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  • Crosstalk: November 23, 2020

    Here is a sampling of the topics from today’s News Roundup:

    Court of appeals strikes down FL counseling ban
    Petition circulating at Harvard to stop former Trump administration officials from attending, teaching or speaking at the university
    Trudeau and Biden are both pushing for the Great Reset
    World Economic Forum founder claims world will never return to normal after COVID
    Jim Jeffrey boasts of how he lied to Trump to defy Syria withdrawal orders
    Bill Gates’ falsehood: “I’ve never been involved in any sort of microchip-type anything”
    Lindsey Graham says Judicial confirmations will continue
    Senate candidate said America must repent for its worship of whiteness
    Raphael Warnock says nobody can serve God and the military
    Nancy Pelosi announces forthcoming end to her time as Speaker of the House
    Biden names outspoken reparations advocate to key position
    Biden cancer charity spent zero on cancer research
    Pennsylvania implements one of the worst mask mandates yet
    California governor caught attending party that violated his own Covid restrictions
    Muslims murder a pastor in Uganda for using the Koran and saying Allah is not God
    Mailchimp blacklists conservative groups
    Austria has a new hate speech law
    Lubbock City Council (Texas) rejects proposal to ban abortions
    and several stories regarding election fraud
  • Brannon Howse: November 20, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and Jeffrey R. Nyquist. Topic: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits Israel this week with a warning for Israel and Israel's enemies. Topic: President Trump delayed pre-emptive strike on Iran but it's still on the table. Topic: The Israeli Mossad agents joined others to assassinate al-Qaida #2. Topic: The IDF sent a message to Iran with a near strike on Iran military base in Syria. Topic: Jeff Nyquist joins us to discuss if America will reinstate the values of the American Revolution, or will we embrace the values of the Bolshevik Revolution? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: November 20, 2020

    The Issue of Racism in America’s History and Constitution. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: Racism in America. A Look at the 1619 Project. Is the U.S. Constitution Racist?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 20, 2020

    It is key to our understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, as well as our understanding of the prophetic scenario for this conflict, to know what the Palestinian Media is reporting to the Palestinian people. Today Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table, here on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, Itamar Marcus the team leader for the Palestinian Media Watch team. Itamar will tell us of the incoming Joe Biden administration, who has promised to re-start funding the Palestinian Authority, which will provide funding for the radical Palestinian terrorist.
  • Crosstalk: November 20, 2020

    Rudy Giuliani and Attorney Sidney Powell held a 90 minute press conference pointing out election fraud in numerous states, an amount that they believe would be sufficient to overturn the projected winner for president in such states. So what else might lead one to believe that irregularities had to be taking place in these battleground states?  All one has to do is take a look at some election oddities that no one else can explain.   
  • Brannon Howse: November 19, 2020

    Guest: Patrick Colbeck. Topic: Former Michigan State Senator and Gubernatorial candidate, and aerospace engineer that worked on the International Space Station, Patrick Colbeck joins us to describe what he personally witnessed as a poll watcher in regards to voter fraud in Detroit, Michigan. As a poll watcher Patrick describes how voting machines were hooked up to ethernet cables and thus the internet. Patrick explains why this is a violation of law. Patrick gives his thoughts on The HAMMER and Scorecard. Topic: Patrick discusses how the military ballots were improperly processed, how poll watchers were stopped from watching the process when the windows were covered and he describes the numerous mailing containers filled with ballots that were brought in during the middle of the night. Topic: Does President Trump’s attorney Sidney Powell have Patrick’s information and what legal action is Patrick taking? Topic: Does Patrick believe President Trump will have a second term in 2021? Topic: Brannon starts the program by playing a 2014 audio of a city council meeting in Lake Worth, Florida that opened with a prayer to Satan. The Mayor and a couple of city council members walked out but four others stayed. Brannon uses this to show how dark-hearted he believes so many elected officials are, which he thinks helps us understand the spiritual battle, but also the incredible lawlessness within all levels of government today. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: November 19, 2020

    NBC News reported that voters in six states handed 8 transgender, non-binary and gender non-conforming candidates victories in state legislatures. 3 of the nation’s current transgender state legislators won reelection.  At least 5 others, including an incumbent who was not previously ‘out’ as gender non-conforming, won on election day bringing the total to at least 9 once they all take office.
  • Sam Rohrer: November 19, 2020

    Advancing the New World Order. We are joined by Leo Hohmann (Investigative Reporter, Independent Freelance Journalist). Topics discussed include: Pushing the New World Order – A Bipartisan Agenda. A Religion with 8 Tenets of Faith. The 8 Tenets of New World Order Faith.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 19, 2020

