All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 10, 2023

    Hamas Behead Babies in Israel and Yet BLM and Marxists Left in U.S. Support Hamas. How The Biden Regime Empowered The Iranian Attack into Israel. Nearly 90 Percent of Mosques in the U.S. is Run By Hamas So What Do You Think is Coming? Former CIA Director Calls for Assassination of Republican Senator. How Global Chaos and War in Israel is Setting Stage For the Antichrist and Gog-Magog Conflict
  • The Terror of Islam | October 10, 2023

    On Saturday, October 7th, as Jews were observing their Sabbath and had just finished celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles, the terrorist group, Hamas, attacked Israel by air, land and sea. Estimates of the number of Jews killed are now around 1,000 with thousands reported to be injured. Others were kidnapped and are being held as hostages. President Biden has confirmed that 14 Americans are dead with others said to be among the hostages.

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 9, 2023

    Live Coverage From Israel with Aharon Levarko, Anni Cyrus and Rob Lindsted. Topic: Aharon brings the latest live report from Israel. Topic: Anni brings the latest report on the proclamations of Iran. Topic: Dr. Rob Lindsted brings the Biblical and prophetic context of what is unfolding on a global scale.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 09, 2023

    Exclusive Report Of Hamas Video On How They Plan To Attack America? Why America's Schools Are At Risk From An Attack Like Occurred in Israel on 10/7/23. U.S. Israeli Gives Sobering History and Analysis of Security Threats Facing U.S. and Israel. Michael Yon and Shahram Hadian on Why Iranian and Syrian Muslims Are Flooding into U.S. Over Collapsed Border
  • Israel Attacked! | October 9, 2023

    Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. is speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel. It’s been called Israel’s 9-11. This past Saturday, Hamas launched an attack on Israel that originated approximately 55 miles southwest of Jerusalem in the Gaza Strip. Many hundreds have been killed, thousands wounded. Women, children and even the elderly have been kidnapped.

  • News Roundup & Comment | October 6, 2023

    The following are key news highlights from the past week. More stories, as well as listener comments, can be heard when you review this broadcast. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas opted to waive a litany of laws and regulations to swiftly construct more border wall in a key Texas hotspot for illegal crossings. The Biden administration is saying that Venezuelan immigrants who illegally enter the U.S. will be directly deported back to the South American nation after a record number crossed the southern border last month.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 6, 2023

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Michelle and Barack Obama’s production company are producers of a movie about a cyberattack and blackout in America. Is this more predictive programming? Topic: Hilary Clinton calls for MAGA folks or those that support the policies of Donald Trump to be sent to reprogramming classes. Brannon explains that Hilary does not just mean those that support Donald Trump but those that embrace a Christian worldview. Topic: Dr. Andy Woods join us from Turkey. Dr. Woods and Brannon discuss the the Bema Seat Judgment for Christians and how it is not judgment for salvation but for rewards. Brannon and Dr. Woods discuss how these scriptures are twisted by some pastors to mix justification and sanctification and develop a joyless and legalistic moralism.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 05, 2023

    Iran's Infiltration of U.S. Government and Orchestrated Communist Strikes to Crush the Middle Class. Todd Bensman's Eyewitness Report on Mexican Cartels in U.S. With Military Grade Weapons. Predictive Programming: Obama's Producing Movie on National Blackout from Cyber Attack? Financial Expert Believes Financial Collapse Could Happen Any Today Now
  • Christian Responsibility in Hostile Times | October 5, 2023

    Persecution is happening for those who call evil for what it is. This is due to the fact that there are those who call evil, “good.” In fact, these same people are attacking Christianity and its values, the values that our nation was founded upon. So what should believers do? Should we cower in fear or are there duties that we are responsible for adhering to in such times?
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 4, 2023

    Why Does Jesus Tell us to Obtain From Him A White Robe and How is that Accomplished? Topic: In Revelation 3 Jesus tells a group of unbelievers to obtain from him white robes to cover their nakedness. This language seems similar to what we read in Genesis 3 when Adam and Eve seek to cover their nakedness. What is the connection between Revelation 3 and Genesis 3? Topic: We take your calls 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 04, 2023

    FBI Whistleblowers Warn: FBI Targeting MAGA and Could Carry Out False Flag to Set Up Trump Supporters.Proof The New Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff is a Cultural Marxist. Some Republicans Vow to Only Vote For President Trump For Speaker and What That Could Mean. The History of Newt Gingrich That Leaves Him No Credibility to Criticize Matt Gaetz

  • Gender Dysphoria? Biological Integrity Initiative | October 4, 2023

    The numbers of children dealing with gender dysphoria is off the charts. The result? A recent report out of the UK indicated over one-third of children on puberty blockers were experiencing worsened mental health. has reported on disturbing new data from the Canadian Institute for Health showing hundreds of minor girls from Canada have had their breasts removed in the past 5 years under the guise of treatment for gender confusion.
  • The Life & Legacy of William Tyndale | October 3, 2023

    We have it pretty easy in America as it pertains to religious liberty. We can go to Bible teaching churches each Sunday, listen to Christian radio, watch Christian television, hand out Gospel tracts, and even view the Bible on our smartphones, all in our own language, and enjoy it without fear of being arrested by the secret police.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 3, 2023

    Guest: Anni Cyrus. Topic: Iran has penetrated to the highest levels of U.S. government, White House and pentagon. Topic: Brannon and Anni discuss the follow bullet points from the report posted by Iran International. Topic: Three aides of Robert Malley, Biden's special envoy for Iran, were part of an Iranian government network. Topic: The Iran Experts Initiative (IEI) was established by the Iranian foreign ministry in 2014 to extend Tehran's soft power. Topic: The IEI members simultaneously worked for top Western think tanks and gave advice to US and Europe. Topic: The joint reporting project with Semafor is based on thousands of emails from Iranian diplomats. Topic: We take your calls.
  • COVID Shot Concerns Continue to Escalate | October 2, 2023

    Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet is president and CEO of Truth for Health Foundation. Since February 2020, she has been part of the team of frontline physicians treating COVID early at home. With Dr. Peter McCullough, she is a co-author/editor of the Guide to COVID Early Treatment: Options to Stay Out of Hospital and Save Your Life. She’s a past director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: October 2, 2023

    Guest: Dr. Rob Lindsted. Dr. Rob Lindsted on U.S. report that Iran can produce nuclear material within two weeks. Topic: Tucker Carlson says Trump and Biden will not be the November of 2024 candidates and he now realizes we are in a spiritual battle. Topic: China and Iran has infiltrated the federal government at the highest levels. Topic: Biden State Dept funds group with ties to Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) October 02, 2023

    Transhumanism: Shocking Video of a Computer Reading a Man's Thoughts and Life-Like in the Metaverse. A Shortage in CO2 and Death Penalty For Climate Change Deniers? Exclusive: Federal Child Trafficking Camps in U.S. and Transnational Gangs Targeting Americans in Their Homes Banner