
  • The Current Political Landscape | July 24, 2024

    Robert Knight is a former Los Angeles Times news editor and columnist for the Washington Times as well as other publications. Robert has had senior positions in a number of pro-family organizations. He’s also written several books including, The Coming Communist Wave: What Happens if the Left Captures All Three Branches of Government, Liberty on the Brink and Crooked: What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud.
  • Without Excuse: Compelling Evidence for Creation | July 23, 2024

    There is a growing skepticism toward God in American culture today. Some foolishly deny that God exists. Others say they do not know if God exists, while others merely hope that God exists. God wants us to know that he does exist and that his word, the Bible, is his timeless and unchangeable revelation to mankind.
  • RNC Convention Coverage – Day 4 July 18, 2024

    Heidi Engelhart is a delegate from South Dakota.

    Grover Norquist is the President of Americans for Tax Reform, a taxpayer advocacy group founded in 1985 at the request of President Reagan. They work to limit the size and cost of government and oppose higher taxes on all levels. Grover also serves on the board of the Parental Rights Organization and is a past board member of the NRA.

  • Standing with Israel | July 11, 2024

    This past Sunday was the 9 month mark since Israel was attacked by Hamas. This is obviously much longer than the 6 day war of 1967 and even more tragic than America’s 9-11 attack. Nonetheless, Israel continues in its efforts to defeat Hamas while attempts to establish a cease-fire have failed.
  • Home Schooling Attacked | July 10, 2024

    Will Estrada is Senior Counsel with Home School Legal Defense Association. Will began working for HSLDA as a legal assistant in 2004. In 2006 he graduated from the Oak Brook College of Law and Government Policy and then directed HSLDA’s Federal Relations Department. He then gained experience at the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services from 2018-2021 and resigned to become the first full-time President of Parental and the Parental Rights Foundation. In June 2023 he returned to HSLDA serving as a senior counsel and contact attorney serving homeschool clients in multiple states. He’s a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar First Circuit Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, California and District of Columbia. Will himself is a homeschool graduate.
  • The End of the World According to Jesus | July 8, 2024

    Jeff Kinley is a former pastor and best-selling author of over 40 books. He’s a recognized expert in the field of Bible prophecy with over a dozen books on the subject. He has a passion for sharing biblical truth and speaks across the country equipping churches and Christians to discern the times and to live with confidence. Some of his books include, Wake the Bride, Aftershocks, As It Was in the Days of Noah, God’s Grand Finale: Wrath, Grace, and Glory in Earth’s Last Days, and his latest release, The End of the World According to Jesus of Nazareth.

  • News Roundup & Comment | June 27, 2024

    Here’s a sample of what the news cycle had to offer as Jim presented this edition of the News Round-Up:
    –CNN has crafted the worst possible week leading up to what they would call the most watched program on CNN in years, and it didn’t exactly have a stellar reception at the initial announcement. CNN’s choice for its first two moderators (Jake Tapper and Dana Bash) have consistently expressed open disdain for former President Trump.
  • Draft Our Daughters? June 26, 2024

    Elaine Donnelly is president of the Center for Military Readiness, an independent, nonpartisan public policy organization that reports on and analyzes military/social issues. Since its founding in 1993, CMR has advocated for high, uncompromised standards in all forms of military training and sound priorities in the making of military/social policies. Elaine has published articles on military personnel issues in numerous newspapers and magazines nationwide.
  • World Affairs Overview | June 25, 2024

    The world is definitely in turmoil. Russia, North Korea, Iran and China are a handful of nations that aren’t just problematic, they’re forming alliances that should be a wake-up call to this world. On the other hand, in some nations, people are rising up and signaling that they no longer want to go in a certain direction any longer.

  • Biden Amnesty Infuriates Border Security | June 20, 2024

    Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues serving as the executive director of Center for Immigration Studies. They are an independent, non-partisan research organization examining and critiquing the impact of immigration on the United States. He has testified numerous times before Congress and has published articles in many outlets.
  • Biden Amnesty Infuriates Border Security | June 20, 2024

    Mark Krikorian is a nationally recognized expert on immigration issues serving as the executive director of Center for Immigration Studies. They are an independent, non-partisan research organization examining and critiquing the impact of immigration on the United States. He has testified numerous times before Congress and has published articles in many outlets.
  • 2nd Amendment Victories & Challenges | June 18, 2024

    Stephen Willeford represents Gun Owners of America. He’s known around the country as the “good guy with the gun” for helping stop the largest mass shooting in the history of Texas in Sutherland Springs back on November 5th of 2017. He described the account in significant detail to begin this edition of Crosstalk.
  • Shameful Pride | June 17, 2024

    This broadcast took a look at the barrage of LGBTQ efforts and the effect it’s having on society. Joining Jim in this effort was Peter LaBarbera. Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth. He’s a former reporter for the Washington Times and and a former contributing editor for Human Events.
  • COVID shots, Avian Flu shots, and the Lust for Control | June 12, 2024

    Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation. Since February 2020, she’s been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home. With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life. She is a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed special training at Johns Hopkins. She spoke on this broadcast as an independent physician, not as a spokesperson for any healthcare system, pharmaceutical company, insurance plans or political party. She is a patient advocate.
  • Islam’s Advance | June 11, 2024

    Just over 14 years ago, Usama Dakdok made his first appearance on Crosstalk. At that time he warned listeners about the goal of Islam and the caliphate whereby the lands and the people would be under the domain of Islam. He warned that this would take place in Europe. The result? In our day we are literally watching the transformation of Great Britain, France, Germany and the European Union.
  • Homosexuality: What Does the Bible Say? June 3, 2024

    With each passing year, advocates of the LGBTQ+ agenda are more vocal and more aggressive in advancing their cause while denouncing those who object. As has been his custom, President Biden issued a proclamation on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Pride Month. His proclamation stated, “Advancing equality for the LGBTQI+ community is a top priority.”
  • Reaching Children with the Gospel | May 30, 2024

    According to the World Population Review, there are approximately 2 billion children in the world ranging in age from 0-14. That’s one-quarter of the world’s population. Sadly, children today are in the cross-hairs of efforts like the trans agenda and their admitted grooming and indoctrination. They’re also being affected by broadcast and streaming TV, corporate America, social media, the educational system and other efforts.
  • Defending Children from the Trans Agenda | May 29, 2024

    Children today are being bombarded by the trans agenda. Some may use terms such as “indoctrination” or “grooming” to describe it and that’s exactly what’s taking place as an audio clip played by Jim proves. This grooming/indoctrination is happening in multiple ways and the guest on this broadcast describes these influences.
  • News Roundup & Comment | May 17, 2024

    Here’s a sample of story headlines from the first quarter hour of the broadcast:
    –In a repudiation of President Biden, the Israeli Security Assistance Support Act passed in the House on Thursday with bipartisan support.
    –The U.S. State Department has moved a one billion dollar package of weapons aid for Israel into the congressional review process.
    –The floating pier that will allow humanitarian aid to flow into Gaza from the sea has now been anchored to a beach according to U.S. Central Command.
  • Harsh Sentences Unleashed on Pro-Lifers | May 16, 2024

    This broadcast highlights the sentencing of pro-lifers as a result of allegedly violating the FACE (Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances) Act. For example:Joan Andrews Bell, sentenced to 27 months in jail, community service and a $125 fine.
    Lauren Handy, sentenced to 4 years in prison, 3 years supervision and a $125 fine.
    John Hinshaw, sentenced to one year and a $125 fine.
    Will Goodman, sentenced to 18 months and a $125 fine.
  • Israeli War & Independence Day | May 13, 2024

    Last week, Israel marked their Holocaust Remembrance Day, a time when they remember 6 million Jews that were killed by the Nazi regime. From that we fast-forward to October 7th, 2023, when Hamas, the terrorist group, unleashed a very brutal and barbaric attack against Israel.
  • News Roundup & Comment | May 10, 2024

    Jim was back at the helm presenting stories from the news desk. Here’s a brief sample:
    –Robert Kennedy Jr. has confirmed that he supports abortion right up to birth.
    –The mayor of Tel Aviv has canceled their pride parade.
    –A West Virginia judge granted a preliminary injunction allowing several middle school girls to compete after the school district banned them from competition after refusing to play against a biological male.
  • Mother’s Day Tribute 2024 | May 9, 2024

    Today we set aside the many issues going on in our world in order to pay tribute to Moms.
    This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day, which has been around for over 100 years. Though there were some varied celebrations of Mother’s Day prior to this, the first official recognition of the holiday was in West Virginia in the early 1900’s. Grafton, WV is viewed as being the birth place of Mother’s Day.
  • 50 in 5: Digital Public Infrastructure | May 8, 2024

    Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is senior editor for The New American. He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and author of, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. He is Founder of Liberty Sentinel.
  • The Targeting of Pre-Born Life | May 6, 2024

    Rev. Jim Harden is the President and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in New York. His own center was targeted by abortion terrorism.Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)
  • Covid Shot Revelations & Pandemic Treaty | May 1, 2024

    Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982. NVIC is a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system. She has researched, analyzed and publicly articulated the major issues involving the science, policy, law, ethics and politics of vaccination to become one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on the subject.
  • Natural Family Month | April 30, 2024

    J.R. Harrison is the director of the National Family Foundation while Rob Pue is the founder & publisher of Wisconsin Christian News.The natural family is under attack and targeted for destruction. Just look at how America has redefined terms such as “marriage”, “family”, “male” and “female”. When changed, what’s to stop them from expanding to unknown levels?
  • Muslim Agenda for America | April 29, 2024

    Usama Dakdok is founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He’s the speaker on the daily radio broadcast, Revealing the Truth About Islam. He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Qur’an into English. He is the author of Exposing the Truth about the Qur’an and Exposing the Truth About Jihad and the booklets, The Violent Truth about Islam and The Straight Way to Eternal Life.
  • News Roundup & Comment | April 26, 2024

