Iranian Assets Have Almost Certainly Penetrated the U.S. Southern Border & Are Waiting to Attack Us

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  • A former Trump official testifies before Congress that Iranian assets have almost certainly penetrated the U.S. southern border and are here, waiting to attack us.
  • Big Tech, led by IBM, Apple and Microsoft, are embarking on a new systematic program of racial and gender discrimination. If you are a white male, you need not apply for the top jobs at those companies.
  • One of America’s most well-known philanthropic organizations gets hit with a lawsuit alleging that it cooperates with the government to silence the voices of conservative Americans.
  • And Yuval Noah Harari is back in the spotlight, making the World Economic Forum’s case for a depopulated world.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Epoch Times reports that federal Homeland Security officials must assume that hundreds of Iranian-funded terrorist operatives with Hamas, Hezbollah, and similar groups are in the United States and can carry out lethal attacks across this country as soon as Iran gives them the green light, according to witnesses who testified at an October 25th hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security.

The committee's chairman, Congressman Mark Green, Republican of Tennessee, asked former Ambassador Nathan Sales:

“What guarantees do we have” that Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorists aren't among the more than 1.7 million illegal immigrants who have crossed the southern U.S. border since 2021?

Sales replied:

“I don't think we have any guarantees, Mr. Chairman. I think we have to assume the worst. We know that Iranian-linked terrorists have been found in the United States.”

He pointed out that, prior to the October 7th Hamas terrorist attack from Gaza on Israel, “128 Hezbollah operatives have been arrested here over the years by the FBI.”

Hezbollah, like Hamas, is funded, equipped, and directed by Iran's radical Islamic regime.

Sales added:

“Within that population of however many millions or hundreds of thousands of known gotaways, we should not assume that they are all perfectly clean.”

Sales was ambassador-at-large and coordinator for counterterrorism, as well as acting undersecretary of state for civilian security, democracy and human rights under President Donald Trump. He also served in the Trump administration as special presidential envoy to the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS.

Sales told the House panel in his prepared testimony that Iran “is actively plotting to assassinate a number of former senior U.S. officials here on American soil.”


New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Republican of Louisiana, has displayed a unique ability to get to the heart of the matter when discussing important issues during his relatively brief congressional career.

Take, for example, his incredibly poignant analysis of the social media platform Twitter before it was acquired by Elon Musk. Johnson was one of the few politicians who called a spade a spade and did not pull punches when it came to Twitter’s track record of censorship and abuse targeting American patriotic conservative voices.


Well said, indeed.

Johnson also did not hesitate to call out Nancy Pelosi for her unprecedented antics during President Trump’s state of the union address. Here he is on the Tucker Carlson show.



The Daily Wire reports that computer giant International Business Machines, also known as IBM, has recently sponsored at least two discriminatory paid internship opportunities, one that bars white and Asian applicants, and another that is only for women, with an exception for men who identify as women.

The two paid internships are held in conjunction with the American Physical Society (APS), a nonprofit organization that says it is “working to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics through its outstanding research journals, scientific meetings, and education, outreach, advocacy, and international activities.”

“Applicants must be female, including all students who present or identify as women and/or trans women,” reads the eligibility requirements for the Internship for Undergraduate Women.

description of the Internship for so-called underrepresented minorities asserts that “applicants must be underrepresented minorities” before listing off the approved racial backgrounds of African American, Hispanic, or Indigenous.

David Bernstein, a professor at George Mason University’s Antonin Scalia School of Law, told The Daily Wire that these internship programs clearly violate Title VII, as the statute “does not allow for race or sex-based preferences for employment except perhaps as part of bona fide affirmative action programs initiated to redress past discriminatory policies.”

“Even in such cases, companies may not have a 100% quota based on race or sex for specific positions, including internships,” Bernstein clarified.

The application site goes on to explain that there is no citizenship requirement and that “any student who identifies as a woman and an underrepresented minority is eligible to apply to both internships.”

The internship is intended to “encourage women and underrepresented minorities to pursue graduate studies in science and engineering.” Those selected for the program will work with an IBM mentor at one of the company’s offices.

Discriminatory programs are becoming commonplace in corporate America, especially in the tech industry. Apple will host entrepreneur training programs that are only open to companies with leaders who are women or who are not white or Asian, an investigation from The Daily Wire previously revealed.

Apple’s program similarly gave a nod to men who identify as women, with a disclaimer that reads, “Apple believes that gender expression is a fundamental right. We welcome all women to apply to this program.”

Tech giant Oracle similarly hosted an internship and scholarship program that barred white and Asian students from applying on the basis of their race, The Daily Wire also uncovered. Meanwhile, Microsoft put a cap on the number of white and Asian applicants who could apply for a prestigious fellowship.


