Crosstalk: October 16, 2017

​​From health care to North Korea to news on the economy and more, Jim presented information on many stories on this edition of the Round-Up. Here's a sample:

--President Trump announced that he will not certify that the nation of Iran is complying with the 2015 nuclear agreements.
--The U.S. and Israel withdraw from UNESCO over anti-Israel bias.
--Hezbollah Chief calls for the ethnic cleansing of all Jews in Israel, the destruction of the Jewish state and told Israeli's to begin a countdown to death.
--The U.S. Supreme Court has picked December 5th to hear arguments concerning a Colorado baker accused of violating a state regulation by refusing to promote a same-sex wedding.
--President Trump underscores his administration's commitment to families and religious freedom during a Values Voter Summit.
--The Department of Health and Human Services has published a draft of a new strategic plan that states that life begins at conception.
--President Trump plans to halt payments to insurers under the Affordable Care Act immediately.
--President Trump took executive action on health care, calling for a plan that would let employers band together and offer coverage across state lines.
--The Trump administration has EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt begin rolling back the Clean Power Plan.
--U.S. consumer sentiment surges to a 13 year high.
--The U.S. Supreme Court dismisses a legal challenge to President Trump's travel ban.
--President Trump unveils a new, strict, 70 point immigration enforcement plan.
--President Trump nominates White House Deputy Chief of Staff Kirstjen Nielsen to be the new secretary of Homeland Security.
--President Trump and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis publicly refuted an NBC News report that claimed the commander in Chief wanted to drastically increase the U.S. nuclear arsenal.
--New York Times staffer admits that the paper slants news coverage against President Trump.
--Two key officials involved in North Korea's missile program were reportedly no where to be seen during recent public events, fueling speculation that another missile launch or nuke test could be imminent.
--North Korea makes fresh threats to attack the U.S. territory of Guam.
--A military official in Seoul, South Korea, said that although there is no sign of any impending provocation by Pyongyang, South Korea has detected some movement from North Korea's missile facilities and bases.
--President Trump has dispatched a second nuclear aircraft carrier, the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt, to the Korean peninsula.
--The U.S.S Michigan, a nuclear powered, ballistic missile submarine, has arrived in a South Korean port.
--Britain preparing for all-out war with North Korea.
--Russia is accusing the U.S. of violating a peace treaty between Moscow and NATO after the Pentagon deployed a new force in the tense, Baltic region.​

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