    Friday brings another News Roundup! Here are a few of the headlines that were shared:
    Donald Trump facing 34 felony charges; Trump says that the charges will not stick.
    President Biden reads the words on his teleprompter including script instructions.
    Americans should expect massive tax hikes in 2025.
  • Christian Nationalism | April 25, 2024

    William Federer is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and the President of Amerisearch Inc. He is the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast. He has authored numerous books including America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, Who is the King in America?, and Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present – How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.
  • Whatever Happens: Standing Firm when the World is Falling Apart | April 23, 2024

    Robert J. Morgan is the Leader of Robert J. Morgan Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to energize God’s people with a greater understanding and appreciation of the Bible and Christian heritage. He served in pastoral ministry for over 40 years, and is a bestselling author with over 35 books in print. He’s been with us several times on Crosstalk discussing some of his books such as Then Sings My Soul, The Red Sea Rules, The Jordan River Rules, 100 Bible Verses That Made America, The 50 Final Events in World History and Great is Thy Faithfulness. He’s with us today discussing his book Whatever Happens: Standing Firm When the World Is Falling Apart.
  • Demographic Winter | April 22, 2024

    Don Feder is a writer, researcher and columnist. He is a graduate of the Boston University College of Liberal Arts and the Boston University Law School. He was admitted to the practice of law in New York and Massachusetts. He was a Boston Herald editorial writer and syndicated columnist for 19 years. Since November of 2021, he has been a staff writer for the Washington Times. He has been a communications consultant, writer and conference organizer for various pro-life and pro-family NGO’s. He is the recipient of numerous awards.
  • News Roundup & Comment | April 19, 2024

    Once again there was no shortage of news stories to review as Jim provided the following for listeners along the network:–Israel’s IDF carried out an aerial attack within Iran in response to the barrage of missiles and UAV’s launched toward Israel by Iran last Saturday evening.
  • The Attack on Israel: A View From Within | April 18, 2024

    David Rubin is former mayor of Shiloh Israel as well as the author of seven books including, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel. He’s the founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack. His websites are and He is in the region of Judea and Samaria.

  • By Whose Authority? | April 17, 2024

    Shahram Hadian is a former Muslim from Iran who came to the states in 1978 and committed his life to Jesus Christ. He has served as a pastor, a police officer, and a former candidate for Governor in Washington State.
  • The Proliferation of the LGBTQ Movement | April 16, 2024

    Our present society has been compared to a Romans 1 society. Jim read verses 18-28 and if you do the same, you’ll see how this parallels America today. It’s especially pertinent as we see the LGBTQ+ movement proliferating among us. Is this rebellion against God’s design for mankind actually a judgment from God?
  • When a Nation Forgets God | April 11, 2024

    Many people are in distress as they see America as a nation in decline. However, if you could go back to the early 20th century, Germany didn’t look like a nation that was on the brink of world-shaking terror. It looked like many of us have known the U.S. to be.
  • Weaponization of Energy & Property Rights | April 9, 2024

    Increasingly, energy is being used as a weapon against the American people. Some are being denied the use of energy or there are curbs, penalties or denials on the use of energy. Couple this with the attack on personal property rights and you can see that we have a government that is overreaching and simply out of control.
  • Israel’s War Against Hamas Marks Six Months | April 8, 2024

    Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr. is speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years before returning to the U.S. for continued ministry. He’s a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel. He is one of the speakers on Prophecy Today.
  • News Roundup & Comment | April 5, 2024

    Dalton was at the helm this week, bringing news headlines of importance to Christians worldwide. Stories included:
    –Earlier today, New Jersey and New York suffered a 4.8 magnitude earthquake.
    –A 7.4 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan resulted in collapsed buildings, landslides and at least 9 deaths.
    –According to a Wall Street Journal poll, President Joe Biden is trailing Donald Trump in nearly all battleground states that helped decide the 2020 election regardless of whether 3rd party candidates are factored in.
  • The Case for Zionism | April 4, 2024

    Understand what the Bible says about Israel and what is happening in the world regarding the greatly opposed people of Israel. The Case for Zionism: Why Christians Should Support Israel brings together biblical, historical, and legal arguments for the legitimacy of the startup nation known as Israel. National Israel is part of God’s plan from Genesis to Revelation.
  • Gender Dysphoria? Biological Integrity Initiative | April 3, 2024

    The numbers of children dealing with gender dysphoria is off the charts. The result? A recent report out of the UK indicated over one-third of children on puberty blockers were experiencing worsened mental health. has reported on disturbing new data from the Canadian Institute for Health showing hundreds of minor girls from Canada have had their breasts removed in the past 5 years under the guise of treatment for gender confusion. The Washington Free Beacon reported that Planned Parenthood is helping teenagers transition after nothing more than a 30 minute consult, doling out prescriptions for estrogen and testosterone, including to special needs children.
  • A Nation Falling Apart at the Seams | April 2, 2024

    With each passing day you can’t help but wonder, what’s next? The things happening in America are happening so quickly. For example, just a few years ago we had the most secure borders ever and we were energy independent. Evidence indicates that America is more divided than ever and from the highest office in the land, Resurrection Sunday was hijacked by a transgender day of visibility.
  • What We See at Calvary | March 28, 2024

    Those of us that follow Jesus and his teachings know that he has a message that must continue to go out. Souls are depending on it whether they know it or not. That’s why Trail Ridge Camp in Hillsboro, Wisconsin, exists; to share the good news of Jesus Christ and what he did for sinners.
  • Remembering Terri Schiavo | March 27, 2024

    Brad Mattes is president of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues, a daily radio commentary, also the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life.
  • The Quest for Medical Privacy | March 25, 2024

    Twila Brase is president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom, a national patient-centered, privacy-focused, free-market policy organization to support health care choices, individualized patient care and medical and genetic privacy. Twila is a certified public health nurse and author of the eight-time award-winning book, Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records. She’s the speaker on the daily Health Freedom Minute heard on radio stations across the nation.
  • Who Am I? Solving the Identity Crisis | March 21, 2024

    We have an identity crisis in America. People are trying to discover who they are, especially those from the younger generations. In fact, some will spend large sums of money to discover themselves on self-awareness retreats. With this phenomenon there’s been a rise in attention on psychology, gender, sexuality and identity politics. Life has become subjective for many as their search is based on feelings and the flames of this model are being fanned by social media, politics and pop culture.
  • Immigration Enforcement Hangs in the Balance | March 20, 2024

    The State of Texas has been overrun by those attempting to enter illegally. The safety of residents has been put in jeopardy, crime has increased, public services have been stretched, the healthcare system has suffered, disease has been brought in and more. The state is saying, “enough is enough” because the federal government has refused to follow the law so the state legislature and governor have stepped up to deal with the issue. The problem is that at every turn, they’ve been opposed and taken to court by the Biden administration.
  • Exposing Medical Collusion: The Grace Schara Story | March 19, 2024

    Scott Schara is the father of Grace Schara, the 19-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome who tested positive for COVID, was hospitalized and treated following the protocols carried out in hospitals across the country. Grace was ushered into eternity on October 13, 2021. Scott is presently engaged in a landmark lawsuit, Schara vs. Ascension Health et all. He warns about the dangers of incentivized healthcare. His work and story have been chronicled in a chapter of the Wall Street Journal Bestseller, Rise of the Fourth Reich.
  • History of the Income Tax | March 18, 2024

    April 15th is a day that has gone down in notoriety. On April 15, 1865, President Abraham Lincoln died. He was shot the night before in Ford’s Theatre. On April 15, 1912, the Titanic sank, having struck an iceberg the night before. April 15, 1927, was the Great Mississippi Flood where some 15 inches of rain fell in 18 hours causing the river to break out of its levee system at well over 100 locations and caused flooding in 10 states. In 1954, April 15th became the deadline for filing income tax returns. No doubt you’ve heard the familiar quote of Benjamin Franklin who said, ‘Our new Constitution is now established, everything seems to promise it will be durable; but in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.’
  • News Roundup & Comment | March 15, 2024

    The “Round-Up” brought the following stories and more to listeners this week:
    –Israeli and U.S. leaders reacted to what some are calling an unprecedented call by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for new elections in Israel. Schumer wants elections so Israeli citizens can replace the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    –The Israeli Defense Forces aided an international, non-profit organization in evacuating nearly 70 orphans from Gaza and transferring them to safety in Bethlehem in the biblical region of Judea and Samaria.
  • The Winds of Change: Revolting Against Leftist Policies | March 14, 2024

    Robert Knight is a former Los Angeles Times news editor, is a current columnist for the Washington Times and contributes to other publications as well. Robert has held senior positions in a number of pro-family organizations. He has written several books including The Coming Communist Wave: What Happens If the Left Captures All Three Branches of Government, Liberty on the Brink, and Crooked: What Really Happened in the 2020 Election and How to Stop the Fraud.
  • Israel: We Must Not Forget | October 7th March 13, 2024

    Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church, and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He’s the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. He has authored several books including: Are You Going to a Better Place?, Daniel’s Gap Paul’s Mystery, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse, Globalism: The Great World Consumption and Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and the De-evolution of Democracy.
  • Crosstalk Pre-born Life in the Crosshairs | March 12, 2024

    Rev. Jim Harden is president and CEO of CompassCare Pregnancy Services in New York. Jim pioneered the first measurable and repeatable medical model in the pregnancy center movement, helping hundreds of centers nationwide become more effective at reaching more women and saving more babies from abortion. He’s written extensively on medical ethics, executive leadership and pro-life strategy.
  • Without Excuse: Compelling Evidence for Creation | March 11, 2024

    There is a growing skepticism toward God in American culture today. Some foolishly deny that God exists. Others say they do not know if God exists, while others merely hope that God exists. God wants us to know that he does exist and that his word, the Bible, is his timeless and unchangeable revelation to mankind.
  • Crosstalk News Roundup & Comment | March 8, 2024

    Here’s a sample of stories from the Crosstalk news desk that made the cut for this week’s broadcast:
    –Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters blocked President Biden’s motorcade as he arrived at the Capitol ahead of last evening’s State of the Union address.
    –President Biden kicked off his State of the Union speech, not by addressing the U.S. border or the economy, but by praising Ukraine almost immediately.
  • The State of The Union 2024 | March 7, 2024

    Tonight, President Biden will deliver his State of the Union address. Before Jim opened the phone lines for listeners to weigh in on that topic, he brought forth information on the following stories:The U.C. Santa Barbara Black Studies Department has organized what’s being called, “A Day of Interruption.” It’s taking place today with subsequent “work slowdowns” to protest steps that the administrators recently took to support Jewish students and to quell anti-semitic protests on campus.
  • Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding? Pt. 2 | March 5, 2024

    Yesterday on Crosstalk we began sharing audio from a roundtable discussion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. This roundtable was held at the U.S. Capitol on February 26, 2024. It was titled: Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding? In this discussion, the senator and a panel of experts exposed the corruption and censorship of the COVID cartel including federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media and Big Tech. This event opened the public’s eyes to the failure of the global elite and their institutions. This forum also gave a platform to suppressed and marginalized voices.

