Crosstalk: August 5, 2019

Here’s a sample of the story line-up featured this week.

–North Korea fired what appeared to be a short range ballistic missile twice today into the sea off its eastern coast.

–The Trump administration issued new sanctions against the North Korean official    who the U.S. accuses of aiding Pyongyang’s illicit nuclear weapons and ballistic missile research programs.

–A historic arms control treaty signed 3 decades ago by President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev was scrapped after President Trump decided    to withdraw today.

–The United States and Israel have successfully carried out a high altitude hit-to-kill engagement with a co-developed anti-ballistic missile interceptor system in Alaska.

–Next week Israel will launch an advanced communications satellite from Cape Canaveral that will allow those living in the most remote areas of Africa to gain access to TV and the Internet.

–Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel says that the U.N. Economic and Social Council approved 40-2 a resolution that targets only Israel for alleged violations of women’s rights. 

–The Trump administration issued sanctions against Javad Zarif, an Iranian foreign minister, formerly labeling him a terrorist enabler and blacklisting all of his property, assets and investments.

–Iran’s central bank announced Wednesday that they would rename their national currency.

–President Trump announced yesterday that his administration would impose a 10% tariff on the 300 billion dollars of imports from China that have not been subject to new import duties.

–China is aggressively building up nuclear war fighting forces as part of a larger effort to expand power over Asia and globally.

–President Trump refused to comment Wednesday on reports of the death of Hamza bin Laden, the son of slain Al Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden.

–The ISIS terrorist organization is threatening to launch new attacks in San Francisco, New York and London according to new warning messages posted on the group’s social media channels.

–Officials with the U.S. Department of Justice say two refugees from Somalia were arrested in Tuscon and accused of providing material support to ISIS terrorists.

–Nike says ‘no’ to the Betsy Ross flag but ‘yes’ to the Pro-Hijab.

–Baltimore police investigating after the home of Representative Elijah Cummings was broken into early Saturday morning.

–According to the Washington Examiner, Baltimore’s murder rate is higher than 3 Central American countries that are driving the border surge by migrants seeking to flee crime and murder back home.   

–President Trump signed a sweeping budget deal that increases federal spending and lifts the nation’s borrowing limit.

–A federal judge in Washington, D.C., ruled against a Trump administration policy that would only allow migrants who enter the U.S. through legal ports of entry to claim asylum.

–The Senate confirmed 13 judges President Trump chose while America had its eyes on the Democrat primary debates.

–Former Vice President Joe Biden told reporters Thursday that it was bizarre that the other 2020 Democrat contenders attacked Obama administration policies during Wednesday’s presidential debate.  

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