Brannon Howse: June 3, 2010


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Topic One: Are America's public school teachers underpaid? This is a common myth perpetrated by the teacher unions. Brannon compares the salary of the average teacher to chemists, physical therapists, registered nurses, aircraft mechanics and firefighters. What is revealed will not only surprise you but reveal the government and teacher union misinformation that has been feed to the American people. Topic Two: Listen to a sound bite of a public school teacher confronting the Governor of New Jersey. This public school teacher tries to tell the Governor how she is not being paid enough money and how she would be happy with $83,000 per year. News reports claim the teacher actually makes $86,000 per year. Governor Christie of New Jersey tells the teacher she is being paid at least the $83,000 per year she is requesting if she figured in her benefits and that she only works nine months per year. The Governor has the guts to tell her if she is not happy then she should quit. The Governor tells her that her statements are stupid. America needs more leaders that have the courage to go against political correctness and stand up to the union thugs. Topic Three: Why do Christian parents and teachers continue to support and belong to the PTA. The PTA is not a friend of Christians or parental authority and is known for its promotion of homosexuality. Topic Four: We take your calls.

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