  • News Roundup & Comment | March 1, 2024

    Dalton handled hosting duties as he brought listeners the following from the news desk:
    –The Texas wildfire has now destroyed over 1 million acres.
    –Congressman Pat Fallon of Texas questioned Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the number of military member deaths and Putin’s behavior under Trump vs. under President Biden. Dalton provided audio of the exchange.
  • The Critical Need to Reach Children | February 29, 2024

    There are just over 8 billion people on earth and according to World Population Review, an estimated 2 billion of those are children between the ages of 0-14. This means it’s critical that children be reached with the Gospel message. One such group that’s focusing on this demographic is Child Evangelism Fellowship. Through their Good News Clubs and other outreach efforts, they have a vision of reaching every child, every nation, every day.
  • Living in the Daze of Deception | February 28, 2024

    Pastor Jack Hibbs is senior and founding pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, California. He’s the author of the newly released book, Living in the Daze of Deception.Pastor Hibbs began by pointing out that the word, “daze” in the title isn’t a typo, it’s deliberate as it came out of a sermon series that he did. As Jim noted, the first part of the book goes to great length to awaken the reader to the many kinds of deception that have many in such a daze in our time.
  • Alex Newman Rally – “Exposing the Great Reset” Pt. 2 | February 23, 2024

    Alex Newman was the featured speaker at a VCY America rally in southeast Wisconsin. Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He’s senior editor for The New American and contributes to other publications as well. He is author of Crimes of the Educators and Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is Founder of Liberty Sentinel.

  • Alex Newman Rally – “Exposing the Great Reset” Pt. 1 | February 22, 2024

    Alex Newman was the featured speaker at a VCY America rally in southeast Wisconsin. Alex is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He’s senior editor for The New American and contributes to other publications as well. He is author of Crimes of the Educators and Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is Founder of Liberty Sentinel.
  • The Healing Church – Victory over Pornography | February 21, 2024

    At younger and younger ages, people are being exposed to pornography. The impact is being carried through the teen years and into adulthood. Many secretly struggle with porn and those inside the church are not exempt. Too often local churches ignore this problem with some not wanting to admit its existence. For others it’s a lack of knowing how to deal with it and help those trapped by it.

  • Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse | February 20, 2024

    Dr. Richard Schmidt is the Pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and also heads Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is the speaker on the WVCY-TV program Prophecy Focus and the radio program Prophecy Unfolding. Prior to his current pastoral ministry, he spent 32 years in law enforcement including becoming Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County in 2017 until his retirement in 2019. He is the author of several books including the one being discussed today, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse.
  • News Roundup & Comment | February 16, 2024

    The stories flowed quickly as Jim had much to share on yet another edition of the Round-Up. Here’s the bulk of the stories mentioned during the first quarter hour:
    –On Tuesday, the House narrowly voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.
    –Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher announced that he will not be seeking re-election this year. He voted against the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas.
  • Indoctrinating Our Children to Death | February 15, 2024

    What is happening under the guise of public education is both frightening and appalling. Last Fall we learned of a Christian student who filed a religious discrimination lawsuit indicating she was ordered by Chicago Public School staff members to meditate during a required quiet time. She was told to bow to deity that she didn’t recognize and to internalize mantras in order to reach “Zen.”
  • Israel’s War Against Hamas Update | February 14, 2024

    This Crosstalk featured the return of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. Dr. DeYoung is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.
  • News Roundup & Comment | February 9, 2024

    Here’s a sample of the many stories Jim rolled out to get listeners caught up on the news. Listeners were given their chance to comment as well.
    –The Supreme Court seems poised to allow former President Trump to remain on the Colorado ballot and expressing deep concerns about permitting a single state to disqualify the leading Republican candidate from seeking national offices.
  • “Religion and Science” Weekend | February 8, 2024

    Jay Seegert is the founder & managing director for The Starting Point Project. He holds degrees in both Physics and Engineering Technology. Jay is an international speaker and author. He conducts trips to the Grand Canyon and is President of Logos Research Associates, the world’s largest group of scientists who are Christians and biblical creationists. He’s speaker for the Creation Science Association of Fiji and has been speaking on science and the authority of Scripture for nearly 4 decades.
  • Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands | February 7, 2024

    Many skeptics feel the Bible is a fairy tale or myth. Some claim it can’t be trusted because it’s full of contradictions and errors. Still others doubt the locations and events that the Bible describes. While the historical accuracy of the Bible has fallen under increased scrutiny and has been a topic of debate, new archaeological discoveries from an expanding host of ancient sites found in Bible lands continue to provide evidence pertaining to questions of reliability.
  • How to Brainwash a Nation | February 6, 2024

    Recently Jim reported on some startling figures indicating that nearly 30% of Gen-Z’ers are identifying as LGBTQ+. In some areas, Social Services are removing minor children from parents because they believe parents are not affirming. The Daily Caller is running a story today regarding audio they’ve obtained of a psychologist at a medical training summit in 2022. This psychologist indicated that it’s parents who do not affirm their child’s gender identity as having a mental illness.
  • The Unravelling Border | February 5, 2024

    Andrew Arthur is Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies. He began his legal career through the Attorney General’s Honors Program as a clerk to an Administrative Law Judge in the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer at the United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review.
  • News Roundup & Comment | February 2, 2024

    Below is a brief look at a number of key stories presented by Jim from this week’s broadcast: Earlier this week, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri grilled Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Meta (formerly Facebook), at a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. Jim provided audio from the exchange. A bipartisan bill to slash taxes for businesses and enhance the child tax credit is a step closer to becoming law.
  • Disease X | February 1, 2024

    Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is senior editor for The New American. He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and the new book, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. He’s also founder of Liberty Sentinel.
  • LGBTQ+ Agenda Continues Its Advancement | January 31, 2024

    Increasingly, the push for full acceptance and promotion of the LGBTQ+ agenda is advancing. In fact, According to one poll, 28% of Gen-Z adults are identifying as LGBTQ. The result? Women’s sports are being decimated and dominated by men who are identifying as women. Leading up to the Super Bowl, the NFL is committed to bowing to the diversity, equity and inclusion movement as it will be hosting the third annual, “A Night of Pride” with GLAAD during Super Bowl Week.
  • News Roundup & Comment | January 26, 2024

    Here are some of the headlines that Jim shared: Trump backs Abbot, urges states to provide Texas full support to secure southern border
    Biden Administration has released 6.2 million illegal migrants into U.S. in 3 years, often through parole loophole
    Mom sues DHS for $100M after daughter raped, killed by suspected migrant MS-13 member
  • Deceiving and Being Deceived | January 25, 2024

    Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. Mike was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long.
  • The Violence of Islam | January 23, 2024

    Usama Dakdok is the Founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He is the speaker on the daily radio broadcast Revealing the Truth About Islam. He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Quran into English.
  • Middle East & World Conflict | January 22, 2024

    Last week we passed the 100 day mark since Hamas launched its attack on Israel followed by Israel’s war in response. So much has been learned since that time as Israel continues to root-out Hamas as they know that it’s impossible to have peace with this terrorist group.
  • WEF- The Push for World Governance | January 18, 2024

    The World Economic Forum is happening right now in Davos, Switzerland (Jan 15-19, 2024). They convened under the theme “Rebuilding Trust.” The program consists of four interconnected thematic priorities: 1) Achieving security and cooperation in a fractured world, 2) Creating growth and jobs for a new era, 3) Artificial intelligence as a driving force for the economy and society, and 4) A long-term strategy for climate, nature and energy.

