Crosstalk: May 17, 2017

​Jim began this broadcast by reading Matthew chapter 25:34-40. Then he followed that with two questions: Is this portion of Scripture an apologetic for open borders? Does this mean we should allow anyone who wishes to gain entrance into the U.S. the right to do so? (This would include Muslims who wish to impose Sharia on our nation.)

To answer these questions, Jim welcomed back Shahram Hadian. Shahram is a former Muslim from Iran who came to the states in 1978 and committed his life to Jesus Christ. Shahram began the TIL Project (Truth in Love Project) which exposes the true goal of Islam and the threat of Sharia in America. He has served as a pastor, a police officer and a former candidate for governor in Washington State.

In answer to these questions, Jim had Shahram define and examine the Evangelical Immigration Roundtable. This roundtable is a group of evangelicals who believe that our immigration laws are flawed and polarizing, therefore we need to have respect for all people. While this group claims to believe in the rule of law, they promote open borders for those who aren't here yet and a path to citizenship for those who are.

According to Shahram, what the Evangelical Immigration Roundtable is basically doing is taking Matthew 25:34-40 out of context. These verses are about the second coming of Christ and the separation of the sheep from the goats. In taking these verses out of context, the roundtable is using that portion of Scripture to justify letting strangers (immigrants)in no matter what their motivation or ideology.

Shahram also indicated that this movement is a globalist one because there's direct evidence that people like Jim Wallace and the Evangelical Immigration Roundtable have been funded by George Soros, the Ford Foundation and even tax dollars (The National Immigration Forum is the force behind the roundtable.). It's about destabilizing nations and sovereignty, forgetting borders and establishing a global utopia.

Is Shahram misrepresenting the roundtable? He noted that there are two points that must be considered: First of all, follow the money because that tells a lot concerning intent and connections, especially when in this case we can follow globalist money into these organizations. For example, we can tie the signers and supporters to other works such as the refugee crisis response document put forth by evangelicals in December of 2015.

So why does he consider the evangelical response declaration flawed when it appears to simply want to help immigrants? It's because when it says they want to take care of the hurting and the long-term needs of refugees, nowhere in the section of long-term needs is sharing the gospel part of the plan. It's a socialized gospel that is winsome and seeks not to offend anyone.

Shahram mentioned the names of other prominent individuals and organizations involved in this movement; other documents with similar goals; neo-evangelicalism and it's rejection of the supremacy of God's Word and much more.

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