    Israeli leaders have a concern about an older Joe Biden, who may well be the next United States President. In order to discuss these Israeli concerns, Jimmy DeYoung will bring to his Broadcast Table Winkie Medad. Winkie has a long-time background in the Israeli "political arena", which gives him a basis upon which to discuss these issues. Jimmy and Winkie will discuss the possible renewal of the Iran Nuke Deal; the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict; the Jewish Settlements; and the potential division of the City of Jerusalem.
  • Brannon Howse: November 18, 2020

    Guest: Attorney and Journalist Elizabeth Yore. Topic: How Communist Pope Francis has assisted in helping Communist China in building a Communist Catholic state church while persecuting traditional Roman Catholics as well as evangelical Christians. How has Pope Francis turned a blind eye to the persecution of traditional Catholics as well as protestant Christians? Topic: Elizabeth talks about her personal, twenty-minute meeting with Pope Francis, who was in the room that shocked her and why she left with a feeling of extreme conviction. Topic: What about Pope Francis receiving a Communist hammer and sickle from Bolivia’s president Evo Morales? Topic: Why did Pope Francis allow Bernie Sanders to speak at the Vatican? Topic: Pope Francis has endorsed the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 program that is the establishment of global Communism under such masking terms as sustainable development, common good, climate change, and other such names. Topic: Was prominent American Cardinal Theodore McCarrick working with the KGB starting in the early 1980s? Why did he reportedly refuse to work with the FBI after being contacted by the KGB? Cardinal McCarrick has been accused of running a sex ring out of his beach house according to a July 23, 2020 New York Post article. Did such behavior make Cardinal McCarrick a target for blackmail and thus being recruited by the KGB?
  • Peter Pry: November 19, 2020

    Dr. Pry takes a break from the threat to freedom posed by election fraud to warn that a military revolution is manifest in the Nagorno-Karabakh War, won by Azerbaijan over Armenia on November 10. For the first time in history, an unmanned air force of RPVs and UAVs like the U.S. Predator, prevailed in a war, crushing the Armenian armed forces. Turkey manufactured and supplied the TB-1 RPV that did most of the damage to Armenia. Azerbaijan, ranked 69th among the world’s militaries, demonstrated that even small, unsophisticated powers can use unmanned airpower to achieve decisive victory. Is the U.S. Global Policeman, like the proud knights of Agincourt, riding toward a rendezvous with technological surprise?
  • Brannon Howse: October 17, 2020

    Topic: Progressives Propose Withholding Food, Medical Treatment and Housing From Americans That Are Not Vaccinated. Topic: Today Brannon reads from a report by Johns Hopkins that openly states: “In some cases, it also may be acceptable and feasible to deliver vaccination preventive health services; this approach has received a strong recommendation in the past from the Community Preventive Services Task Force.” The report also states: “Local and state public health agencies should explore collaboration with interagency and nongovernment partners to bundle vaccination with other safety net services. For example, the WIC nutrition program serves as a key mechanism for connecting low-income pregnant women with nutrition supports and clinical services, and immunization screenings and vaccine promotion are built into the WIC program. Bundling services (eg, food security, rent assistance, free clinic services) that are already being provided to particularly vulnerable populations in the context of COVID (eg, older adults, low-income adults, Black and minority communities) could be a way to build trust and streamline vaccine provision.” Topic: Are you shocked that John Hopkins would want to start their immunization program with “Black and minority communities”? One of John Hopkins’ big founders was totally committed to eugenics and the history of eugenics is to target minorities. Topic: How has Covid-19 set up the globalist agenda for their great reset, for population control and a digital and global currency? Topic: One of Joe Biden’s medical advisors calls for shutting down all of America for a 4-6 week period but this man has no medical degree which proves their agenda is not about science but about technocracy and tyranny. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Crosstalk: November 18, 2020

    When you think about the end times you no doubt think of the time of Christ’s return, the tribulation, the anti-Christ, or perhaps the Battle of Armageddon.  However, have you prepared for the spiritual warfare that’s already present in this world and that is escalating?  Paul warned Timothy that in the last days perilous times would come.  Are you alert to Satan’s devices?  Are you aware of Satan’s most destructive and powerful tools?  The guest on this edition of Crosstalk communicated that now more than ever it’s essential to equip yourself with God’s truth so you can stand against the encroaching darkness.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 18, 2020

