Crosstalk: September 25, 2017

As the week came to an end, Jim presented listeners with these and other news headlines:
--President Trump signs an executive order imposing new sanctions on North Korea.
--North Korea learns that Chinese banks will no longer do business with them.
--North Korea might be on the verge of building a nuclear powered submarine.
--President Trump calls North Korea's Kim Jong-un a madman.
--North Korea's foreign minister warns they could test a hydrogen bomb.
--Violence erupts between supporters and opponents of Turkish President Erdogan during a speech in New York yesterday.
--The Trump administration is considering dropping Pakistan as an ally.
--A senior Iranian military leader claims his nation has developed 'the father of all bombs'.
--An Al Qaeda-backed media group has issued a 'wanted' poster that pictures President Donald Trump.
--The FBI can't seem to figure out the motive for a knife attack executed by a Somali Muslim refugee who yelled 'Allahu Akbar!' in a Minnesota mall in 2016.
--The Parliament in Canada is debating a study that alleges extremist individuals do not represent the religion of Islam.
--The U.S. Air Force's stockpile of bombs and missiles is running low. A call is on for Congress to approve new defense spending.
--The Pentagon will pay for sex-change surgeries through early 2018 and is open to exceptions after the cut-off date.
--Senator John McCain is co-sponsoring legislation to prevent the U.S. military from removing transgenders from the military or preventing them from re-enlisting.
--Navy officials are not ready to say why their destroyers are colliding with other vessels.
--James Clapper, President Obama's director of national intelligence, is now admitting that Trump could have been recorded on wiretaps.
--Former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, who used a secret e-mail alias during her time at the agency, is lashing out at the Trump administration for, 'destroying the agency's credibility by being non-transparent.'
--The National Science Foundation is spending over $100,000 to create safe zone inclusion training so more members of the LGBTQ community can become engineers.
--The Family Research Council is warning parents of brazen indoctrination plans being pursued by teachers, even in elementary schools.
--Numerologist David Meade predicts the end of the world for 9/23 but then backs away saying that day will only begin a series of catastrophic events to occur over a period of several weeks.  ​

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