted on social media this week showed shocking footage compiled by the voter integrity organization True the Vote, with evidence of widespread ballot trafficking in the 2020 presidential election. After watching the videos, President Donald Trump issued the following statement on April 12:
  • Democrats Vote Unanimously to Allow the Federal Government to Track and Persecute Unvaccinated Americans: Worldview Report Transcript For April 14, 2022

    All Democrats in the House Judiciary Committee voted against an amendment that would have prevented the government from tracking the unvaccinated. The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 gives federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, DOJ, and DHS the authority to “analyze and monitor” activities of domestic terrorism and “take steps to prevent domestic terrorism.” As we have previously reported here at the Worldview Report, the Biden administration’s definition of domestic terrorism includes Americans who spread “mis, dis or mal information” and conspiracy theories online. In February, the DHS released a memo that identifies as potential terrorists those who claim the 2020’s presidential race was impacted by election fraud and those who spread “misinformation” about COVID-19.
  • Lt. Governor of Texas Warns That By End of Biden Administration 30 Million Illegal Aliens Will Be Living in America: Worldview Report Transcript For April 13, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Tonight, we have stunning new numbers to bring you in the crisis at America’s southern border, where migrants continue to enter the country illegally with no end in sight. Dan Patrick, the attorney general of Texas, said that by the end of the Biden administration in January 2025, an astonishing 30 million illegal aliens will be living in America. That will encompass 20 percent of everyone living in the United States of America.
  • National Shortage of Baby Formula Brought on by Supply-Chain Disruptions: Worldview Report Transcript For April 12, 2022

    A national shortage of baby formula brought on by supply-chain disruptions has forced U.S. retailers such as Walgreens to ration the product. According to a report in the Daily Mail, Walgreens – the second-largest pharmacy store chain in the United States behind CVS – said Friday that amid the supply-chain crunch, it is limiting customers to three infant and toddler formula product purchases at a time. This is occurring at all of Walgreens’ 9,021 U.S. store locations. 
  • Experts Warn: California Bill Would Legalize the Killing of Babies Up to Six Days After Birth: Worldview Report Transcript For April 11, 2022

    Harbinger’s Daily reports that the California Judiciary Committee passed a bill on Tuesday that pro-life agencies and legal analysts warn will legalize the killing of babies up to six days after birth. Yes, we are talking about infanticide. The bill, A.B. 2223, was passed in a 6-3 vote along party lines and will now move to the California Assembly Health Committee to be heard on April 19th.
  • Federal Judge Finds J6 Defendant Not Guilty Because Police Opened The Capitol Doors and Let Him In: Worldview Report Transcript For April 8, 2022

    One of the most persuasive arguments in favor of the political prisoners arrested after the mostly peaceful January 6, 2021, protest is that “tons of video evidence shows law enforcement officers ushering in the protesters. If these people were breaking the law, doesn’t that mean the police were breaking it with them by pulling down the barricades, opening the doors, and ushering them in? Are we not supposed to listen to the instructions of law enforcement?” This premise, Rucker reports, was tested with amazing results for January 6 defendant Matthew Martin.
  • America's Border Will Completely Collapse if Title 42 is Lifted: Worldview Report For April 7, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse.
    We lead off tonight with breaking news on the border, where we have a report from Todd Bensman, who has just come out with an investigative book, “America’s Covert Border War,” which is all about the human trafficking cartels, MS13, drug cartels and Islamic terrorists that are coming over the border. Terrorists from Iran and other countries in the Middle East start from Venezuela and get trafficked to the U.S.-Mexico border.
  • Will Massive Inflation and Food Riots Come to America?: Worldview Report Transcript For April 6, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m your host, Brannon Howse. Starting off tonight: One of America’s Frontline Doctors is warning pregnant women that the rollout of the COVID gene-therapy injections has coincided with a nearly 2,000 percent increase in fetal deaths, as compared to the rate of previous vaccines. In a “Frontline Flash” segment entitled Huge Preborn Death Spike released on Monday, Dr. Peterson Pierre presented statistics showing that the rate of fetal death per vaccine administered in the U.S. has increased dramatically since the COVID injections were made available and the CDC started encouraging pregnant women to get them.
  • China is Taking Over the Pacific: Worldview Report Transcript For April 5, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The latest issue of the Reese Report by Greg Reese provides an expose on the military’s mass Covid injection program, leaving one to conclude that it’s a deliberate attempt to weaken the U.S. Armed Forces at a time when war is breaking out in Eastern Europe and U.S. politicians appear to want to escalate that war into a regional or global conflict. The latest data, Reese reports, shows the all-cause death rate among active military men and women having increased 1,100 percent in 2021 over the previous year.
  • Sean Hannity is Now Putting His Credibility on the Line in Support of the Transgender Lifestyle: Worldview Report Transcript For April 4, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We have breaking news tonight about our nation’s border. As many of you know, there have been record numbers of illegals flowing through that border since Biden took office. Some estimates have the numbers as high as 200,000 per month. And now it’s about to get a lot worse, if you can imagine that being possible, because the White House has quietly and unilaterally changed the laws under which people are allowed to be apprehended at the border.
  • Programmable, Digital Dollar is Coming to Control Your Life and Steal Your Privacy: Worldview Report Transcript For April 1, 2022

