John Loeffler: November 9, 2015

Congress has voted to change Social Security in an effort they say will save the government money. In this week’s boralogue, John shows that it will actually lessen the amount seniors receive by limiting their options. This begins the great reneging, where promises collide with reality. Money being poured into social programs will go toward servicing our unmanageable debt. As we count down to Election Day 2016, remember that whoever is in office when the powder keg blows will receive the blame. Eliminating disease during fertilization that will result in a healthy child sounds good in theory. But are we gene slicing off more than we can handle? Rebecca Taylor (, a technologist in molecular biology, examines the emergence of three-parent offspring and the dangerous pace of human genetic testing. This could lead to human-designed babies that are smarter, faster, and stronger. But will they still be human? We reported over the summer that several government agency databases were hacked and personal information compromised. Joining us this week is Bartlett Cleland (, Research Fellow with the Institute for Policy Innovation, who discusses the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act and how interagency sharing could lead to a majority of American citizens with government profiles. Who would oppose the Muslim Leadership Initiative’s plan to allow Muslims to better understand Jews and Israel? Answer: the Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions movement. Cinnamon Stillwell (, the West Coast Representative of Campus Watch, reveals the source behind BDS’s opposition and shows the difficulty students face with political activist teachers. Truth is hate speech only to those people who hate the truth. As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world. This week, John takes a closer look at both political correctness and the European migrant crisis. Please like us on Facebook at the Steel on Steel page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians on Facebook as well for the latest information concerning Christians suffering for their faith around the world.

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