Crosstalk: July 12, 2017

Tom DeWeese is the president of American Policy Center. Tom is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, American sovereignty and independence and protecting our constitutionally guaranteed rights.

Tom joined Jim to inform listeners about a nomination made by President Trump that is of great concern. The nomination is for Assistant Secretary of Community Planning and Development at HUD (Housing and Urban Development). The man in question is Neal Rackleff who was formerly the Director of Public Housing for Houston, Texas. Neil is a partner in a law firm called Locke Lord, a firm that is a lobbyist that is pushing HUD grant programs/policies onto local governments.

What is AFFH? AFFH is social engineering based upon community regulation. It proposes that fair housing must be a prime consideration for every decision that is made regarding housing and development. It's meant to be a solution to discrimination based upon race, income levels, religion and national origin. Cities are being forced to do in-depth studies and then compile a report for HUD about what kind of diversity balance or imbalance the city has in every neighborhood and how the city plans to solve the issue.

Next, the community is required to bring individuals in who are members of civil rights groups, planning groups and others who have an interest in the outcomes. They are the ones that decide whether the city is in compliance or not.

The EPA announced that the Trump administration was moving to rescind the Waters of the U.S. regulatory rule that was implemented during the Obama era. This is an important move because Tom believes the Waters of the U.S. rule was a tremendous land and power grab by the Obama administration. They were basically using the EPA as an attack force by declaring nearly every 'mud puddle' a navigable waterway leading into ever larger bodies of water. This was then connected to the U.N.'s attempts to put together the Law of the Sea Treaty. It meant that the U.N. would then control all the water throughout the world. In other words, this would have been a major assault on private property rights.

The last issue Tom mentioned dealt with textbooks. Life Sciences Secondary School in New York City ordered that all textbooks be removed from the school. They claimed that books are antiquated, they don't have a budget for them, and that they would begin using e-books.

This caught Tom's attention because when you put information through technology such as e-books, that information can quickly be changed, erased or not even printed in the first place. Certain forces can make those kinds of decisions. On the other hand, a printed book can't be changed. The only way to get rid of the information is to burn it.


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