Alvin Bragg's Criminal Trial Against President Trump Began On Monday


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  • A Christian pastor with a worldwide internet ministry is brutally attacked by an Islamic man in Australia.
  • Prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s criminal trial against former President Donald Trump started Monday and the former president did not look happy as he exited the courthouse.
  • A Ramadan celebration at a Philadelphia park turned violent when members of rival factions began shooting at each another.
  • At least 100 members of the French Foreign Legion arrived in Ukraine on April 11 and there could be more French troops to follow.
  • The FBI has opened a criminal probe in connection to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.
  • And economist author Martin Armstrong weighs in on the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump. We’ll share why he thinks it won’t end well, not for Trump and not for the nation.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The New York Post reports that an Australian bishop with an active YouTube and Tik-Tok following was stabbed multiple times and two others were injured during his sermon Monday night, in an attack that came just days after six people were stabbed to death at a nearby mall and sparked massive riots throughout the area.

Footage posted online Monday shows Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel speaking at Wakeley’s Christ The Good Shepherd Church, an Assyrian Orthodox church, when an unidentified man in a black hoodie confronts him.

The bishop appears to try to talk to the man, who then stabs the bishop’s face and neck just after 7 p.m. local time.

Emmanuel then fell to the floor as church members rushed to his aid.


The bishop was rushed to a local hospital, while the suspect was taken into custody, reported. He was reported to be in serious but stable condition.

Another priest was also among the injured, and asked the public for their prayers for the wounded.

The church issued a statement that said: “It is the bishop and Father’s wishes that you also pray for the perpetrator. We also kindly ask anyone at the Church premises to leave in peace, as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, teaches us.”

At least two others were also treated at the scene for lacerations, according to

A motive for the stabbing has not been revealed, but the suspect reportedly told congregants at the scene Emmanuel “was getting involved in my religion so I came to get involved in his,” a politician posted online.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

“Restrained by parishioners, the apparent Islamist terrorist who attacked Assyrian Orthodox Bishop Mar Mari reportedly said in Arabic: ‘If He wasn’t criticizing my Prophet (Muhammad) and my religion (Islam), I wouldn’t have come or attacked.’”

He was later photographed smiling as he was pinned to the ground by angry parishioners.

The brutal scene quickly dissolved into chaos, as thousands rioted in the streets while they waited for the suspect to be marched out of the Assyrian church.

“Bring him out, bring him out,” the angry mob could be heard shouting in a video posted to social media.



Prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s criminal trial against former President Donald Trump started Monday and the former president did not look happy as he exited the courthouse.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 1:33)

Economist and author Martin Armstrong says the nation has entered unchartered territory, with New York City out to destroy a former president running for a second term.

Armstrong writes: “We already know the outcome – Trump will receive nothing of a fair trial, and Bragg, with the judges, will find Trump guilty, and they WILL try to imprison Trump on Riker’s Island and cheer when an inmate kills him. I feel sorry for those who are blinded by their hatred of Trump. This is tearing down the country, and whatever they do to Trump has opened the door for rogue Republican prosecutors to do the same to Democrats. This is the start of the American Civil War, and ironically, the first one began on April 12th, 1861, and here this one will be instigated on April 15th, 2024 – 163 years later.”

Armstrong notes that Bragg, a zealous Democrat, has even introduced race into the trial, referring to Trump a “rich white guy.” He said New York is “notorious for corruption in the legal system. Lawyers I know privately will say New York practices law ‘DIFFERENTLY’ than any other place in the country.”


Tesla will lay off more than 10% of its workforce as the company prepares for its next phase of growth, CEO Elon Musk announced on Monday.

The decision could impact as many as 14,000 employees, according to a report by Electrek.

Musk said in an email to staff:

“Over the years, we have grown rapidly with multiple factories scaling around the globe. With this rapid growth there has been duplication of roles and job functions in certain areas. As we prepare the company for our next phase of growth, it is extremely important to look at every aspect of the company for cost reductions and increasing productivity.”

The news comes after Tesla missed first quarter vehicle delivery expectations. 


Defense Mirror reports that approximately 100 members of the French Foreign Legion arrived in Ukraine on April 11 and will serve as advisors on the use of French military equipment by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Russian media reported.

The Russian Weapons channel on Telegram reported that these soldiers represented the initial company-tactical units, including artillery reconnaissance, of the French Foreign Legion. The contingent also includes an engineering group specializing in fortification and field construction.