  • Standing for Life in Critical Times | January 17, 2024

    Brad Mattes is President of Life Issues Institute which was founded in 1991 to serve the educational needs of the pro-life movement. Brad is the host of Life Issues which is a daily radio commentary, and the host of the weekly Straight Talk on Life Issues, and has produced numerous radio specials standing for life.
  • Foundational Truths | January 16, 2024

    It’s not unusual to hear about entire homes that have collapsed due to an insufficient foundation. So here’s a question: As it applies to your life, how strong is your spiritual foundation? What about the spiritual foundation of your family? Sadly, there have been tragedies due to a lack of a sure foundation even in Christian homes.
  • Christian Persecution Abounds | January 15, 2024

    From Stephen to the Apostle Paul to a man named Jason who assisted Paul, for 2,000 years, followers of Jesus Christ have been persecuted. Paul told Timothy that those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. What we must realize is that persecution isn’t simply something that happened during biblical times.
  • News Roundup & Comment | January 12, 2024

    From war in the Middle East to Hunter Biden, Crosstalk covers it all. Here’s a sample of what Jim presented this week from the news desk: Tomorrow, in Washington, D.C., Hamas supporters are planning a big jihad jamboree at the National Mall called, “The March on Washington for Gaza.” It’s being sponsored by every jihadi partner of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.
  • The Border: Trafficking, Terrorism and Trauma | January 11, 2024

    Last week, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson led the largest congressional delegation ever to the border. It consisted of 64 House Republicans representing 26 states and one U.S. territory. He said that there’s no order at the border. It’s completely open and what was seen was so alarming, it would break the hearts of every American and infuriate them as well.
  • Globalist Agenda: Looking Back, Looking Forward | January 10, 2024

    The globalist agenda never gives up. It backs off for a while only to be repackaged in another wrapper. However, its goals always remain the same because it strikes at national sovereignty, taking every opportunity to gain central power in its desire to dominate the lives and liberties of people around the world. To prove this point via the latest news on this subject, Jim welcomed back Gary Kah. Gary is founder and director of Hope for the World. Gary is Editor of Hope for the World Update. He’s an author and former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.
  • 2024 Presidential Election: Voting Begins | January 9, 2024

    This Monday, January 15, the Republican caucus gets underway in Iowa. After that comes the New Hampshire primary on January 23rd. That is followed by the Democratic primary in South Carolina on February 3rd. Nevada is next with their caucus and then Michigan votes on February 27th. Super Tuesday is March 5th, the Republican convention is in July, the Democrats have their convention in August and it all wraps up on election day which is November 5th.
  • COVID Shots & Vaccination Safety Concerns | January 8, 2024

    From the earliest months of the release of the COVID vaccine, promises were made that if you were vaccinated, you would not get COVID. We all know now that this isn’t true. In spite of that, various mandates came forth along with a lot of “arm-twisting” to get people vaccinated. The result is growing skepticism toward government agencies and now, 3 years since the COVID vaccine was released, there are more concerns including the lack of timely transparency on the part of pharmaceutical companies.

  • News Roundup & Comment | January 5, 2024

    Coast to coast and around the globe, Jim wrapped up the week by presenting key news stories, some of which are listed below: Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine banned transgender transition surgeries on minors today with an executive order. The move comes just a week after he vetoed a bill that would have banned the practice and required single-sex sports teams to be established at schools, colleges and universities throughout the state.

  • Critical Court Cases on the Horizon | January 4, 2024

    There are some very significant matters facing appellate courts as well as the U.S. Supreme Court for 2024. With a review of the past year as well as what’s ahead, Crosstalk welcomed Mat Staver. He is founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He’s an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call.
  • Answers in Genesis: 30 Years-Upholding Biblical Authority! | January 3, 2024

    Today there are numerous attacks taking place upon the authority of God’s Word. The mantra in society today is often what we see communicated by Satan in Genesis 3:1–”Yea hath God said?” The result is that many are turning their backs on God’s Word and the result is that great efforts have been underway to remove God from the halls of government and academia.
  • Scriptures for a New Year: 2024 | January 2, 2024

    In days like ours, when the world is in turmoil like never before and with the current state of the family and the church, it’s good to be reminded of Scriptures like this one that Jim noted from Isaiah 40: Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.
  • Mysticism and the Coming World Religion | January 1, 2024

    T. A. McMahon is the President and Executive Director of The Berean Call ministry. He is also editor-in-chief and contributing writer for the Berean Call newsletter. He is co-author of The Seduction of Christianity and America: The Sorcerer’s New Apprentice. He is the author of Showtime for the Sheep? and Temporal Delusion. He has also researched and written numerous documentaries.
  • News Roundup & Comment | December 29, 2023

    Here’s a look at some of the headlines that made the cut for this final edition of the News Round-Up for 2023: Yesterday Maine’s Democratic Secretary of State removed former President Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot under the Constitution’s insurrection clause. The Michigan Supreme Court has rejected an attempt to remove former President Trump from their 2024 ballot.
  • Anti-Semitism on Campuses | December 28, 2023

    From massive demonstrations that have been shutting down traffic and blocking access to other forms of transportation to Christmas events that were interrupted, sadly, anti-Semitism is running rampant at levels in the U.S. and it’s growing around the world. One of the significant breeding grounds for this anti-Semitism has been college and university campuses.
  • Tools for Spiritual Growth in 2024 | December 27, 2023

    The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 3:18, “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” So while you may be growing in other aspects of your life, are you growing in your spiritual life? If not, what changes are you willing to make as we approach the new year? You may answer by asking, “How can I do that? What resources are available that can help in my quest to obey 2 Peter 3:18?
  • A Christ Focused Christmas | 2023 December 22, 2023

    Colorful lights, family gatherings, the baking, the presents, the special candy, the programs, and all the music of the season…you can become engulfed in all of these things and more, and still not understand the meaning of what’s being celebrated.
  • News Roundup & Comment | December 21, 2023

    Due to a special Christmas edition of Crosstalk tomorrow, Jim moved up the News Round-Up broadcast. Here’s a selection of stories from the program: The Colorado Republican Party is planning to withdraw from the state’s primary election and move to a caucus system if the ruling against having President Trump on the ballot stands. The California Lieutenant Governor is calling for former President Trump to be barred from their primary ballot.
  • Threads of Hope | December 20, 2023

    As we look at poverty around the world, some individuals are forced into some very desperate situations just to provide the basic needs of life. Sometimes prostitution appears to be the only way out. With that comes exploitation and sex-trafficking. Fortunately, someone’s engaged in a ministry designed to break that cycle. That person is Alex Kuhlow. Alex is the founder & executive director for Threads of Hope, Inc.
  • Fighting a Global Agenda Locally | December 19, 2023

    California will disallow the sale of new cars powered by gasoline in 2035. That radical move, along with other environmental policies combined with the state’s sky-high taxes, and it’s no wonder so many are leaving California. Looking elsewhere, there was a new bill introduced December 5th in the state of Washington (House Bill 1868) aimed at making gas powered lawn mowers and other lawn equipment illegal, with heavy fines and even jail time for violators.
  • Answers to Tough Questions About Christmas | December 18, 2023

    There are those who insist that believers in Christ should have nothing to do with Christmas or its observance. The guest on this edition of Crosstalk, and his fellow workers in ministry, have put together a book to address this important matter. Frank Figueroa Jr. is a speaker and presenter for Reasons For Hope, a ministry dedicated to presenting, proclaiming and defending the biblical worldview. He has a Science Education degree from the University of Hawaii. He formerly served as pastor in Hawaii and now speaks to numerous youth camps, youth assemblies and private schools. He’s a contributor to the book, Glad You Asked! Answers to 12 Tough Questions About Christmas That You Need Answers For.

  • News Roundup & Comment | December 15, 2023

    Finish the week with Crosstalk and get caught up on news from around the world. Here’s a sample of what Jim presented to listeners this week: At the U.N.’s COP 28 gathering, governments from around the world agreed to a global transition from fossil fuel, greater limits on energy use, and a new fund to compensate governments of poor nations for alleged damages caused by C02 emissions from wealthier nations. The U.S. Supreme Court will take up a January 6th defendants appeal of the Department of Justice’s novel use of evidence tampering law to prosecute hundreds of defendants for obstruction of Congress.

  • God’s Story: From the Beginning to the Promised Return | December 14, 2023

    Becki Dudley is a children’s author who has written titles such as When You See a Rainbow, When You see a Cloud, and When You a Star, Noah’s Ark for Kids and more. She’s written and recently released God’s Story: From the Beginning to the Promised Return. Becki is a mother as well as a grandmother of seven. She communicated that because of the things we’re seeing that are happening in the world, the most important thing we can do is to teach children the truth that’s given to us in God’s word.

  • Being a Witness This Christmas Season | December 13, 2023

    Many of you are perhaps burdened concerning the eternal state of unsaved family members and friends. The good news is that the Christmas season provides many unique opportunities to cross paths with some of these individuals and share the hope of Christ with them. If you believe that doing so will “rock the boat” and that you must remain silent in order to “keep the peace” at Christmas, you may not be aware that there is a way to share Christ with grace, love and effectiveness and that’s what this broadcast is all about.
  • COP28: Censorship, Taxes & Tyranny | December 12, 2023

    Since November 30th, when you were wrapping up your Thanksgiving celebration time with family and friends and planning for Christmas, the United Nations Climate Change Conference was underway in the United Arab Emirates. This was the 28th gathering of the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC, otherwise known as COP 28. The guest on this Crosstalk has been in attendance and has summed up the totalitarian nature of this effort in just a few words: censorship, global taxes and tyranny.
  • Islam’s Goal: Worldwide Caliphate | December 11, 2023

    Since Hamas launched its barbaric attack against Israel on October 7th, more and more uprisings are appearing around the world. Those involved are saying with great boldness that Israel is the problem, they should be destroyed, and as occupiers, they have no right to defend themselves.
  • News Roundup & Comment | December 8, 2023

    Crosstalk and the Friday News Round-Up, your source for news stories that impact you. Here’s a sample of what Jim presented for listeners: A 53 year old Israeli taxi driver who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th has been murdered. His body is still held by Hamas in Gaza. DF soldiers on Tuesday recovered one of the largest stockpiles of weapons belonging to Hamas, again showing how Hamas uses Palestinian citizens as human shields.
  • Israel’s War Against Hamas: 60 Days Later | December 7, 2023

    Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of acting sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement. He’s authored several books including: Are You Going to a Better Place?, Daniel’s Gap Paul’s Mystery, Tribulation to Triumph: The Olivet Discourse, Globalism: The Great World Consumption and Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism and the De-Evolution of Democracy.
  • Israel’s Five-Way War | December 6, 2023

    As Israel’s war against Hamas rages, we continue to see pro-Hamas/pro-Palestinian uprisings around the world and in the U.S. Through all this the media has been all too willing to bow to the narrative presented by the enemies of Israel, even blaming Israel for bombing a hospital and carrying out the October 7th attack on their own people.
  • What Meaneth These Stones? | December 5, 2023

    On many occasions, individuals will do something so that they remember a significant life event. The Israelites gathered stones as they crossed the Jordan River. With the stones, they built a monument so that when future generations asked what the stones meant, they would hear of how God led them through and provided for them. We also put up monuments, not to worship, but to remember individuals or events that have impacted our nation in a significant way. Unfortunately, it’s these statues and monuments that are under attack. Why is this happening?
  • Son of Hamas Issues Warning! | December 4, 2023

    Jim began this edition of Crosstalk with special information from the Friends of Israel. In light of the recent violence that’s taken place against Israel and also the increasing antisemitism taking place here is the U.S., FOI is calling on Christians nationwide to show their support for Israel and the Jewish people. FOI is requesting that Christians light a candle in their window at sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, December 7th, and to keep it there through sundown on December 15th.

