All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse: September 25, 2020

    Guest: Kevin Freeman. Topic: The mainstream media is setting us up for a market crash. Topic: China’s war on America’s economy. Topic: Kevin explains where he sees the price of gold and silver going and why he sees it as a hedge against the coming rise of inflation. Topic: Kevin discusses the race for a digital currency. Will America or China win this war and what does it mean if America does not win this economic war? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 25, 2020

    Two of Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Partners will join Jimmy today here on PTIB. First to the Broadcast Table will be John Rood. John, on a weekly basis, has a European Union Up-date, where John reports the EU political activities that are actually setting the stage for the prophetic scenario of God's Word to be fulfilled. Then Dr. Don DeYoung will join Jimmy to discuss a potpourri of issues as we focus on the heavenlies. That focus will include the subject of life on the Planet of Venus, and the up-coming attack on Earth by the "election-day asteroid".
  • Crosstalk: September 24, 2020

    Robert Knight believes the violence and looting taking place in cities across America is planned.  It’s about fomenting violence and a state of constant anarchy.  This will somehow help get rid of the president.  All of this will be his fault and the media will blame him.  They have, but Robert doesn’t believe that message is ‘sticking’ to the president; that the person ‘in the street’ doesn’t blame President Trump and they see the violence in Democrat-run cities/states as being committed by hard-left agitators.
  • Brannon Howse: September 24, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Will President Trump be forced to use Presidential Emergency Action by the lawlessness that could be rampant over the Presidential elections? Are America’s enemies, both foreign and domestic, trying to increase voter fraud and civil unrest in order to push President Trump into using the Presidential Emergency powers? Is this all a big set up by the deep state and to what end? Today Brannon reads from numerous articles that detail the disturbing powers a President can enact. How could President Trump remain in office and stop Nancy Pelosi from becoming the acting President during a Constitutional crisis over who has won the Presidential election of 2020? Topic: Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these issues: A voice from the past: Tony Blair says that the Trump peace plan is the way to settle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Topic: A Palestinian PLO leader says that the Abraham Accords are helping Israel acquire their Biblical borders. Topic: Why the Arab world hate the Palestinians as much as they hate Israel. Topic: Yom Kippur is the Holiest day in Judaism but a day that marks Israel's worst war
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 24, 2020

    A commercial once said: “You only go around once in life. Grab all the gusto you can.” This advice, of course, is foolish. In this message, we hear a challenge to a pleasure-mad culture that’s infecting the church: a challenge to reach for the real pleasures God offers.
  • The Palestinians are preparing for a third Intifada

    On a weekly basis, Dave Dolan comes to Jimmy DeYoung's Broadcast Table to give us his Middle East News Up-date. Dave is joining Jimmy to do that today on Prophecy Today Intelligence Briefing. Jimmy and Dave will discuss the Middle East Peace Agreements, signed at the White House; how the Palestinians are preparing for a third Intifada, an all-out war between the Palestinians and the Israelis; and the population of Israel, as the Jews begin the Jewish New Year, 5781.
  • Crosstalk: September 24, 2020

    Americans have been seeing violence, looting and destruction.  We’re seeing the heritage of our nation under attack with statues being toppled and the renaming of schools, streets and parks.  This is all taking place because of the political incorrectness of our day.  Today, even the accurate rendering of America’s history is deemed offensive and we’re told it must be changed.

    All of these acts are not accidental.  They’re part of a plan to permanently destroy and alter the course of America and as this program will show, there’s much more to come.  It’s called The Color Revolution. 
  • Brannon Howse: September 23, 2020

    Guest: Shahram Hadian and The Honorable Sam Rohrer. Topic: Sam joins us to discuss with Brannon the convergence of issues happening on a global scale in addition to the lawlessness. There is no way to understand what is happening outside of it setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Brannon and Sam going through the list of events unfolding from the call for a digital dollar, global reset, the peace details Israel is making with Arab nations, to mandatory vaccines and biometrics tied to the internet and possibly a digital currency. Topic: Shahram joins us for a few minutes to discuss how well-known conservatives are not moving to Tennessee. In the spring of 2020 Brannon started Sanctuary States for Liberty and then when Shahram moved to Tennessee Brannon turned the daily operation of this over to Shahram. Brannon and Shahram discuss why they are encouraging American to get out of liberals states and come to Tennessee. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Sam Rohrer: September 23, 2020