On April 11, military personnel from the French Foreign Legion joined the 54 Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, according to The Reporter.

The French military is moving under the escort of Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel, indicating their role in assisting Ukrainian forces in preparing the defense of cities against potential shifts in the front line.


Blaze Media reports that a Muslim celebration at park in Philadelphia to mark the end of Ramadan turned violent when members of rival factions began shooting at each another.

Last Wednesday, an estimated 1,000 people gathered in and around Clara Muhammad Square in West Philadelphia to mark the end of the Islamic fast.

Suddenly, around 2:30 p.m., people at the event began shooting at one another. Some police officers happened to be issuing parking tickets at a nearby gas station when the gunfire erupted. Police estimated 30 shots were fired, sending the attendees scurrying for cover.

One witness recalled:

“I just saw everybody just running and frantic. The kids, people's strollers getting turned over, everybody screaming. Everybody just ran away like it was an elephant stampede.”

Four people were reportedly injured. Nhashon Richards, 22, was shot in the stomach. His father, Corey Taylor, said that while Richards is stable and alert, he will likely need surgery.

Two teens also suffered gunshot wounds. One arrived at the hospital with a gunshot wound to the hand.

Then, a 15-year-old boy who was reportedly carrying a rifle was shot in the shoulder and leg by a police officer after he allegedly ignored two commands to drop his weapon. After the officer fired, she quickly corralled the boy into her police cruiser and drove him to the hospital. He is now in stable condition.

A 15-year-old girl attempting to flee the area suffered a broken leg when she was accidentally struck by a police vehicle.


Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd recently updated his book Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022 and 2023 and has been documenting the massive numbers of deaths and injuries caused by the experimental gene-therapy jabs. 

Many are waking up to this crime against humanity, but many remain in the dark because the government and corporate media continue to cover up the worst murder and disability fraud in world history.  

Dowd told Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog:

“At this point, it’s overwhelming and has become almost comical... This is asymmetric information. So, we have governments and media continuing to pretend a massive health crisis with chronic illness, deaths and disabilities is not going on. The data would suggest otherwise.”

He said the data he’s collected is free and available from open-sourced documents.

WATCH VIDEO (clip from 0:50 mark to 4:26 mark)


The FBI has opened a criminal probe in connection to the collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore after it was struck last month by a large container ship.

On Monday, three boats pulled up to the Dali, and federal agents appeared to board the stranded ship to conduct a search, according to The Washington Post, which first reported the probe.

The FBI confirmed with The Post that agents were on the ship.

The probe will reportedly focus in part on whether the ship crew left the port in the early hours of March 26 knowing the vessel had serious systems problems, two U.S. officials familiar with the matter told the newspaper.

Six bridge workers were killed in the accident. 

Authorities are reviewing events that preceded the Dali, a 985-foot Singapore-flagged ship, that lost power leaving the Port of Baltimore and slammed into one of the bridge’s support pillars, said the officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity with regard to the ongoing probe.

The agency told the newspaper without providing additional information:

“The FBI is present aboard the cargo ship Dali conducting court-authorized law enforcement activity.”


The Associated Press reports that the mayor of Atlantic City, New Jersey, Marty Small and his wife, were charged Monday with abusing and assaulting their teenage daughter on multiple occasions, including hitting her in the head with a broom and knocking her unconscious.

The Atlantic County Prosecutor's Office told the AP it filed charges against both parents for endangering the welfare of a child.

Marty Small also was charged with making terroristic threats; aggravated assault, and simple assault. La’Quetta Small was charged with three counts of simple assault.

The prosecutor's office said in a press release that “the defendants physically and emotionally abused their 15/16-year-old-daughter on multiple occasions” in December 2023 and January 2024.

It said that in one incident, Marty Small is alleged to have hit his daughter multiple times in the head with a broom, causing her to lose consciousness. He also is accused of punching his daughter in the legs multiple times, leaving bruises, and threatening to throw her down a staircase and “smack the weave out of her head,” the release said.

LaQuetta Small, who is Atlantic City's superintendent of schools, is accused of punching her daughter multiple times in the chest, leaving bruises, and punching her in the mouth during a separate argument. LaQuetta Small also is accused of dragging her daughter by the hair, and striking her with a belt on her shoulders, leaving marks, according to the prosecutor's office.


On the next-to-last day of Nebraska’s legislative session, senators passed more than 100 bills, including one that gives smaller school districts the option to authorize staff to carry guns in schools, the Omaha World-Herald reports.