  • News Roundup & Comment | December 1, 2023

    From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to the far corners of the globe, Crosstalk brings news items to listeners each Friday to keep you informed. Here’s a sample of what was shared this week:
    –Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel seemingly in part to push for an extension of the Israel/Hamas cease-fire.
  • What’s Behind the Deep State? | November 30, 2023

    When you consider the events that are unfolding around the world and you add to that matters going on within the U.S., you must come away wondering how so much chaos can be unfolding at one time. Is this just a big coincidence or is there a concerted effort taking place to bring the U.S. to its knees, allow control from another source and therefore surrender everyone to global governance? If so, who’s behind it?
  • Israel War Update | November 29, 2023

    Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.
  • A New Pandemic Approaching? | November 28, 2023

    Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation. Since February 2020, she has been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home. With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life. She is a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed special training at Johns Hopkins.
  • Counterpunch: Fighting Back for Faith & Freedom | November 24, 2023

    It’s been happening issue by issue, with the complicity of both parties: The fundamental ideals of the nation, including our faith and freedom, are being crushed for the benefit of powerful elites. Using everything from Big Tech to Big Government, these power brokers are silencing the voices of dissent, canceling those who refuse to fall in line, and pitting the masses against one another. Universities are churning out so-called leaders who refuse to learn from past mistakes, but are instead intent on repeating them.
  • “Giving Thanks 2023” | November 23, 2023

    Have you ever taken a look at our society and wondered how we got to this point? How did we drift so far off course morally? There’s the LGBTQ+ onslaught, abortion, drug abuse, lawlessness, a collapsing economy, a highly contentious political system and churches abandoning doctrine to gain popularity and to be more “welcoming.”

  • “Silence Equals Consent” Pt. 2 | November 22, 2023

    In part 2 of this special edition of Crosstalk, William began by explaining how you want to be involved in government so that you can have a nation where our children can have a personal experience with Jesus. So if you don’t get involved, whatever non-believers are pushing in schools, that silence equals consent.
  • “Giving Thanks 2023” | November 20, 2023

    Have you ever taken a look at our society and wondered how we got to this point? How did we drift so far off course morally? There’s the LGBTQ+ onslaught, abortion, drug abuse, lawlessness, a collapsing economy, a highly contentious political system and churches abandoning doctrine to gain popularity and to be more “welcoming.”
  • News Roundup & Comment | November 17, 2023

    News from the U.S. and around the world; it comes to you each Friday from Crosstalk. Here’s a sample of stories Jim presented to listeners: Israeli Defense Forces found an operational terror tunnel shaft on the grounds of the Shifa Hospital. Rockets were found inside a bed in a child’s bedroom inside the house of a Hamas terrorist during operational activity carried out by Israeli troops.
  • The Israel War and What Lies Ahead | November 15, 2023

    Dr. Richard Schmidt is the Pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and the founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is the speaker on the weekly TV program Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast Prophecy Unfolding. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of Acting Sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.
  • One Day Nearer | November 14, 2023

    This broadcast began with Randy Melchert providing listeners with an update on the March for Israel on the National Mall. While the permit for the event was for 100,000 people, Randy was seeing reports of 200,000 or more, making it one of the largest rallies in recent years.
  • U.S. Stands by Israel | November 9, 2023

    William Federer is a nationally known speaker, historian, author, and president of Amerisearch, Inc. He’s the speaker on The American Minute daily broadcast. He has authored numerous books including, America’s God and Country Encyclopedia of Quotations, Who is the King in America?, and Socialism: The Real History From Plato to the Present – How the Deep State Capitalizes on Crises to Consolidate Control.
  • Israeli War Update | November 7, 2023

    Chris Katulka is assistant director of North American Ministries at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and host of The Friends of Israel Today radio program. He is a Bible teacher, and writer for Israel My Glory magazine and is author of the book, Israel Always.
  • Islamic Warning! | November 6, 2023

    Usama Dakdok is founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He’s the speaker on the daily radio broadcast, Revealing the Truth About Islam. He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Qur’an into English. He is the author of Exposing the Truth about the Qur’an and Exposing the Truth About Jihad and the booklets, The Violent Truth about Islam and The Straight Way to Eternal Life.
  • News Roundup & Comment | November 3, 2023

    Here are some of the headlines that Jim shared with us: Netanyahu Rebukes US, Declares No Pause And No Fuel Before Hostages Are Released
    IDF Killed Hamas Commander In Airstrike, Arrested 37 Wanted Suspects In Overnight Raid
  • War Against Israel Escalates | November 1, 2023

    David Rubin is the Former Mayor of Shiloh Israel, and is the author of seven books including Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel. He is the Founder and President of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, which was established after he and his then three-year-old son were wounded in a terror attack.
  • Target Israel: Israel in the Crosshairs | October 31, 2023

    Gary Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy. He is the founder and President of Discovery Missions. He is the author of numerous books including one we’re discussing today, Miracle of Israel, which is subtitled, The Shocking, Untold Story of God’s Love for His People. Israel is being targeted. On October 7th it was targeted by Hamas out of Gaza. Missiles have been launched from Lebanon from Hezbollah. The Jewish Press reported a short while ago that Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels reportedly have formally declared war on Israel.

  • Israel Update / Remembering the Reformation | October 30, 2023

    Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. He was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long. He trusted Jesus as his Savior and now the Bible has become his sole authority in all matters of faith.
  • News Roundup & Comment | October 27, 2023

    These are critical times. That’s why Crosstalk works hard to help you stay up to date concerning news events taking place around the world. Here’s a selection of stories from the first quarter hour of the broadcast: Israeli Defense Forces said today that they are expanding their ground operation into Gaza.
  • Israel vs. Hamas | October 26, 2023

    Shahram Hadian is a former Muslim from Iran who came to the states in 1978 and committed his life to Jesus Christ. He started the Truth in Love Project and is the founding pastor of Truth in Love Ministry. Shahram exposes the true goal of Islam and the threat of Sharia in America. He has served as a pastor, a police officer and a former candidate for Governor in Washington State.
  • The Harm of Halloween | October 24, 2023

    Just recently, the Israeli Defense Force shared video footage from the body cameras of Islamic terrorists showing the barbaric killing of Israelis. News reports tell of decapitations, hands and feet cut off, blood splattered around homes and brains literally being blown out.

  • Middle East War Escalating | October 23, 2023

    Israeli forces are preparing for a ground assault upon Gaza. Earlier today Hamas launched drones to infiltrate Israeli airspace and attack Israeli targets. CBN News has reported that action by Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border reflects preparations for an invasion. The U.S. military has assets on the scene and now China is warning the U.S. about involvement. Pro-Hamas and pro-Palestinian anti-Israel rallies and demonstrations are taking place around the U.S. and the world.
  • News Roundup & Comment | October 20, 2023

    Here’s a small sample of the stories Dalton brought to the attention of Crosstalk listeners: President Biden addressed the nation last evening and appeared to use the slaughtering of Israelis and the current humanitarian crisis in Gaza to request additional funds for the Ukraine conflict.
  • A World in Turmoil: The Big Picture | October 19, 2023

    On October 7th, Hamas struck Israel with a deadly attack. Earlier today, Israel’s defense minister told ground troops at the border that they are to get organized and be ready with orders to advance. Tens of thousands of troops amassed at the Gaza border would seem to indicate that a new chapter in the war is about to be written.
  • Israel At War | October 17, 2023

    It was on October 7th that Hamas launched their deadly attack on Israel killing Israeli men, women, children, babies and the elderly. It’s the largest killing of Jews since the Holocaust. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called Hamas, “the new Nazis,” declaring that Hamas is part of a new axis of evil, right alongside Iran.
  • The March Toward Globalism | October 13, 2023

    In September of 2023, a VCY rally was held featuring Pastor Richard Schmidt and his presentation, The March Toward Globalism. This included information concerning artificial intelligence and whether it may be used for or against us.
  • 231 Days: Faith in the Face of Terror October 12, 2023

    Proverbs 27:1 states, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” For the guests on this program, what unfolded on one day in their lives has forever impacted them. Their story is told in the newly released DVD titled, 231 Days: A Miraculous True Story of Faith in the Face of Terror. It’s the powerful, true-life story of missionaries Herb & Linda Gregg, who served the Lord as missionaries in Dagestan, a province of Russia.
  • The Terror of Islam | October 10, 2023

    On Saturday, October 7th, as Jews were observing their Sabbath and had just finished celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, the terrorist group, Hamas, attacked Israel by air, land and sea. Estimates of the number of Jews killed are now around 1,000 with thousands reported to be injured. Others were kidnapped and are being held as hostages. President Biden has confirmed that 14 Americans are dead with others said to be among the hostages.