    It's that time of the week for Jimmy DeYoung to have Dave Dolan to come to his Broadcast Table to give us his Middle East News Up-date. This time Jimmy and Dave will discuss how the Palestinian Leaders in the Palestinian Authority are demanding that the Biden Administration move the United States Embassy from Jerusalem, back to Tel Aviv; that Biden will also have his people to renew the funding for the Palestinian Authority, which will fund the Palestinian terrorism; and they will discuss what PM Netanyahu said about the Presidential election; and applying the Abraham Accords to both the Arabs and the Jews, as it relates to entering the Temple Mount.
  • Sam Rohrer: November 18, 2020

    For Freedom’s Dream. Topics discussed include: The Hall of Presidents. Million MAGA March. The Media Blackout of Truth. Discerning Truth from Error.
  • Sam Rohrer: November 17, 2020

    “Love Your Enemy” Still Applies in 2020. Topics discussed include: Jay Adam’s Life and Death. Love Your Neighbor and Your Enemy. Disagreements with Christians over COVID-19.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: November 17, 2020

    With the uncertainty of the final results in the recent Presidential Election, it is good for all of us to take a deep breath, and open the Bible. Today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing, that is exactly what we are going to do, open the Bible. Jimmy DeYoung will bring Ken Timmerman to his Broadcast Table. Jimmy and Ken will discuss how the Middle East leaders have a mixed reaction to a possible Biden Presidency; they are concerned that it could be a "re-make" of the Obama Presidency; and then they will look at the statements from the Russians, the Turks, and other world leaders.
  • Crosstalk: November 17, 2020

    Dr. Erwin Lutzer is pastor emeritus of The Moody Church where he served as the senior pastor for 36 years.  He’s the speaker on radio programs such as Running to Win and Songs in the Night.  He’s the author of numerous books including the recently released, We Will Not be Silenced.
  • Brannon Howse: November 16, 2020

    Guests: Alan Jones and Mary Fanning. Topic: Today Brannon plays audio clips by President Trump’s attorney, Sidney Powell, that are only 24 hours old. Alan and Mary respond to those clips. Listen as Sidney continually talks about software that was impacting not just the Dominion Voting Systems, but countless voting machines from numerous different companies. What is this software that Sidney is referring to? Then listen as Sidney explains that this software was being used by the CIA. Again, what is this software? Then Sidney speaks about this software and its ability to monitor the votes, change the votes, duplicate the votes, and delete votes, and the software’s ability to use an algorithm to steal elections. Topic: Apparently some within the national intelligence community don’t want the truth about HAMMER and Scorecard revealed. Yet today Brannon and Alan challenge them to refute documented federal court facts that reveal their false claims about HAMMER/Scorecard and Dennis Montgomery are not accurate.
  • John Whitcomb: November 16, 2020

    This week on “Encounter God’s Truth,” we close out Volume Two of our series on “Acts: Witness of the Early Church.” Dr. John Whitcomb undertook the massive project of teaching through the book of Acts over the course of six years at the Independent Fundamental Bible Conference, which is held annually at the Middletown Bible Church in Middletown, Connecticut. With host Wayne Shepherd, we thank them for their permission in bringing these messages to you here. Regular listeners to our program will know that Dr. Whitcomb was widely known as an Old Testament professor. What a treasure, then, to have this legacy of teaching that he provided on the book of Acts, from the New Testament. We have come through the first two years’ worth of Dr. Whitcomb’s teaching on this subject. To recap, we draw this time from the very first introductory message, on “The Ascension of Christ.”Thanks for listening to this broadcast outreach of Whitcomb Ministries, where we proclaim each week that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end!

  • Sam Rohrer: November 16, 2020

    The Function of the Church in a Corrupt Society. We are joined by John Mallonee (Senior Pastor, Blessed Hope Bible Church). Topics discussed include: The Purpose of the Church. The Place of the Church in Government. The Influence of the Church in the Current Presidential Election. The Place of the Pastor in Leading the True Church to Influence a Corrupt Society for Biblical Truth.
  • John Loeffler: October 16, 2020

    One the biggest concerns facing us – regardless of who emerges as the victor in this election – is the threat of globalism. Back with us this week is Alex Newman, Senior Editor at the New American magazine, who looks deeper into the United Nations’ new plan for globalism called the Great Reset. They plan to eliminate individual freedom, sovereignty, and the free economic system, not to mention Christianity. Everything that God has ordained on this earth, they want to flip upside down. It’s not so much a reset of the current system as it is a complete abolishment of it.

  • Understanding The Threat: November 16, 2020

    "Evidence of massive voter fraud exists after the 2020 US Presidential election and attorneys for President Trump's campaign now believe millions of votes may have been affected. UTT breaks down comments from key attorneys and discusses the real criminal conspiracy which involves hostile foreign governments. All of this AND investigative updates and constitutional perspectives from Peggy Mast, John Bennett and Stephanie Ameiss. Join us!" Banner