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  • Crosstalk: October 29, 2020

    There’s great political tension in America with vitriol at an all-time high.  There’s a divide based upon skin color and the ideology surrounding that as we’ve seen the formation of Antifa and Black Lives Matter.  Family members are rising up against each other.  There’s also a spiritual divide between those who accept the authority of God’s Word and those who don’t. Another issue that has sparked division within all of these areas is something referred to as critical race theory (CRT).
  • Brannon Howse: October 28, 2020

    Topic: Robert Spencer tells us how the FBI in 2015 encouraged the attempted assassination of himself and Pamela Geller by working with known Islamic Jihadis. How has the FBI facilitated, encouraged and grown the Marxists-Islamic axis in America that is now openly writing reports on how they will carry out a violent revolution in America? Topic: While the corruption of the FBI seemed unbelievable in 2015, now in 2020 we know that the FBI turned a blind eye to reported child sex-trafficker Jeffrey Epstein and broke countless laws when the FBI leadership on the seventh floor worked to carry out a coup on a sitting President of the United States as well as ran cover for the Biden, Clinton and Obama Crime syndicate.
  • Brannon Howse: October 27, 2020

    The Leftist Plan For 2020 Election Riots and The Parallels Between The Arab Spring and What is Happening in America Today. (Part 1) Guests: Arabic speaking Egyptian Usama Dakdok & Former Iranian Muslim Shahram Hadian. Topic: Hold The Line is the name of a group that is organizing to defeat President Trump by organizing a resistance movement and what they call civil resistance. Two of the players of this organization include Marium Navid and Kifan Shah that both wear an Islamic Hijab which is a flag of Sharia. Shah has worked with Muslim Brotherhood proponent and Islamic Jihadist Linda Sarsour. Navid is reported to have worked with the Los Angels chapter of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) that is another name for Muslim Brotherhood. The Marxists have been taking the lead on the riots and attempt at revolution for many decades but now the Jihadis are taking a more public roll instead of staying in the shadows. Topic: Brannon, Usama and Shahram explain how the Islamists are working to carry out the same tactics as they did in Egypt during the Arab spring. Topic: The Disruption Project is another group working to bring chaos to the 2020 election and beyond. Topic: Shut Down DC is another group working bring revolution and chaos. Topic: Another group has a manual entitled: Stop The Coup. Brannon, Shahram and Usama discuss all these manuals and what is about to unfold in America. Topic: The Disruption Project includes the promotion of a handbook that discusses spiritual at the riots and protests. Brannon explains how the left is committed to spirituality that they mix with their Marxism just as Brannon wrote about in his book Grave Influence in 2009, Religious Trojan Horse in 2011, The Coming Religious Reich in 2015 and Marxianity in 2018.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 27, 2020

    Making Disciples of Christ Among World Leaders. We are joined by Jon Cassel (Capitol Ministries). Topics discussed include: Capitol Ministries Involvement in Africa. Need for Biblical Leadership in African Countries, Especially French Speaking Nations. What are African American Christians & Churches Looking for in a President?
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 27, 2020

    The Apostle Paul wrote the ultimate essay on love. After you master 1 Corinthians 13, you’ll know what real love is, and isn’t. Here are more details on God’s view of love—the kind He shows us, and the kind we’re to show to others.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 27, 2020

    Each week Jimmy DeYoung brings Ken Timmerman to the Broadcast Table to discuss geopolitical events happening in our world. Ken always gives us great, insightful information that helps us see how these geopolitical events fit the prophetic scenario that is found in the Bible. Today on PTIB Jimmy and Ken will discuss Russia, North Korea, France, and Iranian President Rouhani making a statement that the next United States President will admit defeat and then surrender to Iran.
  • Crosstalk: October 27, 2020

    We have seen things unfold in this nation over the last few years that many never dreamed possible and it’s escalating quickly.  We see activist Islamic groups at work, we see the uprising of the Antifa groups and Black Lives Matter.  We see the battle in society over how we define marriage and how we define terms like ‘male’ and ‘female.’  We see the battle for the life of the unborn and those who are so committed to killing the most vulnerable among us that they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goal.  There is the Southern Poverty Law Center labeling Christian groups and traditional family groups as ‘hate groups.’  We see the eruption of so-called ‘peaceful protests’ that rioted, looted, and destroyed businesses in cities across the nation.  
  • Brannon Howse: October 26, 2020

