Crosstalk: May 11, 2017

​​Just a couple of days ago, Pamela Geller reported that a Delaware State Trooper was fatally gunned down outside a convenience store by devout Muslims reciting quotes from the Qur'an. National news has been mostly silent on this issue.

The Freedom Outpost presented a story yesterday about an Afghan immigrant in Germany who actually butchered a mother in front of her children. The German media failed to mention that the attacker was Muslim.

Why is this silence taking place while we continue to be told that Islam is a religion of peace? Could it be that this peace is feigned in order to accomplish the desired goals of Islam for domination and control in the form of Shariah law?

Joining Jim to look at this topic was Chris Gaubatz. Chris is a national security consultant and vice president of Understanding the Threat. In 2007, Chris began researching the threat of jihadi organizations in the United States by posing as a Muslim convert and attending Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas conferences gaining access as an intern with the Hamas organization, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Virginia. While working at CAIR he uncovered a fraud scheme. He was invited by Hamas/CAIR leaders to work at their headquarters office in Washington D.C. During his time there he obtained over 12,000 pages of documents and over 300 hours of covert audio/video recordings. His story is featured in the book, 'Muslim Mafia'.

Before getting to the main topic, Jim had Chris present his views concerning the firing of James Comey and what that might mean in terms with how the FBI studies and deals with Islamic terrorism.

Chris believes that for the last 15 years we really haven't identified who our enemy really is. Other than a brief window of time under John Guandolo, the FBI has not been trained in how to investigate jihadis, specifically the Muslim Brotherhood. The result is that you have agents that are interviewing jihadis but don't know what questions to ask. So Chris sees the firing of Comey as a 'game changer' because we have the ability to put someone in place that will make proper training a priority.

Chris actually went underground within the Hamas organization known as CAIR (Council on American/Islamic Relations), working side-by-side with them in Washington, D.C. The 12,000 pages of documents that were obtained showed that CAIR was working with Al-Qaida to influence our Department of Homeland Security, the Judiciary Committee, Intelligence Committee, legislators and the media. All this was described by Chris as a tireless effort on the part of our enemies to inflict 'civilization jihad'.

Chris described 'civilization jihad' this way: The Holy Land Foundation Trial was the largest terrorism financing and Hamas trial in U.S. history. One piece of evidence that was entered was an 'explanatory memorandum'. This Muslim Brotherhood document outlined that they would wage civilization jihad to destroy the United States from within. This is total warfare against non-Muslims via education, propaganda and media manipulation, political influence, intelligence, espionage...all aspects of war. This means they are working with school boards, getting Muslim Brotherhood leaders elected to political office at all levels and also working with legislators, law enforcement and media.

The Muslims behind this believe the media narrative will drive them to victory because if you can't discuss the truth about your enemy, you'll never target your enemy. If you can't target your enemy, you'll never defeat them.

So what about the cries about Muslims just being common ordinary citizens? Chris noted how it's a lie but it's also partly true. Under Shariah, when an Islamic leader talks about peace, he's talking about peace through the lens of Shariah. For them, under Shariah, the world will be under peace. So they could be lying or they could be speaking the truth but you can't know for sure because definitions of the words they use are different under Shariah.

As the program continued, Chris discussed the following:

--The lawsuit CAIR has against him
--The objectives of CAIR compared to ISIS or Al-Qaida
--How the multi-step process of civilization jihad plays out
--The censorship of references to Islam in counter-terrorism training
--Muslim groups engaging in lawsuits in order to shut-down dialogue


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