Could Legal Gun Sales Be Completely Eliminated in Oregon?

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  • The government is gearing up for another round of Covid-related intrusions on your privacy. And it will start with international travelers, Americans or foreign, who arrive at an American airport.
  • A well-known GOP senator predicts that Joe Biden will be replaced on the 2024 Democratic ticket in a last-minute bait and switch. We’ll tell you who he thinks will be the new candidate.
  • Ford Motor Company gets cold feet in its proposed multi-billion-dollar battery factory in Michigan. This comes as Congressional Republicans investigate Ford's connections with a Chinese electric-vehicle battery company. 
  • If Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114 survives legal challenges, virtually all gun sales in the state would be deemed illegal. We’ll explain why.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

Contact tracing, where the corporations and governments monitor your Covid status and track your movement, may be getting ready to make a comeback.

Newswars reports that the Biden administration has reimplemented contact tracing for citizens returning to the United States, a source attempting to enter the country via a major US-based airline has confirmed.

The alarming discovery came from an Infowars staff family member trying to fly back to the United States from the Mexican city of Puerto Vallarta.

The source wishes to remain anonymous.

While attempting to check in to the return flight 17 hours before takeoff, the source was met with a prompt that said contact tracing must be completed before advancing.

Furthermore, the source was given a contact tracing submission form titled “Mandatory information for U.S. entry.”

“The U.S. Government requires each passenger flying to the United States to provide complete and accurate contact information,” said the submission form. “Complete the contact tracing form now or you won’t be allowed to check in or board your flight.”

The source was then asked to acknowledge multiple statements in a provided digital document.

The document stressed that failure to comply may lead to “criminal penalties.”

“As a U.S. Government requirement, passengers must provide complete and accurate contact information. Failure to do so may subject the passenger or their authorized representative to criminal penalties… Willingly giving false or misleading information to the government may result in criminal penalties.”

The document’s “Privacy Act Statement” explained that the gathering of contact tracing information is required by the CDC and provided details on what the agency plans to do with the information.

“The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requires airlines and other aircraft operators to collect this information… Providing this information is mandatory for all passengers arriving by aircraft into the United States. Passengers are required to provide complete and accurate information, and failure to do so may lead to other consequences, including criminal penalties.”

The document further explains:

“CDC will use this information to help prevent the introduction, transmission, and spread of communicable diseases by performing contact tracing investigations and notifying exposed individuals and public health authorities, and for health education, treatment, prophylaxis, or other appropriate public health interventions, including the implementation of travel restrictions.”


GOP Senator Ted Cruz has speculated that Joe Biden will not be chosen as the Democratic nominee for 2024 and that the distinction will go to none other than Michelle Obama in a last-minute Democratic National Convention decision.

Cruz told Sean Hannity of Fox News:

“I think the odds are very significant that next summer at the Democrat national convention that the Democrat party will jettison Joe Biden and will throw him off the ticket, and they will parachute in instead, Michelle Obama to be their candidate.”

Cruz added that, “I think they’re gonna look to Michelle Obama as the savior to come in. I think if that happens, that would be very, very dangerous.”

Cruz further stated:

“And every time I see a Democrat or one of their puppets in the press beginning to point out the problems with Joe Biden – every time that happens, the chances of that go up and up and up.”

When Hannity asked if Michelle Obama even wants to run, Cruz reasoned that there are no other candidates that wouldn’t alienate certain Democratic voters.


One thing’s for sure, Michelle Obama has no problem raising money.

She raked in nearly $750,000 for a one-hour speech at a technology fair in the southern German city of Munich on Monday, according to a report by

The 59-year-old picked up the eye-watering check for speaking to a start-up event held on the sidelines of the annual Oktoberfest beer festival, two sources close to the conference organizers said.

According to the event's webpage, Michelle Obama was set to speak to some 5,000 attendees on how to “push past self-doubt while discussing the importance of inclusivity and diversity.”


Ahead of Joe Biden's scheduled visit to Michigan this week to support the United Auto Workers on the picket line, Ford Motor Company announced a pause in building a multi-billion dollar battery plant in the state. This comes as Congressional Republicans investigate Ford's connections with a Chinese electric-vehicle battery company. 

Ford spokesman T.R. Reid told The Detroit News:

“We're pausing work, and we're going to limit spending on construction at Marshall until we're confident about our ability to competitively run the plant.”

Reid mentioned that multiple “considerations” influenced the decision. However, he did not specify whether the ongoing UAW strike, currently in its second week, was one of the main factors leading to the decision to shutter construction at the Marshall, Michigan, battery plant. 