    Health Freedom Update: The Great COVID Deception - Statistics, Masks, Vaccines. We are joined by Twila Brase (President and Co-Founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom) and Steve Wagner (Samaritan Ministries). Topics discussed include: Samaritan Ministries Testimony. Vaccines on the Way - Sight Unseen. The Mask vs Vaccine Debate. Statistics and Bogus Reporting.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 23, 2020

    God designed sex for a covenant marriage relationship, not for a succession of one-night stands. In this message we confront the allure of sexual affairs, which poison our souls and undermine our ability to make commitments. How can we be free from this sin?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 23, 2020

    Each day on PTIB we look at current events in light of Biblical Prophecy. That is why Jimmy DeYoung brings Ken Timmerman to his Broadcast Table. Today, Jimmy and Ken will cover the Abraham Accords; Turkey as the new Islamic State; and Russia wants to be indispensable in the Middle East. This conversation between Jimmy and Ken is "indispensable" in your understanding of how the Islamic Nations of the Middle East, partnered with Russia, are aligning themselves, with the purpose in mind, to destroy the Jewish State of Israel.
  • Crosstalk: September 23, 2020

    We’re six weeks away from election day and the political tension has increased due to the unexpected vacancy on the Supreme Court due to the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

    The heightened tension shows as statements have come out desiring to do whatever it takes to stop President Trump, including new impeachment proceedings against him.

    Earlier today it was announced that the votes are there to pass the president’s nominee. He will reveal his choice this Saturday.

    Joining Jim to cover this issue was Mat Staver. Mat is a constitutional attorney, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat has argued before all levels of court including landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He’s an author as well as the speaker on the radio programs, Faith and Freedom and Freedom’s Call.

    Early discussion dealt with Mat’s appearance yesterday before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (via Zoom) concerning Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry in California. For 80% of the state, California bans all worship including home Bible studies and fellowship.

    Although the Supreme Court vacancy is occurring at this late stage of his term, President Trump is calling upon the Senate to fill it. Ginsburg, Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Tim Kaine have made past statements that would seem to support this idea. President Obama did his job by nominating Merrick Garland while the Senate did their job by refusing to advance him. Why are Democrats opposed to this process now that President Trump is in the White House?

    This is the basis for this program that also looks at ‘advise and consent’ within the constitution, if judiciary hearings will be necessary, how the Democrats might react to President Trump filling the vacancy, comments from listeners and much more.
  • Brannon Howse: September 22, 2020

    Conditioning Americans to Accept Cruelty on the Orders of Experts. Topic: Today Brannon discusses a 1961 Yale experiment by Stanley Milgram that revealed that far too many Americans, then as now, will do as they are told by so-called experts in white lab coats, technocrats, and bureaucrats. Topic: Brannon put the Yale experiment in the context of today as the Communist Chinese Coronavirus has caused Americans to treat senior adults and others in medical facilities with cruelty. Brannon details the recent medical emergency with one of his family members and what his wife witnessed with her mother’s care. What does all this tell us about what we can expect when Americans are conditioned to accept cruelty as normal? Topic: Brannon discusses the tragedy of Americans being charged when they are simply defending themselves from violent mobs. Apparently the message is that Americans will be prosecuted if they resist or oppose tyranny, the violence of the marxists and/or terrorists that have declared war on America. Topic: Fake conservative network Fox News cuts off Newt Gingrich from speaking truth about George Soros.
  • Brannon Howse: September 21, 2020

