All Episodes

  • Crosstalk: March 17, 2021

    Jim welcomed back Paul Popov. Paul is the CEO of Door of Hope International.  They are a voice and a helping hand to persecuted Christians worldwide.  When he was five years old, his father. Haralan Popov, a prominent Protestant Minister, was brutally taken from his family by the KGB in 1948 and arrested on false charges of being a ‘spy for America.’  The guest on this broadcast, along with his family, were branded as ‘enemies of the state.’
  • Chris Pinto: March 17, 2021

    In a special one-hour program, Chris discusses the declaration of Pope Francis in a new book, where he calls for a “new world order” after Covid-19 in support of the great reset movement, designed to instigate the dreams of globalism (a.k.a., international Communism). Also discussed is a new story on the “California Ethnic Studies” proposal that is said to teach American children that “White Christians are evil” because they believe the God of the Bible is the only true God. Our Christian forefathers are now accused of what is called “theocide” for destroying faith in the pagan gods, and teaching that Christianity is the only true religion. The children will also reportedly be taught to chant to pagan Aztec gods as well. In the book of Jeremiah, the Scripture says: “Thus shall ye say unto them, The gods that have not made the heavens and the earth, even they shall perish from the earth, and from under these heavens.”
  • Peter Pry: March 16, 2021

    Dr. Pry has published a major new report “Russia: EMP Threat.” He warns that President Biden is endangering U.S. national security by suspending President Trump’s executive order prohibiting U.S. utilities from importing from China equipment vital to the operation of the national electric grid. Such equipment should be made in America. Equipment from China may be deliberately designed to be more vulnerable to EMP and Cyber Warfare. Dr. Pry also criticizes President Biden for canceling President Trump’s 1776 Commission and reinstating Critical Race Theory brainwashing of federal employees, private sector employees, and students in universities and public schools.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 16, 2021

    The geo-political events happening around the world, on a daily basis, must be understood as evidence of God's Prophetic Scenario coming into place, very quickly. This is why Jimmy DeYoung, on a weekly basis, brings to his Broadcast Table Ken Timmerman, here on PTIB, so that Ken can give us the key details behind all of these "breaking stories". Today, Jimmy and Ken will discuss the activities of Russia, Turkey, Israel and how China could assume "global leadership", very quickly.
  • Sam Rohrer: March 16, 2021

    H.R. 350 & Government Surveillance: Why Americans Must Resist! We are joined by Mark Lerner (The Constitutional Alliance, Stop Real ID Coalition). Topics discussed include: Define the Terms: Domestic Surveillance. H.R. 350: What is it? The Concerns. The Citizen’s Response.
  • Crosstalk: March 16, 2021

    The nominations continue to flow for key cabinet positions and other high ranking government officials.  Of great concern to many is the nomination of Xavier Becerra for the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services.

  • Brannon Howse: March 15, 2021

    Guest: Lt. General Thomas McInerney. Topic: Brannon plays clips from an interview featured by Del Bigtree on his TV show. Listen as pro-vaccine specialist Geert Vanden Bossche explains the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine. Topic: General McInerney joins us to discuss the threat of China, why he believes World War III has already started with the new way of warfare and the China strategy of unrestricted warfare.
  • Brannon Howse: March 12, 2021

    California model curriculum has students chanting to an Aztec god known for human sacrifices. The students chant about the environment, monism, and evolving. Why would today’s progressives want students to think about human sacrifice? What is the connection between human sacrifice, evolution and radical environmentalism? What is the connect between those things and Hitler’s holocaust? Why should Americans be greatly disturbed by this education propaganda? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: March 12, 2021

    Many of the listeners of PTIB come to hear Dave Dolan's Middle East News Update on a weekly basis. Therefore, today Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave to the Broadcast Table to give us that MENU. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the PLO and Hamas, both signing on to the "Two-State Solution"; the Jordanian Foreign Minister urging the Israeli FM to re-ignite the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process; Israeli airstrikes on Iran, in Syria, are testing the patience of Russia; and Israeli leaders are concerned about whether Israel is able to defend the Jewish State from an attack from Iran.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 12, 2021

    Sometimes it seems that the bad guys keep winning. Terrorism and mayhem are everywhere. Some ask: “Is God still in control?” But we must remember that justice delayed is not justice denied. There will be a day of reckoning for both men and nations. God doesn’t ignore national sins and will hold a country accountable for its actions and attitudes.
  • Sam Rohrer: March 12, 2021

