All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 19, 2022

    Orange County, CA Introduces Equity Map and Social Progress Index and They Move Toward Social Credit Scores and Nazi Tactics. Mike Adams on The Third Reich Infiltration of The American Government and the Power Elite's Plan to Kill Billions. Dr. Rob Lindsted on Turkey Asking Russia for Assistance in Ground Invasion of Northern Syria. Todd Bensman on U.S.Supreme Court Putting Temporary Pause on Lifting Title 42 and Why it Really Does Not Matter.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 16, 2022

    Supreme Court Asks For Case That Could See 385 Members of Congress Removed As Well as President Biden and VP Kamala. The Reasons President Trump Should Run For Speaker of the House in January of 2023. Dr. James Thorp on the Proposed Amendments to the WHO Treaty To Eliminate Individual Human Rights and Freedoms. Roger Stone on Who Killed JFK Jr. in 1999 and the CIA's Role in the Death of President John Kennedy.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 15, 2022

    Tom Renz Warns About the Next Pandemic, the WHO Treaty and The Arizona Election Steal. How the United Nations is Pushing Millions Over America's Southern Border and How Biden's DHS is Working to Try and Hide The Real Numbers. Ann Vandersteel and Brannon Howse Discuss America's Founding Documents and State Constitutions That Give the People The Power to Eliminate Corrupt, Illegal Governments. Patrick Wood Responds to The World’s First Artificial Womb Facility and Canada's Promotion of Suicide.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 21, 2022

    How the CIA was corrupted and infiltrated from its inception by its pro-Nazi director (Part 2) Topic: Today Brannon plays more audio that details how the CIA knowingly hired high-ranking Nazis that had murdered thousands of Jews. Topic: Brannon explains the New Age, Hinduism that dominated Hitler’s worldview and that of SS leader Heinrich Himmler. Brannon explains how the worldview of Hitler and Himmler are globally dominate today and leading to the rise of the fourth Reich. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 20, 2022

    How the CIA was corrupted and infiltrated from its inception by its pro-Nazi director (Part 1) Topic: Today Brannon continues explaining the rise of the coming religious Reich, which is also the title of his 2015 book. Topic: How more than 10,000 Nazis were brought to America by our federal government. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Christmas Blessings 2022 : December 20, 2022

    This edition of Crosstalk began with Jim quoting from an article from Baptist Press. The headline reads like this: 84% of Christians Say U.S. Has Forgotten True Meaning of Christmas. The statistics within the article are from an Ipsos poll. Interestingly, the poll failed to ask respondents their view of the true meaning of Christmas.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 14, 2022

    LIVE Report from Brazil by Heloyse on Communists Make A List of Patriots They Indeed to Targets if They Take Power. Is Kevin McCarthy too Compromised to be Speaker and Why is an Article V Convention so Dangerous? Mayor Rudy Giuliani Explains What Is Happening in America That He Never Thought Could or Would Occur. Anni Cyrus and Brannon Discuss the State Department and American Corporations Working to Train Migrants to Take American Jobs.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 19, 2022

    Topic: How the psychological brainwashing used by the Nazi leader Himmler on the SS soldiers in order to deaden their conscience and separate them from traditional values and their families is being used by America’s educational, legislative and cultural institutions. Topic: How the eugenics movement in America partnered with the Nazis during World War II and how their global goals are being carried out today. Topic: We take your calls.
  • News Roundup & Comment : December 16, 2022

    Below are highlights from Jim’s look at news events from our nation and around the world. Stories included: –President Biden signed the so-called, “Respect for Marriage Act” this week. –The 12 Republican senators who threw their support behind the “Respect for Marriage Act” were swayed by cash and political clout wielded by a group of prominent donors, several of whom identify as “gay.”
  • The Twitter Files: December 15, 2022

    When Elon Musk said he would make a bid for Twitter, there was an uproar from those on the “left.” Many were concerned how he might upend the company and what might get exposed. Many have left the company while others have been released since Musk has taken over.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse:

    Guest: Dr. Mark Musser. Topic: Exposing the Nazi ecology being promoted by the United Nations, big business and big business. Topic: Coalition of U.S. businesses announce plan to work with United Nations and World Economic Forum for international socialism. Topic: Dr. Mark Musser on the philosophies of Nazi Germany’s green agenda and the similarities to Agenda 2030. Topic: Brannon discusses some of the companies pushing Agenda 2030 today that were worked with the Third Reich.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 13, 2022

    Col. John Mills on How the FBI Committed Crimes In Their Dealings with Twitter. How Twitter Files Released by Elon Musk Could Help Defeat Big Tech's War on Freedom of Speech. Anni Cyrus on Iran Hanging Young Freedom Fighters and The Implications of The Growing Military Alliance Between Russia and Iran. How 3,000 Dutch Farmers Losing Their Farms is Part of a Global Agenda Similar to Agenda of Adolf Hitler and is Happening in the U.S.Todd Bensman on How 6.4 Million Illegal Aliens Could Pour Over the U.S. Border in One Year Starting December 21, 2022.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) December 12, 2022

    John Giduck on The Increasing Threat of Terrorist Mass-Hostage Sieges in the U.S. Rebecca Walser on The Federal Reserve's FedNow Digital Currency Coming Between May and July of 2023. LIVE Report from Brazil by Heloyse on The Nation Nearing Civil War.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 14, 2022

    Topic: Coalition of U.S. businesses announce plan to work with United Nations and World Economic Forum for international socialism. Topic: Brannon goes through a manual released by the World Business Council For Sustainable Development that includes huge corporations that are openly pushing for eliminating fossil fuels, reinventing capitalism and achieving all the goals of the UN’s sustainable development. Topic: Brannon explains that what the agenda is really about is extremely similar to the agenda of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Reich. Sadly, some of the companies that have signed on to theWorld Business Council have a corporate history of working with Hitler’s Nazi Reich. Topic: History may not be repeating itself but is sure seems to rhyme. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Libraries Grooming Children? : December 14, 2022

    In the Congressional Record from July 27th, 1987, congressman William Dannemeyer shared an essay by gay revolutionary Michael Swift. The essay, which in the past may have been written off by some as a gay utopian dream, was said to be satire. However, there’s one very serious problem with that description. Many aspects of it have come true.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: December 13, 2022

    Guests: Leo Hohmann and Dr. Rob Lindsted. Topic: Prelude to mark of the beast technology ramping up in 2023? Topic: Many self-professing Christians were deceived by the Covid shot propaganda which was a spiritual deception. Does this help us understand why the Bible says that the spiritual deception coming will be so great that even the elect will be deceived if possible? Banner