Crosstalk: July 11, 2019

David Rubin is the former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, that’s in the region of Samaria, known to much of the world as the West Bank.  He’s founder and president of Shiloh Israel Children’s Fund, established to heal the trauma of terror victim children after he and his three year old son were seriously wounded in a terror attack.  He’s the author of multiple books including ‘The Islamic Tsunami,’ ‘Peace for Peace in the New Middle East,’ and ‘Trump and the Jews.’ His websites are and

Iran is blaming the Trump administration for backing out of the nuclear deal and acting as though that’s the reason why they’re pursuing weapons grade uranium enrichment.  Jim asked if David feels this was the ‘end game’ of the Iranians all along and if Trump’s actions are just an excuse.

David explained that the Israeli intelligence agency secretly went into Iran and came out with millions of documents proving what Iran’s intentions have been all along.  That includes acquiring a nuclear bomb and the weapons systems with which to deliver them.  

Jim also asked if the U.N. or any other group actually acted upon this information.  The simple answer from David was ‘No’ and that the European nations acted as if Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was doing some of his own intellectual gymnastics but that it didn’t mean anything.  

According to David, the great tragedy is that the world is looking the other way and it’s only the nations that are nearby that are truly upset about this.  Outside of that, only the Trump administration has proven to understand that this issue is more than a Middle East problem.

Iran has said that unless the U.S. sanctions are lifted, they would enrich uranium at any grade and form and in any amount that they deem necessary.  The self-imposed deadline of July 7th to remove sanctions has come and gone.   

Is Iran technically capable of following through on this threat?  Are there any talks taking place concerning this issue and who’s involved?  How does David view President Trump’s response to Iran after they shot down our drone?  What’s the place of Hamas in this?

These questions and more are answered, and listeners share their views, on this edition of Crosstalk.


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