A Major Part Of The UN Agenda Is Depopulation

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  • The United Nations meets in New York to plot the acceleration toward global government. We’ll bring you an update.
  • Another American journalist gets convicted of, well, being a journalist. Will he be sent to the DC gulag?
  • One of America’s biggest banks announces it’s ready to go all-in with a new central bank digital currency.
  • And Mike Pence outs himself as a servant of the global deep state and worshipper of the god of war.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Leading off tonight, the United Nations held its annual Sustainable Development Goals Summit at its headquarters in New York City on September 18 and 19, renewing vows to make sure nations, multilateral organizations and investors stay the course and “accelerate” the achievement of the U.N.’s 17 goals for global transformation by the year 2030. Think of this as Barack Obama’s “fundamental transformation,” only on a global scale.

Here is UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, a known socialist, speaking to the world about the purpose of the UN Summit.



In May the World Economic Forum (WEF) and UN jointly announced that this year’s summit would be extra important, as the globalist groups earnestly warn that the world is behind on their goals reaching their set benchmarks for 2030, and that the summit would greatly focus on getting back on track and making up for lost time.

Last week the World Health Organization (WHO) also weighed-in in advance, stating that this year’s SDG conference would also place key emphasis on pandemic preparedness and prevention.

King Charles has also written an article posted to the WEF website offering his 10 radical ideas on how to accelerate the realization of the 17 sustainable development goals, which involves curtailing freedom of movement, taxing everything that emits carbon, changing human diets, and the list goes on. He’s previously called for a trillion-dollar marshalling of global resources to throw at the problem of “climate change.”

The UN wrote in an overview statement about the summit:

“The Agenda is a promise, not a guarantee. At the halftime mark, the promise is in deep peril. For the first time in decades, development progress is reversing under the combined impacts of climate disasters, conflict, economic downturn and lingering COVID-19 effects. The SDG Summit serves as a rallying cry to recharge momentum, for world leaders to come together, to reflect on where we stand and resolve to do more. It is a moment to recommit to a vision of the future that ensures no one is left behind. Fundamental shifts in commitment, solidarity, financing and action must put us back on track to end poverty, realize just societies and reset a balanced relationship with the natural world.”

Those of you familiar with the language on the Georgia Guidestones will pick up on the similar language used by the United Nations in that statement. The call for a one-world government to deal with problems of their own making, a return to the “balance” with nature, which is their way of calling for Earth worship.


Another major tenet of the UN Agenda is depopulation.

And one country that is leading the way on this front is the Trudeau regime in our neighbor to the north, Canada.

Now that healthcare professionals have been numbed to the initial abject horror of actively killing their own patients, we have moved on to the next step: formalizing and standardizing it as an official medical practice.

Much the same way we once did with abortion a few short generations ago.

Wes Walker, in an article at ClashDaily, writes:

“Now that Canadian doctors and nurses have performed enough cases of ‘medically assisted dying,’ they have been able to establish some ‘best practices’ for efficiencies in the assembly-line killing of human beings.”

Canada has released its first nationally accredited training program in medical assistance in dying (MAiD) aimed at licensed physicians and nurse practitioners. This follows concerns about the rising prevalence of MAiD in certain regions and its shocking recommendation for “mature minors.”

Walker reports that the curriculum was developed by the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers (CAMAP). Health Canada said in a September 13 press release that CAMAP is a British Columbia-based NGO established in 2016 after the federal MAiD legislation was enacted that year. The organization said on its website that it was created to address the need to “establish training resources, to create medical standards, and to encourage the standardization of care across the country.”

According to the EpochTimes, the curriculum is accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and the College of Family Physicians of Canada. It consists of eight topics, including the procedures for conducting a MAiD assessment and dealing with MAiD for individuals with mental disorders.

The program is designed to address some of the “complicated issues” that come along with Trudeau’s government expanding the scope of the problem to include people who want to die for reasons that go beyond final illness considerations.

As it stands, there have been documented cases of Canadians pulling the trigger because they were unable to pay their bills, and other instances where people who had no interest in suicide were offered the option of ending it all — including military veterans with disabilities.


In an assault on the First Amendment and the free press, a Washington, DC jury has convicted journalist Stephen Horn of four misdemeanor charges stemming from his reporting of the January 6, 2021, Capitol Hill protest.

According to journalist Steve Baker, the jury deliberated for about an hour on Monday before finding Horn guilty of entering and remaining in a restricted building, disorderly and disruptive conduct, violent entry, and parading, demonstrating or picketing in the Capitol.

As Headline USA has reported, Horn, by all accounts, was engaging in purely journalistic activities on January 6. The FBI received a tip from someone that identified Horn as a journalist, and charging documents describe him as acting entirely peacefully.

Headline USA understands there are more than 20 other reporters who, like Horn, entered the Capitol on January 6, but aren’t facing charges. Headline USA reviewed some of their names, but is withholding them so they won’t also be targeted.

