All Episodes

  • Crosstalk: April 15, 2021

    The mantra ‘follow the science’ has been tossed at us in relation to items like global climate change and the COVID vaccines, but ask yourself this question: Does evolution ‘follow the science’?
  • Brannon Howse: April 14, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Doug Frank. Topic: Brannon starts out the program playing more clips from liberals saying in 2016 to 2020 what Mike Lindell, Brannon Howse and Mary Fanning are saying in 2021 and yet Dominion apparently did not sue any of the liberals but only conservatives. Topic: Brannon plays clips of a screaming special needs adult in Los Angeles that is being forcibly vaccinated against her will as an LAPD sheriff deputy put his hands on her and forcibly entraps her from defending herself. Brannon explains the similarities between these actions, eugenics, and the death centers of Nazi Germany that were used to killed the mentally challenged. Topic: Dr. Frank joins us to discuss his latest mathematical proof of a stolen election in the state of Michigan. Topic: We take lots of your phone calls.
  • Brannon Howse: April 13, 2021

    Biden Administration To Tax Your Guns To The Point Only The Rich Can Afford Gun Ownership? Guest: Mike Hammond of Gun Owners of America. Topic: Biden Administration appoints man with strong anti-gun connections to head up ATF. This man also was reportedly on the ground at the Waco massacres as well as the murders at Ruby Ridge. Topic: Would Americans tolerate another Waco and Ruby Ridge? Topic: Mike shares the stories of being in the Reagan White House and getting into a shouting match with the head of ATF. Topic: Mike tells us about a recent court victory led by Gun Owners of America. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: April 14, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung has two Broadcast Partners that will join him at his Broadcast Table with detailed reports on two different regions of our world. Dave Dolan comes first with his Middle East News Up-date, a key report, especially for those of us who are Bible Prophecy students. Then John Rood will give us his European Union Update. John looks at the political events in the EU that seemingly are setting the stage for the prophetic to be fulfilled. These both are very important reports on two key regions of our world.
  • Crosstalk: April 14, 2021

    Tensions continue to build in America based upon skin color.  However it’s very clear from God’s Word that such tensions are not His plan and design.  This shows the depravity of man at work.  That brings up some questions: Is there hope?  What should be the response of the church in such a time as this? 
  • Sam Rohrer: April 13, 2021

    America, Bless God. Topics discussed include: American Church Membership Decline. Why Should You Go to Church? Will God Take Care of Me?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: April 13, 2021

    The geopolitical events of this world today must be watched very closely. These events may well be setting the stage for God's prophetic scenario to be fulfilled. That is why Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, his Broadcast Partner, Ken Timmerman. Jimmy and Ken will discuss Christians in China being "brainwashed" in underground bunkers; Iran ready to strike Israel; and Russian military massed at the border of the Ukraine, ready to strike, which could spark a war that could be the "war of all wars".
  • Crosstalk: April 13, 2021

    Israel, a nation about to celebrate another birthday, is truly a miracle from God in that she even exists today.  The enemies of this nation are many.  God promised Abraham I will make of thee a great nation and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.  God promised to bless those nations that blessed Israel and to curse those nations who cursed Israel.  Certainly, we saw God’s promise to Abraham, to Isaac, then to Jacob.  We have regularly covered Israel from a prophetic perspective and what the Scriptures teach as to Israel’s past, present and future.  
  • Brannon Howse: April 12, 2021

