All Episodes

  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 6, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Andy Woods. Topic: Israel's Historic Move To Begin Practicing The Slaughter Of A Red Heifer And Purification Of The Coming Temple. Topic: Why are Christians interested in this topic of a third temple and the Jews making sacrifices? Topic: While the Jews are in disbelief today, what will bring the entire nation to follow Christ?
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 5, 2022

    Title: Why America Needs a Resurgence Of Anti-Communist Crusaders Like Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, And Senator Jeremiah Denton. Description: Brannon plays moving clips from Jeremiah Denton who was the longest held POW of the Vietnam war. Listen as Mr. Denton describes the horrible torcher he endured at the hands of the communists and how he survived. Then listen as Mr. Denton describes why America must return to a proper understanding of government and it role and to whom it is accountable. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 4, 2022

    Guest: Dr. Rob Lindsted. Topic: The Battle For The Temple Mount In Israel and How The Jews Acquired The Temple Mount After 2000 Years. Topic: Why the temple Mount discuss should matter to Christians and the world? Topic: What will happen once the Jews acquire the third temple? Topic: Today do the Jews occupy the land promised to them by God and if not when will they occupy this land?
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) May 2, 2022

    Mat Staver on His 9-0 Victory at U.S. Supreme Court For Religious Liberty. See Video and Listen as Trevor Loudon Responds to the Southern Baptist, Mid-America Theological Seminary Taking His Microphone From Him While Speaking Against Marxism. Brannon Howse and Trevor Loudon Respond Within Minutes of United States Supreme Court Draft Striking Down Roe V. Wade Being Leaked Online. Former Federal Agent Dave Gaubatz on Shite Mosques Harboring Islamic Terrorists and Preparing For More As America's Border Collapses. Mychal Massie on Black Liberation Theology Penetrating Evangelical Churches.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 29, 2022

    Perhaps The Biggest Liar Ever to Sit In The US Senate Or The White House Establishes A Disinformation Board? Sheriff Mack On How Constitutional Sheriffs Should Respond to The Corruption Of The FBI When They Come Into Their Counties. Mitchell Shaw Exposes The Cultural Marxist That Biden Has Picked To Head His Ministry Of Truth. Brannon Reads Handwritten Letters From His Viewers. Did Israel Just Discover Gold In Israel Just As The Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel Predicted Would Occur?
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: May 2, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Is the federal government getting worried that it may be losing the information war being waged against the American people, to the extent that it now feels the need to create a whole new sub-agency to investigate Americans who it says are guilty of spreading “misinformation?” It certainly seems that way. Why else would Joe Biden do something as desperate as to create an official government censorship board to attack the ideas and opinions that his administration finds threatening to its power structure?
  • Crosstalk: May 4, 2022

    Mat Staver is the founder & chairman of Liberty Counsel.  Mat is a constitutional attorney with hundreds of published legal opinions.  He has authored a number of scholarly law review publications and numerous books.  He has filed numerous briefs and argued in many federal and state courts and before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 3, 2022

    Surviving A Nuclear Attack Outside the Blast Zone Is Easier Than You May Think If You Do These Two Things. As the threat of nuclear war increases, whether from Russia, China, North Korea, Iran or from Islamic terrorists, it is time for the American people to learn that they can survive if they respond correctly. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Crosstalk: May 3, 2022

    There is a startling increase in the number of service members and veterans that are committing suicide. More than four times as many service members and veterans have died from suicide since the 9/11 attacks than have been killed in combat, and the number of suicides are outpacing those of the general population.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: May 2, 2022

    Guest: Col. John Mills (Ret). Topic: Is America Already At War with Russia and Is China Preparing For War? Topic: Thousands of terror cells now in the U.S. awaiting orders. Topic: China is in America’s backyard. Topic: Iran, Venezuela and China. Topic: Is China buying Venezuela. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 29, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with an exclusive interview that takes a deep dive into the psychology that underpinned the unprecedented draconian response imposed on people throughout the formerly free world. And how as a result, life will never be the same. Did the world’s top globalist elites use their knowledge of behavioral psychology to craft the Covid narrative that took the world by storm in 2020 and 2021, knowing that if they played their cards right, people across the world, even in the world’s freest countries, would not only accept the draconian “new normal” but would actually demand that they remain in bondage? Earlier this week I interviewed former Pfizer employee and pharmaceutical industry analyst Karen Kingston, who shared in great detail about something called the parasite stress hypothesis, and the data findings from a 2013 study called Pathogens and Politics: Further Evidence that Parasite Prevalence Predicts Authoritarianism. Here’s what she had to say.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 28, 2022

    Pete Santelli and James Roguski on WHO Treaty That Will Steal America's National Sovereignty and Freedoms. Karen Kingston Proves Ebola is NOT Airborne So Why is The Government Trying to Make It Airborne? Department of Homeland Security Confronted By Angry U.S. Congressman and DHS to Establish Disinformation Governance Board. Tom Littleton on Churches Becoming Slum Lords with the Government and Why This is Wrong on So Many Levels.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 27, 2022

