All Episodes

  • Sam Rohrer: July 16, 2020

    Health Freedom Update: Unmasking the Truth about Changing COVID 'Facts'. We are joined by Twila Brase (President and Co-Founder of Citizen’s Council for Health Freedom). Topics discussed include: The Truth about ever Changing ‘COVID Facts’. The Truth about ‘Masks’. The Truth about ‘Sky-Rocketing Cases’. Ensuring Health Freedom.
  • Crosstalk: July 16, 2020

    Antonio Guterres, the United Nations Secretary General, indicated that the coronavirus pandemic has laid bare severe and systemic inequalities around the world.  He’s also mentioned a climate crisis, the threat of nuclear war, lawlessness in cyberspace, etc.  It should then come as no surprise to find that he’s also called for a multi-lateral level of global governance with ‘teeth’ to function where it’s needed.   
  • Brannon Howse: July 15, 2020

    Refuting Todd Friel’s Biblical and Constitutional Ignorance and Criticism of Christians Opposing the Mask Mandates (Part 2). Topic: Pastor, Seminary President, and trained attorney, Dr. Andy Woods, joins Brannon today as they play the last three of six clips that reveal Todd Friel’s Biblical and constitutional ignorance as he chides Christians for not wearing their masks and declares that obeying evil governments and tyrants is how we obey God and worship Him and celebrate his sovereignty regardless of how evil. Topic: Brannon and Andy explain the twisted definition of sovereignty that extreme Calvinists practice that leads to their twisted worldview. Topic: Brannon and Dr. Woods explain why they believe that pastors and Christians who regurgitate the Biblical ignorance of Friel are only assisting tyrants but setting up Christians to betray the gospel, take part in lawlessness, and repeat the mistakes of the reformed and Calvinist denominations in Germany that perverted Romans 13 and I Peter 2:13 and not only did not oppose Hitler, but obeyed his Nazi regime. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Peter Pry: July 15, 2020

    Topic: Dr. Pry talks about Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and BLM, Antifa and the media that supports the Marxist revolution now underway. Topic: Why are the republicans so lame in their slow reaction to the Marxist revolution now occurring in America?
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 15, 2020

    Sex is more than a one-night stand. It imprints the partners with a bond that can follow them to the grave. Having many partners means living with many soul ties, obstructing real commitment and making it seem impossible. How can we break those bonds?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 15, 2020

    A key report for students of Bible Prophecy is Dave Dolan's Middle East News Up-date. On a weekly basis, Jimmy DeYoung brings to his Broadcast Table Dave, who will give us his MENU.
  • Crosstalk: July 15, 2020

    Isaiah 5:20 says, ‘Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!’ This verse was the theme for this broadcast as it pointed out current news stories showing how as a nation, we are mirroring the behavior prophesied by Isaiah.
  • Brannon Howse: July 14, 2020

    Refuting Todd Friel’s Biblical and Constitutional Ignorance and Criticism of Christians Opposing the Mask Mandates (Part 1). Topic: Pastor, Seminary President, and trained attorney, Dr. Andy Woods, joins Brannon today as they play the first three of six clips that reveal Todd Friel’s Biblical and constitutional ignorance as he chides Christians for not wearing their masks and declares that obeying evil governments and tyrants is how we obey God and worship Him and celebrate his sovereignty.
  • John Whitcomb: July 14, 2020

    This week’s broadcast varies from our normal format, as we are going to listen to a portion of a classic interview that Brannon Howse conducted with Dr. Whitcomb on his program, “Worldview Weekend Radio,” where Dr. Whitcomb appeared regularly as a guest for six years. They held this conversation in April of 2015, after Dr. Whitcomb went to tour Washington, D.C., on the Indy Honor Flight. They discussed that memorable event, then went into some of the details that Dr. Whitcomb remembered from World War II. We are grateful for Brannon's permission to bring this unforgettable audio to you.
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 14, 2020

    On PTIB today we welcome Ken Timmerman back to America, to our Broadcast Table, after a sojourn in Southern France. Ken will give us his analysis of geopolitical events happening around the world. Ken will discuss with Jimmy DeYoung reports on Russia, Iran, and China, plus an update on Turkish President Erdogan's quest to become the "Pan-Islamic" leader of the world by converting an iconic, historic Church, Hagia Sophia, in Istanbul, Turkey, into a Mosque.
  • Chris Pinto: July 14, 2020

    Chris discusses the incredible links between the Weather Underground (the communist group known for multiple terrorist bombing of the U.S. Capitol and government buildings in the 1960’s and 70’s) and the radical Marxist organization called Black Lives Matter. It is now reported that two supporters of BLM were directly part of the Weather Underground, and appear to be furthering their communist ambitions for America through the new international network. Will this mean that the BLM and Antifa movements will pursue the same dark ambition of setting up re-education camps, as warned about by former FBI informant, Larry Grathwohl? We discuss.
  • Crosstalk: July 14, 2020

    In our day it’s all too easy for Christians to get caught up in the opinions of secular media pundits who espouse their views concerning citizenship and government.  Since this topic can create so much emotion and confusion, some Christians shy away from political involvement or even refuse to vote.  
  • Brannon Howse: July 13, 2020

    Guest: Dr. Judy Mikovits. Topic: Dr. Judy joins us to discuss her new book - The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Masks Should Be Limited. Topic: Are many Americans that wear the masks damaging their health due to depleting their oxygen level and breathing in carbon dioxide?
  • Jimmy DeYoung: July 13, 2020

    Dave James will join Jimmy DeYoung at the Broadcast Table today, here on PTIB, to discuss several recent Supreme Court rulings and how they seem to be moving away from what the constitution calls for, from a Biblical perspective. These Supreme Court rulings are tangible evidence that our society is quickly moving away from Biblical Principles, as well. This is a broadcast that you may want to alert your friends and family to listen too because of the significance it will have on our lives in the future.
  • John Loeffler: July 13, 2020

    With all the division in this country, are we close to another Civil War or to states seceding from the Union?  In this week’s boralogue, John looks at the trend away from personal freedom toward more government control.  One side’s views should not be codified into law at the detriment of another side’s views.  We should retain freedom and in doing so, stay united.
  • Crosstalk: July 13, 2020

    Some of America’s largest corporations have pledged or donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the main Black Lives Matter organization, an organization founded by trained Marxists
  • Sam Rohrer: July 10, 2020

    2020 Voter Fraud Potential: Strategic and Serious. We are joined by Tomi Collins (Executive Director, America Restored). Topics discussed include: Defining the Problem. Identifying the 2020 Strategy. Considering the High-Risk Response. Proposing a Solution.
  • Erwin Lutzer: July 10, 2020

    Christians know that God’s name is holy, and is not to be misused by swearing, cursing, or improper oath-taking. Keeping His name set apart was so important to God that He wrote a command about it with His finger on a tablet of stone. Banner