Pro-Palestinian Protests Are Eerily Similar to The BLM Riots of 2020

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  • Could this be the week that Republicans actually choose a new speaker? We’ll fill you in on the latest name being considered.
  • A prominent investment banker with worldwide influence is calling for the arrest of all those who are responsible for unleashing the Covid vaccine on the world.
  • Tyson Foods is building a massive insect processing plant. Will you “eat zee bugs?”
  • A healthy young athlete dies suddenly after a completing a record-breaking track and field performance.
  • Pro-Palestinian rioting in a major U.S. city this past weekend tries to trap innocent civilian motorists and accuse them of violence.
  • And, just how ready is the American military for a large-scale, global war on multiple fronts? We’ll delve into the details.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

We start off tonight with the Republicans’ continued struggles to elect a Speaker of the House.

After kicking longtime conservative Congressman Jim Jordan to the curb, Republicans are now moving to elect a former George Soros spokesman, Congressman Tom Emmer, a notorious RINO Republican of Minnesota, as the Speaker of the House.

Emmer serves as the current House Majority Whip.

He has already been endorsed for the top job by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

The preparations to usher in Emmer come after GOP members secretly voted to remove Jordan as a candidate for speaker last Friday.

“He is the right person for the job,” McCarthy said of Emmer, adding:

“He can unite the conference. He understands the dynamics of the conference. He also understands what it takes to win and keep a majority.”

McCarthy, of course, forgot to mention that Emmer previously served as a paid spokesman for globalist billionaire George Soros’ organization, The National Popular Vote.

The National Popular Vote campaign launched in 2006 to support efforts to overhaul the Electoral College by passing laws that commit state electors to the candidate who wins the national popular vote, according to the New York Post.

About five years after the initiative’s launch, Emmer took a job as one of the group’s paid spokespeople.

Emmer said in a 2011 video interview posted on the website of Pennsylvania public affairs firm Triad Strategies:

“I believe it’s going to end up favoring Republicans … if you believe in our message.”

But what is the Republican message? It appears to me that more than half of the GOP members of Congress are globalists. They believe in perpetual wars and foreign interventions, propping up the vaccine industry and the military industrial complex, while a minority are against such policies. You can’t have a political party with two opposing messages. And therein lies the rub as to why the Republican Party in its current form never gets anything done.

Is it the Party of Donald Trump and Jim Jordan? Or the Party of Tom Emmer and Kevin McCarthy.

They’d best get this worked out, and soon. Because if they don’t, we can only surmise that America is becoming a one-party state. Which is just what the Democrats want.


Joe Biden’s Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, has declared that American taxpayers can “absolutely” afford to fund another war.

Speaking during an interview with the UK’s Sky News, reporter Wilf Frost asked Yellen if “America can afford another war at this time.”

Yellen responded:

“I think the answer is: Absolutely.”

Yellen argued that the United States can certainly afford wars on two fronts because “the American economy is doing extremely well.”

The Treasury Secretary sat down for the interview as the conflict between Israel and Hamas threatens stability in the Middle East and the U.S. continues to endlessly support Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

Ahead of a meeting of finance ministers in Luxembourg, Yellen said it remained too early to understand the economic ramifications of the latest conflict.


A prominent Swiss banker has called for the arrest of corporate elites and unelected globalist bureaucrats over allegations of democide.

Pascal Najadi has joined forces with Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, a veteran health expert from Geneva, to demand criminal prosecutions of those behind the Covid injections, which they describe as bioweapons.

They make their case in a new documentary titled Cutting off the Head of the Snake.

In the film, they delve into the dark underworld of globalist organizations headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

Najadi focuses on the World Economic Forum, which his late father, Hussain Najadi, co-founded along with Klaus Schwab.

Hussain Najadi was killed by an assassin’s bullet in August 2013.

Before his recent retirement, Pascal Najadi’s job was to advise heads of state on the financial direction of their countries.

In one example of his power, Najadi was responsible for the recent resignation of Switzerland’s President Alain Berset.

The resignation came after Najadi filed a criminal lawsuit at the high Supreme Court of Switzerland against Berset.

He accused Berset of making false statements about the effectiveness of Covid mRNA injections.

As a result of Najadi’s case, Berset will now step down as the nation’s leader at the end of this year.

In the documentary, Najadi reveals his late father’s disdain for the Geneva-based WEF.

Hussain Najadi parted ways with Klaus Schwab and left the WEF in the early 1980s.

Pascal Najadi stated in his documentary:

“Everything evil in the world related to democide unfortunately comes from Geneva. You have WHO [World Health Organization] in Geneva, you have GAVI [Bill Gates’s Vaccine Alliance], then you have the WEF, which my father was a co-founder and left Klaus Schwab out of disgust in the early eighty’s that has diplomatic immunity.”

