Crosstalk: June 27, 2019

Tensions are escalating with Iran since they downed an American drone.  In response President Trump has launched some hard hitting sanctions against the nation.  A spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry tweeted out that these new sanctions that target their supreme leader permanently end any chance of diplomacy between the countries.  The Iranian President has mocked the White House and President Trump has threatened the country with ‘great and overwhelming force’ and ‘obliteration’ if anything American is attacked.  Breaking Israel News has reported that the amphibious assault ship USS Boxer with the 11thMarine Expeditionary Unit and a combat helicopter squadron has arrived in the region of the Strait of Hormuz. Other ships have also been deployed.  

Where is this heading?  

To answer that question, Crosstalk welcomed back Dr. Gary Frazier.  Dr. Frazier is a respected speaker and writer on the subject of Bible prophecy.  He’s the founder and President of Discovery Missions. He’s also the author of numerous books including, ‘Miracle of Israel,’ ‘Hell is for Real,’ ‘It Could Happen Tomorrow’ and others.

Dr. Frazier began by reminding listeners that the Jews are back in the land, the nations are coming together toward the globalization of government, we’ve been seeing an explosion of technology leading in part to the birth of the surveillence society and the movement toward a cashless society.

Dr. Frazier indicated that what we shouldn’t be surprised about is that in the 38th and 39th chapters of Ezekiel, we see God’s plan laid out from 2,500 years ago.  It involves a confederacy of nations that would be led by ‘Gog’ from the nation of ‘Magog.’  We can easily identify this nation and its people from history and ancient writers as the Russians.  

So there will be a Russian led coalition of nations that will attack Israel and the Bible lists this group.  In Ezekiel 38:5, the first nation listed after Russia is Persia (modern day Iran). 

Is what’s currently taking place between the U.S. and Iran actual fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39?  What’s the latest on the peace plan coming from the Trump administration? Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?  These and other questions are answered while Crosstalk listeners participate as well.   



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