Crosstalk: May 6, 2019

Jim brought the stories and listeners provided the response. Here’s a sample of what was heard on this edition of the ‘Round-Up.’

–Israeli’s stopped their cars and stood still, often with heads bowed, for two minutes yesterday for the nation’s annual commemoration of the 6 million Jewish victims of the Nazi holocaust.

–Israeli researchers reported that violent attacks against Jews spiked significantly last year with the largest reported number of Jews killed in anti-Semitic acts in decades.

–According to Pamela Geller, Jews are unquestionably the most targeted group for hate crimes in Canada.

–Faculty at DePaul University voted on Wednesday to condemn the pro-Israel views expressed by a black professor in a recent op-ed for The Federalist.

–Israel’s U.N. Ambassador, Danny Danon, used the Bible to defend Jewish claims to the land of Israel during a special session at the U.N. Security Council on Monday.

–The New York Times issued a correction to an article they ran alleging that Jesus was a Palestinian and not Jewish.

–The Trump administration has finalized another set of administrative protections for the conscience rights of religious Americans on a range of fronts.

–Planned Parenthood will no longer be able to operate sex-ed classes in Iowa public schools if Republican Governor Kim Reynolds signs budget legislation approved over the weekend by the state legislature.

–Cecile Richards, former head of Planned Parenthood, is forming a new political organization and one of its main goals is to create a women’s ‘New Deal’ for gender equality.

–The Chair of the Democratic Party of Marathon County in Wisconsin, Nancy Stencil, slammed a bill to protect newborns from infanticide arguing that it’s selfish to provide medical care to a disabled baby who survives an abortion.

–In a 6-1 decision, the Kansas Supreme Court ruled April 26th that under the state’s constitution, women have a right to abort their babies.

–State Democratic Representative John Rogers was caught on video making horrific statements defending abortion. In an audio clip played by Jim he said, ‘So you kill them now or kill them later.’ Representative Rogers can be reached at (334)-261-0387.

–The Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill that would make it a Class A felony punishable by life or 10 to 99 years in prison for doctors to perform an abortion.

–U.S. pro-life leaders are joining forces to hold a simultaneous national protest this month against Stericycle, America’s largest waste hauler, for repeatedly being caught helping Planned Parenthood dispose of the bodies of aborted babies, even though they deny any involvement.

–Louisiana’s senate committee passed a bill banning abortions when an unborn baby’s heartbeat begins.

–The phrase ‘mature minor’ has been coined to enable suicide activists to advocate for allowing suicide for children.

–Canadian doctors committed thousands of homicides in 2018 according to an interim report published by the government.

–A 64 year old woman with lung cancer is allegedly at risk of being euthanized by a Minnesota hospital despite having emphatically stated from her hospital bed in a video that she wants to live.

–A Texas legislative committee has passed pro-life legislation that would overturn the rule that the state currently has that essentially allows hospitals to euthanize patients after a 10 day notification.

–The number of babies aborted at a gestational age of 21 weeks or later outnumbered homicide victims in New York City in 2015.


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