Crosstalk: April 26, 2017

Shahram Hadian was born in Iran into a Muslim family. His parents had a sense of urgency to leave Iran in 1978 and moved to the United States. While in the States, Shahram committed his life to Jesus Christ. This brought immediate disapproval from his family and his culture. Shahram, now a former Muslim, has begun the TIL Project. The Truth in Love Project exposes the true goal of Islam and the threat of Shariah in America. He’s a former candidate for Governor in Washington State. He has served as a police officer and a pastor.
Jim and Shahram began by following up on the April 17th Crosstalk broadcast that dealt with the Brannon Howse, Sioux Falls, South Dakota WorldView Weekend rally held on April 9th. At that rally, a man filmed his Qur'an for about 45 seconds and panned the crowd at the event for Facebook. The man went to his car where he brandished 5 weapons, including two assault rifles, a considerable amount of ammunition and also used the words, 'be scared' along with 'be terrified'.

Shahram was shocked that the local police department and county prosecutor, who's also the state attorney, said within 24 hours that this man did nothing wrong and that no threats were made. The story went international and now it's been reported that last Friday, the man was arrested on terrorism charges.

Islam continues to be 'mainstreamed' into American society. Jim gave an example from the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel newspaper dated April 23rd. The story noted that people from the greater Milwaukee area gathered at the Islamic Community Center to pack food for refugees. The event was designed to attract volunteers from all faiths.

Shahram believes this is something to be concerned about. Why? Shahram isn't concerned about the basic idea of doing something that's humanitarian. It's the players involved that concern him. He noted that when you see the phrase, 'Islamic society', there's a 95% chance that this is a Muslim Brotherhood entity. This is the language of the Muslim Brotherhood in their own explanatory memorandum which details takeover via a civilization/jihadist process. It involves the establishment of Islamic centers or societies. They don't call them 'mosques' because that sounds too threatening.

Part of the process involves the Muslims working with inter-faith groups. This makes the Muslims the 'love-factor' that the social gospel churches are falling for. It doesn't stop there. Some evangelicals have played a part in accelerating the civilization-jihadist process. Examples include the pro-refugee Evangelical Roundtable and Pastor Rick Warren with his peace initiative. In the latter case, it's an attempt to avoid trying to evangelize one another and instead come together to do good works for the sake of building bridges to peace. Unfortunately many Christians are falling for it.

Jim noted that a new organization called JET-PAC, Inc. (Justice/Education and Technology Policy Advocacy Center) is mobilizing to get more Muslims elected to public office in cities and states. Background on the founder indicates ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Shahram believes their 'end-game' is tied to what happened in 2014 with the launching of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations. The USCMO is now the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood. He contends that it was launched because Muslims are moving to another level. That next level is political. Another reason he believes this is because the man who started JET-PAC, Inc. (a Muslim convert) not only was tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, he was state director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). He is now on the city council in Boston.

What people need to remember is that the advocacy group known as the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is tied to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. They are an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terror financing trial in America history.

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