The Aspen Institute, a well-known philanthropic foundation funded by Bill Gates, George Soros and other far-left billionaires, has been hit with a lawsuit claiming it works with the federal government to facilitate online censorship of Americans.

According to Reclaim the Net, the public-interest law firm America First Legal, or AFL, has fortified its legal fight against alleged collaborated censorship by big government and tech giants.

AFL recently added the Aspen Institute into its lawsuit. Previously, the lawsuit was directed towards the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and Virality Project (VP), two entities implicated in the systematic suppression of digital free speech.

It’s alleged that the Aspen Institute, EIP, and VP have worked in concert with various tech powerhouses and governmental bodies, launching a concerted attack on free online expression during both the 2020 and 2022 electoral seasons. The Aspen Institute has been funded by billionaire globalists George Soros and Bill Gates.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reportedly donated over $100 million to the Aspen Institute between 2003 and 2020. Simultaneously, George Soros’s Open Society Network funded the Institute with upwards of $3 million during the same period.

In September 2020, Aspen Institute’s Vivian Schiller hosted an event that AFL claims was designed to manipulate social media engagement in the event of revelations relating to Hunter Biden. The Twitter Files provided additional analysis, stating that this exercise was intentional and designed to create a controlled narrative about the Biden family scandal on social media.

Further evidence was provided by emails purportedly exchanged by the Aspen Institute and key players in the EIP and VP.


In other news, Israeli historian and World Economic Forum advisor Yuval Noah Harari is back in the public eye, making the Forum’s case for a depopulated world.

Harari doesn’t come right out and say, let’s kill off half or more of the human beings on the planet. No, he’s much more subtle and round about in the way he approaches the subject.

Listen carefully to the philosophy of the most dangerous organization on the planet that most Americans have never heard of, the World Economic Forum and its chief philosophical adviser, Yuval Harari.


There you have it. A clear hatred for the human race. Perhaps someone should remind Harari that he is also human, and in desperate need of a more human worldview. Instead of technocratic pragmatism, Mr. Harari, perhaps you should take a look at Jesus Christ and what he teaches about the value of human life.


A 50-year-old man who identifies as a girl recently competed in a swimming event against 13-year-old girls.

I kid you not.


The man, who goes by the name of Melody Wiseheart, was able to use the girls locker rooms to change and swam against nine 13-14 year old girls during the competition held near Toronto, Canada.

The biological man, who is a professor at Toronto’s York University where his research areas include children and youth took part in the competition held at The Markham Pan Am Centre, north of Toronto.

Officials at the pool initially denied he was competing in the girls race after facing questions.

However, after Rebel News grilled the competition officials they admitted he did, in fact, take part and was on the official list of competitors.


The largest bank in the world in terms of assets, JP Morgan Chase, has quietly released a new blockchain-based system that tokenizes assets and can effectively convert cash, land and other physical assets into a digital asset.

Its first client, Blackrock, the largest asset manager in the world, used JP Morgan’s newest Tokenized Collateral Network (TCN) “to turn shares in one of its money market funds into digital tokens, which were then transferred to Barclays Plc as collateral for an over-the-counter derivatives trade between the two institutions,” Bloomberg reported, citing Tyrone Lobban, head of Onyx Digital Assets at JP Morgan.

According to the Onyx website, powered by JP Morgan, the TCN “is an application enabling investors to utilize assets as collateral. Transfer collateral ownership without moving assets in underlying ledgers — while remaining invested — starting with money market funds.”

The megabank adds that the TCN can provide “Real-time transfer of collateral ownership,” among other features.

Ed Bond, head of trading services at JP Morgan, added that beyond cash the bank foresees using this platform to use other assets as collateral, including equities and fixed income.

Bloomberg echoed Citibank’s touted benefits of their new blockchain network in relation to the new TCN. The publication wrote: “Blockchain proponents say that using the technology will make it easier for financial institutions to use their shares in money-market funds as collateral because they won’t have to redeem them for cash, as they currently do when using traditional processes. That would make the transactions faster and potentially reduce risks during times of market stress.”


A new Homeland Security report accuses the Biden administration of deliberately concealing the true nationality of illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border, with particular focus on migrants of Palestinian background

According to the Daily CallerCustoms and Border Protection has been categorizing Palestinians attempting to cross the border illegally under other nationalities. 

An internal database, reviewed by the Daily Caller, revealed that there exists no distinct category for Palestine within the records of apprehended individuals. Searches specifically for Palestinians yield no matches.

This revelation comes in the wake of an internal memo cautioning that terrorists associated with Palestinian groups might be attempting to exploit vulnerabilities at the border.

In a disturbing interview, former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott confirmed the absence of such categories.  

