Crosstalk: November 2, 2018

Brad Mattes is the president and CEO of Life Issues Institute headquartered in Cincinnati.  Their mission is that of assuring through education, equal protection under the law for all living humans from the beginning of their biological life at fertilization until natural death.

Jim began by quoting from a NARAL Pro-Choice America e-mail asking people to vote for pro-choice candidates. Also, Nancy Pelosi said they will have a pro-choice gavel when they win Congress.

If pro-aborts get hold of the Senate, Brad believes that would stop all future pro-life Supreme Court justices as well as stopping strict constructionists and pro-life judges on the appellate and district courts. On the House side it would stop any pro-life legislation such as the stopping of funding for Planned Parenthood.

The Alabama Supreme Court is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up a matter pertaining to abortion. The court said that the value of the life of an unborn child is no less than the value of the lives of other persons and that they are entitled to the full and equal protection of the law.

Brad followed this up by noting that there are other key pieces of legislation that are set to face the courts. One involves whether states can take away Planned Parenthood funding through Medicaid. Others involve dismemberment abortion along with protection for women and their babies entering abortion mills. In the latter case, this would involve requiring abortionists to have admitting privileges to a hospital within 30 miles or 15 minutes from the abortion facility.

Planned Parenthood is pouring tens of millions of dollars into the mid-term elections, all for keeping alive the option to kill unborn children. Brad communicated that Planned Parenthood is, ' extreme organization that wants to keep abortion legal throughout pregnancy for any reason, even for sex selection in the 8th month.'

Election battleground states critical to the fight for life include Arizona, Tennessee, North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Missouri and Florida.

Jim also had Brad comment on the following:

--Ballot measures related to life in West Virginia, Oregon and Alabama.
--Why Planned Parenthood became unglued when it was leaked that the Trump administration was seeking to return the definition of gender to male and female.
--A Mississippi grandmother allegedly stabbed a 20 month old baby and allegedly put it in a heated oven.
--The built-up anger of pro-abortion groups over the number of pro-life laws that have been enacted in recent years.


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