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  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: February 21, 2023

    Transhumanism is Eugenics (Part 2) Topic: Brannon continues to tell the history of how the St. Louis World Fair in the early 1900s, put pygmies on display as part of a human Zoo and the goal was the promotion of the racist view of Darwinian evolution and the inferior races. Topic: Brannon explains how the goal today is not about ceasing the proliferation of certain people groups as much as it has not switched to targeting people by their worldview rather than by their race or people group. Topic: Hear the 1937 audio of Julian Huxley, the man that coined the phrase transhumanism, explain how only the elite should be allowed to breed and have offspring. This audio will shock you and help you understand how and why today’s elite want to eliminate those with a Christian worldview. Topic: We take your cals. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) February 17, 2023

    J6 Defendant Jacob Lang Speaks Out From Federal Prison. Bing Chatbot Gets Creepy. No Shot No Food? Grocery Store Chain App Brings Concern. World Government Panel Says "Shock" is Needed for Transformation. Schwab: Who Masters AI Technology Can Master The World.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) February 14, 2023

    FBI Whistleblower Warns FBI Leadership Acting Like Nazis. We Must Beat Election Theft at County Level. Pete Buttigieg's Only Qualification is He is Gay: Congressman Speaks The Truth. FBI Helicopter Lights up Home of Critic? Why is US Government Playing UFO Card? Bird Flu is About Attacking Food Supply.

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: February 20, 2023

    Transhumanism is Eugenics (Part 1). Topic: At the St. Louis World Fair in the early 1900s, pygmies were put on display as part of a human Zoo and the goal was the promotion of the racist view of Darwinian evolution and the inferior races. Brannon explains how the goal today is not about ceasing the proliferation of certain people groups as much as it has not switched to targeting people by their worldview rather than by their race or people group. Topic: We take your cals.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: February 16, 2023

    Topic: US Government’s History of False Flag Operations and Inhumane Treatment of Americans (Part 3) Topic: in 1950, the U.S. military sprayed bacteria on the unsuspecting citizens of San Francisco for a biological warfare test in what was known as Operation Sea Spray. Topic: Starting in 1932 and lasting forty years, the U.S. government carried out cruel syphilis experiments on unsuspecting, poor black men in Alabama known as the Tuskegee Study. Topic: the NIAID, under Dr. Anthony Fauci’s leadership, performed AIDS testing and experimentation on poor minority children. At times when parents objected, the government would steal the children from their parents. Topic: Dr. Fauci’s agency was involved in taking the scalps of aborted babies and using them to grow air on rodents. Topic: The NIH Planned Parenthood is also involved in the human-animal hybrid experiments.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: February 15, 2023

    Topic: US Government’s History of False Flag Operations and Inhumane Treatment of Americans (Part 2) Topic: The CIA was involved in torturing people in unimaginable ways including shock treatments. This is one of many examples that the leadership of many of our federal agencies are run by people that have distain for human life and civil liberties. Topic: State and federal government programs were involved in the systemic sterilisation of minorities and poor Americans because they were deemed incompetent by eugenics proponents. Hear one ladies personal story. Topic: Today eugenics and population control is largely behind covid-19 clot shots that are killing Americans and king them infertile. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: February 14, 2023

    Topic: US Government’s History of False Flag Operations and Inhumane Treatment of Americans (Part 1) Topic: in 1962, Operation Northwoods was proposed to President Kennedy by military leaders that had worked out the plan with the CIA. The plan included carrying out terrorist attacks in the U.S. that would harm and even kill U.S. citizens to justify going to war with Cuba. President Kennedy refused the idea. Topic: There is overwhelming evidence that top U.S. federal government officials allowed the attack on Pearl Harbor to happened to convince the American people to get involved in World War War II. Topic: The U.S. military performed tests on unsuspecting Americans in St. Louis by spraying them with a chemical to test chemical warfare technology? Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: February 13, 2023

    Guest: Col. John Mills and Leo Hohmann. Topic: Congress and the U.S. Military let our national defenses decline and now we have massive blind spots by which China, Russia, North Korea or Iran can strike the U.S. This fact is now proven by the CCP balloons that have penetrated America’s air space. Topic: Is the FBI now targeting the 20% of Americans that will not get vaccinated because they are thinkers, patriotic, leaders and rejected the FBI lies and propaganda? Topic: Government officials just nuked a town in Ohio with chemicals. Topic: Brannon read the description of his May 2019 radio show in which he warned about what just happened in Ohio. Banner