  • Israel Attacked! | October 9, 2023

    Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. is speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel. It’s been called Israel’s 9-11. This past Saturday, Hamas launched an attack on Israel that originated approximately 55 miles southwest of Jerusalem in the Gaza Strip. Many hundreds have been killed, thousands wounded. Women, children and even the elderly have been kidnapped.

  • News Roundup & Comment | October 6, 2023

    The following are key news highlights from the past week. More stories, as well as listener comments, can be heard when you review this broadcast. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas opted to waive a litany of laws and regulations to swiftly construct more border wall in a key Texas hotspot for illegal crossings. The Biden administration is saying that Venezuelan immigrants who illegally enter the U.S. will be directly deported back to the South American nation after a record number crossed the southern border last month.
  • Christian Responsibility in Hostile Times | October 5, 2023

    Persecution is happening for those who call evil for what it is. This is due to the fact that there are those who call evil, “good.” In fact, these same people are attacking Christianity and its values, the values that our nation was founded upon. So what should believers do? Should we cower in fear or are there duties that we are responsible for adhering to in such times?
  • Gender Dysphoria? Biological Integrity Initiative | October 4, 2023

    The numbers of children dealing with gender dysphoria is off the charts. The result? A recent report out of the UK indicated over one-third of children on puberty blockers were experiencing worsened mental health. has reported on disturbing new data from the Canadian Institute for Health showing hundreds of minor girls from Canada have had their breasts removed in the past 5 years under the guise of treatment for gender confusion.
  • The Life & Legacy of William Tyndale | October 3, 2023

    We have it pretty easy in America as it pertains to religious liberty. We can go to Bible teaching churches each Sunday, listen to Christian radio, watch Christian television, hand out Gospel tracts, and even view the Bible on our smartphones, all in our own language, and enjoy it without fear of being arrested by the secret police.
  • COVID Shot Concerns Continue to Escalate | October 2, 2023

    Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation. Since February 2020, she has been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home. With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life. She’s a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
  • News Roundup & Comment | September 29, 2023

    Here’s your weekly selection of news highlights from the Crosstalk news desk: Senator Dianne Feinstein has passed away at the age of 90. She represented the state of California since 1992. House Republicans are working to build a case to impeach President Joe Biden. A series of inquiry hearings in the House Oversight Committee kicked off yesterday.
  • The Push Toward Tyranny and World Government | September 28, 2023

    The push for world/global government continues. The World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum and the United Nations each have aggressive agendas where national sovereignty isn’t part of their plans. There’s the push for a central bank digital currency, digital I.D verification systems, vaccination passports, increased surveillance camera use, along with the use of artificial intelligence.
  • What in the World? | September 27, 2023

    You may recall the old phrase expressing surprise, shock or disgust where someone says, “What in the World?” That best describes the following headlines featured on this Crosstalk: Dr. Konia Trouton admits switching to euthanasia after she could no longer profit from abortion. Out of Nebraska, a woman who killed her daughter’s 29 week old unborn baby, and set the child on fire, will only get 2 years in prison.
  • Border Crisis Intensifies | September 26, 2023

    Andrew Arthur is Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies. He began his legal career through the Attorney General’s Honors Program as a clerk to an administrative law judge in the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer at the United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review.
  • Popular Survey of Apologetics for Today | September 25, 2023

    We live in a world where many people are claiming to have their own truth. As believers in Christ, we’ve been given the unshakable truth that comes from God alone. However, simply knowing this truth is not enough. We must be able to communicate it and when necessary, to defend it. The task of apologetics is for all believers to be able to give a defense for anyone who asks for the reason for the hope that is in us and then do that with meekness and fear.
  • News Roundup & Comment | September 22, 2023

    From coast to coast and around the world, Crosstalk keeps you informed on news events of interest to Christians. Here’s a sample of what Jim presented this week: A Fox News reporter indicated that as many as 35,000 illegal aliens crossed the U.S. southern border in just 4 days. A mechanic named “Baba” from the West African nation of Mauritania was so excited to illegally enter the U.S. that he threw himself on the ground and prayed.
  • Calm Your Anxiety | September 21, 2023

    Robert J. Morgan is leader of Robert J. Morgan Ministries, a nonprofit organization whose goal is to energize God’s people with a greater understanding and appreciation of the Bible and Christian heritage. He served in pastoral ministry for over 40 years, and is a bestselling author with over 35 books in print. He’s been with us several times on Crosstalk discussing some of his books such as, Then Sings My Soul, The Red Sea Rules, The Jordan River Rules, 100 Bible Verses That Made America, The 50 Final Events in World History and Great is Thy Faithfulness. He’s with us today discussing his book, Calm Your Anxiety: Winning the Fight Against Worry.
  • AI & Transhumanism | September 20, 2023

    Dr. Richard Schmidt is pastor of Union Grove Baptist Church and founder of Prophecy Focus Ministries. He is the speaker on the weekly TV program, Prophecy Focus and the radio broadcast, Prophecy Unfolding. He spent 32 years in law enforcement including that of acting sheriff of Milwaukee County until his retirement.
  • Israel Update | September 19, 2023

    In spite of the promises of Genesis 12:2 and Genesis 13, Israel is under constant attack. In a recent briefing, the Israeli Defense Forces reserve major general told journalists, “We are facing something like around 200 alerts every day for terrorism.” It’s also been reported that at least 36 Israelis have been murdered by terrorists.
  • Juries Split on Kim Davis “Same-sex marriage” Case | September 18, 2023

    Mat Staver is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He’s an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call.
    On June 26th, 2015, in a case known as Obegefell v. Hodges, a majority of the Supreme Court released their decision that they found a right to same-sex marriage in the U.S. Constitution.

  • News Roundup & Comment | September 15, 2023

    Julaine Appling from Wisconsin Family Council joined Jim to open the program with an update concerning Planned Parenthood. They’ve chosen to resume abortion “care” services in the state of Wisconsin, beginning Monday, September 18, in direct violation of the law.
    After Julaine’s comments, Jim provided listeners with details regarding news items from around the world. Here are selected highlights:
  • 2nd Amendment Attacked by NM Governor | September 14, 2023

    Mike Hammond is the Legislative Counsel for Gunowners of America.
    We live in a time when every man is doing that which is right in his own eyes and lawlessness abounds. We see major metropolitan cities collapsing due to their lack of enforcing the law. Retail stores are leaving these areas in droves. It’s going to get worse. To many, the rule of law means nothing in this current day. What about the Constitution? Well, it changes to whatever we want it to say.
  • Outreach to Pakistan Amidst Persecution | September 13, 2023

    Most of us attend church each week with no threat of reprisal. This is not the case in other parts of the world. In recent weeks, Muslim mobs in Pakistan have attacked churches and Christian homes were set on fire. Thousands of Christian families were forced to evacuate including the guest on this Crosstalk.
  • C40: Cities Succumbing to Climate Change Hysteria | September 12, 2023

    There’s another globalist effort afoot that this time is attempting to lure cities from across the nation and around the world. It involves tenets of Agenda 2030. It’s coming from a group known as C40, a self described global network of nearly 100 mayors from the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.
  • 9/11 Impact: Lessons Not Learned | September 11, 2023

    22 years ago today, Islamic terrorists struck America, claiming the lives of 2,977 individuals. It was the deadliest attack on U.S. soil. In New York City, 2,753 people died, 343 of them were firefighters. The Pentagon death toll was 184 while the death toll of those who perished outside Shanksville, Pennsylvania, was 40. The Qur’an declares that Jews and Christians are infidels. Followers of Islam are told to perform jihad against the infidels and hypocrites and to be harsh with them and that their abode will be in hell.
  • News Roundup & Comment | September 8, 2023

    The news cycle is constantly evolving and Crosstalk is on top of it. Here’s a selection of stories from this broadcast:
    –South Dakota farmers are celebrating a major victory. Their state’s public utilities commission voted unanimously on Wednesday to reject a controversial carbon capture pipeline proposal.
    –After hurricane Idalia slammed into Florida last week, reports of electric vehicles catching fire after coming into contact with flood waters began to merge. At least 2 Tesla vehicles ignited after being contaminated by salt water from storm surge according to ABC’s Tampa Bay affiliate.
  • Silence Equals Consent Tour | September 7, 2023

    Throughout history there are examples of oppression against mankind. In each of these situations there are those who didn’t want to create waves. Yet others stood for their cause and impacted the lives of many for the better. One example would be the Revolutionary War and those who plead their lives, fortunes and sacred honor.
  • Parliament of World Religions – 2023 | September 6, 2023

    Don Veinot is Co-Founder and President of Midwest Christian Outreach, a national apologetics ministry and mission to new religious movements. He has been involved in apologetics ministry for over 3 decades and is a charter member of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He is also a staff researcher and writer for the Midwest Outreach Journal.
  • COVID 2.0 on the Horizon? | September 5, 2023

    While many would like to put COVID on the ash heap of history, there are colleges, universities and even some businesses that have reinstated mask mandates and others that are forcing shot mandates. Speaking of shots, President Biden is requesting congressional funding for a new COVID shot with recommendations that everyone gets it, including those who’ve had it before. Are these signs that we’re headed toward COVID 2.0?
  • Amazing Grace: The Life of John Newton | September 4, 2023

    What is the most recognizable hymn of all time? Many of you would likely say, Amazing Grace. We often hear this song at a vigil or remembrance service or perhaps played on bagpipes. Regardless of where or how this hymn is performed, it’s stood the test of time for 250 years. Do you know the story behind the song and the man who wrote this testimonial of the faith?

