Crosstalk: January 9, 2019

So far, in 2019…

On Monday, the newly sworn in Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi vowed “Lord, make me a channel of Thy peace.” In the same setting, just a short time later, she then led the US House of Representatives to force American taxpayers to fund abortion overseas. This same bill would increase funding to the United Nations population fund, which participates in coercive (forced) abortion, along with involuntary human sterilization in China. Is this a “channel of peace?”  

Planned Parenthood has launched a new billboard campaign in Des Moines, Iowa to applaud women who feel no shame or remorse for killing their unborn baby in the womb.  

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (on Monday) vowed to protect and expand abortion access for women in his state. He promises to withhold his support of the 2019-20 state budget if it does not include “looser” abortion laws.  Plainly stated, how about abortion laws that can be enacted, right up until the time of birth? This coincides with new information that the world’s leading cause of death in 2018, was result of abortion. 

On Monday, the state of Wisconsin inaugurated a new Governor, democrat elect, Tony Evers. After taking the oath of office, one of his very first acts was to sign an executive order against “so called” anti LGBTQ discrimination in state employment and contracting. Michigan’s newly elected Governor (Gretchen Whitmer) also signed related executive orders while the state of Kansas will inaugurate a new Governor next week who has also vowed to sign an executive order related to the same. 

A judge has dismissed a lawsuit against “Drag Queen Storytime” at the Houston Public Library. The judge stated complainants failed to explain how the event was infringing upon their constitutional rights. 

There is also a rise in socialism underway. Already in this new year we have seen antisemitism on broad display with antagonism for those who back Israel. 

So far, just one week, into 2019…

There are more stories and Jim could have went on and on with developments from just the first week but, he knows that the fact remains, we have got to get back to the Word of God in this country. Jim reminds listeners that according to Ephesians chapter 6 “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This is otherwise defined “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) Jim says there are those who claim they are doing the will of God by promoting abortion and/or advancing the LGBT agenda even though it defies God’s Word. That seemingly, light has become darkness, and darkness, the light. But, “…no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14)

Crosstalk listeners are both challenged and encouraged today.  Are you spending time in God’s Word? What Scripture do you cling to in such troubling times? What Scripture addresses the days in which we are living?

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