In an interview with Headline USA in June, Horn recounted the events leading up to and following the infamous protest in Washington, DC, which was the first Trump rally of the 24-year-old’s career.

He also provided examples of his earlier work, as well as reference letters, emails and other records supporting his claim to being a legitimate journalist—and not the pro-Trump activist that government has portrayed him as. To the contrary, he describes himself as a conservative but at no point a Trump supporter.

Horn used the footage he obtained on J6 to produce a documentary.

He had refused a deal offered by the U.S. government to receive probation in exchange for his guilty plea.

Horn told Headline USA in June:

“They wanted me to admit I was there ‘protesting, picketing or demonstrating.’ I was like, ‘Well I can’t really do that because I wasn’t protesting, I wasn’t picketing and I wasn’t parading.’ Obviously, I can’t sign a document saying I did these things when I didn’t.”

Horn awaits sentencing and will likely join Infowars journalist Owen Shroyer, who was convicted on similar charges last week, in the DC Gulag.


Citigroup made a surprise announcement this week that it is now providing a new service that tokenizes deposits and turns them into a unique cryptocurrency, which will be stored using blockchain technology and allow for cross-border payments.

This move comes just a couple of months after the Federal Reserve launched the instant transfer payment system FedNow in July – a system that allows for real-time transactions and payments, at any moment at any time; which, according to prior statements from the Fed and the Biden administration, lays the foundation for a central bank digital currency or CBDC.

Interestingly, as noted by the Winepress News, “Citibank was not involved in the initial pilot program to test and roll out FedNow, but the Federal Reserve has indicated that they seek to have all U.S. banks and other financial institutions join FedNow.

Citi explains their move in a press release published Tuesday:

“Citi Treasury and Trade Solutions (TTS) announces the creation and piloting of Citi Token Services for cash management and trade finance. The service uses blockchain and smart contract technologies to deliver digital asset solutions for institutional clients. Citi Token Services will integrate tokenized deposits and smart contracts into Citi’s global network, upgrading core cash management and trade finance capabilities.”

The release further stated, “Institutional clients have a need for ‘always-on’ programmable financial services and Citi Token Services will provide cross-border payments, liquidity, and automated trade finance solutions on a 24/7 basis.”

Shahmir Khaliq, the bank’s Head of Global Services, said:

“Digital asset technologies have the potential to upgrade the regulated financial system by applying new technologies to existing legal instruments and well-established regulatory frameworks. The development of Citi Token Services is part of our journey to deliver real-time, always-on, next generation transaction banking services to our institutional clients. This development goes hand-in-hand with our industry leading work on the Regulated Liability Network to create interoperable digital asset solutions on a multi-bank basis.”


The U.S. Marine Corps somehow managed to lose an advanced F-35B Lightning stealth jet, which went missing after its pilot locked it onto autopilot mode and made an emergency ejection while flying over South Carolina on the afternoon of Sunday, September 17.

Fortunately, the pilot survived and has been hospitalized in stable condition.

But the status and location of his F-35 remained a mystery—such a mystery that the Pentagon on Monday was soliciting tips from civilians to locate it!

Finally, late in the day on Monday, the wreckage of the jet was found and, thank God, it hadn’t crashed into a populated area.

Some members of Congress were bewildered by the disappearance.



Rep. Nancy Mace, a Republican of South Carolina, asked in a post to X how it was possible to lose an F-35, stating “How is there not a tracking device and we’re asking the public to what, find a jet and turn it in?”

The F-35 in question was based at Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, home to Marine Fighter Attack Training Squadron 501, and was flying alongside another F-35, which returned safely to base. The jet flew hundreds of miles before striking the ground.

There has been some public indignation on the fact the Pentagon was unable to maintain a track of the pilotless F-35.

The jet’s transponder—which could have been used to geolocate the aircraft—was reportedly not functioning for “some reason that we haven’t yet determined,” according to a base spokesman.

One F-35 costs $80 million to build. It’s almost unbelievable that our military is able to lose track of one, right here on our own soil. There’s certainly more to this story.


California attorney activist Nicole Pearson put out a notice on September 17 that in the previous 24 hours, the California legislature had passed not one, not two, but four bills that are designed to remove children from their homes and place them into government systems where adults can have private conversations with them.

“And everyone, and I mean everyone from the school bus driver to the cafeteria lady, will have knowledge about that child's gender confusion, about their stress or anxiety, their depression, except parents,” she stated.

Here’s a clip from her press conference.




The Drive War Zone reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visited a factory in the Russian Far East on Monday, September 18, that builds advanced fighters as his tour of Russia continues. Kim inspected Russian manufacturing facilities, leading to no shortage of speculation that North Korea might be preparing to trade artillery shells and other war materiel for some of Russia’s most modern fighter jets. This would potentially overhaul Kim’s badly aging air force.