He added that:

“I, as a Swiss citizen right here, now declare that the WEF is not eligible anymore for diplomatic immunity.”

He urges the Swiss authorities to arrest those responsible for advocating a “global humanity injection by a bioweapon.”

Najadi argues that Big Pharma, Big Tech, Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO, and other globalist entities all advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon.

He notes that he, at the age of 56, and his mother are victims of the Covid bioweapons and says they are both dying after receiving the injections, adding:

“I call on the Swiss authorities and security to arrest those people immediately. Why? The WEF, WHO, GAVI, Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Bill Gates all advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon injecting lipid nanoparticles into 5.7 billion people.”


Zero Hedge reports that if you were wondering why the pro-Palestinian protests in the US are starting to look a lot like the BLM riots of 2020, it's probably because they are made up of the same people with the same political agenda.

The news outlet reports:

“Minnesota has one of the most concentrated Muslim populations in the US, but it is also a well-known Democrat stronghold. Palestinian protests across the country are predominantly manned by far-left groups like Antifa seeking to attach themselves to minority issues as an excuse to wreak havoc. The political alliance is perhaps one of the most unhinged in recent memory, given that Muslim Sharia culture runs contrary to the majority of progressive beliefs.” 

Zero Hedge notes that it’s a common protest tactic to block major traffic routes and then mob any vehicles that try to sneak past. When people defend themselves by pushing through the mob, the protestors then claim they were "attacked" by the driver.

Protesters blocked the Irene Hixon Whitney Bridge that runs over I-94 in Loring Park on Sunday afternoon in Minnesota. A video posted by the media outlet Unicorn Riot shows the mob deliberately blocked traffic while a white sedan was moving forward at slow speeds while being attacked by rioters. 

Unicorn Riot claims the occupant in the white sedan was “an alleged counter-protester who drove into the crowd, possibly firing a gun or firecracker while driving away.”

But that was total fake news. As you can see from this video, it looks more like the white vehicle got trapped and surrounded by rioters, then tried to gently press through the crowd without injuring anyone.



Tyson Foods, the world’s second-largest processor and marketer of meat, has announced a joint venture with Protix, the world’s largest insect factory, to delve into the world of insect protein and lipid production, targeting the pet food, aquaculture, and livestock industries.

Tyson Foods and Protix envision an insect protein processing facility on American soil that seeks to transform food manufacturing byproducts into insect proteins and lipids.

According to CNN, “that facility will use animal waste to feed black soldier flies, which will then be turned into food for pets, poultry and fish… Those flies are not going into human food, at this point.”

“The strategic investment will support the growth of the emerging insect ingredient industry and expand the use of insect ingredient solutions to create more efficient sustainable proteins and lipids for use in the global food system,” according to the company’s press release. “The agreement combines Tyson Foods’ global scale, experience and network with Protix’s technology and market leadership to meet current market demand and scale production of insect ingredients.”

It continued, “Tyson Foods and Protix have entered a joint venture for the operation and construction of an insect ingredient facility in the continental United States. Upon completion, it will be the first at-scale facility of its kind to upcycle food manufacturing byproducts into high-quality insect proteins and lipids which will primarily be used in the pet food, aquaculture, and livestock industries.”


In other food news, AgFunder News reports that Biotech startup Moolec Science has raised $30 million from investors for the purpose of growing genetically modified meat proteins … in plants!

Moolec began trading on Nasdaq in January via a special-purpose acquisition company, but has seen its stock drop from a high of almost $20 to under $3 in recent weeks.

It is best-known for its molecular farming platform, which bioengineers plants such as yellow peas and soybeans to express proteins claimed to improve the taste, texture, nutrition, flavor, and color of meat alternatives.

However, its most advanced products are a bovine protein used in cheesemaking; and a nutritional oil containing a fatty acid known as GLA, which are both expressed by a genetically engineered strain of safflower.


A perfectly healthy and robust 16-year-old high school boy in Texas suddenly collapsed and died after beating his personal record at a cross country meet. 


According to the Daily Mail, Angel Hernandez, a sophomore at Chisholm Trail High School, completed a five-kilometer run at a district track event in Haltom City, Tarrant County, on October 13.

But he quickly collapsed after crossing the finishing line and his friends rushed him over to a water station where he fell again. 
The teenager was rushed to Medical City Alliance but he died an hour later. 

His friends and family are unsure about what caused his death after he ran his best race and it is being investigated by the Tarrant County Medical Examiner. 

The teenager was also a student at the Texas School of Karate which shut for the week following his death as a mark of respect. 

His karate coach, Ashley Wood, has been comforting his friends at karate who are grieving his death. She said he showed no signs of illness while training before the incident. 