  • News Roundup & Comment | September 1, 2023

    Here’s a brief look at some of the headlines that were presented from the Crosstalk news desk: The House Oversight Committee sent a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration Tuesday requesting unrestricted special access to records related to then Vice President Biden’s foreign travel with his family on Air Force 2 and Marine 2.
  • Pause for Praise | August 31, 2023

    Each day Crosstalk examines numerous issues that confront Christians including attacks against biblical values, morality, the family, common decency and more. As Christians become more informed, they can get caught up in things like the political realm or the efforts of the United Nations that challenge our values. In other words, getting involved to uphold that which is biblical is good, but in the process we can find ourselves taking our eyes off of God and focusing on our circumstances and the environment in which we live.
  • A Biblical Approach to PTSD | August 30, 2023

    According to best estimates from the National Center for PTSD from the Veteran Administration, about 6 out of every 100 people (6%) will have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at some point in their lives. Other estimates from other sources indicate that number could be as high as 8%.
  • Bible Drive Underway | August 28, 2023

    In Hebrews we learn that, “…the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword.” In Psalms we learn that God’s word, “…is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” In Romans we learn that the Scriptures give us hope. In Matthew (and Deuteronomy) we learn that, “…man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” Finally, in 1 Peter we see that, “…the word of the Lord endureth forever.”
  • News Roundup & Comment | August 25, 2023

    Dalton Windsor took the reigns this week and here are several stories that he highlighted for Crosstalk listeners:
    –As flames tore through a West Maui neighborhood, car after car of fleeing residents, headed for the only paved road out of town, was turned back toward the rapidly spreading fire by a barricade that was blocking access to Highway 30.
    –Hawaii officials releasing the names of 338 people still missing.
  • Central Bank Digital Currency Concerns | August 24, 2023

    According to a column written by the guest, “You won’t be able to buy anything without permission from the government. Every dollar you earn, spend, or save will be monitored by autocrats, who, with the click of a button, can turn off your earning, spending, or saving potential at any time. You’ll be forced to buy food, clothing, shelter–and everything else you need or want–according to tyrannical dictate. Or you will be prevented from purchasing by the same oligarchs, who control not only what you buy, but when and from whom you but it.”
  • A New Normal | August 23, 2023

    Many of us have what we consider a normal, daily routine. How would you react if your “normal” was shattered by a job termination notice? What if someone you love has had a serious health issue occur? Every child of God will face unexpected changes, interruptions and painful trials that, like it or not, become our new normal. Through it all we can know that Christ is not out to harm us, but instead His plan is to perfect us and strengthen our faith.
  • Can America Be Restored? | August 22, 2023

    Since God said that Abel’s blood cried out to him from the ground, what does that say for the 65 million abortions that have occurred in America since the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down? What about our courts and legislative bodies and how they’ve destroyed the definition of marriage, God’s first institution. Now we’re to the point where we can’t even figure out what it means to be male or female!
  • News Roundup & Comment | August 18, 2023

    Here’s a selection of stories that Jim brought to the attention of listeners to wrap up the week: Maui’s Emergency Management Agency administrator announced his resignation claiming that he’s resigning for health reasons.
  • Shocking COVID News Update | August 17, 2023

    f you thought that all the discussion surrounding COVID-19, lock-downs, vaccine side effects, sudden deaths and digital health certificates was over, guess again. Returning to Crosstalk to explain why was Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet.
  • Agriculture Industry Targeted | August 15, 2023

    Increasingly, American farm land, and our food supply, is under attack. Whether it’s the acquisition of fertile farm land for the carbon-capture pipeline, China buying up farm land, their stealing of seed samples, the closure of food processing plants, the development and promotion of lab-grown meat or the push to allow companies to inject beef cattle with mRNA vaccines, there is a target on the back of our nation’s agriculture industry. This attack is necessary, we are told, because of global climate change.
  • How to Break a Stubborn Habit | August 14, 2023

    Is there a sinful habit that is dominating your life to the point where you’re tired of being ensnared over and over again? You’ve prayed about it, you’ve surrendered your sin to God, you’ve been more zealous about reading the Bible, praying, attending church and you still can’t shake it. This broadcast will give you hope regarding how you can break free for good.
  • News Roundup & Comment | August 11, 2023

    Here are the top-10 stories from this week’s edition of the News Round-Up. Callers from around the nation added their views as well.
    –55 people have now been killed and 1,000 buildings destroyed due to wildfires in Maui.
    –U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that a special counsel has been appointed to investigate Hunter Biden.
  • Digital Currencies Breed Control | August 10, 2023

    The pressure is on for a central bank digital currency. Increasingly, venues are denying cash and allowing electronic transactions only. Some say this is good because it will end the theft of currency and the underground sale of drugs and other things. Others believe this will lead to ultimate control of what you buy, how much you buy, where you buy and if you buy.
  • 231 Days: Faith in the Face of Terror | August 9, 2023

    Proverbs 27:1 states, “Boast not thyself of tomorrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.” For the guests on this program, what unfolded on one day in their lives has forever impacted them. Their story is told in the newly released DVD titled, 231 Days: A Miraculous True Story of Faith in the Face of Terror. It’s the powerful, true-life story of missionaries Herb & Linda Gregg, who served the Lord as missionaries in Dagestan, a province of Russia.
  • The Healing Church – Victory over Pornography | August 7, 2023

    At younger and younger ages, people are being exposed to pornography. The impact is being carried through the teen years and into adulthood. Many secretly struggle with porn and those inside the church are not exempt. Too often local churches ignore this problem with some not wanting to admit its existence. For others it’s a lack of knowing how to deal with it and help those trapped by it.
  • News Roundup & Comment | August 4, 2023

    Here are the stories that made the cut for the first quarter hour as Jim presented another edition of the weekly News Round-Up: Former President Trump told a U.S. magistrate judge that he didn’t break the law and is not guilty.  After his court appearance he called the federal charges against him a political persecution and a sad day for America.
  • Global Boiling Hysteria | August 3, 2023

    Marc Morano manages CFACT’s award-winning news and information service. He is the award-winning producer, writer and host of Climate Hustle feature films. Marc served as a senior advisor to Senator James Inhofe. He is author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse than You Think, and The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown.
  • What in the World? | August 2, 2023

    Jim opened this program by interviewing Gene Schmidt, the organizer of a prayer and protest event at “Pride in the Park” in Watertown, WI. Gene gave a distressing first-hand account of what transpired when he and others prayed and shared the Gospel publicly at this event. Call Watertown Mayor Emily McFarland at 920-262-4000 to voice your opinions.

  • COVID Shots: A New Awakening | July 31, 2023

    Barbara Loe Fisher is president of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity she co-founded with parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982. NVIC is a national, grassroots movement and public information campaign to institute vaccine safety reforms and informed consent protections in the public health system.
  • News Roundup & Comment | July 28, 2023

    We had the pleasure of having Dalton Windsor host our usual Friday News Roundup. Here are the headlines he shared with us:
    McConnell Suffers Spell At Capitol, He Insists ‘I’m Fine’
    Speaker McCarthy Indicates Republicans Are Moving Toward Impeachment Inquiry Of Biden
  • Socialism, Deconstructionism & the Battle for the Minds of Students : July 26, 2023

    Last fall, a video went viral that was from a prestigious university. In the video, students felt socialism was a good thing. They would abolish private property rights, although some indicated that they didn’t want their own private property rights taken away. This is just one example of how a brainwashing, deconstruction and battle is taking place for the minds of students.

  • The Summit of the Future : July 25, 2023

    Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is the Senior Editor for The New American. He is the co-author of Crimes of the Educators and the author of Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is also the Founder of Liberty Sentinel.
  • News Roundup & Comment : July 21, 2023

    The news cycle never lets up and there was plenty to report on this week that’s pertinent to Christians. Here’s a sample of what Jim had to offer: During a bombshell House Oversight hearing Wednesday, Joseph Ziegler, IRS Special Agent with the Criminal Investigation Division, came through with some stunning claims.
  • Sports Impacted by LGBTQ+ Agenda : March 28, 2023

    Women’s sports are increasingly being decimated by gender confused men who are identifying as women and the media appears to be celebrating the movement. For example, just recently, ESPN, in celebration of Women’s History Month, gave honor to a biological male identifying and competing in swimming as a female.
  • Pushing Back Against the Great Reset : March 27. 2023

    There’s a common goal that is being pushed by the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the World Health Organization and by globalist and religious leaders. The goal is to bring about a great reset via a total upheaval of governments, political systems, the world economy and even world religions. How should we respond? Should we be passive or cry out against such change?
  • J6 Footage Provides Another Narrative : March 14, 2023

    For over two years Americans have been told by the news media and politicians that there was an attempt by armed insurrectionists to overthrow our government and that it was prodded by then President Donald Trump. However, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy released thousands of hours of footage to Tucker Carlson of Fox News who indicated that the footage aired had been vetted by Capitol Hill police before broadcasting it to ensure that there was not any security concerns. What he’s revealed presents a very different narrative concerning what took place on January 6th.
  • COVID Health Emergency and COVID Shot Update

    Twila Brase is the president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom. She’s a registered nurse, a certified public health nurse, and author of the eight-time award-winning book, Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records. She’s the speaker on the daily Health Freedom Minute heard on stations across the nation. Additionally, her efforts led to a national law requiring parent consent for research using newborn DNA, a national campaign exposing HIPAA as a data-sharing rule, an online nationwide directory of direct-pay-practices, The Wedge of Health Freedom and the Patient Toolbox designed to help patients understand their options in coercive situations and maintain control over their treatment decisions.
  • Bibles Needed! : January 30, 2023

    This past Christmas, many of you received a Bible for Christmas. What will you do with your old one? Are you aware that there’s a ministry that collects used Bibles and distributes them to people around the world who are praying that somehow, someone might send them a Bible because they lack the resources to purchase a new one? To discuss how you can meet this critical need, Jim welcomed back Jason Woolford. Jason is the president & executive director of Mission Cry.
  • Covid…Shots…Sudden Deaths…What’s Going On? : January 24, 2023

    Athletes from youth to college age have collapsed or died suddenly. A surfer standing on his board suddenly collapses into the water for no apparent reason. A middle school teacher collapses in front of her class and dies. An airline pilot becomes incapacitated shortly after takeoff and later dies. A news executive, a kindergarten student, and an American Idol contestant…all die suddenly. What’s going on here? Is there any connection to COVID-19 or the shots? How long can we expect this to continue?

