John Loeffler: May 3, 2016

It’s becoming clearer who the two candidates for U.S. president are going to be this fall. With all the campaign nonsense being discussed, we have to ask: is this the best we can do? In this week’s boralogue, John looks at serious issues facing the planet, including the upcoming Israeli-Palestinian peace summit and political reactions from Europe to Israel to Russia. Whoever our next president is will need to ignore the nonsense and address these sober matters. War in Syria has raged for many years now, but do we really know what’s happening on the ground there? Jonathan Spyer (, Director of the Rubin Center for Research in International Affairs, has covered the Syrian war from the beginning and discusses the transition from battling a brutal regime to more sectarian violence as well as the possibility of independence for the Kurdish people. How do politically correct leftists get around that pesky First Amendment to shut down free speech? In a second boralogue, John examines consensus thinking, self-censorship, and using institutional racism as a way to inhibit speech. Free speech is under attack. We need to tell those attacking it that we will not sit down and we will not shut up! Could we be heading for some cold times ahead, despite the constant trumpeting of global warming activists? We welcome back John Casey (, President of Veritence Corporation, who reveals that in the next 25-30 years, we will see record low energy output from the sun, decreasing temperatures, which will affect not only crops, but also the frequency of earthquakes and volcanic activity. John’s quote of the week: “Bear in mind that the people today telling us that we have to self-sensor when we talk about Islam or some other minority group, is the same group that had open season on Christianity in academia and the media for the last 50 years.” As always, join us online for our Section 6 intelligence briefing featuring analysis by John on important stories highlighting emerging geopolitical trends around the world. Please like us on Facebook at the Steel on Steel page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians on Facebook as well for the latest information concerning Christians suffering for their faith around the world.

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