Cult of Green: The United Nations Environmental Sabbath and the New Global Ethic NOTE: This essay was first published in Forcing Change back in 2007. It is being reprinted here as an informational/educational service. If you apprec
The Larger Fabric of Masonry No matter where you go in the Western world, if you're observant, you'll notice that Freemasonry has left its mark. It seems every village, town, and
Adventures in One World: A First-Hand Encounter NOTE: This is an excerpt from a recent, 43-page report on Carl's experiences while attending a "world government" meeting. The full report, which is c
Forcing Change Release Note Population Control The above statements are telling, but not isolated. Advocates of global population control are frequently candid, for the "solutions" to the "problem"
The Labyrinth Journey: We live in a day and age where many "new things" are sweeping through the Christian church. Some of these alternative directions are simply a reflecti
Dreaming of World Government One Hundred Years Ago The dream was straightforward. World peace would have to come via world government. To that end, a five-point document was presented to men of high po
Creating a New Society: Change Agents and Influence Peddlers Social engineering, an activity of shifting the mind and heart of individuals and thus changing personal and group behavior - is a progressive endeavo
Climate and Coinage: Hot Air, Hot Money This issue of Forcing Change takes a look at two major areas of concern for this fall, climate change (especially the financing of "global warming") a
Advancing the Open Conspiracy: H.G. Wells and the World State H.G. Wells was one of the most influential visionaries of the early twentieth century. His many books, both fiction and non-fiction, inspired multitud
Global Calendar of Events: 2012 The following Calendar of Events is a sampling of conference, forums, events, and meetings taking place in 2012 each contributing, one way or anoth
All for Gaia: Earth Day and Total Transformation In our contemporary era, Earth Day has become the modern celebration of Gaia. Partakers of this event, whether aware of it or not, play off the ancien
European Order: A Timeline to the Euro-SuperState Worldview Times NOTE: On December 21st I was interviewed on Worldview Weekend Radio. In the last minutes of the show, Brannon Howse, knowing I had for
Paying For Global Governance: Ideas for International Taxation NOTE: World tax schemes are being seriously considered in light of the global economic crisis. Recently, the United Nations published their 2011 Human
The Vatican's Quest for a World Political Authority: Sowing the Seeds of Global Power Preamble: With this week's announcement by the Vatican in support of a world banking and political authority, I felt it necessary to re-release an ess
New Faiths - New World The religious environment of the 1800s and early 1900s was awash with new faiths, sects, cults, spiritual movements and esoteric groups. Without quest
Creating a "Faith-Based" United Nations When wrong suppositions are employed, wrong results are guaranteed. It has been famously stated that our world is undergoing a "clash of civilizatio
The Rise of Techno-Gods: The Merging of Transhumanism and Spirituality Standing at the guest booth on the outskirts of the Temple grounds in Salt Lake City, the young lady behind the counter asked if we were attending "th
Reinventing Jesus: Introducing the New Messiah for Our New Millennium Allow me to introduce to you the new Jesus. This isn't the Jesus Christ known to us from the pages of the Holy Bible. This Jesus is a new versio
The Fallacy of Social Justice: All For One, and Theft To All Author's Note: Volumes could be written on the different historical and philosophical applications of "social justice," and we could easily find ourse
Education for Indoctrination: UNESCO and World Government Special Note: This report on UNESCO and education is detailed but it has to be, such is the serious nature of the topic. In order to properly under
Social Engineering for Global Change Back in 1968, UNESCO, along with The Twentieth Century Fund (now called The Century Foundation) and the Ford Foundation, helped start a new educationa
Uniting Religions For World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit NOTE: Everyone heard about the G8 and G20 political summits in Toronto, yet few knew that a global interfaith event paralleled the G8/G20. This event,
Man As God: Living the First Lie Eleven years ago this July, I had the opportunity to attend an esoteric (occult) event in the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Titled 1999: Ye
One World, One Money: The Quest for A Single Global Currency "A global economy requires a global currency." - Paul Volcker, former Chair of the US Federal Reserve.[i] "I fully support a single glo
All For Gaia: Earth Day and Total Transformation for a Post-Christian World Just as in olden days, the Earth has become the focal point for worship. In Grecian times the supreme Earth deity was Gaia, also known as the Universa
To Conquer a Continent: The Elite Re-Configuration of North America Released in early 2005, the CFR document titled Building A North American Community would eventually trigger a ground swell of criticism in the United
The Globalization Strategy: America and Europe in the Crucible Strategic landscapes are radically changing. No longer does a person's country represent the core of citizenship or identity. Today, a new murky world
Science and the Supernatural Science, in its pure form, is chiefly concerned with what is observable, testable, and repeatable. It is restricted in that sense to the physical stud
Checking Our Brains At The Door: Spiritual Appeasement in the Age of Emergence NOTE: The Emergent church movement is sweeping through modern Christendom. Many articles and a few books have been written critical of this movement,
Cash for Climate: Clunkers Have Nothing On This This past summer the United States introduced its "cash for clunkers" program in an attempt to rejuvenate the failing auto sector. Originally slated t
Acting Fabian This is understandable. Obama's charisma and electioneering slogan of "change" ignited imaginations in America and around the globe. And now "change"
Welfare Earth: Copenhagen and the Game of Global Management You didn't have to attend COP+15 to know that civilization was tensed like a tightly wound spring. The surge of press reports, video feeds, and media