Brannon Howse: March 23, 2010


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Brannon is back from a 6 city tour of Florida. Topic One: Brannon's take on the passage of Obamacare. Brannon says we are in the middle of a revolution in American and when Obama said, "this is what change looks like", what he was really saying it, "this is what a revolution looks like" because in Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, which Obama studied, "change" means "a revolution." Obama said he would "fundamentally transform America" just days before he was elected and he has kept his promise. Topic Two: So what is next? Making millions of illegal aliens, residents of America and voters is the next step. Topic Three: Rush Limbaugh says what many have said for months and that is that under Obama, we may not even have a 2012 election and Rush says he is not joking when he says that is a possibility. Topic Four: Obama's war on Israel. America's treatment of Israel is one of the two reasons America is on the tipping point if not past the tipping point of receiving God's national judgment. Brannon believes the judgment has already begun and the passage of national healthcare is part of that judgment. Topic Five: The Dallas Morning News reported in 1991 that U.S. and German officials were happy about the idea of the permanent present of German trips in America. Topic Six: Why did Carroll Quigley know too much and what did he know? Topic Seven: Who are the "Power Elite?

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