Is World War III On The Horizon?

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  • France makes a surprise move banning pro-Palestinian protest rallies and the public display of the Palestinian flag.
  • A British-Palestinian journalist thanks Iran for its material support of the barbaric terrorist attacks on Israeli, while chiding all the Arab nations that refused to provide “a single bullet.”
  • A British newspaper is reporting that an intelligence and cyber security expert is predicting that World War III could begin within days as the conflict between Israel and Hamas intensifies.
  • And the U.S. Department of Homeland Security admitted in a September report that foreign terrorists are exploiting the Biden-manufactured border crisis to illegally enter the United States.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

In a surprise move which is sure to be widely condemned as blatant and massive overreach destroying free speech, Zero Hedge reports that the French government of Emmanuel Macron has announced it is banning pro-Palestinian protests. All of them.

Macron’s government says it's necessary to maintain national security and prevent anti-Semitic attacks.

Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin announced Thursday in a letter to law enforcement across the country that they are “likely to generate disturbances to public order.”

Presumably demonstrators might not so much as fly a Palestinian flag. But this crackdown itself sets the stage for rioting (given that's what the French are already good at).

More importantly, the Arab/North African population of France is already at a staggering 5-6 million people, or at around 10% of the total population, according to some estimates. Major cities of the last couple years have already been beset by migrant-fueled riots and unrest. Huge numbers of the French Arab community were also born in France.

It seems this is a preemptive effort of government authorities to halt any kind of Islamic “day of rage” which Hamas leadership had publicly called for earlier in the week. 

What's more is that this dramatic move is being framed as part of thwarting anti-Semitic attacks:

In a statement, Gerald Darmanin ordered foreign nationals who break the rules to be “systematically deported.”

The move comes as European governments fear a rise in anti-Semitism triggered by the Israel-Hamas war.

On Thursday, German police broke up a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin.

France has a Jewish community of almost 500,000, the biggest in Europe. France's Muslim community is also among Europe's largest - estimated at more than 5 million.

Here is a scene from the streets of Paris on Thursday, October 12.


Mr. Darmanin also told regional officials that Jewish schools and synagogues should be protected by a visible police presence.


British-Palestinian journalist Abdel Bari Atwan said in a video posted to his YouTube channel on October 9th that he thanks Iran for its support of the Palestinian people, and said that the weapons, the missiles, and the training of the masterminds behind the current war against Israel are all from Iran.

He said that the Iranians are “our Muslim brothers,” and that not one bullet was supplied to the Palestinians by Jordan, the Gulf States, Turkey, or Egypt.

Atwan stated: “It is Iran that provides weapons for the Palestinians. Did these rockets come from the Gulf? Did these drones come from Jordan or Egypt? No. It all came from Iran. The precision-guided rockets came from Iran. The guns came from Iran. The training of the masterminds who planned and engineered this war also came from Iran.”

He further stated that:

“None of it came from Turkey and Erdogan. Let us be clear and honest. What's the point of denying this? The [Iranians] are our Muslim brothers. We want to thank them for standing by the Palestinian people, and if they are behind the war, we will also thank them for that, because they have changed the entire balance of power. What have you done for the Palestinian people? Show me a single bullet that came from Turkey or the Gulf. Show me a single bullet that came from Jordan or Egypt.”


The Navy Times reports that the Marine Corps’ expeditionary unit capable of special operations has departed early from a scheduled exercise with Kuwait “as a result of emerging events.”

The early departure took place just days after war broke out in Israel following a deadly attack by Hamas jihadists.

Among those killed in Hamas’ surprise attack on Israel Saturday were at least 22 U.S. citizens, with at least 17 still unaccounted for on Wednesday. Hamas is still holding some Americans hostage in Gaza, according to the White House.

When the Israel-Hamas war broke out, elements from the special operations capable 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit already were forward-deployed in the Middle East ― in the Persian Gulf nation of Kuwait rather than in the Mediterranean.

But those Marines and Sailors, who have been traveling on the amphibious assault ship Bataan and the dock landing ship Carter Hall, “are no longer in vicinity of Kuwait,” Captain Angelica White, a spokeswoman for the unit, told Marine Corps Times on Wednesday.

The Marines and Sailors received orders to get back on their ships within 48 hours after disembarking in Kuwait “to prepare for further tasking as a result of emerging events,” White said in an emailed statement.

They are now in the vicinity of Bahrain, according to the spokeswoman.