    Revisiting the Secularists History: Setting the Record Straight. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: The Secularist Goals: A Reminder. In Defense of George Washington. The Truth about Secularists and the Declaration. Guarding Against the Lies.
  • Crosstalk: March 12, 2021

    As promised, during the run-up to the 2020 elections, it was warned that gun control was going to be in the sights of a Biden administration.  They had their sights on the 2nd Amendment with the enabling of a House of Representatives under Pelosi and the Senate under Schumer.  Just hours ago that promise was fulfilled, in part, with legislation that passed the House of Representatives.  
  • Brannon Howse: March 11, 2021

    Rockefellers Want to Take Control of America's Food Supply? Today Brannon reads from a July 2020 report by the Rockefeller Foundation entitled: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System. Topic: Are the globalists predicting a coming food crisis as they have predicted other such chaotic events in advance? Topic: The Communist Manifesto calls for the government control of land and food production. Topic: The report declares that eating certain types of food is now an issue of equity and an issue of fighting racism. Topic: How might the globalists use food to control the American population? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse: March 10, 2021

    Guest: Attorney Matt DePerno. Topic: Antrim County clerk throws out Matt’s lawsuit days before she was to be deposed but judge reinstates the case. Topic: Matt reports that county clerk admits under oath that she was the one that erased files from voting machines and Matt reports he has this on video. Topic: Matt’s bank looking to cancel him for raising money for voter integrity? Topic: Matt’s professional insurance is at risk because he is in court fighting for voter integrity. Topic: We are now at a point in which conservatives and Christians will be targeted and removed from basic public services.
  • Chris Pinto: March 10, 2021

    Chris discusses a series of articles published about how the Vatican declares that “Mary” is the “bridge” between Islam and Roman Catholicism. This story is considered in light of the recent visit by Pope Francis to Iraq, which the New York Times reported was a call for “Interfaith unity.” The concept springs from the fact that Mary the mother of Jesus is highly revered by both Muslims and Catholics. But is either version of Mary actually based on the Bible? What are the inconsistencies? We discuss.
  • Understanding The Threat: March 10, 2021

    "Iranian military jihadi units claim they are set to strike inside the United States while the Biden regime is appeasing Iran and calling for Israel to leave jihadis in Israel alone. Meanwhile...jihadis continue to plan attacks in the United States. Understanding the Threat breaks it all down for you on this week's UTT Radio Show! Join us! UTT is the only organization in America empowering citizens with tools to identify and disrupt communist and jihadi networks at the LOCAL level.
  • Erwin Lutzer: March 10, 2021

    Some think random chance dictates what happens on planet earth. But believers have this perspective: The Bible reveals God as more than just a bystander. He actively determines the fates of nations. God superintends what we consider history; and ultimately nations rise and fall at God’s will.
  • Crosstalk: March 10, 2021

    A number of states have refused to clean up their voter roles to eliminate those who are deceased, or moved away.  Then there’s ballot harvesting, those who’ve thwarted identification requirements, election workers filling in missing information on absentee ballots that would otherwise have necessitated the spoiling of the ballots along with the receiving of ballots days after the election.  
  • Sam Rohrer: March 10, 2021

    Recognizing and Resisting the Anti-Christ Agenda. We are joined by David Carter (Pastor). Topics discussed include: Watching for the Anti-Christ in 2021. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Performance.
  • Brannon Howse: March 9, 2021

    U.S. Military Works to Remove Conservatives and Christians from the Military by labeling them extremists, racists or domestic terrorists while Brainwashing those they Keep. Topic: Today Brannon reads from a 2021 U.S. Navy document on removing so-called white supremacists from the ranks of the military. However, remember the U.S. military in the summer of 2020 proclaimed that the initials MAGA, as in Make America Great Again, could represent white supremacist sympathies. Brannon explains how the small group discussion groups are used by the U.S. military to divide and conquer in order to shame conservatives and Christians into the group consensus. Topic: The terms for an extremist or domestic terrorist or member of a hate group are so undefined that almost anyone that expresses a politically incorrect thought or conviction from a Judeo-Christian worldview could be defined as an extremist or domestic terrorist. Topic: Those that do not accept, celebrate and value the LGBTQ agenda will be labeled a potential hater, bigot or extremist and removed from the ranks of the U.S. military. Topic: If the U.S. military is so filled with extremists and domestic terrorists, why does their report only list four examples and all from 2019? Topic: We take your calls. Banner