    There Will Be Violence After The Election. Guest: Kevin Freeman. Topic: Has Kevin seen any work on the voter fraud issue when it comes to computer hacking? Topic: A Biden/Harris victory would further erode our freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Topic: If Biden wins Harris will become President but who will she pick as her VP? Topic: Why is the Trump Administration not charging the leadership of Twitter and Facebook will criminal activity, indicting them, arresting them and putting them on trial? Topic: Evangelical Christians are helping to sabotage America by supporting the building of mosques. Topic: Why do so many Christian have no idea how to answer the questions of seekers? Topic: We take your calls and Brannon answers the question of a caller that wants to know why he is anti-Muslim. Brannon explains why he is not anti-Muslim but anti-Islam.
  • John Whitcomb: October 26, 2020

    What were the Dark Ages, how did the Protestant Reformers rescue us from them—and how might we be going back into them once again?

    Host Wayne Shepherd welcomes you to “Encounter God’s Truth” from Whitcomb Ministries—where we declare plainly that God’s Word is true from the beginning to the end.
    The 16th-century Reformers brought the medieval world out of the Dark Ages with a message built on their confidence in grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, Scripture alone and the glory of God alone. How did they do it? And how might we who live in the 21st century be reversing the heritage that we have received from them, and plunging the world of today back into a new Dark Ages?

    We continue our tradition of welcoming Dr. Andy Woods to our program during this month—this time to deal with issues related to “The Reformation and the Dark Ages.” Dr. Woods is the senior pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church in Sugar Land, Texas, and the president of Chafer Theological Seminary. He is also an attorney who has a great interest in history.
    We are glad to have him back for these special sessions. Thanks for listening!
  • John Loeffler: October 26, 2020

    How did we ever get to a point where we have such rampant cancel culture in Western civilization? Opening the show this week, John looks at the change in education over the past three decades from logical thinking to consensus thinking. As a result, people have built safe spaces when they are faced with facts antithetical to their worldview. Shaming us isn’t working anymore so they have moved on the next step – cancel culture.

    What are the consequences of unfettered immigration and the reluctance to identify problems due to political correctness? Christine Douglass-Williams (, Associate Editor at FrontPage Magazine, joins us to discuss open immigration in her home country of Canada, how certain organizations are able to take advantage of leftist policies, and the possibility of terrorists entering the U.S. along the border with Canada.

    John finishes up this week examining two important topics. First, he tackles the economic reality facing the U.S. and the world along with the traps and pitfalls that mark the leadup to a socialist takeover of an economy. Finally, he covers how the climate change narrative is failing after emissions were lowered this year, but at the cost of lives and the economy. It doesn’t stop die-hard climate alarmists, though, from doing anything they can to keep the narrative alive.
  • Understanding The Threat: October 26, 2020

    "Another teacher is threatened by muslim students in France and another jihadi-supporting leftist is caught potentially planning an attack in the U.S. Also, did you know blacks in America in the mid and late 1800's were REPUBLICAN? Did you know democrats published "Lynching Cards" with photos and names of and white? Learn more real history and analysis of current events on this week's UTT Radio Show."
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 26, 2020

    Our lives are the books people read every day. Those outside the church are drawn to experience the love that we as believers share. Here is why we do what we do, and what our underlying motive must be if we’re to reach the lost.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 26, 2020

    Your method of interpretation is key to both Preachers and Supreme Court Justices. That is the reason why Jimmy DeYoung will bring Dave James to his Broadcast Table today on PTIB to discuss the method of interpretation used by Preachers, to prepare to teach God's Word. In our discussion, we will also talk about the importance of interpretation as it relates to the job of Supreme Court Justices, who must be able to get to the meaning of the Constitution, as the writers of the Constitution had when they wrote this great document.
  • Crosstalk: October 26, 2020

    The final Presidential debate occurred last evening, October 22nd. While this debate was supposed to focus on foreign policy, the Debate Commission switched the focus to items very similar to the first debate. Jim highlighted the following points of discussion:

