All Episodes

  • Globalist Agenda: Looking Back, Looking Forward | January 10, 2024

    The globalist agenda never gives up. It backs off for a while only to be repackaged in another wrapper. However, its goals always remain the same because it strikes at national sovereignty, taking every opportunity to gain central power in its desire to dominate the lives and liberties of people around the world. To prove this point via the latest news on this subject, Jim welcomed back Gary Kah. Gary is founder and director of Hope for the World. Gary is Editor of Hope for the World Update. He’s an author and former Europe & Middle East Trade Specialist for the Indiana State Government.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 10, 2024

    Guest: Dr. John Mills. Topic: Live Report From Taiwan. Worldview Radio and Worldview Tube has spent the resources to assist Col. Mills in traveling to Taiwan but why? Brannon explains that one of the six dominate worldviews in the world is Communism. Brannon explains how the Communist worldview is the exact opposite of Biblical Christianity. Many Christians in Taiwan are needing our support and for us to use our voice to speak up for them as China tries to take over their nation. Topic: Col. Mills brings an update on his meetings and on Saturday's upcoming election in Taiwan. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 10, 2024

    Roger Stone Responds to False Report He Discussed Assassinating Two Members of Congress. Live Report From Taiwan as China Uses Propaganda to Say Pro-Taiwanese Candidate Will Bring War. D.C. Correspondent For Brannon Howse Live Asks Hunter Biden "What Kind of Crack Do You Smoke?" What's The Risk For Bank Failures If Feds Turn off Bank Funding Program on March 11, 2024?

  • 2024 Presidential Election: Voting Begins | January 9, 2024

    This Monday, January 15, the Republican caucus gets underway in Iowa. After that comes the New Hampshire primary on January 23rd. That is followed by the Democratic primary in South Carolina on February 3rd. Nevada is next with their caucus and then Michigan votes on February 27th. Super Tuesday is March 5th, the Republican convention is in July, the Democrats have their convention in August and it all wraps up on election day which is November 5th.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 09, 2024

    Attorney: Documents Reveal U.S. Government Knew Covid Shot Would Cause Shedding and Spread Cancers? LIVE Report From Col. Mills in Taiwan as CCP Tries to Steal Election From Taiwan First Movement Former CIA Operations Officer Warns of Jihad Jamboree in D.C. and Red-Green Axis Behind It. Michael Yon on Ecuador Erupting in 'Civil War' with Cartel and Why It's Coming to the U.S. LIVE Report From Israel as Nation is Facing Charges of Genocide at International Court at Hague.

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 9, 2024

    Topic: The once unthinkable is now reality; what it means for 2024. Brannon explains how the foundations for a Judeo-Christian worldview within society has been destroyed and thus creating a crisis in every power center such as religion, science/medicine, military, politics, and the law. Topic: Are the elite setting up for a global deception of an alien invasion using holograms, artificial technology etc. Will Satan and demons join in with the global deception by manifesting as alien life to deceive? Topic: Brannon explains how a global demonic agenda to steal, destroy and kill has been unleashed and is racing toward a global crescendo. Topic: We take your calls.
  • COVID Shots & Vaccination Safety Concerns | January 8, 2024

    From the earliest months of the release of the COVID vaccine, promises were made that if you were vaccinated, you would not get COVID. We all know now that this isn’t true. In spite of that, various mandates came forth along with a lot of “arm-twisting” to get people vaccinated. The result is growing skepticism toward government agencies and now, 3 years since the COVID vaccine was released, there are more concerns including the lack of timely transparency on the part of pharmaceutical companies.

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 08, 2024

    Trevor Loudon on Will There Be a 2024 Election and Influence of the Weather Underground in America's Marxist Revolution. Live Report from Taiwan on CCP Attempt to Steal Saturday's Election. Farmers in Germany Revolt Over WEF Agenda and There Was A Huge Explosion in Houston. The Great Taking, Americans Pull Massive Money Out of U.S. Banks and End of U.S. Dollar Is Here.

  • News Roundup & Comment | January 5, 2024

    Coast to coast and around the globe, Jim wrapped up the week by presenting key news stories, some of which are listed below: Ohio Republican Governor Mike DeWine banned transgender transition surgeries on minors today with an executive order. The move comes just a week after he vetoed a bill that would have banned the practice and required single-sex sports teams to be established at schools, colleges and universities throughout the state.

  • Critical Court Cases on the Horizon | January 4, 2024

    There are some very significant matters facing appellate courts as well as the U.S. Supreme Court for 2024. With a review of the past year as well as what’s ahead, Crosstalk welcomed Mat Staver. He is founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel. Mat is a constitutional attorney with three landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. He’s an author and the host of the radio broadcasts Faith & Freedom and Freedom’s Call.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 05, 2024

    Lou Dobbs And Brannon Howse Discuss Psychological Projection of Joe Biden's Speech Comparing President Trump and His Followers to Nazis. Why The Spike in Alzheimer's, Infertility, And Metals in Our Food and Environment and How to Counter It? How The Federal Government Is Stealing the Land and Minerals from The States and Criminally Setting Up Anyone That Opposes Them
  • Answers in Genesis: 30 Years-Upholding Biblical Authority! | January 3, 2024

    Today there are numerous attacks taking place upon the authority of God’s Word. The mantra in society today is often what we see communicated by Satan in Genesis 3:1–”Yea hath God said?” The result is that many are turning their backs on God’s Word and the result is that great efforts have been underway to remove God from the halls of government and academia.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 3, 2024

    Guests: Anne Cyrus and Chris Clagett. Topic: Retired Navy Captain Chris Clagett is one of the 231 former military members to sign a letter to the American people calling for top ranking military officials to be prosecuted for mandating the clot shot on the military. Topic: Targeted Explosion Kills around 100 in Iran as Their Leaders Declare Revenge on Americans and Israel
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 03, 2024

    Former Navy JAG Officer Taking on the Deep State and Uniparty. Refuting the Lie That the Jews of Israel Today Are Not Real Jews. Uniparty is Trying to Remove Kristina Karmo as GOP Chair in MI Along with Other America First GOP Leaders. Why Nikki Haley is Not Legally Qualified to Be President and Huge Victory in True the Vote GA Case. Live Report from Israel as IDF Turns Attention to Going to War with Lebanon.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: January 2, 2024

    Guest: Aharon from Israel. Topic: What did Brannon do over his Christmas break? Topic: Mainstream media now predicting Black Swan event in 2024. Topic: Brannon implores his Jewish friends in America to flee to the safety of Israel because the pro Islamic-Nazi ideology now underpinning the federal government. Topic: How will World War III fully break out and how will it be blamed on Israel? Topic: Israel makes major strike in Lebanon and kills major Hamas leader.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) January 02, 2024

    What Did Prepping, The Patriot and The Sound of Music Have to Do with Brannon's Christmas Break? Mainstream Media Now Talking About Black Swan Event in 2024. Roger Stone Joins Brannon Howse to Tell Him Why He Made Roger's Best and Worst Dressed List. China Says They Will Take Taiwan and Iran and China Behind Red Sea Cargo War. How Are People Having Their Credit Card Number Stolen and Charged While in Their Wallet or Purse? Over 200 US Military Demand Justice and Courts Martial Over COVID Jab Mandates. After Years of Brannon's Hands Cracking and Bleeding During the Winter Why Has This Stopped? Banner