All Episodes

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 6, 2023

    Guest: Leo Hohmann Secretary Of Defense and Joe Biden Speak Of Sending Our American Sons To War In Ukraine To Fight Russia. Topic: WEF sets their sights on using water to control the populations of the world. Topic: Archbishop Viganò warns that leaders of the World are being threatened by the leaders of the WEF to comply or pay the price.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 06, 2023

    Dr. James Thorp on The Medical Industrial Complex Persecuting High Profile Doctors That Exposed Their Evil Deeds. Did The Man in the House That Blew Up in Arlington, VA This Week Have Sensitive Intel on China and the West? Dr. Lana on Why The Rise in IBS, Diabetes, Cancer and The Truth About 5G
  • What Meaneth These Stones? | December 5, 2023

    On many occasions, individuals will do something so that they remember a significant life event. The Israelites gathered stones as they crossed the Jordan River. With the stones, they built a monument so that when future generations asked what the stones meant, they would hear of how God led them through and provided for them. We also put up monuments, not to worship, but to remember individuals or events that have impacted our nation in a significant way. Unfortunately, it’s these statues and monuments that are under attack. Why is this happening?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 05, 2023

    What The Cargo Ship Wars in The Middle East Means for Americans. On-Location Report from Colombian Hotel Filled with Chinese Military Age Males Headed to U.S. FBI Director Warns of Terrorist Attacks They Spent Years Helping Set Up. Democrats Want Illegals to Join U.S. Military and Jewish Students Say Never Again is Now
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 04, 2023

    Federal Appellate Court Puts 7-Month Prison Sentence on Hold for Man That Posted Funny Meme. Video: In 1989 Hamas/MBH Said They Would Take Over U.S. Education To Turn Americans To Islam. FBI, Islamists, Marxists and UN Using Terrorists to Target Their Enemies. Has China, Russia, And/or Iran Placed Club-K Cargo Missile Launching Systems in The U.S.? Why Are Brannon and Melissa Howse Now Taking Astareal's Astaxanthin and Cat's Claw Twice a Day? Why Did Gold Just Hit the Record High Of $2,100 And Where Is It Going?
  • Son of Hamas Issues Warning! | December 4, 2023

    Jim began this edition of Crosstalk with special information from the Friends of Israel. In light of the recent violence that’s taken place against Israel and also the increasing antisemitism taking place here is the U.S., FOI is calling on Christians nationwide to show their support for Israel and the Jewish people. FOI is requesting that Christians light a candle in their window at sundown on the first night of Hanukkah, December 7th, and to keep it there through sundown on December 15th.

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 01, 2023

    Did the Uniparty Just Set a Dangerous Precedent by Expelling Congressman Santos? Hamas Stages Footage to Look as If Hostages and Hamas Terrorists Are Friends. Why Are Feminists Groups Not Standing Up for Female Israeli Women Raped by Hamas. More Proof J6 Was FBI Op. Iranian Born Member of Canadian Legislature Warns of Hamas Supporters in North America.
  • News Roundup & Comment | December 1, 2023

    From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to the far corners of the globe, Crosstalk brings news items to listeners each Friday to keep you informed. Here’s a sample of what was shared this week:
    –Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Israel seemingly in part to push for an extension of the Israel/Hamas cease-fire.
  • What’s Behind the Deep State? | November 30, 2023

    When you consider the events that are unfolding around the world and you add to that matters going on within the U.S., you must come away wondering how so much chaos can be unfolding at one time. Is this just a big coincidence or is there a concerted effort taking place to bring the U.S. to its knees, allow control from another source and therefore surrender everyone to global governance? If so, who’s behind it?
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: November 30, 2023

    Guest: Alex Newman. Topic: The devastating worldview legacy of Henry Kissinger. Topic: Who was Henry Kissinger and was he really a mass murderer? Was Kissinger one of the thought leaders of the World Economic Forum. Topic: Kissinger’s plan for using food to control people and forced sterilization is now global policy.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 30, 2023

    What is PCOS and Why Are So Many Young Women Suffering From This Condition? Patrick Wood on OnGoing Consequences of Henry Kissinger's Lifework and The Trilateral Commission. How Republican Run Indiana is Destroying Water and Food Through the WEF Agenda.
  • Israel War Update | November 29, 2023

    Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) November 29, 2023

    MD on What You Not Being Told About Testosterone and Hormone Levels and Medical Industrial Complex is About Sickness Not Wellness. Did Explores Just Find Noah's Ark and is the Ark of The Covenant Under The Temple Mount? UN's WHO Pretends to Adopt Amendments Without Conducting a Vote. U.S. Congressional Oversight Committee Finds $40,000 From China to Joe Biden and Who Murdered Seth Rich?

  • A New Pandemic Approaching? | November 28, 2023

    Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation. Since February 2020, she has been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home. With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life. She is a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. She received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and completed special training at Johns Hopkins. Banner