All Episodes

  • A New Normal | August 23, 2023

    Many of us have what we consider a normal, daily routine. How would you react if your “normal” was shattered by a job termination notice? What if someone you love has had a serious health issue occur? Every child of God will face unexpected changes, interruptions and painful trials that, like it or not, become our new normal. Through it all we can know that Christ is not out to harm us, but instead His plan is to perfect us and strengthen our faith.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 24, 2023

    Should President Donald Trump and the others indicted surrender to a Marxist and unconstitutional legal system? Are Americans not giving credibility to the Marxist regime when we pretend they have legal authority or the truth behind their cause? How can these Marxist DA's have any legal or constitutional authority when as Marxists they have violated even their oath of office to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution? Topic: What would you do if you were indicted by one of these Marxist DAs? Would you surrender and give the regime credibility and legitimacy or would you stand your ground as did our Founding Fathers? Did George Washington surrender to the British? Why then should we surrender to the greater tyrants that are today's Marxists? Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 24, 2023

    Americans Must Oppose The Attacks on President Trump and His Fellow Patriots with Informed Patriotism. Are There Biblically Prophetic Implications to BRICS Adding Iran, Saudi Arabia and the UAE?. 08-15-71 Nixon Closed The Gold Window and on 08-24-23 BRICS Closed The Window on the American Dollar. Rebecca Walser: The End is Here For the American Dollar and Now What?

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 23, 2023

    Guest: Paul G. Topic: Federal law to establish national transmission towers throughout the United States to establish 15 minute cities and digital ghettos. Topic: Paul G explains exactly what is in these two federal laws and why it is almost all republicans spooning the legislation. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 23, 2023

    Does Fulton Co. DA Prosecuting Trump Agree With Her Father's Black Panther Insurrectionist Ideology? American-Chinese Dissident Warns Social and Economic Unrest Pushing China to Invade Taiwan. Kangaroo court: Illinois Pastor Indicted by Fulton County DA For Knocking on a Door? Two Georgians Believe From Their Dealings with Fulton County DA That She is A Political Hack. Maui Politicians Blame Fires on Climate Change as Government Ignores Victims with Massive Cover-Up
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 22, 2023

    Is China Using Lasers to Start Numerous Fires in America as Preparation to War? FBI Raids Women's Home For Meme. Dr. James Thorp on How to Prepare for Covid 2.0 Scamdemic. Video Clips From First Day of BRICS Summit and Brannon's Response. Stop The Federal Bill That Will Erect Transmission Towers For Digital Tracking and 15 Minute Cities
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 22, 2023

    Guest: Attorney, historian and Constitutional expert Joe Wolverton. Topic: Brannon begins the program by explaining how the Marxists in America have changed the meanings of words and set up the good people of America as evil and the evil people of America as good. Topic: Are Americans obligated to obey an unconstitutional, tyrannical, federal government according to Thomas Jefferson? Topic: Jefferson declared “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.” Joe gives the background of this quote by Jefferson and the setting is very benign compared to what is happening in America today. Topic: When will Americans realize that Constitutional law is on their side and they are empowered to disobey the tyrants and resist their lawlessness.
  • Can America Be Restored? | August 22, 2023

    Since God said that Abel’s blood cried out to him from the ground, what does that say for the 65 million abortions that have occurred in America since the Roe v. Wade decision was handed down? What about our courts and legislative bodies and how they’ve destroyed the definition of marriage, God’s first institution. Now we’re to the point where we can’t even figure out what it means to be male or female!
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 21, 2023

    Guest: Leo Hohmann and Carl Teichrib. Topic: MLB and republicans pushing digital tyranny. Topic: Nearly a fourth of states introducing biometric digital IDs — and more than half are Republican red states. Topic: Parliament of World Religions declares evangelical Christians global threat.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 21, 2023

    Why Are Marxists Targeting Texas and TN and Mexico To Implement Digital Narco Tyranny. Live Report from Maui on Police Stopping Citizens From Fleeing Fire As Many Burned Alive in Their Cars. Is Christian Denominational Leader Caught with Fake Degrees Just Tip of the Iceberg? Why Saudi Arabia Taking Custody of Temple Mount Could Usher in End Time Events
  • News Roundup & Comment | August 18, 2023

    Here’s a selection of stories that Jim brought to the attention of listeners to wrap up the week: Maui’s Emergency Management Agency administrator announced his resignation claiming that he’s resigning for health reasons.
  • Shocking COVID News Update | August 17, 2023

    f you thought that all the discussion surrounding COVID-19, lock-downs, vaccine side effects, sudden deaths and digital health certificates was over, guess again. Returning to Crosstalk to explain why was Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 18, 2023

    Steve Bannon, Brannon Howse and Pete Santelli on Grassroots Rising to Resist Marxist Revolution. Questions Continue on Direct Energy Weapon and Maui Fires. Joe Allen on Transhumanism and Merging of Man and Machine. Big Tech, Big Government and Their Social Credit Scores Coming Fast
  • Transhumanism: Using technology to “Upgrade” People | August 16, 2023

    Some of the most powerful people on earth believe that one day they’ll be able to “upgrade” at least some human beings through genetic engineering and technological schemes such as brain implants. They’re so confident in their schemes they’re touting benefits as wild as eternal life and the ability to evolve into gods.
  • Agriculture Industry Targeted | August 15, 2023

    Increasingly, American farm land, and our food supply, is under attack. Whether it’s the acquisition of fertile farm land for the carbon-capture pipeline, China buying up farm land, their stealing of seed samples, the closure of food processing plants, the development and promotion of lab-grown meat or the push to allow companies to inject beef cattle with mRNA vaccines, there is a target on the back of our nation’s agriculture industry. This attack is necessary, we are told, because of global climate change.
  • How to Break a Stubborn Habit | August 14, 2023

    Is there a sinful habit that is dominating your life to the point where you’re tired of being ensnared over and over again? You’ve prayed about it, you’ve surrendered your sin to God, you’ve been more zealous about reading the Bible, praying, attending church and you still can’t shake it. This broadcast will give you hope regarding how you can break free for good.
  • News Roundup & Comment | August 11, 2023

    Here are the top-10 stories from this week’s edition of the News Round-Up. Callers from around the nation added their views as well.
    –55 people have now been killed and 1,000 buildings destroyed due to wildfires in Maui.
    –U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that a special counsel has been appointed to investigate Hunter Biden.
  • Digital Currencies Breed Control | August 10, 2023

    The pressure is on for a central bank digital currency. Increasingly, venues are denying cash and allowing electronic transactions only. Some say this is good because it will end the theft of currency and the underground sale of drugs and other things. Others believe this will lead to ultimate control of what you buy, how much you buy, where you buy and if you buy.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 14, 2023

    Why Will The World Be Willing To Accept And Worship The Antichrist? Topic: Today Brannon lays out how the Mark of the Beast System will be a part of worshiping the anti-Christ. But why will the world be willing to worship the antichrist What will he do, what will he offer, what will he replace? How are today’s leaders that are largely misfits, perverts and incredibly unlikeable, actually set up the antichrist? Topic: How does God use the sinful choices of man to accomplish his purpose? Often we can suffer from the sinful actions and choices of others and yet how can and does God often use that to accomplish good in our lives? Topic We take your calls. Banner