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Free speech does not mean someone can lie, slander, scream fire in a crowded auditorium or publish or broadcast obscenity. There are limits to speech just as their are constitutional limits on individual and government actions. Brannon explains the connection between limiting individual and government actions and its connection to a Judeo-Christian worldview and a Constitutional Republic. Brannon explains how America’s governments, based upon a Constitutional Republic, must put limits upon what people can say or do. Topic: Mike Lindell is one week away from launching his new social media platform that seeks to defend free speech. Brannon explains how the liberal media will go crazy and declare that Mike is limiting free speech when he prohibits such things as taking the Lord’s name in vain on his new platform or prohibits the broadcasting of programs that promote that which is contrary to the law of the divine. Yet, as Brannon explains, our very Constitutional Republic is based upon not practicing that which the Divine has ruled against. Therefore, the foundational laws of our land put limits on personal speech and behavior. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods joins us to discuss this topic. Topic: Why have Brannon and Dr. Woods spent so much time since the November election talking about what many would call secular or political issues? Are they therefore compromising a Biblical worldview by focusing on such topics? Why do so many Christians and Americans divide their worldview between the secular and the sacred? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: April 12, 2021

    The events of March Madness highlighted how "cancel culture" is after any ministry or organization that is called Christian. One example of this action is the story of Oral Roberts University making it to the "Sweet Sixteen", and then coming under attack for their standards at the university. Dave James comes to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table with the full story and details of what may be problems for all Christian schools of higher learning, Churches, and other ministries that are doing the Lord's work today.
  • Sam Rohrer: April 12, 2021

    Emerging COVID ‘Passports’: Highway to Heaven or Gateway to Hell? We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: The Passport: Narrative, Problem, Planned, Drawing the Line.
  • Crosstalk: April 12, 2021

    Here’s your weekly information sample from Crosstalk’s News Round-Up broadcast:

    –President Biden issued executive orders in order to form a commission to study reforms to the U.S. Supreme Court.

    –Prince Philip (Duke of Edinburgh) has died today at the age of 99.

    –President Biden claimed that no amendment to the Constitution is absolute as he pushed back against assertions that his gun control executive actions were impinging upon 2nd Amendment rights.
  • Brannon Howse: April 9, 2021

    Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech Platform is Coming April 19, 2021. Topic: Brannon explains how his providential work with Mike Lindell led to Brannon and his business partner RJ having their computer team build Mike Lindell’s Frank Speech platform. Mike Lindell’s new social media platform will be a conservative, free speech platform will be the alternative to Youtube, Twitter and Facebook combined into one. Hear audio of Mike Lindell talking with Steve Bannon about Lindell’s counter law suit against Dominion as well as his plans for Frank Speech. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: April 9, 2021

    COVID ‘Passports’: Necessary or Abhorrent? We are joined by E. David Smith (Attorney; Rabbi) and David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: The COVID Passport Concept. Contributions of Christianity in World Affairs. Why the Truth Matters.
  • Crosstalk: April 9, 2021

    On October 11th, 1798 President John Adams directed remarks to the officers of the first Brigade of the third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts in which he stated, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
  • Brannon Howse: April 8, 2021

    Guests: Joe and Lori and Jordan Stein. Topic: Joe and Lori return to give us an update on the ads they took out in newspapers throughout Missouri to promote the free docuMovie Absolute Proof. Joe and Lori explain how 46% of the newspapers would not run their ad even though they had paid in advance. They explain how it took weeks and the threat of a lawsuit to have their thousands of dollars returned. What does it say about America that even small town and rural newspapers will not carry a paid ad to encourage people to watch a free docuMovie on election integrity? Topic: Jordan Stein is the communications director of Gun Owners of America. Jordon joins us to discuss the Executive Orders and legislation agenda of the Biden Administration when it comes to stripping Americans of their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Topic: How should the states respond to the unconstitutional, illegal, treasonous and tyrannical agenda of the Biden Administration? Topic: Jordan reports that the new director of ATF is a known long time radical that was involved in the assault on the men, women and children at the Waco compound of the Branch Davidians. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: April 7, 2021

