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“Riots, Revolution, and Civil Unrest,” part 1 of 2. Sugar Land Bible Church. Here, we deal directly with the rioting and looting that we have seen this last week in the wake of the tragic murder of George Floyd. We show, beyond any shadow of a doubt, how Floyd’s death is being deliberately exploited and how these protests are not merely reactions against a single bad actor but rather are intended as attacks on the very essence of the United States of America as a whole, as these ringleaders seek to “burn down the American plantation.“ Floyd’s death has become a convenient tool to fundamentally transform one of the last obstacles standing in the way of the coming new world order, which is an independent, free, and prosperous United States of America. Those that cooperate with these protests, even self-described evangelicals, are nothing more than unwitting tools used in the agenda of spreading international Communism.

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