All Episodes

  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 13, 2022

    Exclusive Update From Mike Lindell on FBI Surrounding His Car and Seizing His Phone. Exclusive: Mike Lindell Details How He Was Surrounded by FBI and His Phone Seized. Mat Staver on Federal Legislation That Will Legalize Polygamy and Child Brides. Patty McMurray on What The Raid on Mike Lindell Says About Where We are in America. Kristina Karamo on Why Her Run For Michigan Secretary of State is Important for All of America. Patrick Wood and Leo Hohmann on Biden's Executive Order on Transhumanism and War on Human Rights.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 12, 2022

    91 Year Old G.Edward Griffin on The Federal Reserve, The Great Reset and Their Goal To Bring Down America. Tom Littleton and Leo Hohmann on the Globalists and Their 2015 Rehearsal For A Food Crisis. Is the Financial and Energy Crisis in Europe About to Unfold in America and How Bad Could it Be?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 9, 2022

    European Economy Appears to Be Collapsing Under the Weight Of The Socialist Green Agenda And America May Be Next. Kevin Freeman Warns of The Planned Strategy to Collapse America Into A Socialist State. Epoch Times Investigative Reporter on How J6 Prisoners Are Being Physically Tortured.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 7, 2022

    A Distributing Video and Breaking News of An Active Shooter in Memphis, Tennessee. Congressman Glenn Grothman on The War on America's Judeo-Christian Values. Colonel John Mills on the Signs China is Preparing For War. Tina Peters Brings an Update on the Latest Attempts by Colorado Officials to Keep The Truth About Election Fraud Hidden. Leo Hohmann on Coming Global Food Shortage, Energy Crisis, Financial Crisis and The WEF's Masterplan.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) September 6, 2022

    Brannon Pays Tribute to Eliza Fletcher, Memphis Mother, Wife and Teacher Murdered by Criminal That Should Have Never Been Released From Prison. Judge Andrew Napolitano on Will The DOJ Indict President Trump and Why It Would Not Stop Him From Running for President? Dr. Peter A. McCullough on Most Covid Deaths Are Coming From The Vaccinated. Wes Peters on The Power of the Fed, The Failing Bond Market, and Death of the Petro-Dollar. Dr. Rob Lindsted on Disney Cartoon About Satan, The Antichrist and Mocking Christians.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 30, 2022

    Keelin Darby Gives Update On Her Husband Ben Darby Charged With Murder Even After Being Cleared By His Police Department. Learn How You Can Help. Trevor Loudon on the Life and Death of Mikhail Gorbachev And Why He Should Not be Praised as a Hero. General Michael Flynn on America at The Tipping Point and How We Must Respond.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 14, 2022

    Guest: Mike Lindell and Patrick Wood. Topic: Mike Lindell joins us to give the details behind the FBI raiding him and taking his phone. Topic: Why is the FBI targeting Mike Lindell and what is the message they are trying to send to the American people by targeting him? Topic: Patrick Wood join us to talk about the Biden Executive Order on Transhumanism.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 12, 2022

    Brannon discusses Brainwashed America Part 2 and why he is releasing it on September 22 for free? Topic: University of Indiana unveils a statue of Alfred Kinsey despite the fact he molested untold numbers of children in the name of so-called science. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 13, 2022

    Guests: Col. John Eidsmoe and Col. John Mills. Topic: Brannon explains all the things the Marxists have done and are doing that proves they will go hyper violent on Americans. Topic: Pack The Supreme Court and Russia Could Go Nuclear in Ukraine. Topic: China is becoming more aggressive with Taiwan and Taiwan shoots down Chinese drone. Topic: Why the risk of World War III is now the highest in decades. 
  • Crosstalk: September 13, 2022