    We realize Pippa Malmgren is not a household name for many of you. So who is she? Pippa Malmgren is a globalist and an elitist. Her father was an adviser to Richard Nixon and she boasts on her website of having advised presidents and prime ministers around the world. One of her favorite topics over the last two years has been “The Upside of COVID.” This new money system Malmgren talks about with such enthusiasm will not only be digital, it will be centralized and it will be programmable. Do not confuse it with Bitcoin or other crypto currencies. The only thing it will share in common with other crypto is that it will be based on blockchain technology. What do we mean by “programmable” money?
  • The Danger of a Traceable and Programmable Digital Dollar: Worldview Report Transcript For March 30, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. We lead off tonight with a new study showing that heart abnormalities were detected in some adolescents months after COVID-19 vaccination, and the FDA approved the injections anyway. The Epoch Times reports that researchers at Seattle Children’s Hospital reviewed the cases of patients under age 18 who went to the hospital with chest pain and elevated serum troponin levels, two key markers of heart inflammation, within a week of getting a second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
  • North Korea is Preparing for its First Nuclear Bomb Test in Nearly Five Years: Worldview Report Transcript For March 29, 2022

    North Korea is preparing for its first nuclear bomb test in nearly five years, government sources in South Korea have told local media. Kim Jong Un’s regime appears to be hastily constructing a ‘shortcut’ to a tunnel at its nuclear test site in Punggye-ri in preparations for a seventh underground nuclear detonation, South Korean news agency Yonhap reported on Sunday. 
  • Ukraine is The First Country to Implement the WEF’s Great Reset By Combining Universal Basic Income, Digital I.D., and Vaccine Passport in One App: Worldview Report Transcript For March 25, 2022

    With little fanfare, Ukraine became the first country to implement the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset by setting up a social-credit application combining Universal Basic Income, a Digital Identity and a Vaccine Passport all within one app on citizens’ cellphones, reports the Australian National Review. This is part of an agenda that has been pushed by the United Nations and World Economic Forum since well before the onset of Covid.
  • Biden Says America is Facing A Cyberattack From Russia and a New World Order is Coming: Worldview Report Transcript For March 24, 2022

    Biden on Monday addressed the Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting to discuss the United States’ response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Biden mumbled through remarks and casually said that Russia is planning a “cyberattack” against the United States. “The magnitude of Russia’s cyber capacity is fairly consequential and it’s coming,” he continued. Then Biden blurted out Klaus Schwab’s plan. “There’s going to be a new world order out there and we have to lead it,” Biden said disclosing information he received from a top military official in a “secure meeting.”
  • “ATF,” Has Been Directed by the Biden Administration to Target Licensed Firearm Dealers by Revoking Their Licenses:Worldview Report Transcript March 21, 2022

    The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, also known as the “ATF,” has been directed by the Biden administration to target licensed firearm dealers by revoking their licenses for even minor paperwork violations. Ammo Land News reports that on June 23, 2021, the “Biden-Harris Administration” quietly enacted a new policy of “zero tolerance for rogue gun dealers that willfully violate the law.”
  • USA Today's Woman of the Year is a MAN: Worldview Report Transcript For March 18, 2022

    Candace Owens slammed USA Today's decision to include President Biden's transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine among its nominees for 2022 Women of the Year.  The inclusion on the list of Dr. Levine, 64, who is the nation's first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the Senate, sparked a beatdown from Owens, who appeared recently on Tucker Carlson Tonight. 'What’s a woman? I'm confused,” she told Carlson, adding:
  • Putin’s Oil for Gold Payment Method And Their Massive Gold Reserves: Worldview Transcript For March 11, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. The world is heading for a “catastrophic” global food crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine, which will cause “hell on earth” for food prices, according to experts. “Half the world’s population gets food as a result of fertilizers… and if that’s removed from the field for some crops, the yield will drop by 50 percent,” Svein Tore Holsether, head of agri company Yara International, told the BBC.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 28, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the broadcast. President Donald Trump has weighed in on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and he didn’t pull any punches. Trump, in an interview Thursday, made a bold claim, stating that “China’s going to be next” in attacking Taiwan. And it’s all because of the weak leadership of the current occupant of the White House, he said.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse.
    We lead off tonight with a look at the crisis at our nation’s border. The newly released numbers are quite stunning. The Del Rio Sector of the Texas border has experienced a nearly 75 percent increase in unaccompanied minors attempting to enter the U.S. illegally under the Biden White House, according to a report by the National Pulse.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 24, 2022