    Carl Teichrib on Global Green Government, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset and the New World Order. Olivier Melnick on Holocaust Remembrance Day April 27-28, 2022 and Why The Rise of Jewish Hatred. Trevor Loudon on Evangelicals Falling For The KGB Propaganda That Putin is a Defender of Christianity.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 26, 2022

    Brannon's Wife and TV Crew Interrupt BH LIVE to Present Brannon With a Birthday Cake and Candles. Karen Kingston on a 2013 Study That Revealed The Stress and Anxiety From a Pathogen Would Cause Americans to Willingly Surrender Their Liberties. Todd Bensman on Why Titles 42 Has Effectively Been Lifted and A Huge Humanitarian Crisis is Beginning to Unfold on America's Southern Border. Dr. Andy Woods and Brannon Discuss The Coming Euro-Centric World Government That Was Predicted Over 2,000 Years Ago.
  • Brannon Howse Live (TV Audio) April 22, 2022

    Mike Lindell on First Legal Injunction Filed in Arizona Against Electronic Voting Machines. Live Report From Israel on Spike in Terrorist Attacks, Violence at the Temple Mount, Plans to Rebuild The Temple and Israel's Massive Natural Gas and Water Supply.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 28, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. We have a ton of news to report tonight so let’s get right to it. If the Biden regime gets its way it will soon be mandatory for all doctors in America to perform abortions, regardless of their religious convictions, reports Ethan Huff at Natural News. A new mandate being put together by the Department of Health and Human Services as “an anti-sex discrimination provision within the Affordable Care Act” would force doctors to murder unborn children or risk losing their medical license.
  • Crosstalk: April 29, 2022

    Biden DHS Creates Unit to Police Speech
    Fauci: I Corrected Trump on COVID Ivermectin ‘to Maintain My Integrity’
    Another Two Boys Died in Their Sleep Days After Receiving Second COVID Vaccine
    FDA Grants Full Approval for COVID Treatment Remdesivir in Young Kids
    Ivermectin Now Easily Available in Tennessee
    Family to Sue Hospital for Allegedly Blocking Unvaccinated Daughter from Getting a Kidney Transplant
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 28, 2022

    Guest: Leo Hohmann. Topic: GLOBAL GOV’T ALERT: Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly. Topic: What is in the amendments to the WHO Treaty? Why are Congressional leaders not speaking up and warning about this serious threat to America’s national sovereignty? Topic: The connection of the WHO to eugenics. Topic: We take your calls.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 27, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse and we’re glad you could join us. A New York state judge on Monday found former President Trump in contempt of court for not turning over documents after he was ordered to comply with a subpoena from the New York attorney general’s office, according to a report by The Hill. New York Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron ordered Trump to pay $10,000 a day until he’s in compliance with the document demands. New York’s radical progressive Democrat Attorney General Letitia James, whose candidacy was funded by globalist billionaire George Soros, applauded the ruling. “Today, justice prevailed,” James said in a statement, adding: “For years, Donald Trump has tried to evade the law and stop our lawful investigation into him and his company’s financial dealings. Today’s ruling makes clear: No one is above the law.”
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 26, 2022

    Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report. I’m Brannon Howse. Political commentator and filmmaker Mark Dice took to the streets of San Diego recently with a fake petition in hand, trying to see how many people he could get to sign it. The question on the petition was, “Would you like to see sales of the Bible banned due to it being hate speech to help the New World Order.” Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly given where he was, it didn’t take too much convincing to get woke Californians to sign the prank petition.
    In fact, if this video is uncut, more people signed it than who refused to sign it. Take a look at this disturbing video.
  • Worldview Report Audio Only: April 25, 2022

    Good evening everyone and welcome to the Worldview Report, I'm Brannon Howse. We start off tonight with a program, unbelievable really, that’s been implemented within Joe Biden’s woke military. According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, the U.S. Air Force is instructing its commanders to create a “safe space” in which recruits can partake in "healthy conversation" and "share perspectives" as part of what leaders are calling a "cultural shift" in the service.
  • Crosstalk: April 28, 2022

    The Middle East is always a hotbed of activity and often in the crosshairs is the nation of Israel, a nation whose land mass is about the size of New Jersey. Yet her enemies continue the vow to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. And indeed, there is an escalation of Anti-Semitism taking place around the globe. While this is going on, there are clashes on the Temple Mount, negotiations with Iran to go nuclear, and a growing domination by nations such as Russia and Communist China. With a focus on Israel and the Middle East, we welcomed back Dr. Jimmy DeYoung, Jr. He is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer, and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist, and has led numerous tours to Israel.
  • Worldview Radio with Brannon Howse: April 27, 2022

    Brannon Exposes What's in Klaus Schwab's New Book "The Great Narrative" That Should Be Called The Great Propaganda (Part 5). Topic: The Great Reset will be implemented in part by the great propaganda of Schwab and his globalist partners at the World Economic Forum. In this episode Brannon explains how the globalist admit their narrative must prevail for the Great Reset to be achieved. Their goals include suppressing the truth by proclaiming conservatives are anti-science and conspiracy theorists. Topic: The great narrative also includes the lie that man-made climate change has put the world at the edge of disaster and requires a new economy, new institutions, and global governance. Topic: How do we know man-made global warming is a lie? Topic: We take your calls. Banner