    Passivity and Apathy: The Twins That Will Kill America. Topic: Today Brannon explains how Americans can stop their nation from sliding into bondage. Topic: The U.S. military that once opposed Communism now eagerly embraces cultural marxism. The American military that once trained their troops to oppose brainwashing now actively brainwashes the troops and officers. Topic: Brannon explains when and why the military Code of Conduct was written and how the U.S. military now encourages, trains and demands military members break their Constitutional oath and the oath of the Code of Conduct. Topic: America will not be saved by the crooks and traitors in the U.S. Congress, the judicial tyrants on the bench, the brainwashed military, the FBI that is now America’s KGB or the pansies in the pulpit. Brannon explains that the cultural marxists have now penetrated every power-center in America and only Americans themselves can save America. Brannon explains how we can oppose the tyranny everyday even in conversations with family and friends. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: April 8, 2021

    America’s Death by A Thousand Cuts: A European View. We are joined by Representative Stephanie Borowicz (PA House of Representatives) and IQ al Rassooli (Author; Iraqi now living in exile). Topics discussed include: HB 972 – Protect Our Girls. America Warned. Biden’s America Doomed? Time is Running Out.
  • Crosstalk: April 8, 2021

    There was an attempt to tax the rich in 1894.  It went all the way to the Supreme Court and the they declared it unconstitutional. Tariff taxes allowed American industries to improve and they began to produce steel to build railroads, steamboats and appliances for farms.  In fact, the standard of living was raised faster than at any other period in world history.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: April 8, 2021

    "The recently released US Human Rights Report is both good and bad for the Jewish State of Israel. Today, Jimmy DeYoung will bring to the Broadcast Table, here on PTIB, Winkie Medad with a potpourri of issues to discuss, including the Palestinians saying it's a provocation when Jews enter the Temple Mount; Winkie gives us a report of Passover visitation on the Temple Mount and his own experience of time on this sacred piece of real estate; and the annual Human Rights Report for America, that reaffirms Jerusalem as the political capitol of Israel, a report which at the same time, the US used the term "occupied" as it relates to Judea and Samaria."
  • Erwin Lutzer: April 7, 2021

    Romans chapter three builds a case for the revolutionary idea that God demands perfect righteousness from us. All of us have sinned, and God’s wrath against sin is enormous and should never be underestimated. But God supplies what He demands by conferring the righteousness of Jesus on those who believe. This gift is called justification.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: April 7, 2021

    Many Prophecy students look forward to Jimmy DeYoung bringing Dave Dolan to the Broadcast Table each week to give us his Middle East News Up-date. Therefore, Dave will join Jimmy in a moment with his report. This MENU will include Israel's concerns over the China-Iran deal; the PM calling for all the "right-wing parties", right now, to form a government in Israel; Sec of State Blinken pushing a "two-state solution" for Israel; and thousands of Jewish worshipers entering the TempleMount, in Jerusalem, during Passover, and even praying on this sacred site for the Jewish people.
  • Sam Rohrer: April 7, 2021

    The Battle for Georgia: The Danger of Identity Politics. We are joined by Michael Lancaster (Frederick Douglass Foundation). Topics discussed include: The Danger of Identity Politics. Georgia’s New Voting Law. Is the Current Use of Race Helping or Hurting?
  • Crosstalk: April 7, 2021

    Sports plays a significant role for many in America today.  Unfortunately for some it’s so important that it’s become a ‘god’.  This isn’t to say that sports is evil, but keeping it in proper perspective is critical.  In fact, the Bible contains illustrations where sports is used to emphasize certain points.  These areas include 1 Corinthians 9:24 and 2 Timothy 2:5.  Just as we have halls of fame for past players in certain sports, the Bible also notes the great hall of faith in Hebrews 11.  Then there’s the running, ‘…with patience the race that is set before us…’ as described in Hebrews 12, as well as Paul who talked about fighting the good fight.
  • Brannon Howse: April 6, 2021

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: Hear the audio from a 2016 cartoon movie called Hedgehogs that was about a global pandemic, people wearing masks and the world being saved by a vaccine. Topic: Get ready for the propaganda of Christian privilege that will be the justification for Christian persecution. Listen as Brannon and Leo read from a documented written by a Muslim Brotherhood aligned author that wants to use America’s public schools to push Islam and to deconstruct any influence of America’s Christian history or heritage. Topic: We take your calls. Banner