White declined to specify where the ships were headed next, citing operational security concerns. Her statement did not confirm whether the events in question were those in Israel and Gaza.

White added in an email to Marine Corps Times that the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit had not yet been tasked with supporting a particular mission but rather “is posturing our force in an effort to be prepared” so that “in the case that we are tasked or directed, we are able to respond promptly.”

In that follow-up email, the spokeswoman declined to speculate on any future direction of the unit and the amphibious ready group because of operational security.

Army General Michael Erik Kurilla, commander of U.S. Central Command, said in a news release that the Navy’s Ford carrier strike group arrived Tuesday in the Eastern Mediterranean as “a strong signal of deterrence should any actor hostile to Israel consider trying to take advantage of this situation.” 

The Eisenhower carrier strike group was heading toward Europe on Friday as part of a scheduled deployment.


Turkey's President Erdogan announced that his country will be carrying out negotiations to secure the release of some Israeli hostages who were captured by Hamas.

Ankara has launched a mediation plan for the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, which began after Hamas launched a surprise attack against Israel on Sunday, according to the Anadolu news agency.

Erdogan has also engaged in talks with Arab leaders over the conflict.

He spoke with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the Algerian president on Wednesday. 

Discussing the negotiation process, Erdogan said Ankara was “ready to do everything in its power,” including mediation and “fair arbitration” to end the conflict swiftly. 

Erdogan has also spoken to Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, as well as UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.  

Turkish privately-owned TV channel Haberturk first released the report on Turkey’s strategy to secure the release of Israeli hostages. 

An official source later confirmed the reports to AFP, saying that “they are negotiating to secure the release of the hostages.” 

The news comes after Turkey's preparations to send urgent humanitarian aid to Palestinians who have been affected by the Gaza-Israel conflict.  

A Turkish defense ministry official said on Thursday that “the situation in the region is very complicated” and that “under current circumstances, it is very difficult to deliver aid there.”


The UK-based Express newspaper is reporting that an intelligence and cyber security expert has claimed that World War III could begin within days as the conflict between Israel and Hamas intensifies.

Guy Golan claims that World War III would not begin in one region, but in four, UkraineTaiwan, Israel, and South Africa.

He said that the main player at the beginning of the conflict would not be the USARussia, or Iran, but China, which he said seeks to devalue the dollar and shift the global economy towards the Yuan.

This comes as tensions rise between the East and West over the war between Israel and Hamas which has seen thousands of innocent civilians killed.

Speaking to, Mr. Golan claimed Iran was moving troops across Syria towards its western border with Israel.

He explained: “I think that it’s not going to be five years; I think it might be five days. Right now, I get massive levels of information.

“The area of Israel is boiling in the sense that there are both cyber activities from different groups that just started. Iranians apparently mobilized troops from the east of Syria to the west of Syria. They are looking at Israel as cannon fodder.

“They [Iran] have prepared for many years. It might happen in the next five days, it might happen in the next five weeks. I think we are on the cusp of something quite cataclysmic.”


A federal judge in Texas declared last week that the Biden administration's attempt at banning pistol braces is likely unconstitutional, Fox News reports.

A lawsuit brought by the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty (WILL) on behalf of members of the National Association for Gun Rights and Texas Gun Rights, argued the rule put forth by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), that would require 40 million U.S. gun owners to place their name on a gun registry and pay a tax, is unconstitutional.

If gun owners didn’t register and pay the tax, they could face up to 10 years in jail and a potential $10,000 fine under the ATF rule. In addition, the rule redefined pistols with stabilizing arm braces that are often attached to handguns to make it easier for users to aim and fire with one hand, particularly disabled veterans, as “short barrel rifles.”

The court’s opinion stated that the ATF “inexplicably and fundamentally switched its position on stabilizing braces without providing sufficient explanations and notice.”

The opinion further states that “short barrel rifles” require a federal license to own under the National Firearms Act, or NFA. The ATF estimated that 99% of pistols with stabilizing braces would be reclassified as NFA rifles under the final rule.

The opinion reads:

“The ATF provided no explanations for how the agency came to these classifications and there is no meaningful clarity about what constitutes an impermissible stabilizing brace. Here, the ATF did not provide a detailed justification for their reversal of the agency’s longstanding position. For close to a decade, the ATF concluded that ‘attaching the brace to a firearm does not alter the classification of the firearm or subject the firearm to NFA control.’ The ATF changed course on this position for the first time in 2023, when it issued the Final Rule reversing the agency’s otherwise long-standing policy.”