    Guest: Carl Teichrib. United Nations Seventy-Five Years And Beyond Conference Steps Up Calls For Globalism. Before Brannon discussed this topic with his guest Brannon spoke about the death of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Fox News hosts and guests could not contain themselves from praising Ginsburg and her service to America. While we take no joy in her passing, Brannon reminds us of Ginburg’s extreme, radical worldview including working for a communist front group started by communist Roger Baldwin, founder of the American Civil Liberties Union or ACLU. Brannon reminds the audience that in 1977 Ginsburg argued on behalf of the ACLU to lower the sex age limit to age 12. Brannon then reads from a 2005 article by his friend the late Phyllis Schlafly as she details the long and anti-American and anti-family worldview of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Topic: Carl Teichrib has been live-streaming the United Nation’s conference as it celebrates its 75 years and calls for using the Covid-19 crisis for the advancement of globalism. Carl discusses the open spirituality behind the conference and what is clearly the building of a Babylonian religious system as described in Revelation 17 and 18 that started in Genesis 10 and 11. Topic: Carl explains why the UN is relying so heavily on the youth of the world to push globalism. Topic: Brannon plays a song from a concert hosted by the United Nations. The song is sung by a group of young people and discuss wearing masks because of Covid-19 and how they are working for the new world order. They are actually singing about the new world order. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: September 21, 2020

    The Pry Report reads at their request a letter signed by over 250 retired U.S. generals, admirals, and senior military officers from all armed services praising President Trump’s exemplary service as Commander-in-Chief, endorsing re-election of President Trump, and warning that election of a Biden Administration will be catastrophic for freedom and national security. The Pry Report warns that domestic terrorism by Antifa and Black Lives Matter is inspiring foreign adversaries and international terrorists to prosecute a “Gray-Zone War” against the U.S. homeland, using special forces super-weapons to attack U.S. military forces in their bases clandestinely, masquerading as domestic terrorists, to win World War III within U.S. borders, before making their “big play” overseas to conquer U.S. allies like NATO Europe, Taiwan, South Korea, or Israel.
  • John Loeffler: September 21, 2020

    Do you ever feel like we’re sleepwalking toward a disaster in the near future? Former British Naval officer Colonel Richard Kemp is with us from the United Kingdom to look at how Europe and the UK tend to appease their enemies rather than stand up to them. Narratives play a large part in appeasement, which is why the narrative purveyors – the media – do not like the Trump administration’s tendency to stand up against our enemies. They shut down debate and when we can’t face the problem head on, disaster awaits.

    Like most things that don’t succeed, Marxism has had to shift its focus over the years. We welcome author and speaker Steve Turley who looks at how Marxism has shifted its focus from an economic one to a cultural one. In order to take over the culture, there had to be a unity among disparate “oppressed” groups against a common enemy or “oppressor” group. Even when it has been proven that racism today is lower than it’s ever been in our country, the focus then shifted to systemic racism.

    Finally this week, John examines the narrative currently pushed by some in this country that the United States is awful and racist and there is oppression against certain groups of people. Oppression has been the norm of history, even in some parts of the world today. Overcoming it, like the United States has done, is unique. Our values led us to eliminate slavery and advocate for equality of all people. So this ‘America is an oppressor’ narrative is patently and historically false. For us to survive, truth must prevail.

    Follow us on Twitter @steelonsteelpro as well as the Steel on Steel Facebook page and remember to join Praying for Persecuted Christians for the latest information concerning persecuted Christians around the world. Don’t forget to stop by our YouTube channel as well for our latest videos.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 21, 2020

    In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gave some pointed teaching on morality, telling those in lust to pluck out their eyes. Jesus was showing the seriousness of sin. In this message, we investigate Matthew chapter five, and find some tough love from the Son of God.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: September 21, 2020

    Dave James and Jimmy DeYoung have their weekly conversation on PTIB today, a discussion on the "falling away" from God's Word in the "evangelical world" today. This is an important discussion that you do not want to miss. Jimmy and Dave will talk about how the Church does not really believe the Word, from God, the historic "fundamentals" of the faith. A recent survey gives them the bottom-line truth of what is really in the hearts and minds of those referred to as "Evangelicals". They will also discuss "fundamentalist", and the "Fundamentals of the Faith".
  • Crosstalk: September 21, 2020

    This ‘Round-Up’ broadcast began with Greg Clugston of SRN News interviewing Vice President Mike Pence about the sanctity of life, religious liberty, the coronavirus and the key to winning his upcoming debate.  

