All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse: February 11, 2021

    Guests: Dr. Shiva, Lt. General Thomas McInerney, Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning. Topic: General McInerney joins us to give his thoughts on the docuMovie Absolute Proof as it approaches 100 million views globally in under one week. Topic: Mary Fanning explains weighted ballots or weighted race. Topic: Dr. Shiva invented email when he was 14 years old. Dr. Shiva joins us to explain his lawsuit stemming from his run for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. Dr. Shiva explains how the weighted race cost him his election. He further explains how the Secretary of State of Massachusetts worked with Twitter to have the account of Dr. Shiva suppressed. Dr. Shiva explains how this merging of corporate and government power for tyranny is fascism. This is exactly what Brannon predicted in his book that he wrote in 1995. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us to explain how the release of Absolute Proof the docuMovie is giving courage to whistleblowers at the local and state level all across America to come forward and report on voter fraud.
  • Erwin Lutzer: February 11, 2021

    Guilt and shame can drive people to kill themselves, as Lady Macbeth did in Shakespeare’s famous play. There is a way back from the precipice, and it’s found in the Word of God. What is the way God has provided to bring hope to the hopeless?
  • Sam Rohrer: February 11, 2021

    America: A Needy Mission Field? Topics discussed include: Standing in the Gap in America. Disagreements with Family and Friends: How to Stand for Truth.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 11, 2021

    Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Itamar Marcus, the Team Leader at Palestinian Media Watch, to give us the details behind the Palestinian media reports, given to the Palestinian people. These reports are different from what the Palestinians are saying to the world. Recently, President Biden announced they will restart funding for the Palestinian Authority. Itamar will reveal how that funding which goes to the Education Department in the PA, is in reality funding for Palestinian terrorism. This is a revealing report that says this refunded support for the PA is funding for the "armed struggle", by the Palestinians to destroy the Jewish State, and replace it with a Palestinian State. This is a scenario found in the pages of Bible Prophecy.
  • Crosstalk: February 11, 2021

    An impeachment trial is underway in the United States Senate for former President Donald Trump. The charge is incitement of insurrection. According to the accusation, the article states, “President Trump gravely endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government.”
  • Brannon Howse: February 10, 2021

    Guests: Phil Waldron and Mary Fanning. Topic: Answering more lies and attacks on Absolute Proof by even so-called conservative websites. Topic: Answering the attacks on Dennis Montgomery. Topic: Colonel Waldron explains the real threat from America’s enemies, the new way of warfare, unrestricted warfare, and biological warfare. Topic: Colonel Waldron on why Americans should prepare for the existential threat facing America. Topic: Colonel Waldron on where America is on the threat scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 10, 2020

    At Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table today, here on PTIB, Jimmy will have Ken Timmerman come to give us his analysis of geopolitical events in our world. Jimmy and Ken will discuss China and their Belt and Road initiative; Russia working with Syria to clear Syrian airspace, from the Israeli attacks; the statement by Secretary of State Blinken that Iran could have a nuke WMD within weeks; and how President Biden's new policies may be risking putting the ME on a path to a regional war.
  • Crosstalk: February 10, 2021

    It should come as no surprise because the nation was told in advance that a Biden Administration would bring an attack against our Constitution’s 2nd Amendment, in which the Founders intended and the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed that it is an individual right. The Biden Administration has a gun control agenda. The first assault came within 24 hours of the new Congress being sworn in and the issue is only intensifying.

  • Brannon Howse: February 9, 2021

    Guest: As a featured expert in the docuMovie Absolute Proof, Colonel Phil Waldron joins us today to discuss the 2020 election fraud and cyber-warfare act on our election by enemies both foreign and domestic. Col. Waldron at one time worked for the United States Government in the area of cyber-security and information warfare. Col Waldron’s background gives him a perfect understanding and detailed knowledge of what happen to America during the 2020 cyber-coup. Topic: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones join us to discuss the reports that Hunter Biden is invested in a Chinese firm that is reportedly behind some of the cyber-attacks on our 2020 elections.
  • Sam Rohrer: February 9, 2021

    A Free Country? Beware the Double-Masking Double-Crossers. We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: Freedom Revisited and Defined. Behind the Forever Masking. The Double Crossers: Who, What, and Where? The Choice for Control: Pseudo Science and Govt or Biblical Truth and God?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 9, 2021

    On a weekly basis, Jimmy DeYoung brings Dave Dolan to his Broadcast Table so that he can give us his Middle East News Up-date. Today, here on PTIB, Dave will tell us of both American and Israeli political leaders who are making political decisions that will allow for the next Temple to be built in Jerusalem. Jimmy and Dave will also discuss that the Israeli Defense Force is ready to deal with Iran, and their Nuke WMD; Russia helping Syria to keep Israeli aircraft out of Syrian airspace; and the upcoming visit to Egypt by the Israeli Prime Minister, which will be based on Netanyahu's agreement on a "2-State solution" for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  • Crosstalk: February 9, 2021

    According to a leading watchdog group, global levels of Christian persecution are at a record high. The number of Christians murdered on account of their faith rose 60% during the year 2020 with 91% of the violent killings for religious reasons occurring in Africa. Persecution is not isolated to just Africa, but is taking place in countries all over the world. Other forms of persecution are taking place daily with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ needing our prayers. Scripture tells us to remember those who are in bonds as being in bonds with them. The purpose of today’s program is to open our eyes to the extent of persecution taking place around the world.
  • Brannon Howse: February 8, 2021