The karate coach set up a GoFundMe page to help Hernandez's family with funeral costs and $12,000 has been raised so far. 


Frontline News reports that Dutch professional cyclist Wesley Kreder last week announced his early retirement after experiencing a sudden cardiac event, making him the third professional cyclist this year to quit the sport over heart issues.

The 32-year-old was hospitalized for over a week in early September with myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle. Kreder tried to return to cycling after his release but discovered the problem is long-term.

“After my heart incident, I told myself I could return to the highest level and do races. But my doctor has informed me that the best, and wisest, solution is to stop,” said Kreder in a statement shared by Cycling Weekly. “I know the sacrifices you have to make and the physical shape necessary to compete at the highest level, and this is not compatible with what I experienced. The decision was not easy to make, but when I look at my children, my family, I know I’ve done what I had to do.”

Last month 27-year-old Nathan Van Hooydonck also announced his early retirement after he suddenly became unwell while driving and crashed his car. The incident left Van Hooydonck with a heart anomaly and required him to be outfitted with an internal defibrillator (ICD). “Further medical examinations have to determine why Nathan became unwell,” said Van Hooydonck’s team in a statement.

In July, 35-year-old Belgian pro cyclist Sep Vanmarcke announced his retirement after a monitor detected an abnormally rapid heart rate while he was cycling. Tests showed Vanmarcke had developed a heart condition posed by scar tissue. While he has retired from cycling, Vanmarcke will stay on the Israel–Premier Tech cycling team in a staffing capacity.

Sports media are mystified as to what might have caused Kreder’s myocarditis and the cardiac injuries in other athletes.

“Despite these cardiac events affecting relatively young and healthy athletes, the root cause is still a mystery,” wrote Men’s Journal.

In October 2022 Sonny Colbrelli announced his retirement from professional cycling after he suddenly collapsed during a tournament. Medical examinations showed the then-32-year-old had developed unstable cardiac arrhythmia and the athlete was fitted for an ICD.

Amateur cycling has also yielded recent casualties.

In July Dr. Simon MacGowan, an avid club cyclist and one of Ireland’s leading cardiothoracic surgeons, died suddenly while on a bicycling trip in France. His death came just days after 48-year-old Irish triathlete and cyclist Sarah Fagan also died suddenly from a cardiac arrest during a triathlon.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

The subject of tonight’s commentary is the state of American readiness for what appears to be an approaching World War III scenario.

With Joe Biden asking for $100 billion in war material – with close to 60 percent of it destined for Ukraine and the rest for Israel and Taiwan – there is no doubt that this administration wants to open multiple war fronts with the coalition of nations that it refers to as the Axis of Evil – China, Russia and Iran.

Whenever you hear that kind of language being used, you know our government is seeking a military confrontation.

But just how prepared is the United States to fight in a three-front war?

Former U.S. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski recently stated, “The end of the American empire is near.”

She arrived at that conclusion by studying the readiness of U.S. troops.

It’s no longer any secret that the U.S. is facing severe military recruiting problems, and the Armed Forces are desperate to shoehorn new recruits into the military, but many aren’t biting. Perhaps none are less interested in joining the military that Gen-Zr’s.

The WinePress has been documenting the U.S. Armed Forces’ recruiting woes, including the continuous softening-up of the different branches of the military.

In October a year ago, roughly 20,000 active-duty soldiers across multiple branches were issued an honorable discharge for not receiving mandated Covid-19 vaccinations. Kicking those soldiers and sailors out of the military was defended by Joe Biden. At the time, some of us questioned the wisdom of such a draconian move. Especially at a time when the Army had announced its worst recruiting miss in history.

These same recruiting misses have been felt by the Air Force and Navy.

So what did the military do? It relaxed its physical and training standards as a way to try and fill the ranks. Now Army drill instructors are being told to do way less screaming and instead be more like “strict football coaches.”

The Army has also expanded the weight limits to allow for more pudgy Americans to join, along with increased tolerance to things like plenty of tattoos.

One report published earlier this year says 10,000 active-duty Army soldiers fell into obesity since the lockdowns. More recently a new report claims that nearly 70% of all the combined branches in the military are considered overweight and obese.

And that’s not all, folks.

The U.S. military has also prioritized promoting woke ideologies and pushing LGTBQ+ awareness and inclusion.

A prime example of this was an official U.S. Army commercial published in 2021 that featured a young woman who said she has two lesbian moms, and marched for LGBTQ+ rights before joining the Army. Take a look at that ad.


All I can say to our so-called Commander in Chief is good luck with that. Good luck with your woke army going up against the best soldiers signing up for Russia and China, which have already been on a war footing for over a year.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching. And thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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