John Loeffler: October 19, 2015

The silly season is heating up and this week we witnessed an early boil. Democrat party candidates held their first debate with a fireworks display of droll talking points. In this week’s boralogue, John looks at politicians’ promises of free stuff, despite economic problems on the horizon, a changing Middle East chessboard, impending terror attacks in America, and an out of control debt. Remember one thing: before Obamacare, before the housing crisis, before terrorists breached our borders, and with debate promises made this week, they lied to us. A recent report from Judicial Watch shows proof that ISIS has infiltrated our southern border. Irene Garcia, Investigative Reporter for Judicial Watch, joins us to discuss the failure of security on our porous border and a possible cover-up by Homeland Security officials who say they have no knowledge of any problems. Some ISIS members were caught, but many more have snuck through undetected. Wake up and smell the infiltration. Now that ISIS is here, what is the likelihood of terrorist attacks? Dan Perkins, bestselling author of The Brotherhood of the Red Nile trilogy, examines ISIS’s ability to obtain nuclear materials and reveals that terrorists may target America’s heartland rather than New York or Washington. He compares our border crisis to the refugee chaos in Europe and questions whether OPEC countries may be next on the terrorist hit list. The Hippocratic Oath for physicians in part states, “Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so.” Alex Schadenburg, Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, discusses how Canada’s legislature is redefining euthanasia, and shows that the ability to practice medicine depends on whether or not doctors are willing to allow patients to go through with an act they consider to be wrong. With terrorist attacks and natural disasters looming on our horizon, it is always good to be prepared. We welcome back Dr. Paul Williams (, author of When All Plans Fail, who emphasizes the need for neighborhoods and churches to band together for disaster relief and reviews predicted earthquakes for the U.S. and what life may be like after the big one. As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world. This week, John takes a look at what some are calling the Third Intifada in Israel.

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