    Fracking and the oil industry
    Illegal immigration and border enforcement
    Biden evading Pres. Trump’s mention of the Hunter Biden emails
    Reopening schools and businesses
    Improving healthcare
    Who is tougher on Russia
    Black Lives Matter and racism
    Increasing minimum wage
    Many callers weighed-in with their take of the debate as well.
  • Brannon Howse: October 23, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and Alex Newman. Topic; The Coming Dark Winter. Did Joe Biden in the Thursday night debate spill the beans about another pandemic? What what the Dark Winter government exercise in 2001 all about? Topic: The the globalists often hint and what they are planning or planning to exploit? Topic: Alex Newman joins us to discuss how much of the warnings and predictions given by Alex, Brannon and other authors and researchers is now unfolding on a shocked world. Topic: Is the Skull and Bones secret society a real thing? Did the late Tim Russert really ask George W. Bush and John Kerry about their membership in the Skull and Bones and if so what did they say? Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Iranian President Rohani says the next US President must admit defeat and surrender to Iran. Topic: The Israeli Prime Minister says Israel made peace because Israel is strong. Topic: Arab states are looking to Israel for food sustenance and agricultural technology. Topic: The Israeli government says all foreign dignitaries visiting Israel will be taken onto the Temple Mount.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 23, 2020

    Socialism and the Nov. 3 Election: 3 Reasons for Millennials to Reject Socialism. We are joined by David New (Constitutional Attorney). Topics discussed include: The Pope Opposes God. Reject: if you want your Independence, Innovation, and Mobility.
  • Erwin Lutzer: October 23, 2020

    In the body of Christ, the strong help the weak, and the healthy help the ailing. Today we learn about some practical ways we can support each other in times of need.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: October 23, 2020

    Dr. Don DeYoung will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table today here on PTIB, to discuss the growing number of asteroids that, almost on a daily basis, approach the Earth. However, before that conversation, Jimmy will talk with Don about the European Space Agency Mission to Mercury, and a stop by the Planet Venus to see if they can discover life on the "twin planet" of Earth. Then Jimmy and Don will continue their discussion of the increasing number of asteroids that are approaching Earth, even the "Election Day Asteroid" that will travel near Earth the day before the Presidential Elections.
  • Crosstalk: October 23, 2020

    Here is a sample of the news articles that made the cut this week:

    Judge Barrett approved by Senate Judiciary Committee
    Biden tries to legitimize his court packing scheme
    Former business partner of Hunter Biden says Joe Biden was in on family deal to make millions from China
    Iran interfered in U.S. election to damage Trump
    Letters threaten to burn down homes of Trump supporters
    Elections chairman who removed and defaced Trump signs resigns
    Study finds 97% of Late Night show jokes are about Trump, only 3% about Biden
    Biden says Muslims will serve at every level of his administration
    Insane anti-Trump protestor eats bloody symbolic heart of President Trump in the street
    Thousands of witches plot to bind Trump for last debate and election day
    California ballot box set ablaze, torching ballots inside
    President Trump signs declaration opposing abortion
    Joe Biden will sign executive order on Day 1 making Americans fund Planned Parenthood
    8 North Minneapolis residents sue city for lack of Police protection
    NYPD sees nearly 90% rise in retirements
    45% of Florida Covid deaths misclassified
    Mastercard’s ‘true name’ feature allows transgenders to use their chosen name on debit/credit cards
  • Brannon Howse: October 22, 2020

    Guest: Former White House National Security Council Staffer Rich Higgins. Topic: Rich talks about his world famous Higgins Memo that he wrote as a NSC staffer for President Trump. Topic: Rich talks about some of his personal interactions with President Trump that is 100% opposite of the media’s lies and fake news. Topic: Rich joins us to discuss Antifa, BLM, and CAIR and election 2020. Topic: How big a threat is China to the U.S.? Topic: What does Rich see happening in the streets of America in response to the 2020 Presidential election? Topic: We take lots of your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: October 22, 2020

    Facing the Most Crucial Election of our Lifetime: How can we Prepare for it? We are joined by John Mallonee (Senior Pastor, Blessed Hope Bible Church). Topics discussed include: Do We Really Understand the Importance of the Upcoming Election? Personal Matters to Address Regarding the Election of 2020. Practical Matters to Address Regarding the Election of 2020. Political Matters to Address Regarding the Election of 2020.
  • Chris Pinto: October 22, 2020

    Chris discusses some of the history of the tax exempt foundations that have worked to bring about the Marxist overthrow of our Constitutional Republic, along with a new story about Pope Francis now promoting “civil unions” for homosexuals. We predicted that the first Jesuit pope in Catholic history would likely advance the gay agenda, and civil unions are typically the step before promoting gay marriage. As authors such as Rene Wormser and Cleon Skousen predicted back in the 1950’s and 1960’s the promotion of immoral practices by Communists in the United States. We examine some of the Communist goals for America, and also hear testimony from early Hollywood about their infiltration of the entertainment industry. Banner