Official photos released of Kim’s visit showed the North Korean leader accompanied by Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Industry and Trade. Kim was seen looking into the cockpit of a Su-57 Felon next-generation fighter, as well as in the final assembly hall for the Su-35 Flanker multi-role fighter. He was also seen watching a demonstration flight over the factory airfield by a pre-delivery Su-35.



Kim’s visit came on the third day of his trip, which marks a very rare visit to a foreign country by the North Korean leader. Kim arrived at the manufacturing plant in his favored style — aboard his specially equipped armored train.

Kim’s trip also included meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin at a space facility in the far eastern Amur region. Discussions reportedly included satellite technology, which North Korea is keen to obtain, as well as a potential deal to provide North Korean arms to Russia.


As we predicted earlier this week, President Trump is facing major blowback for stating in an interview with NBC Meet the Press on Sunday that he wanted to broker a “deal” between pro-lifers and pro-abortionists. He called the six-week heartbeat bill that several red states have enacted a “terrible idea” and seemed indifferent as to whether the issue is resolved at the state or federal level.

LifeSite News reports that Trump “stunned pro-life former supporters” with his statements in the interview.

Take a look.



During the interview, host Kristen Welker asked Trump, “how is it acceptable in America that women’s lives are at risk, doctors are being forced to turn away patients in need, or risk breaking the law?” Without disputing Welker’s false claim that denying abortion risks women’s lives, Trump claimed credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, which he said gave pro-lifers “the right to negotiate for the first time.”

He added: “We’re going to have people come together on this issue. They’re going to determine the time, because nobody wants to see five, six, seven, eight, nine months, nobody wants to see abortions when you have a baby in the womb.” 

Trump seemed to imply by that statement that a woman who is less than five months pregnant does not yet have a “baby in the womb.”

LifeSite reported that Welker repeatedly claimed that abortion up to and past nine months “is not part of anyone’s platform.” Trump did not correct Welker’s denial beyond a passing reference to New York’s so-called Reproductive Health Act of 2019. Instead, Trump focused on his vision of himself as “almost like a mediator in this case,” after which “we’ll be able to go on to other things, like the economy, our military… I think they’re all going to like me, I think both sides are gonna like me. What’s going to have to happen, listen, what’s going to happen is you’re going to come up with a number of weeks or months, you’re going to come up with a number that’s going to make people happy. Because 92 percent of the Democrats don’t want to see abortion after a certain period of time.”

Trump’s comments set off a firestorm among the pro-life community. Live Action founder Lila Rose called them “pathetic and unacceptable,” declaring he “should not be the GOP nominee.” She said heartbeat laws have saved thousands of babies’ lives and “there is zero point to overruling Roe v. Wade if you don’t enact pro-life laws.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Mike Pence, speaking at a Townhall on September 13th, said that if Ukraine can’t beat Russia, the U.S. will need to send in troops to join the fight and ensure Russia’s defeat.

This sounds like a recipe for nuclear war, which Pence did not address, nor was he asked to address in the totally staged event.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 36-second mark to 1:58 mark)


So, in less than five minutes, Pence managed to repeat every lie of the neocon globalist warmongering deep-state and its Uniparty minions. That Russua and Putin want to “reclaim” the old Soviet empire, that Russia is even planning to invade NATO countries, and that “if we don’t fight the communists over there, we will have to fight them here.”

Does he really think that if the U.S. doesn’t fight Russia in Ukraine that Russia will be invading America and we will have to fight them here? Of course he knows that is massive lie, but he tells it anyway, like the good globalist stooge that he is.

The truth is exactly the opposite: If we continue to arm Ukraine with ever bigger and more sophisticated weapons that it will use to strike deep inside Russia, that will provoke Russia to at some point strike back. Pence seems to forget that Russia is the world’s most heavily armed nuclear power, with more than twice the arsenal the U.S. has at its disposal.

His words are not only untrue. They are reckless and provocative.

He provides absolutely zero evidence that Russia seeks to reclaim its former empire, let alone launch out on an unprovoked attack on the U.S. Why? Because there is none. Putin has made it clear for years that what he could never accept was more eastward expansion of NATO and the stacking of NATO weapons on his border in Ukraine.

Pence’s speech is not only incompetent but immoral. He brags about a doctrine that calls for the U.S. to use other countries, in this case Ukraine, to fight its wars and settle its scores with a rival superpower. This is destroying Ukraine. The country has suffered an estimated 500,000 casualties fighting a losing cause against a superior Russian military.

Shame on Pence, and shame on all of the American neocon warmongers who speak of democracy and other made-up platitudes in order to justify their doctrine of perpetual foreign wars to make more profits for their donors in the military-industrial complex.

Pence and his ilk think we the people are stupid when he tells these lies about the non-existent “American national interest” in spending our blood and treasure in Ukraine and other far-flung regions that pose no threat to our borders, all while they ignore or downplay the real threat at the U.S. borders with Mexico and Canada, where men of military age are flooding in every day.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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