    In some of the most shocking scenes to come out of Ottawa over the weekend was the video of Royal Canadian Mounted Police on horseback trampling an elderly woman using a walker.
    Several RCMP officers can be seen ramming their horses into the crowd of protesters as they clear a path for other officers and refused to stop when it was obvious that the protesters didn’t see them coming.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 22, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report broadcast. Massive protests broke out across Canada on Saturday following Ottawa’s brutal crackdown on Freedom Convoy demonstrators. Thousands of Canadians took to the streets in Calgary, Toronto, Quebec and dozens of smaller municipalities immediately following the crackdown, with some demonstrations continuing through Sunday.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 18, 2022

    Good evening, everyone and welcome to our newscast. Annual shots for annual profits.
    That’s the bombshell that came out of the latest video dropped by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. O’Keefe interviewed Christopher Cole, a top officer within the FDA regulatory apparatus. In the interview, Cole told O’Keefe point blank that “there’s no way they’re going to not approve it” – meaning vaccines for babies and toddlers.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 18, 2022

    Good evening, everyone and welcome to our newscast. Annual shots for annual profits.
    That’s the bombshell that came out of the latest video dropped by Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. O’Keefe interviewed Christopher Cole, a top officer within the FDA regulatory apparatus. In the interview, Cole told O’Keefe point blank that “there’s no way they’re going to not approve it” – meaning vaccines for babies and toddlers.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 16, 2022

    Good evening. The premiere of Ontario, Canada, Doug Ford, has announced an end to vaccine passports, effective March 1, but in the same breath he threatened “serious consequences” for truck drivers who have been pushing him to drop the mandates. Ford said the province’s mask mandates will stay in place. You can listen to him lie his way out of the tight spot in which he finds himself during a weekend press conference, where he makes it sound like he was moving toward lifting the mandates before the truckers started their protest. Yeah, right.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 11, 2022

    The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted 4-0 on Tuesday to allow civilian administrators to fire up to 4,000 members of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department who have declined the experimental COVID injections. Breitbart reports that the vote came over the objections of L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva, who has declined to enforce vaccine mandates among his officers, just as he has declined to enforce coronavirus mandates on local businesses throughout the pandemic.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 8, 2022

    Good evening. As most of you know by now, on Friday GoFundMe defunded and literally tried to steal the $10 million that had been raised on its platform for the ongoing Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy that is protesting vaccine mandates in Canada and across the world. Hours after the digital robbery, the Ottawa Police Department (OPD) tweeted out a statement that thanked the GoFundMe for caving to the city’s demands to withhold funding from the protesters.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 3, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to our newscast. The Canadian truckers' Convoy for Freedom continues to draw both the admiration and the condemnation of those across the world, depending on which side of the issue you are on. Do you believe that the government and private industry have the right to be intimately involved in your healthcare decisions, to the point of mandating a specific treatment that is still in the experimental stages?
  • Worldview Report Transcript For February 2, 2022

    Despite the mainstream media's news blackout on the Canadian Truckers' Freedom Convoy that has brought an estimated 100,000 truckers and other freedom advocates to Ottawa, the capital of Canada, most of you tuning in to this broadcast tonight are familiar with the significance of that massive protest against vaccine mandates.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 27, 2022

    We start off tonight with some alarming updates on the teetering U.S. supply chain. Omicron outbreaks have exacerbated shipping congestion across the globe, with major Chinese and U.S. ports affected. Experts forecast that supply chain bottlenecks will continue into at least the second half of this year, reports the Epoch Times.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 27, 2022

    We start off tonight with some alarming updates on the teetering U.S. supply chain. Omicron outbreaks have exacerbated shipping congestion across the globe, with major Chinese and U.S. ports affected. Experts forecast that supply chain bottlenecks will continue into at least the second half of this year, reports the Epoch Times.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 26, 2022

    The U.S. State Department has quietly sent special operations teams into Ukraine to help with a potential diplomatic evacuation, sources told Just the News. The teams arrived last week, shortly before U.S. Embassy families were ordered to begin evacuating Ukraine, said the sources, who were cited by Just the News as having direct knowledge of the events.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 24, 2022

    Starting us off tonight, the Internal Revenue Service has hired a private contractor to scoop up personal biometric data on millions of Americans. The IRS has partnered with a Virginia-based private tech firm that specializes in ID-verification, using biometrics to do so, including facial recognition selfies, fingerprints, and many other things. This data is then used to create or access online accounts with the state agencies and, more recently, the IRS.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 20, 2022

