Crosstalk: March 19, 2019

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has delivered on her promise to introduce the so-called ‘Equality Act’ in the U.S. House of Representatives. It’s called HR-5 and was introduced last Wednesday. Liberty Counsel has called this the most dangerous bill to freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion that has ever been proposed on a national level.

Joining Jim to discuss this latest development was Mat Staver, the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel.

After an audio clip from Speaker Pelosi was played outlining legislatively what has brought us to this point, Mat noted that what’s missing from this is the fact that people of faith are completely left out.

HR-5 would force people to affirm, promote, agree and to participate in the LGBT indoctrination machine. And if that’s not enough, the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act that was passed by Congress to protect people of faith, does not apply and therefore cannot be raised as a defense. According to Mat, even the First Amendment religious freedom provision could not be invoked under HR-5.

There are 239 original co-sponsors of this legislation in the House including two Republicans and 237 Democrat representatives. Mat believes it will pass the House therefore any attempt to block it will have to come in the Senate. At that stage you need 60 votes to break the filibuster and then 51 votes to pass. Mat went on to note that if this gets past the filibuster, the Senate will have the 51 votes to pass it. From there it would move on to President Trump for his signature.

Mat explained that HR-5, if passed, will legalize and force people to accept something that the Bible communicates as sin. He described this as ‘…open abolition of gender through the transgenderism issue, it is the abolition of male and female, it is the indoctrination of kids in the schools, it is bringing this into your church as it relates to your church being a place of public accommodation…’

There’s much more discussion on this critical topic to take in as well as input from Crosstalk callers across the nation.


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