Best of Flashback: March 1, 2010


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Topic: Revealing the Muslim Hitler that America's world history books and America's mainstream journalists refuse to discuss. Mohammad Amin al-Husayni was a Muslim religious leader in Jerusalem from 1921-1948. His title was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. In November of 1941 Al-Husayni went to Berlin to meet with Hitler to offer his services in eliminating the Jews from the face of the earth. Hitler and the Mufti joined forces and the Mufti recruited up to 30,000 Muslims to wear the uniform of the Nazis. In 1943 the Mufti convinced Nazi leadership to not allow 4,000 children and 500 adults from leaving Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania and relocating in Palestine. Experts believe this meant the ultimate slaughter of these 4,000 children. In 1944, the Mufti convinced the Hungarian foreign minister from allowing 900 Jewish children and 100 adults from leaving Hungary because he feared they would settle in Palestine. The Mufti sought to make sure a Jewish state was not realized and he desired to bring the "final solution" used by the Nazis to Palestine. Hitler put the Mufti on radio in several countries so he could rally Muslims to rise up and kill the Jews. In 1943, the Mufti went to Bosnia and he and his men murdered 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia. Muslim troops also went to Croatia and Hungary and murdered large numbers of Jews. The bottom line is this. The Jews have been defending themselves against the murderous rampage of radical Muslims for generations. Only recently has America and Great Britain come to understand what the Jewish people have known for years—radical Muslims hate Jews, Americans, and the British and they desire to destroy our nations, governments, and way of life and replace it with Muslim Laws, Muslim customs and the radical Muslim worldview. This is the rest of the history that has been left out by political correctness.

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