The judge ruled that the plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of the case and granted WILL a preliminary injunction that will be enforced while the lawsuit is pending.

“The Biden Administration’s attempt to ignore the law has once again fallen flat in the courtroom,” WILL Deputy Counsel Lucas Vebber said. “This new ruling protects the rights of hundreds of thousands of America’s gun-owners and law-abiding citizens. Make no mistake, WILL stands ready to protect and preserve America’s separation of powers and the Constitutional rights of all Americans.”

WILL filed its lawsuit in June, but similar lawsuits have been brought by the NRA and other Second Amendment groups.

The NRA submitted a response to ATF’s proposed regulation on September 8, 2021, warning it “could potentially result in the most extensive firearm confiscation regulation in U.S. history.”


The Federalist reports that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security admitted in a September report that foreign terrorists are exploiting the Biden-manufactured border crisis to illegally enter the United States.

Released last month by the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis, the “Homeland Threat Assessment” for fiscal year 2024 includes an admission by the agency that international terrorists are looking to capitalize on the Biden administration’s open-border policies and the resulting influx of illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border to enter the American homeland.

Under the section titled, “Border and Immigration Security,” the report specifically noted how “terrorists and criminal actors may exploit the elevated flow and increasingly complex security environment to enter the United States.”

The agency further acknowledged “individuals with potential terrorism connections” are actively attempting to enter the U.S. thanks to the ongoing crisis.

Months before the 2023 fiscal year ended, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) had already encountered approximately 160 individuals on the Terrorist Screening Data Set (TSDS), or “watchlist” — more than the 100 or so encountered in the entirety of the 2022 fiscal year. According to the report, “Inclusion in the TSDS ranges from known associates of watch-listed individuals, such as family members, to individuals directly engaged in terrorist activity.”

Despite proclaiming support for a secure border, Joe Biden and his regime have totally dismantled President Trump’s policies. In addition to auctioning off border wall construction materials, Biden moved to gut the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy shortly after taking office. That policy required illegal border crossers seeking asylum to stay in Mexico until their court hearing.

It’s estimated that nearly 7 million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border since Biden took office, according to the New York Post.


Embattled Democrat Senator Bob Menendez on Thursday was charged with acting as a foreign agent in a new indictment.

The new indictment filed by a federal grand jury in Manhattan claims Menendez “provided sensitive U.S. Government information and took other steps that secretly aided the Government of Egypt.”

Last month federal prosecutors announced that Democrat U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey, and his wife, have been indicted on charges of bribery and corruption.

Federal prosecutors out of the Southern District of New York obtained a 3-count indictment against Bob Menendez and his wife Nadine Menendez.

“The Senator and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes… cash, gold, home mortgage payments, jobs, cars, and other things of value” in exchange for “using his power and influence to protect and enrich [New Jersey] businessmen and to benefit the government of Egypt,” U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Damian Williams said.

Nadine Menendez was given a “no-show” or “low-show” job, a Mercedes Benz and other things of value, Williams said.

Special agents discovered $500,000 of cash stuffed into envelopes in closets. “Some of the cash was stuffed in the Senator’s jacket pockets.” 


During a campaign event in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Wednesday President Trump told the crowd that Joe Biden “literally can’t speak” and suggested that his aides give him cocaine to keep him awake.

Trump again mocked Biden, saying that he “can’t get off a stage” by himself and always needs to be told where to go.

Trump also alluded to the cocaine found in the White House and sarcastically said he was “certain it had nothing to do with Hunter and Joe.”

WATCH VIDEO (Be Aware: Trump says shit toward the end.)


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The 100-year-old Henry Kissinger seems to have had a sudden epiphany.

During an interview with Politico this week, the former U.S. Secretary of State and adviser to eight presidents admitted it was a bad idea for Western nations to bring in so many migrants from across the globe.

Kissinger told Axel Springer CEO Mathias Döpfner:

“It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts because it creates a pressure group inside each country…”


That was a stunning admission coming from a globalist like Kissinger. But don’t believe that he suddenly developed a conscience at age 100. This is a man who has worked his entire career, at the highest levels, to undermine American sovereignty and self-determination, pushing us toward ever greater levels of global governance.

So, he can keep any mea culpas to himself.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching. And thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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