Brannon Howse: August 30 (original air date 8-27)


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Topic One: Kirk Cameron, the actor and Christian, is Brannon's guest today to explain from a Biblical position why he could not attend "Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny" event on 8-27, after being invited. Topic Two: On his radio program today Glenn referenced a CNN article that also ran today in which CNN took a portion of Brannon's article from our website in which Brannon, explained from the Scriptures, why we can unit with Mr. Beck on non-spiritual issues but we Biblically cannot unite with him on his self-described spiritual event. On today's radio program Glenn said "looking to one God is the theme" of the 8/28 event. Glenn referred to the CNN article and said "so now the religious bigotry is there too". Since Howse is quoted in the article explaining why we cannot unite with Mr. Beck spiritually, we assume he means Brannon when he says "religious bigotry." Why are we not being religious bigots but Biblical Bereans. Topic Three: Would one of Beck's goals be to convince the American people that Mormonism and Christianity are one in the same; after all as Beck said "looking to one God is the theme" of the 8/28 event. Topic Four: Mr. Beck said on his radio program on August 27, 2010 that "the spirit is going to teach tomorrow, and you are going to feel things you have never felt before; 8-28." Should we ask what spirit since Glenn is a self-confessed Mormon as recently as on his TV program at 4:38 pm CT on Friday, August 27th. It clearly will not be the Holy Spirit of the Bible because God's Spirit cannot teach that which is unbiblical such as "looking to one God." Topic Five: We take your calls. A pastor calls in to ask if Glenn Beck may be setting up his fellow Mormon Mitt Romney for another run for the White House by trying to convince the American people that Mormons are the same as Christians. The pastor is asked what he thinks and he said he believes it is part of the overall agenda.

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