    Guest: Mary Fanning and Alan Jones. Topic: Refuting the lies of the fake news media and their attacks on the docuMovie Absolute Proof. Topic: A New York Times article claims that Absolute Proof had three lies. Brannon, Mary and Alan reveal why the one lying is the New York Times. Topic: What must American do now?
  • Brannon Howse: February 5, 2021

    Guest: After pulling a 24 hour day to complete the docuMovie Absolute Proof, Mary Fanning joins Brannon to discuss this historic docuMovie that was produced by Mike Lindell, Brannon Howse and Mary Fanning in just six days. Hear the stories of what it took to complete this huge project and why it is so important to the history of our nation, future and freedoms.
  • Brannon Howse: February 2, 2021

    Guest: Matthew DePerno Attorney At Law. Topic: Mr. DePerno is the only attorney in the United States of America to have a court order to do a forensic audit of the dominion machines. Mr. DePerno had the Dominion machines audited that were used in Antrim County, Michigan. Mr. DePerno joins us to report that a team of forensic scientists have reported back to him that the Dominion machines are designed to produce fraud. Matt reports that Dominion has a huge failure rate and that Dominion machines will accept a blank ballot as legitimate vote. Matt reports that when the forensic team audited the Dominion machines in Antrim County, they found that the 2020 system files, adjudication files and log files were delated but the same files for 2016 and 2018 were present. Why would someone delete the 2020 records unless they were covering up election fraud. Mr. DePerno explains how Antrim county normally is carried by Republicans at a rate of 65% to 35% democrat. In 2020, the stats were reversed. Mr. DePerno reports that the Attorney General of Michigan is openly talking about suing attorneys and having them disbarred if they bring lawsuits over voter fraud. Matt explains how such threats and intimidation is characteristic of a police state.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: February 2, 2021

    Today, as Jimmy DeYoung sits at his Broadcast Table with Winkie Medad, here on PTIB, Jimmy and Winkie will pause to remember that horrific event of the Holocaust during World War 2. The then Allied Commander, General Eisenhower, was so moved by the sights he saw in 1945, that he documented the results of the Holocaust, on film, so that no one would ever be able to deny that this horrific, historic event did actually happen. Jimmy and Winkie will discuss why the United Nations established the International Holocaust Remembrance Day so that the world would also stop to remember, and say"Never Again".
  • Crosstalk: February 2, 2021

    Tom DeWeese is the president of American Policy Center. He’s one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, American sovereignty and independence and protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Tom is the author of Sustainable: The War on Free Enterprise, Private Property and Individuals and Erase a political novel.
  • Sam Rohrer: February 2, 2021

    Critical Race Theory: How is it Reshaping America? We are joined by Dr. Shelby Steele (Author, Columnist, Documentary Film Maker). Topics discussed include: A Brief History of Critical Theory. The Origins of Critical Race Theory. What Killed Michael Brown?
  • Brannon Howse: February 1, 2021

    Guests: Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning. Topic: Today Mike Lindell joins Brannon live in studio to explain how Brannon and Mike Lindell and Mary Fanning are producing a documentary together on the 2020 election fraud. They explain the numerous experts they assembled in the WVW Broadcast Network studio and filmed as they laid out solid evidence that cannot be refuted that documents the stolen elections of 2020. They discuss such experts that are appearing as Dr. Shiva, Jovan Pulitzer, Colonel Waldron, attorney Matt DePerno, former state Senator Patrick Colbeck, and many, many more. Topic: Mike announces that minutes before going not the air Mattress Firm announced they were ceasing to do business with MyPillow. Mike explains why this cancel culture is about punishing patriots and people that speak truth. Listen and be informed on the facts not being reported by the mainstream media on voter fraud.
  • Brannon Howse: January 29, 2021

    The Great Reset and The Great Fascist Threat. Guests: Carl Teichrib and Terry Turchie. Topic: Carl joins us to give a report on the final day of this week’s Great Reset conference. Topic: Terry joins us to discuss the Department of Homeland Security bulletin warning of white, domestic terrorists. One of the descriptions of a potential domestic terrorist is someone concerned about immigration as well as voter fraud. Topic: Terry talks about his shock and embarrassment that the FBI would arrest a young man in 2021 for a tweet in 2016 that was satire about voting for Hilary Clinton from home by texting. Terry reveals that this reveals that the FBI has become the political muscle of the Marxist democrats.
  • Erwin Lutzer: January 29, 2021

    Many philosophers believe that good and evil naturally coexist in humans, fighting for ultimate control. The Bible paints a different picture, one of a basic depravity that can only be remedied by the grace of God in Christ. In this message, we will see a big picture view of who we are, and how we can be made good in the eyes of God.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: January 29, 2021

    On Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, Jimmy DeYoung brings his Broadcast Partners to his Broadcast Table for the purpose of discussing issues in our world that may well be setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled. Today Jimmy's Broadcast Partner is Sam Rohrer, President of the American Pastors Network. Jimmy and Sam will discuss the in-coming Biden Administration and how it may affect our world. Jimmy will also ask Sam about the optic of over 20,000 National Guardsmen in Washington on Inauguration Day, and even today.
  • Sam Rohrer: January 29, 2021

    A Faux Senate Trial and Restoring Constitutional Secularism in the White House. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: A Faux Senate Trial – The Political Dilemma. The Trump Trial – A Bill of Attainder? Restoring Constitutional Secularism – The Plan. Totalitarianism: Making, Enforcing, and Judging the Law.
  • Crosstalk: January 29, 2021

    When Donald Trump campaigned for the presidency, he often spoke about the need to ‘drain the swamp.’ He also spoke about the ‘deep state’, the need to put America and its interests first, national sovereignty and distancing America from the U.N. Banner