    In our lead story tonight: Is chaos looming for the airline industry and the Americans who depend on air travel? As telecommunication giants Verizon and AT&T prepared to roll out their new 5G wireless service on January 19, major U.S. airlines warned that the launch could result in "catastrophic" disruption to the aviation industry.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 18, 2022

    A Wisconsin county judge on Thursday ruled absentee ballot drop boxes used in the 2020 presidential election are unlawful in Wisconsin. Waukesha County Judge Michael Bohren ordered the Wisconsin Elections Commission to rescind its guidelines on how election officials utilize widespread drop boxes, according to Truth Press. The ruling will likely be appealed.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 17, 2022

    The United States Supreme Court, in a 6-3 decision, voted to block the Biden administration's vaccine mandate for private businesses employing 100 or more workers, but the Court allowed a vaccine mandate for most healthcare workers to stand.
    The decision also does not address the mandate for federal contractors.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 14, 2022

    We have big news out of Europe tonight. Regulators at the European Union's equivalent to the FDA issued a stark warning this week that the COVID booster shots could end up damaging the human immune system. Marco Cavaleri, the head of vaccine strategy for the European Medicines Agency or EMA, told a media briefing, “There is an emergency discussion around the possibility of giving a second booster dose with the same vaccine currently in use. Data has not yet been generated to support this approach.”
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 12, 2022

    Bob Saget, the beloved comedian and TV dad was found dead in a Florida hotel room Sunday, January 9, about five weeks after he was injected with a Covid booster. He was 65 years old. The Orange County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office tweeted that Saget was found dead in his room at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grand Lakes Hotel. There were no signs of foul play or drug use, according to the Sheriff’s Office. But there are plenty of signs as to the cause of Saget’s death.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 6, 2022

    The Biden White House released a disturbing propaganda video this week pushing the COVID vaccine for children. Children under the age of 18, if they catch Covid, have a 99.998 percent chance of recovery. The approximately 600 children in the U.S. who the government has claimed died of Covid all had serious underlying health issues. They died with Covid, not of Covid. And the CDC admits 61 percent of the children hospitalized thus far with Covid have been obese.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For December 7, 2021

    Could it be possible that the experimental mRNA vaccines being injected into millions of Americans are actually a method of tagging and tracking each person who receives them? In our lead story tonight, a doctor and researcher believes she may have found the smoking gun that proves that's exactly what's going on.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For December 9, 2021

    Tonight, in our lead story, we ask the question: Is the U.S. healthcare system on the verge of collapse? Even before the onset of Covid and the firing of qualified, hard-working nurses who refused the jab, many hospitals and clinics were experiencing a critical shortage of nursing staff. Doctors were also in short supply in many rural areas.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For December 22, 2021

    Are Covid Concentration camps coming to America? We have already reported previously on Australia's Covid isolation camps and how some people who have spent time in those camps say they are run exactly like a prison system. They testified of how you don't have to be sick to be forcibly removed from your home and sent to one of these camps.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For December 24, 2021

    Good evening. Earlier this month Reuters produced a report which didn’t receive much attention. The content of that report should have been a red flag for anyone concerned with the outbreak of yet more ‘global catastrophes’. And then there's the issue of timing. Just as nations are experiencing massive disruptions in global supply chains, supposedly caused by the pandemic, ten nations and several powerful banking institutions decided to convene and conduct a dry-run exercise for a global economic collapse caused by what?
  • Worldview Report Transcript For December 29, 2021 Second Report of the Day

    We lead off tonight with massive protests breaking out in Israel on Christmas Day in front of the residence of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

    The protests are against Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates. Protesters blocked roads and demanded an end especially to child vaccine mandates. Some protesters reported being whipped by police and hit by water cannons. Police reportedly arrested 13 people on charges ranging from disturbing the peace to possession of knives and one set of brass knuckles as Israeli citizens say they have had enough of Covid tyranny. Let's take a look at a report from WION.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 4, 2022

    We have breaking news tonight out of Canada.

    Pastor Artur Pawlowski was pulled over by multiple police vehicles on New Year's Day in Alberta, Canada. The cops handcuffed, arrested and forcibly tossed him into an SUV to be hauled away to jail. They said he was in "breech" of some sort of rule or edict but refused to say how he had violated any law. It was all caught on video by his son, Nathaniel.
  • Worldview Report Transcript For January 5, 2022

    Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA technology upon which the Covid injections are based, sat for a three-hour bombshell interview with Joe Rogan and his insights did not disappoint. He provided an impassioned indictment of the U.S. government, saying they are  "lawless" and "completely out of control."

    "They completely disregard bio-ethics. They’ve broken all the rules that I know of, that I’ve been trained on for years and years...." Banner