The Wall Street Journal said several Republican-led committees in the House have opened an investigation into Ford's deal with Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL), one of the world's largest EV battery manufacturers based in China, to manufacture battery cells. 

Former U.S. Ambassadors Peter Hoekstra and Joseph Cella, co-founders of the Michigan-China Economic and Security Review Group, were quoted by Fox News as saying:

“We applaud that the construction of this reckless deal has been halted. From the outset, Ford Motor Company, the State of Michigan, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation and all other parties to it have been irresponsible in advancing this deal.”

They continued:

“There was zero strict scrutiny or due diligence, concerns of our intelligence and national security agencies were ignored and mocked. The halting of the construction is the natural result of the consent of the governed being ruptured by government and business elites. With citizen activists, we are not relenting or letting our guard down. We will keep fighting against the Ford-CATL and Gotion deals until they are no more.”

Many Michigan Democrats support the Ford-CATL deal, while Republicans oppose it.


The Epoch Times reports that legal gun sales will end in Oregon should Ballot Measure 114 survive ongoing court challenges, according to guidance provided to all county sheriffs by the Oregon State Sheriffs Association.

Because the FBI has stated that it will not conduct background checks for the new law, no enforcement officer will be able to issue a permit to purchase a weapon as required by the measure.

Doing so would be a crime, the legal guidance states.

Oregon State Sheriffs Association also advised sheriffs that virtually all firearm magazines would be banned after the law takes effect.

Anyone possessing them would be committing a crime and could be arrested.

That includes off-duty police officers.

Voters approved Measure 114 last year with slim majority of 50.7 percent of Oregonians voting YES.

To qualify for a permit under the measure, an applicant would need to complete an approved, in-person firearm safety course, pay a fee, provide personal information, submit to fingerprinting and photographing, and pass an FBI criminal background check.

The permits would be processed by local police chiefs, county sheriffs or their designees, and Oregon State Police with information then submitted to the FBI.

The measure also bans magazines that are capable of holding, or being modified to hold, more than 10 rounds.

Measure 114 has been in litigation since November 2022.

Plaintiffs in Oregon Firearm Federation v. the State of Oregon received the first hearing on Dec. 2, with oral arguments before Federal Judge Karin Immergut.

On Dec. 6, Judge Immergut denied plaintiffs a temporary restraining order on the implementation of the measure but granted the state’s request for a 30-day delay on the permit-to-purchase portion of the new rules, which the state has still not produced.

Also on Dec. 6, Harney County Circuit Court Judge Robert Raschio issued a temporary restraining order for the entire measure on the grounds that it violates the state constitution.

After a federal trial in June, Judge Immergut ruled the entire measure is constitutional.

It’s now being appealed and could go all the way to the Supreme Court.


Democrats are trying to resurrect the controversial net neutrality plan.

Breitbart News reports that 27 Senate Democrats have written a letter urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reinstate Title II common carrier regulations on internet service providers, a regulatory move marketed to the public as “net neutrality,” little more than two weeks after the Biden White House appointed a new commissioner to the agency.

The FCC has had an extended 2-2 deadlock between Republican and Democrat commissioners until this month, due to the White House’s repeated failed attempts to confirm a partisan progressive, Gigi Sohn, to the agency. The administration eventually relented, withdrawing Sohn’s nomination and submitting a new candidate, Anna Gomez, who was confirmed by a Senate vote earlier this month.

Democrats in the Senate are now urging the FCC, with its new Democrat majority, to revive an old hobby-horse of the party: Title II regulations on internet service providers, a measure progressives call “net neutrality.” The letter’s signatories include Sens. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Cory Brooker (D-NJ), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), and Mazie Hirono (D-HI) among others.

The regulations were in place for one year under President Obama, before being undone under President Trump early in his administration.

Despite the fact that regulating service providers does nothing to address the pervasive issue of social media censorship, which they themselves relentlessly encouraged over the past half-decade, progressives and Democrats insist net neutrality is necessary to preserve a “free and open internet.”

This, like almost everything that comes from a liberal Democrat, is a bold-faced lie.


The Daily Mail reports that the deputy chairman of Russia's security council has publicly claimed that Russia is running out of options and may resort to a full war with NATO.  

Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's former president, warned that this would lead to a third world war, which would have greater consequences than World War II

The 58-year-old politician also accused NATO of being like Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. 

He said, “It seems that Russia is being left with fewer and fewer options but to come into direct conflict on the ground with NATO.”

The 74-year-old alliance “has become an openly fascist bloc like Hitler's Axis, only bigger,” he stated, adding, “We are ready, although the result will be achieved at a much greater cost to humanity than in 1945.”

