Brannon Howse: September 21, 2010


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We told you we would not re-visit the Glenn Beck topic unless there was a good reason to do so. Well, many of you e-mailed Brannon over the weekend and wanted to know what he thought of Glenn's September 17th TV program. So, today Brannon plays clips from the Beck program and comments. Glenn continues to push pluralism and universalism. Topic One: Glenn's program was on the four "men" that led revolutions; Jesus, Gandhi, Moses and Martin Luther King Jr. Beck says "let's talk about Him [Jesus] as a man" and then says "if He indeed is the Messiah". So Beck is not only lowering Jesus to the status of a man instead of what He was, God incarnate, but Beck also left in question whether Jesus was really the Messiah. Beck goes on to say that he has made a deep connection to all four individuals and that "their truth is so universal." Did you catch that? Beck said "their truth". This is total postmodernism and universalism. All religions cannot all be true. Topic Three: Gandhi's grandson proclaims that at the bottom all religions are the same and even Alveda King, who claims to be a Christian, did not express any disagreement with this pluralistic propaganda. Gandhi's grandson went on to proclaim that all humanity is one. This is the belief of monism and pantheism as promoted in the Hindu religion of Gandhi. Topic Four: Morehouse College President Dr. Robert Franklin proclaims that Martin Luther King Jr. married his beliefs of Jesus with the beliefs of Gandhi. Franklin says "Jesus provides the theory in a sense Gandhi provides practice" and Beck says "this is starting to sound almost like the Black Robe Regiment." Beck's Black Robe Regiment that consists of 240 pastors, priests, imams, and Rabbis attended the 8-28 rally and literally locked arms with each other. Are the "evangelical" pastors and leaders now ready to admit they were willing pawns for Beck's pluralistic push and promotion of universalism? What will it take before even one pastor or Christian leader separates himself from Beck's unbiblical campaign and agenda? Topic Five: Evangelical leaders and LDS leaders have had numerous hush, hush, meetings to bridge an agreement together. Topic Six: The merging of religions is so popular that Christianity Today magazine ran an article on how one could be a "Messianic Muslim". That is a Muslim that "accepts" Jesus but still follows Muhammad. Can you see the one-world religion coming together?(original air date, September 20, 2010 at 1pm CT)

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