Scott stated:

“There is no written policy on how to record a Palestinian. In my experience, since this falls within the legal borders of Israel, individuals would be documented as Israel and the narrative, which is not easily searchable, would likely but not automatically explain that the individual claims to be Palestinian.” 

Scott explained that the data entered into the DHS systems relies on information voluntarily disclosed by those detained, adding:

“The narrative is 100% dependent upon what the agent wants to include and what information the agent has time to get.”

Earlier this month, a San Diego CBP field office highlighted in a memo the potential presence of terrorists attempting to exploit the war in the Gaza Strip by entering the U.S. illegally. 

The memo stated:

“San Diego Field Office Intelligence Unit assesses that individuals inspired by, or reacting to the current Israel-Hamas conflict may attempt travel to or from the area of hostilities in the Middle East via circuitous transit across the Southwest border. Foreign fighters motivated by ideology or mercenary soldiers of fortune may attempt to obfuscate travel to or from the U.S. to or from countries in the Middle East through Mexico.”

The memo explicitly named Hamas, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah as possible entities seeking illegal entry into the U.S.


Mainstream media is reporting that more than 200 health journals are calling for the World Health Organization to declare a global emergency due to climate change and the “public health crisis” that it’s causing.

On October 25th, the BMJ, a weekly peer-reviewed medical journal based in the U.K., issued a call for “joint action” on climate issues, claiming that signing a global treaty is “essential for planetary and human health.”


The BMJ explained the research communities that advise the UN’s Conference of the Parties (COP) have been warning since 2020 that climate and biodiversity are issues needing global attention from the World Health Organization.

With the 28th UN COP on climate change taking place in Dubai in early December and the 16th COP on biodiversity being held in Turkey in 2024, the scientists are now pushing for the globalist group to declare an emergency.

Germany’s public-broadcasting station  reports, “Declaring a public health emergency is the highest alert level that the WHO can impose. All member states are then required to exchange information in order to get the problem under control. This most recently happened during the corona pandemic.”


News 4 Jax reports that a number of new Florida laws went into effect as of Sunday.

One of the more controversial new laws will make changes to the state’s death penalty. Child rapists can now face execution for their crimes.

The law specifically pertains to child victims under the age of 12. Higher courts have already said imposing death sentences in these types of cases is a violation of the 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. While some say the law is still a measure of protecting children, others say different.

Florida courts now have a green light to send child rapists to death row. It was a measure that received bipartisan support as it rose through the State Capitol in Tallahassee.

Upon signing it into law, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said:

“These are really the worst of the worst. The perpetrators of these crimes are often serial offenders.”

Maria DeLiberato is the executive director of Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. She does not disagree, adding, “Of course, child sexual battery is one of the most horrific crimes that one can think of.”

DeLiberato, an attorney herself, explains even though the law is now technically in effect in Florida, the Supreme Court would first have to reverse its initial ruling for it to apply to a particular case, stating, “The legislature, to their credit, acknowledged that when they passed it right, they said, ‘we know this isn’t the law, we just hope the law will get change.’”


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

If anyone deserves credit for the ascendancy of Mike Johnson to the Speakership it’s Congressman Matt Gaetz, who had the audacity to go against his party’s leadership and call for a vote of no confidence in RINO Kevin McCarthy. It was a gamble that paid off big as now we have a real, legitimate conservative as Speaker and someone, unlike the pretender McCarthy, who is not afraid to challenge the Biden regime.

It’s been many, many decades since there’s been a real conservative in the Speaker’s position. You might have to go back to Newt Gingrich, and even he was not as reliably conservative as Johnson appears to be.

Gaetz (R-Fla.) on Wednesday declared the election of Johnson as House speaker a sign of the strength of the MAGA movement in the GOP and the waning power of the swamp.

After a three-week leadership void in the House, the GOP conference chose Johnson as their Speaker nominee; he went on to win 220 votes in the first floor ballot on Wednesday.

Gaetz touted Johnson's victory as exemplary of the growing power of the MAGA movement on Capitol Hill.

Gaetz told Steve Bannon's War Room podcast on Wednesday:

“The swamp is on the run. MAGA is ascendant. If you don't think that moving from Kevin McCarthy to MAGA Mike Johnson shows the ascendance of this movement and where the power in the Republican Party truly lies, then you're not paying attention.”

Gaetz accused the former Speaker of attempting to sabotage the chances of the last four nominees, including Steve Scalise, Jim Jordan, Tom Emmer, and Mike Johnson, while maneuvering in the shadows to be reelected himself.

That backfired big time and Johnson, the most conservative of the lot, ended up getting the votes he needed to win.

Johnson will not be able to fix America’s problems by himself, but let’s pray this is the critical first step toward a broader cleansing of Washington’s globalist deep-state operatives and the eventual replacement of those traitors with American patriots.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and thanks for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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