Crosstalk: February 11, 2019

Below is a sample of what was making news this week:

  • –Border agents just apprehended a convicted child molester and an MS-13 member at the Texas border where there’s no barrier.
  • –Socialist Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez criticized ICE after an illegal alien MS-13 gang member allegedly murdered someone in her district which is a sanctuary city.
  • –Mexican officials have informed the U.S. that a migrant caravan with a population of about 2,000 is headed for a totally unprotected, 110 mile stretch of border with Texas.
  • –President Trump sends more military forces to prevent this flood of migrants from crossing the southern border.
  • –President Trump’s campaign has announced he will hold his first rally of 2019 in El Paso, Texas next week.
  • –According to a Rasmussen poll, 50% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
  • –The U.S. Supreme Court barred enforcement of a Louisiana law called ‘The Unsafe Abortion Protection Act’ on a 5-4 vote last evening.
  • –For the second time in two days House Democrats blocked a request by Republicans to vote on a bill that would stop infanticide.
  • –Iowa lawmakers moved forward with a state constitutional amendment Wednesday to make it clear that there is no right to abort unborn babies.
  • –A Mississippi bill to protect unborn babies, once they have a detectable heartbeat, moved forward Tuesday in the state senate.
  • –Texas pro-life State Representative Briscoe Cain, has filed a Texas heartbeat bill to protect innocent babies from abortion.
  • –The U.S. Supreme Court is being asked to review a Colorado case involving frozen embryos.
  • –Just days after the Virginia House of Delegates defeated a bill legalizing abortion all the way through birth, a pro-life pregnancy help center in Culpeper, Virginia, was vandalized with hateful, spray-painted messages.
  • –A man in India is planning to sue his parents for giving birth to him without his consent.
  • –Alexandria Ocasio Cortez unveiled her Green New Deal. It’s a government-led overhaul of virtually every aspect of American life that would guarantee a host of taxpayer funded benefits for all, phase out fossil fuels, make air travel obsolete and give economic security even for those who refuse to work.
  • –Bernie Sanders is upset because President Trump omitted climate change in his State of the Union address.
  • –Newly empowered Democrats in Washington and state houses across the nation are flexing their legislative muscles with a host of tax proposals that would affect billionaires and blue-collar people alike.
  • –New Jersey lawmakers have revived a bill that would remove President Trump’s name from the 2020 ballot unless he discloses his tax returns.
  • –Elizabeth Warren, considered a front-runner for the 2020 Democratic party presidential nomination, has deflected the controversy over her claim to be Native American by declaring that she never used the identity for professional advantage. Someone has found an application to the Texas bar in 1986 written in her handwriting that her race is American Indian.
  • –Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker stunned onlookers and lawmakers during a contentious House hearing today when he tried to call time on the Democratic chairman after yet another line of questioning regarding Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian probe.

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