  • Patient Rights at Stake : January 23, 2023

    Back on December 13th, the guest on this Crosstalk was interviewed about a critical case before the Wisconsin Supreme Court dealing with patient rights. The case is Allen Gahl v. Aurora Healthcare, Inc. Questions in this case remain. What authority does a medical power of attorney hold? What are patients rights when a hospital refuses a standard of care that the patient or his representative requests? Returning to Crosstalk to discuss this case was Karen Mueller. Karen is the founder & general counsel for Amos Center for Justice and Liberty. She’s the lead attorney in this case representing Allen Gahl.
  • The Power of a Clear Conscience : January 19, 2023

    As is typical with many people, this is the time of new resolutions. Yet many people are hindered by feelings of guilt from the past. Perhaps you’ve been bogged down by a conscience that haunts or even imprisons you. This is not how God intends for you to live as your conscience was not created to hold you prisoner, but to guide you and point you to freedom from guilt and bad habits. It’s designed to tell you the truth so that you’re not held in bondage to lies or to sins from the past.
  • News Roundup & Comment : January 15, 2023

    Here’s a sample of news highlights from the past week as presented by Jim on this edition of Crosstalk:

    –Former chief of staff at the National Security Council and former CIA analyst Fred Fleitz told Newsmax that it wasn’t an accident that classified documents turned up at President Joe Biden’s think-tank office, as he and his staff had decades of experience in handling such items. –Attorney General Merrick Garland appoints a special counsel to investigate President Biden’s handling of classified documents dating back to the Obama administration.
  • The LGBTQ+ Floodgates are Open : January 12, 2023

    As our nation spirals out of control morally, many things now branded as normal were previously described as being unthinkable. Just look at the grooming that’s taking place with youth from pre-school to high school. School leaders, superintendents, colleges and universities, the many layers of our government, the military, the entertainment industry, sports leagues, and more are “all-in.”
  • Israel Always : January 11, 2023

    With such a small land mass, their many enemies, and numerous U.N. resolutions against her, many people are astonished by the existence of Israel. What they fail to understand is that Israel plays a major role in the narrative of the Bible and that includes prophecy.
  • The State of Religious Liberty: January 10, 2023

    Founding father and former president John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” Adams and the other founders not only recognized the importance of being a moral and religious people, but they also recognized the importance or the safeguarding of religious liberty in America.
  • Scripture for our Nation in 2023 : January 9, 2023

    Jim began by noting II Timothy 3 and he commented how when reading this it’s as though you’re hearing the news from today with men being, “…lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; and having a form of godliness..” It also tells us that “…evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” Combine this with what you see in Romans 1, (the marks of men/nations that have pulled away from the Lord) and you can see we’re a nation in great spiritual need.
  • Christmas Blessings 2022 : December 20, 2022

    This edition of Crosstalk began with Jim quoting from an article from Baptist Press. The headline reads like this: 84% of Christians Say U.S. Has Forgotten True Meaning of Christmas. The statistics within the article are from an Ipsos poll. Interestingly, the poll failed to ask respondents their view of the true meaning of Christmas.
  • News Roundup & Comment : December 16, 2022

    Below are highlights from Jim’s look at news events from our nation and around the world. Stories included: –President Biden signed the so-called, “Respect for Marriage Act” this week. –The 12 Republican senators who threw their support behind the “Respect for Marriage Act” were swayed by cash and political clout wielded by a group of prominent donors, several of whom identify as “gay.”
  • The Twitter Files: December 15, 2022

    When Elon Musk said he would make a bid for Twitter, there was an uproar from those on the “left.” Many were concerned how he might upend the company and what might get exposed. Many have left the company while others have been released since Musk has taken over.
  • Libraries Grooming Children? : December 14, 2022

    In the Congressional Record from July 27th, 1987, congressman William Dannemeyer shared an essay by gay revolutionary Michael Swift. The essay, which in the past may have been written off by some as a gay utopian dream, was said to be satire. However, there’s one very serious problem with that description. Many aspects of it have come true.
  • Fanning Flames to Worsen Border Crisis: December 6, 2022

    America’s border crisis continues to be a huge issue, particularly at the southern border and as it pertains to national security. About 2.4 million encounters have taken place at the U.S./Mexico border in fiscal year 2022. In October it was almost 200,000 more and there appears to be no end in sight.
  • Communist China’s Growing Threat: December 5, 2022

    Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is senior editor for The New American and contributes to other publications as well. He’s author of Crimes of the Educators and Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. He is founder of Liberty Sentinel.
  • News Roundup & Comment : December 2, 2022

    Here’s your weekly selection of highlights from the Round-Up broadcast:
    –The U.S. Senate passed the Democrat bill to codify same-sex marriage (61-36) with 12 Republicans jumping on board to give final approval for the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.” –Dr. Barry Black, Chaplain of the U.S. Senate, gave a special prayer highlighting virtuous and godly living before the daily session on November 28th where the major business for the day was the approval of the so-called “Respect for Marriage Act.”
  • Globalism: The Great World Consumption : December 1, 2022

    If you’ve been listening to Crosstalk for some time, you’ve likely discovered that there’s been a significant uptick in the intensity of issues bombarding the world. It’s not just a single battle being waged, but an all-out war on numerous fronts. There’s the attack on biblical values, the demonizing of Christianity, the escalation of lawlessness, the emerging secular agenda, and the growing control of the populace. Some may see these things as accidental or isolated incidents that aren’t connected. However, they all share a common thread. It’s the promotion of globalism.
  • Great is Thy Faithfulness: November 21, 2022

    Many of us have gone through some kind of challenging experience at one time or another. It may have been a prolonged illness, perhaps you’ve lost a loved one, maybe you were rejected by your family because of your faith in Christ, or you may have failed to advance in your employment because of the biblical principles that govern your life.
  • As It Was in the Days of Noah: November 17, 2022

    This edition of Crosstalk recalled the account of Noah. God instructed him to build an ark. We know that only he, his wife, his 3 sons, and their wives went into the ark. In total, it was 8 individuals and 2 of each kind of animal. Soon God closed the door, the rains came and flooded the entire earth, the topography was completely changed, and judgment was meted out on a very wicked world.
  • Reaching Youth in Critical Times : November 1, 2022

    Many times on Crosstalk we’ve described how children are being targeted in our secular culture. Included in that are those influences that are seeking to lure children away from biblical morality, questioning right vs. wrong or even trying to alienate children away from their parents. Then there’s the direct indoctrination into aberrant lifestyles with the intent of normalizing that which is abnormal.
  • Crosstalk: September 9, 2022

    Today is a special day for Crosstalk; it marks 35 years of broadcasting over the VCY America Network. We certainly give God the glory and praise for this milestone. We take you back to 35 years ago when the first Crosstalk broadcast and even further than that to share how a talk show was born. Jim gives a quick but detailed history of how VCY began with Vic Eliason which led to the first call in program which then led to Crosstalk as we know it today. Jim also played 3 clips from that very first Crosstalk, one of which was a clip of the very first caller on Crosstalk, a 12 year old boy who publicly declared that abortion is sin. During the final half of the program, Jim opened the lines for listeners to share how Crosstalk has impacted them. A very specific note made by Jim: to God be ALL the glory for VCY’s accomplishments.
  • Crosstalk: June 7, 2021

    Here’s the list of stories Dalton featured during the first half hour of the broadcast:

    –China threatens nuclear war over U.S. calls for probe into the origins of COVID-19.

    –The Global Times newspaper, which is controlled by the Communist Party, released an editorial article stating that Beijing is preparing for a nuclear war with the U.S.

  • Crosstalk: October 12, 2020

    Have you ever wondered how church leaders, even those who seemed so solid in their own teaching, can become so blind to error that they could permit a widespread invasion of false teachings into the church? When leaders are drawn to such teachings, it’s no surprise that many individual Christians fail too see how these occult and New Age teachings are far removed from the faith once for all delivered to the saints.

    Joining Jim to discuss one such invasion was Don Veinot. Don is the co-founder and president of Midwest Christian Outreach, a national apologetics ministry and mission to new religious movements. He’s been involved in apologetics ministry for over 3 decades and is a charter member of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. He is also a staff researcher and writer for the Midwest Outreach Journal.

    Joining Don was Marcia Montenegro. Before becoming a Christian, Marcia was involved for many years in Eastern spiritual beliefs (Hindu and Buddhist), New Age, and occult practices. She was a certified, professional astrologer who taught Astrology for several years. She served as chairperson of the Astrology Board of Examiners and President of the Astrological Society in Atlanta. She came to Christ and now is engaged with her full-time ministry, Christian Answers for the New Age. She’s the author of ‘Spellbound: The Paranormal Seduction of Today’s Kids.’

    Don is releasing a book called, ‘Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret.’ Don kicked off the discussion by defining the term, ‘enneagram.’ This is a geometric design. Basically it’s a circle with three shapes inside of it that touch the outer circle at 9 different points. This nine pointed symbol originated with an early 20th century Russian mystic.

    While Marcia noted that the enneagram symbol is a neutral geometric design and that there is no inherent evil in the design, some people are reading various paths to God into it and it’s this concept that’s infiltrating segments of the evangelical church.

    On this edition of Crosstalk, Don and Marcia detail the remaining history/evolution of this symbol, it’s connection to the Jesuits, how it came to the attention of Richard Rohr and went on to become embraced by elements of the evangelical publishing world. Banner