Crosstalk: November 26, 2018

A​t VCY America, we believe the local church is VITAL. That Jesus Christ has established the Church of which, He is the Head (Ephesians 4:15) and that the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18). Very sadly however, and to the dismay of so many, there is clearly less and less interest being shown toward the Church here in America. Today we ask the question - what is the role of the Church? Joining us for today's discussion is Greg Lundstedt. Greg serves as Pastor/Teacher of the Vancouver Bible Fellowship in Vancouver, Washington. He is heard weekly on the VCY America Radio Network and Equipping the Saints Radio.

When asked 'what is the role of the Church?' Pastor Greg first answers 'ultimately, to glorify Christ' made up of 'those who have trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who have been indwelt by the Spirit of God...who are the Church, the body of Christ.' Quoting from Ephesians chapter 4 he teaches how the Church is for so much more than what is being understood or popularized today. He makes it clear that the Church is not 'in anyway shape or form for the world but, is actually for believers...and although someone who doesn't know Christ may come and hear the gospel and praise the Lord, should they fall down and trust in Christ, even still, the Church remains for believers, to be built up for the works of service and to glorify Christ, to exalt Him.' But when asked are we taking the right stands, doing the right things? He answers 'no.'

Crosstalk asks several important questions including the importance of sound doctrine, why youth are leaving the Church, the rise of Islam and interfaith dialogue as well as the LGBTQ movement. Even with all of these things, Pastor Greg shares that his greatest concern is that 'it seems everyone is doing what is right in their own eyes. That people are just deciding we should do church this way or that way and you see people following just as the Scriptures warn, wanting their ears tickled' (2 Timothy 4). He is grieved that the 'seeker sensitive model' which breaks God's principles is so forth going and 'isn't good.' He reiterates that 'the Church is for the saved to be built up, and THEN to go into the world that people would hear the Gospel and be saved.' Regardless, Pastor Greg's faith is strong in God and says the Church need remain steadfast in 'leading, guiding and protecting' the flock. Crosstalk takes your phone calls!

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