Brannon Howse: October 4, 2010


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In September of 2010, the Anti-Defamation League formed an "interfaith coalition" to help Muslims build mosques in America. Of course Land did not pass up the opportunity to be involved in one more pluralistic, politically correct project. The names and goals of the organizations that make up this coalition clearly reveal their ultimate goal. There is "Vicar for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Affairs". The keyword is ecumenical. Then there is Dr. Eboo Patel whose organization "Interfaith Youth Core" whose website declares that their goal is "to introduce a new relationship, one that is about mutual respect and religious pluralism. Instead of focusing a dialogue on political or theological differences…"

Religious pluralism is the belief that all religions are equal in their truth claims. All religious can be wrong but they cannot all be true. Notice the "Interfaith Youth Core" wants to set aside "theological difference." Should Christians set aside their Biblical theology in order to obtain group consensus? The answer is no. In fact the Bible tells us in 2 John 9-11 that if someone comes bringing another doctrine other than the essential Christian doctrines of Jesus Christ then we are not greet them or invite them into our home, much less seek to find common ground with them or to seek to support their spiritual goals and objectives.
Richard Land declared in an August 3, 2010 article published in USA Today article that "mosque opponents are misguided." Land goes on to pontificate that by limiting mosques we are setting up for the government to limit other religions. The federal government should never be involved in the approval of building churches or mosques. Local governments regulate the building of church buildings as a matter of local zoning laws all the time. The only reason the federal government should shut down a mosque is when it is a national security threat.

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