The provision permitting staff to carry firearms in schools and at school-related events initially encompassed all districts throughout the Cornhusker State. However, following opposition from certain areas of Nebraska, lawmakers reached a compromise, limiting the provision to districts with under 5,000 residents.

KETV 7 reports that State Senator Tom Brewer, the sponsor of the measure, explained that, “It doesn’t apply to all the schools. This was designed for the rural schools where they didn’t have a resource officer or law enforcement wasn’t readily available.”

The measure would grant schools the option to either hire security personnel or designate a specific staff member to carry a weapon.

Brewer stated that, “It can be anyone from the superintendent to the janitor.”


An 81-year-old pizza delivery veteran and U.S. Army veteran, Ernie Aimone, fell victim to a brazen carjacking after enduring a vicious assault from a group of teenage thugs before they stole and crashed his car.

Colin Rugg reports that Aimone, a retired Sergeant with combat experience in Vietnam who has delivered pizza for the same restaurant for 40 years, found himself brutally attacked and robbed following a delivery in the Jefferson Park neighborhood on Chicago’s Northwest Side.


Chicago Police confirmed  the incident took place at about 9 p.m. last Wednesday on North Ludlam Avenue.

ABC7 reports that a man approached Aimone from behind, delivering a blow to his head, which sent him crashing to the ground. The assailant demanded Aimone’s car keys, following it up with a vicious punch to his face.

Just the latest in a disturbing litany of random attacks we’ve reported lately in America’s major cities.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley has found herself a new gig and it fits her perfectly. Haley has accepted a position as Walter P. Stern Chair of the “conservative” Hudson Institute, according to a press release issued by the think tank.

Haley was the last remaining challenger to former President Donald Trump in the Republican primary until she dropped out of the race in the aftermath of a disastrous round of Super Tuesday losses.

Haley, a former South Carolina governor, received a Global Leadership Award from the Hudson Institute in 2018. She said she will seek to “defend the principles that make America the greatest country in the world,” according to the press release.

Haley added that:

“When our policymakers fail to call out our enemies or acknowledge the importance of our alliances, the world is less safe. That is why Hudson’s work is so critical.”

It's exactly those entangling alliances that George Washington warned America against. He knew it would lead to bad policy and an America-last mentality. Nikki Haley would do well to put aside her globalist leanings and study America’s founders. Globalist policies, especially in the realm of military alliances, always lead to more war and American bodies being shipped home in flag-draped coffins.

It's not like Nikki Haley’s globalist policies are popular. As we saw with her poor showing in the GOP primaries, they are not.  That should give us hope that maybe, just maybe, Americans are waking up and realizing who is responsible for the mess this country finds itself in. It’s not the Christians, the Jews, or even the left or right who should be made a scapegoat. It’s the fraudulent left-right paradigm designed by globalists to divide and conquer, and forever feed the voracious appetite for war by the military-industrial complex.

Right now, they want war between NATO and Russia. They will even use Israel and that age-old conflict between Judaism and Islam to draw America and Americans into battlefields they have no business being engaged in.

America is not safer as a result of these alliances. It is in imminent peril of going down the road of a Third World War. Ask yourself: Why? Is America in danger of being invaded by Russia or China, and if we are, why are we sending so many troops to distant outposts to fight other people’s wars? Shouldn’t we be defending our own borders and calling the troops back home to defend against the evil invaders from rival superpowers?

Israel is a very capable military force and I’m not saying we should not lend support in the form of any particular weapons they may need. But should we send our boys to die there fighting the Iranians, should it come to that? I don’t think so.

The word “conservative” can mean many things. The Hudson Institute claims to be conservative but operates very much in the flavor of the neocon war hawk wing of the Republican Party.

It’s time for those of us who claim to be America-first to examine ourselves and ask, are we really America-first, or are we just the same as the war hawks when it comes to sending troops around the world, trying to influence other countries’ policies?

What countries can we honestly say American foreign policy has changed for the better in the last 50 or 60 years? Iraq and Afghanistan immediately come to mind as being changed for the worse. Iraq’s government has been taken over by Iran and Iran actually fired some of the 300 projectiles at Israel over the weekend from Iraqi territory. America first must mean exactly what it says – America first. Not just an empty platitude that applies to one foreign intervention but not another. Because whether its Ukraine, Tiawan or Israel, do you want to send your son or daughter there to die? Now’s the time to ask these questions, before the draft notice arrives in the mail.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching and supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…

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