    Do you know that right now in Washington, D.C. congress is working to enshrine gay marriage as a legislative act – to codify (write into law) same sex marriage? In fact, the current legislative form HR8404 “Respect for Marriage Act” (misnamed) is anything but that. Our guest, Mat Staver says that HR8404 “will destroy (traditional, biblical) marriage” by making same sex marriage federal law and ultimately rewriting a state’s individual sovereignty – leaving room for much much more than we would ever bargain for (i.e. pedophilia, incest, polygamy). 
  • Crosstalk: January 12, 2022

    Jim brings us another pile of news stories. Here is a sampling of the headlines:

    Reactions to Queen Elizabeth II’s Passing Pour in from New King, Presidents and Preachers
    12 Times Queen Elizabeth Spoke Boldly About Her Christian Faith
    New British Prime Minister Liz Truss Vows to Govern as a Conservative
    Britain is Installing Millions of New Chinese Facial Recognition Cameras so Big Brother Can Better Watch Everyone
  • Worldview Radio With Brannon Howse: September 9, 2022

    Guests: Anni Cyrus and Dr. Rob Lindsted. Topic: Why did Prince Charles take millions of dollars from Islamists including the brothers of Osama Bin Laden? Topic: Dr. Rob Lindsted on how he thinks King Charles III will rule as king and how he could help fulfil Bible prophecies as he is an architect of the Great Reset. Topic: We take your calls. 
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 25, 2022

    Anni Cyrus On Islamists Putting Bounty on Those That Speak Truth on Islam. Scotty Moore Wins Republican Primary in Orlando Area. Leo Hohmann On What Massive Chaos Marxists Are Planning for America. Alex Newman On Documented Cases in Which the Federal Government Has Been Involved In False Flag Events.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) August 22, 2022

    Brannon Howse, Mike Lindell, And Mary Fanning, On Bombshell Information Released About Government Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery At Moment Of Truth Summit. Pete Santelli And Leo Hohmann Respond To Bombshell Information Released By Mike Lindell At End Of Moment Of Truth Summit.
  • Crosstalk: September 9, 2022

    Today is a special day for Crosstalk; it marks 35 years of broadcasting over the VCY America Network. We certainly give God the glory and praise for this milestone. We take you back to 35 years ago when the first Crosstalk broadcast and even further than that to share how a talk show was born. Jim gives a quick but detailed history of how VCY began with Vic Eliason which led to the first call in program which then led to Crosstalk as we know it today. Jim also played 3 clips from that very first Crosstalk, one of which was a clip of the very first caller on Crosstalk, a 12 year old boy who publicly declared that abortion is sin. During the final half of the program, Jim opened the lines for listeners to share how Crosstalk has impacted them. A very specific note made by Jim: to God be ALL the glory for VCY’s accomplishments.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 8, 2022

    Guest: Tom DeWeese and Col. John Mills. Topic: The death of Queen Elizabeth is announces just minutes before Brannon went on the air. Brannon shares his thoughts on the Queen’s passing and why the world should be warned about the globalist worldview of Prince Charles who is now King Charles III. Topic: Brannon plays clips of Prince Charles and Tom DeWeese respond. Topic: Col. John Mills joins us to discuss how China is preparing for war. 
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: August 7, 2022

    Guest: Congressman Glenn Grothman and the late Dr. Peter Pry Topic: Congressman Grothman joins us to discuss the moral crises in America, the democratic party’s obsession with abortion and the LGBTQ agenda. The Congressman points out that far too many pastors in America are not speaking to the worldview war waging in America. Topic: Today Brannon plays the last audio recording of Dr. Peter Pry that he recorded days before his death. In his last radio program, that Brannon produced for Dr. Pry each week as a broadcaster with WVW Broadcast Network, Dr. Pry warned America about the threat to America from Russia and their Satan 2 missile. Then Dr. Pry warns about America collapsing from within from a corrupt and tyrannical federal government.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: September 6, 2022

    Guest: Former Vietnam POW George Coker. Topic: George Coker warns Americans to reject apathy and resist Communist takeover of America. Topic: Mr. Coker explains the importance of communication, leadership, and organization in order to resist and refute communist tactics. Topic: This historical interview is a must hear for all Americans. Banner