    Here’s a sample of other news stories that Jim covered:

    –President Trump signed the Abraham Accords this week, obtaining a peace agreement between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE.  Former Secretary of State John Kerry adamantly stated in 2016 this type of thing could not happen; that the Palestinians would have to be involved.  

    –A top virologist and whistle-blower alleges the Chinese government intentionally manufactured and released the COVID-19 virus that led to mass shutdowns and deaths across the world.
  • Brannon Howse: September 18, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and Alex Newman. Topic: Alex Newman joins us to talk about the 2020 color revolution in America. Brannon and Alex discuss why they both believe the globalists want President Trump to win a second term but are using the chaos to transform America. Topic: Alex and Brannon discuss how all of the chaos is setting the stage for the globalists to offer up solutions. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: As Jews observe the three Fall Jewish Feasts, Israelis are under a lockdown which may make all Jews like the High Priest. Topic: The Middle East Peace Treaty signing at the White House may revive previous treaties and bring more Arab states onto the peace train. Topic: On the 27th anniversary of the Oslo Accords, Palestinian leaders call for a third intifada, an all-out war against Israel. Topic: There are phrases in the Abraham Accords that could allow for Jews to pray on the Temple Mount.
  • Brannon Howse: September 17, 2020

    America is Facing a Color Revolution (Part 3) Topic: Brannon continues reading through the August 2020, Transition Integrity Project report in which the Marxist democrats detail the propaganda, brainwashing, psychological projection and false narrative they are laying down in order to accuse President Trump of stealing the 2020 election. Topic: Brannon explains why he believes the globalists want the re-election of President Trump, evident by their crazy pick of a Biden-Harris ticket. Brannon explains that he believes the goal is to use the narrative of a stolen election to generate more riots, killings, destruction of business and civil unrest. Once the Marxists and their red-green axis have aided in unimaginable chaos and destruction this will allow the globalists to offer up their “solutions” that will be eagerly embraced by many as a return to “normal.” Brannon explains that the Hegelian dialectic conflict between Marxism and freedom is being used by the globalists to condition people to accept would they would have previously rejected. Brannon also explains why he believes the goal is to bring down America and the American dollar for the global reset that would be further justified by collapsing the “system” on Donald Trump and blaming it on his nationalism, the opposite of globalism. Globalism can then position itself as the solution to the chaos through its global reset plans. Topic: Brannon reads from the Transition Integrity Project report that seems to explain that the globalists and Marxists democrats might agree to President Trump’s second term, if he wins, but first they need the chaos not only for destructive purposes, but also for narrative purposes and for negotiation purposes. The negations could involve eliminating the electoral college and going to a strictly popular vote. Brannon explains that if such a move is allowed it would mean California, New York and other radical marxist states would pick all future presidents and the nation would end up like Venezuela.
  • Brannon Howse: September 16, 2020

    Guest: G. Edward Griffin: American Historian and Expert on Communism and Globalism. Topic: In 1969 Mr. Griffin produced a documentary warning about the stages of subversion the communists would use to try to collapse America from within. Mr. Griffin wrote the classic book expoing the Federal Reserve entitled: The Creature From Jekyll Island. Today, Mr. Griffin joins Brannon to discuss the transformation he has seen in America over these many decades and what he sees coming. Topic: A caller calls into the program to accuse Brannon of promoting a president that lies and that Brannon props up the lies of President Donald Trump and undermines serious racism issues. Brannon asked the caller to list one lie that Brannon has propagated or propped up and he could not come up with one after given several chances to name one. Brannon tells the caller he is the liar as he even lied to the call screener to get on the air. Brannon used this opportunity to explain the reasons many Christians and conservatives are losing today is because we do not have the courage to call the opposition that is tearing down America and stealing our freedoms what they really are and what they really represent. Topic: Mr. Griffin takes questions from the callers.
  • Erwin Lutzer: September 17, 2020

    Like quicksand, alcohol draws in its victims until they can no longer free themselves. The temptation to drink is best handled by never taking that first sip. In this message we learn why it’s almost impossible to say, “I’m quitting tomorrow.” Banner