Medvedev, who was Russian president from 2008 to 2012, and was also the country's longest serving prime minister, criticized Canada's parliament for applauding a former member of the Nazi party. 

Scores of Canadian politicians were seen applauding Yaroslav Hunka, 98, who had served with the First Ukrainian Division, known also as Waffen-SS Galicia Division or the SS 14th Waffen Division, during Ukrainian president Zelensky's visit on Friday. 

Canadian House of Commons Speaker, Anthony Rota, has since expressed regret for inviting Hunka and praising him as a “hero.”


A new video shows hundreds of migrants cheering and waving the Venezuelan flag atop a US-bound cargo train - a continuation of scenes over the weekend when more than 5,000 were seen boarding another freighter to get into the country.

Here’s a look at now that works.


In another video posted on Monday, the clip shows a procession of several hundred migrants standing on a stopped train near Eagle Pass - a Texas border town whose mayor Saturday said it had reached a 'breaking point' due to outsized daily arrivals.

Accepting more than 2,000 per day, the city is the second in the state to say it has reached capacity - with El Paso, another common migrant stop, now also overrun.

There, as well as Eagle Pass, asylum seekers are sleeping on the streets due to overcapacity - as thousands of mostly Venezuelan migrants continue to cross illegally before willingly turning themselves in to Border Patrol.

The crisis reached new highs last week, when Mexican officials revealed that some 11,000 migrants reached the Mexican border with the U.S. in one day -- leading the country to strike a deal with the U.S. to deport migrants from its own border cities, if you believe that. I’m not sure I do.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden is more worried about the border of Ukraine and Russia.

Here he is in Poland talking about that in a video posted by the great investigative reporter, Michael Yon.


As Yon says in his post to X, this looks weak. Biden says “they won’t let me” visit the border. He is supposedly the leader of the free world, and yet, he has to get permission to visit an area of the world in which he should be gathering facts? I mean, he is sending tens of billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to this area and he’s not even allowed to visit it? Shame on him. And shame on Congress for continuing to fund this forever war.


The Daily Mail reports that the number of missing and runaway children in Ohio for 2023 is nearly double that of states with similar populations, sparking panic among parents and police who in some towns can't keep up with the number of teenagers running away. 

In this month alone, 45 children have been reported missing in the Cleveland area. 

They join the total number of 1,072 who have been reported missing since the start of the year. 

While the majority have since returned home or been accounted for, police say many are regular runaways who will likely vanish again. 

They say the rate of children going missing and running away in 2023 is unusually high.  

In 2022, Ohio had nearly double the number of runaways than states like Georgia, North Carolina and Illinois, all of which have populations of between 10 and 12 million. 

According to the Ohio Attorney General's office, there are now over 45 missing minors in the greater Cleveland area. All have been reported as missing since September 1. They join the total number of 1,072 kids who have been reported missing by their loved ones in the area since the start of the year. 

While police say most are likely runaways, they are struggling to keep up with the demand of anxious parents wanting to find their kids. 

Newburgh Heights Police Chief John Majoy said earlier this year that cases of missing children between the ages of 12 and 17 remained unusually high, adding:

“For some reason, in 2023, we've seen a lot more than we normally see, which is troubling in part because we don't know what's going on with some of these kids. Whether they're being trafficked or whether they're involved in gang activity or drugs.”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The city of Aurora, Ontario, Canada, recently put its city council on notice. They will not tolerate any SMART City surveillance technology being installed in their city.

A group of citizens, more than 150 in number, recently turned out at a city council meeting, and the group’s spokesman read a 5-minute statement that cited research from our friend and colleague, Patrick Wood. This is a clip everyone should see.

Here it is.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 5:33 – I know that’s long but this is amazing)

After this statement that “schooled” the entire city council in Aurora, notice the spontaneous standing ovation with wild cheering that went on for more than 30 seconds.

Patrick Wood posted to his website,, on September 26th:

“Do you think the citizens got it? Most of the council members look like deer caught in the headlights. I am honored that my work on Technocracy is cited here. Most Canadians understand Technocracy better than their American counterparts.”

Wood said he hopes American citizens will read this statement word-for-word to their city councils. He has a full transcript of the speech you just heard on his site,

Wood stated, “I founded CFFS and the training site in 2018, and you are well advised to beat a path there before we lose Free Speech altogether.”

That is so true.

Wood, for those of you who aren’t aware, suffered a massive stroke just a few months ago but, as this post on his site indicates, he is back stronger than ever. I encourage everyone to check out his news site,, and his training site at Citizens for Free Speech.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for your support of this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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